25 research outputs found

    Inhibitory Receptors Alter Natural Killer Cell Interactions with Target Cells Yet Allow Simultaneous Killing of Susceptible Targets

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    Inhibitory receptors expressed on natural killer (NK) cells abrogate positive signals upon binding corresponding major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on various target cells. By directly micromanipulating the effector–target cell encounter using an optical tweezers system which allowed temporal and spatial control, we demonstrate that Ly49–MHC class I interactions prevent characteristic cellular responses in NK cells upon binding to target cells. Furthermore, using this system, we directly demonstrate that an NK cell already bound to a resistant target cell may simultaneously bind and kill a susceptible target cell. Thus, although Ly49-mediated inhibitory signals can prevent many types of effector responses, they do not globally inhibit cellular function, but rather the inhibitory signal is spatially restricted towards resistant targets

    Stress response in Caenorhabditis elegans caused by optical tweezers: wavelength, power, and time dependence.

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    Optical tweezers have emerged as a powerful technique for micromanipulation of living cells. Although the technique often has been claimed to be nonintrusive, evidence has appeared that this is not always the case. This work presents evidence that near-infrared continuous-wave laser light from optical tweezers can produce stress in Caenorhabditis elegans. A transgenic strain of C. elegans, carrying an integrated heat-shock-responsive reporter gene, has been exposed to laser light under a variety of illumination conditions. It was found that gene expression was most often induced by light of 760 nm, and least by 810 nm. The stress response increased with laser power and irradiation time. At 810 nm, significant gene expression could be observed at 360 mW of illumination, which is more than one order of magnitude above that normally used in optical tweezers. In the 700-760-nm range, the results show that the stress response is caused by photochemical processes, whereas at 810 nm, it mainly has a photothermal origin. These results give further evidence that the 700-760-nm wavelength region is unsuitable for optical tweezers and suggest that work at 810 nm at normal laser powers does not cause stress at the cellular level

    Active Noise Control in Forest Machines

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    Abstract Achieving a low noise level is of great interest to the forest machine industry. Traditionally this is obtained by using passive noise reduction, i.e. by using materials for sound isolation and sound absorption. Especially designs to attenuate low frequency noise tend to be bulky and impractical from an installation point of view. An alternative solution to the problem is to use active noise control (ANC). The basic principle of ANC is to generate an anti-noise signal designed to destructively interfere with the unwanted noise. In this thesis two algorithms (Feedback FxLMS and Feedforward FxLMS) are implemented and evaluated for use in the ANC-system. The ANC-system is tuned to the specific environment in the driver's cabin of a Komatsu forest machine. The algorithms are first tested in a simulated environment and then in real-time inside a forest machine. Simulations are made both in Matlab and in C using both generated signals and recorded signals. The C code is implemented on the Analog Devices Blackfin DSP card BF526. The result showed a significantly reduction of the sound pressure level (SPL) in the driver's cabin. The noise attenuation obtained using the Feedback FxLMS was approximately 14 dB for a tonal 100 Hz signal and 11 dB using recorded engine noise from a forest machine at 850 rpm

    Force measuring optical tweezers system for long time measurements of P pili stability

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    A force-measuring optical tweezers instrumentation and long time measurements of the elongation and retraction of bacterial fimbriae from Uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) under strain are presented. The instrumentation is presented in some detail. Special emphasis is given to measures taken to reduce the influence of noise and drifts in the system and from the surrounding, which makes long term force measurements possible. Individual P pili from UPEC bacteria were used as a biological model system for repetitive unfolding and refolding cycles of bacterial fimbriae under equilibrium conditions. P pili have evolved into a three-dimensional helix-like structure, the PapA rod, that can be successively and significantly elongated and/or unfolded when exposed to external forces. The instrumentation is used for characterization of the force-vs.-elongation response of the PapA rod of individual P pili, with emphasis on the long time stability of the forced unfolding and refolding of the helical structure of the PapA rod. The results show that the PapA rod is capable of withstanding extensive strain, leading to a complete unfolding of the helical structure, repetitive times during the life cycle of a bacterium without any noticeable alteration of the mechanical properties of the P pili. This function is believed to be importance for UPEC bacteria in vivo since it provides a close contact to a host cell (which is an initial step of invasion) despite urine cleaning attempts

    Lipopolysaccharide O-Antigen Prevents Phagocytosis of Vibrio anguillarum by Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Skin Epithelial Cells

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    Colonization of host tissues is a first step taken by many pathogens during the initial stages of infection. Despite the impact of bacterial disease on wild and farmed fish, only a few direct studies have characterized bacterial factors required for colonization of fish tissues. In this study, using live-cell and confocal microscopy, rainbow trout skin epithelial cells, the main structural component of the skin epidermis, were demonstrated to phagocytize bacteria. Mutant analyses showed that the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum required the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen to evade phagocytosis and that O-antigen transport required the putative wzm-wzt-wbhA operon, which encodes two ABC polysaccharide transporter proteins and a methyltransferase. Pretreatment of the epithelial cells with mannose prevented phagocytosis of V. anguillarum suggesting that a mannose receptor is involved in the uptake process. In addition, the O-antigen transport mutants could not colonize the skin but they did colonize the intestines of rainbow trout. The O-antigen polysaccharides were also shown to aid resistance to the antimicrobial factors, lysozyme and polymyxin B. In summary, rainbow trout skin epithelial cells play a role in the fish innate immunity by clearing bacteria from the skin epidermis. In defense, V. anguillarum utilizes O-antigen polysaccharides to evade phagocytosis by the epithelial cells allowing it to colonize rapidly fish skin tissues

    The unfolding of the P pili quaternary structure by stretching is reversible, not plastic

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    P pili are protein filaments expressed by uropathogenic Escherichia coli that mediate binding to glycolipids on epithelial cell surfaces, which is a prerequisite for bacterial infection. When a bacterium, attached to a cell surface, is exposed to external forces, the pili, which are composed of ∼10(3) PapA protein subunits arranged in a helical conformation, can elongate by unfolding to a linear conformation. This property is considered important for the ability of a bacterium to withstand shear forces caused by urine flow. It has hitherto been assumed that this elongation is plastic, thus constituting a permanent conformational deformation. We demonstrate, using optical tweezers, that this is not the case; the unfolding of the helical structure to a linear conformation is fully reversible. It is surmised that this reversibility helps the bacteria regain close contact to the host cells after exposure to significant shear forces, which is believed to facilitate their colonization

    The Biomechanical Properties of E. coli Pili for Urinary Tract Attachment Reflect the Host Environment

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    Uropathogenic Escherichia coli express pili that mediate binding to host tissue cells. We demonstrate with in situ force measuring optical tweezers that the ability of P and type 1 pili to elongate by unfolding under exposure to stress is a shared property with some differences. The unfolding force of the quaternary structures under equilibrium conditions is similar, 28 ± 2 and 30 ± 2 pN for P pili and type 1 pili, respectively. However, type 1 pili are found to be more rigid than P pili through their stronