16 research outputs found

    Structure and dynamics of a human myelin protein P2 portal region mutant indicate opening of the β barrel in fatty acid binding proteins

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    Abstract Background Myelin is a multilayered proteolipid sheath wrapped around selected axons in the nervous system. Its constituent proteins play major roles in forming of the highly regular membrane structure. P2 is a myelin-specific protein of the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) superfamily, which is able to stack lipid bilayers together, and it is a target for mutations in the human inherited neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. A conserved residue that has been proposed to participate in membrane and fatty acid binding and conformational changes in FABPs is Phe57. This residue is thought to be a gatekeeper for the opening of the portal region upon ligand entry and egress. Results We performed a structural characterization of the F57A mutant of human P2. The mutant protein was crystallized in three crystal forms, all of which showed changes in the portal region and helix α2. In addition, the behaviour of the mutant protein upon lipid bilayer binding suggested more unfolding than previously observed for wild-type P2. On the other hand, membrane binding rendered F57A heat-stable, similarly to wild-type P2. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations showed opening of the side of the discontinuous β barrel, giving important indications on the mechanism of portal region opening and ligand entry into FABPs. The results suggest a central role for Phe57 in regulating the opening of the portal region in human P2 and other FABPs, and the F57A mutation disturbs dynamic cross-correlation networks in the portal region of P2. Conclusions Overall, the F57A variant presents similar properties to the P2 patient mutations recently linked to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Our results identify Phe57 as a residue regulating conformational changes that may accompany membrane surface binding and ligand exchange in P2 and other FABPs

    Molecular mechanisms of CharcotMarie-Tooth neuropathy linked to mutations in human myelin protein P2

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    This article has an erratum: Doi 10.1038/s41598-017-18751-7Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is one of the most common inherited neuropathies. Recently, three CMT1-associated point mutations (I43N, T51P, and I52T) were discovered in the abundant peripheral myelin protein P2. These mutations trigger abnormal myelin structure, leading to reduced nerve conduction velocity, muscle weakness, and distal limb atrophy. P2 is a myelin-specific protein expressed by Schwann cells that binds to fatty acids and membranes, contributing to peripheral myelin lipid homeostasis. We studied the molecular basis of the P2 patient mutations. None of the CMT1-associated mutations alter the overall folding of P2 in the crystal state. P2 disease variants show increased aggregation tendency and remarkably reduced stability, T51P being most severe. In addition, P2 disease mutations affect protein dynamics. Both fatty acid binding by P2 and the kinetics of its membrane interactions are affected by the mutations. Experiments and simulations suggest opening of the beta barrel in T51P, possibly representing a general mechanism in fatty acid-binding proteins. Our findings demonstrate that altered biophysical properties and functional dynamics of P2 may cause myelin defects in CMT1 patients. At the molecular level, a few malformed hydrogen bonds lead to structural instability and misregulation of conformational changes related to ligand exchange and membrane binding.Peer reviewe

    Raptor-Mediated Proteasomal Degradation of Deamidated 4E-BP2 Regulates Postnatal Neuronal Translation and NF-κB Activity

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    The translation initiation repressor 4E-BP2 is deamidated in the brain on asparagines N99/N102 during early postnatal brain development. This post-translational modification enhances 4E-BP2 association with Raptor, a central component of mTORC1 and alters the kinetics of excitatory synaptic transmission. We show that 4E-BP2 deamidation is neuron specific, occurs in the human brain, and changes 4E-BP2 subcellular localization, but not its disordered structure state. We demonstrate that deamidated 4E-BP2 is ubiquitinated more and degrades faster than the unmodified protein. We find that enhanced deamidated 4E-BP2 degradation is dependent on Raptor binding, concomitant with increased association with a Raptor-CUL4B E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Deamidated 4E-BP2 stability is promoted by inhibiting mTORC1 or glutamate receptors. We further demonstrate that deamidated 4E-BP2 regulates the translation of a distinct pool of mRNAs linked to cerebral development, mitochondria, and NF-κB activity, and thus may be crucial for postnatal brain development in neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ASD

    Neuropathy-related mutations alter the membrane binding properties of the human myelin protein P0 cytoplasmic tail

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    Schwann cells myelinate selected axons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and contribute to fast saltatory conduction via the formation of compact myelin, in which water is excluded from between tightly adhered lipid bilayers. Peripheral neuropathies, such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) and Dejerine-4 Sottas syndrome (DSS), are incurable demyelinating conditions that result in pain, decrease in muscle mass, and functional impairment. Many Schwann cell proteins, which are directly involved in the stability of compact myelin or its development, are subject to mutations linked to these neuropathies. The most abundant PNS myelin protein is protein zero (P0); point mutations in this transmembrane protein cause CMT subtype 8 1B and DSS. P0 tethers apposing lipid bilayers together through its extracellular immunoglobulin-like domain. Additionally, P0 contains a cytoplasmic tail (P0ct), which is membrane-associated and contributes to the physical properties of the lipid membrane. Six CMT- and DSS-associated missense mutations have been reported in P0ct. We generated recombinant disease mutant variants of P0ct and characterized them using biophysical methods. Compared to wild-type P0ct, some mutants have negligible differences in function and folding, while others highlight functionally important amino acids within P0ct. For example, the D224Y variant of P0ct induced tight membrane multilayer stacking. Our results show a putative molecular basis for the hypermyelinating phenotype observed in patients with this particular mutation and provide overall information on the effects of disease-linked mutations in a flexible, membrane-binding protein segment. Using neutron reflectometry, we additionally show that P0ct embeds deep into a lipid bilayer, explaining the observed effects of P0ct on the physical properties of the membrane

    Structural properties and peptide ligand binding of the capsid homology domains of human Arc

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    Abstract The activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) is important for synaptic plasticity and the normal function of the brain. Arc interacts with neuronal postsynaptic proteins, but the mechanistic details of its function have not been fully established. The C-terminal domain of Arc consists of tandem domains, termed the N- and C-lobe. The N-lobe harbours a peptide binding site, able to bind multiple targets. By measuring the affinity of human Arc towards various peptides from stargazin and guanylate kinase-associated protein (GKAP), we have refined its specificity determinants. We found two sites in the GKAP repeat region that bind to Arc and confirmed these interactions by X-ray crystallography. Phosphorylation of the stargazin peptide did not affect binding affinity but caused changes in thermodynamic parameters. Comparison of the crystal structures of three high-resolution human Arc-peptide complexes identifies three conserved C–H…π interactions at the binding cavity, explaining the sequence specificity of short linear motif binding by Arc. We further characterise central residues of the Arc lobe fold, show the effects of peptide binding on protein dynamics, and identify acyl carrier proteins as structures similar to the Arc lobes. We hypothesise that Arc may affect protein-protein interactions and phase separation at the postsynaptic density, affecting protein turnover and re-modelling of the synapse. The present data on Arc structure and ligand binding will help in further deciphering these processes

    Structure of monomeric full-length ARC sheds light on molecular flexibility, protein interactions, and functional modalities

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    he activity‐regulated cytoskeleton‐associated protein (ARC) is critical for long‐term synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Acting as a protein interaction hub, ARC regulates diverse signalling events in postsynaptic neurons. A protein interaction site is present in the ARC C‐terminal domain (CTD), a bilobar structure homologous to the retroviral Gag capsid domain. We hypothesized that detailed knowledge of the three‐dimensional molecular structure of monomeric full‐length ARC is crucial to understand its function; therefore, we set out to determine the structure of ARC to understand its various functional modalities. We purified recombinant ARC and analyzed its structure using small‐angle X‐ray scattering and synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy. Monomeric full‐length ARC has a compact, closed structure, in which the oppositely charged N‐terminal domain (NTD) and CTD are juxtaposed, and the flexible linker between them is not extended. The modeled structure of ARC is supported by intramolecular live‐cell Förster resonance energy transfer imaging in rat hippocampal slices. Peptides from several postsynaptic proteins, including stargazin, bind to the N‐lobe, but not to the C‐lobe, of the bilobar CTD. This interaction does not induce large‐scale conformational changes in the CTD or flanking unfolded regions. The ARC NTD contains long helices, predicted to form an anti‐parallel coiled coil; binding of ARC to phospholipid membranes requires the NTD. Our data support a role for the ARC NTD in oligomerization as well as lipid membrane binding. The findings have important implications for the structural organization of ARC with respect to distinct functions, such as postsynaptic signal transduction and virus‐like capsid formation

    Crystal and solution structures reveal oligomerization of individual capsid homology domains of Drosophila Arc

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    Abstract Synaptic plasticity is vital for brain function and memory formation. One of the key proteins in long-term synaptic plasticity and memory is the activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc). Mammalian Arc forms virus-like capsid structures in a process requiring the N-terminal domain and contains two C-terminal lobes that are structural homologues to retroviral capsids. Drosophila has two isoforms of Arc, dArc1 and dArc2, with low sequence similarity to mammalian Arc, but lacking a large N-terminal domain. Both dArc isoforms are related to the Ty3/gypsy retrotransposon capsid, consisting of N- and C-terminal lobes. Structures of dArc1, as well as capsids formed by both dArc isoforms, have been recently determined. We carried out structural characterization of the four individual dArc lobe domains. As opposed to the corresponding mammalian Arc lobe domains, which are monomeric, the dArc lobes were all oligomeric in solution, indicating a strong propensity for homophilic interactions. A truncated N-lobe from dArc2 formed a domain-swapped dimer in the crystal structure, resulting in a novel dimer interaction that could be relevant for capsid assembly or other dArc functions. This domain-swapped structure resembles the dimeric protein C of flavivirus capsids, as well as the structure of histones dimers, domain-swapped transcription factors, and membrane-interacting BAK domains. The strong oligomerization properties of the isolated dArc lobe domains explain the ability of dArc to form capsids in the absence of any large N-terminal domain, in contrast to the mammalian protein

    Development and validation of Arc nanobodies:new tools for probing Arc dynamics and function

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    Abstract Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated (Arc) protein plays key roles in long-term synaptic plasticity, memory, and cognitive flexibility. However, an integral understanding of Arc mechanisms is lacking. Arc is proposed to function as an interaction hub in neuronal dendrites and the nucleus, yet Arc can also form retrovirus-like capsids with proposed roles in intercellular communication. Here, we sought to develop anti-Arc nanobodies (ArcNbs) as new tools for probing Arc dynamics and function. Six ArcNbs representing different clonal lines were selected from immunized alpaca. Immunoblotting with recombinant ArcNbs fused to a small ALFA-epitope tag demonstrated binding to recombinant Arc as well as endogenous Arc from rat cortical tissue. ALFA-tagged ArcNb also provided efficient immunoprecipitation of stimulus-induced Arc after carbachol-treatment of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and induction of long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo. Epitope mapping showed that all Nbs recognize the Arc C-terminal region containing the retroviral Gag capsid homology domain, comprised of tandem N- and C-lobes. ArcNbs E5 and H11 selectively bound the N-lobe, which harbors a peptide ligand binding pocket specific to mammals. Four additional ArcNbs bound the region containing the C-lobe and C-terminal tail. For use as genetically encoded fluorescent intrabodies, we show that ArcNbs fused to mScarlet-I are uniformly expressed, without aggregation, in the cytoplasm and nucleus of HEK293FT cells. Finally, mScarlet-I-ArcNb H11 expressed as intrabody selectively bound the N-lobe and enabled co-immunoprecipitation of full-length intracellular Arc. ArcNbs are versatile tools for live-cell labeling and purification of Arc, and interrogation of Arc capsid domain specific functions

    Development and validation of Arc nanobodies:new tools for probing Arc dynamics and function

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    Abstract Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated (Arc) protein plays key roles in long-term synaptic plasticity, memory, and cognitive flexibility. However, an integral understanding of Arc mechanisms is lacking. Arc is proposed to function as an interaction hub in neuronal dendrites and the nucleus, yet Arc can also form retrovirus-like capsids with proposed roles in intercellular communication. Here, we sought to develop anti-Arc nanobodies (ArcNbs) as new tools for probing Arc dynamics and function. Six ArcNbs representing different clonal lines were selected from immunized alpaca. Immunoblotting with recombinant ArcNbs fused to a small ALFA-epitope tag demonstrated binding to recombinant Arc as well as endogenous Arc from rat cortical tissue. ALFA-tagged ArcNb also provided efficient immunoprecipitation of stimulus-induced Arc after carbachol-treatment of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and induction of long-term potentiation in the rat dentate gyrus in vivo. Epitope mapping showed that all Nbs recognize the Arc C-terminal region containing the retroviral Gag capsid homology domain, comprised of tandem N- and C-lobes. ArcNbs E5 and H11 selectively bound the N-lobe, which harbors a peptide ligand binding pocket specific to mammals. Four additional ArcNbs bound the region containing the C-lobe and C-terminal tail. For use as genetically encoded fluorescent intrabodies, we show that ArcNbs fused to mScarlet-I are uniformly expressed, without aggregation, in the cytoplasm and nucleus of HEK293FT cells. Finally, mScarlet-I-ArcNb H11 expressed as intrabody selectively bound the N-lobe and enabled co-immunoprecipitation of full-length intracellular Arc. ArcNbs are versatile tools for live-cell labeling and purification of Arc, and interrogation of Arc capsid domain specific functions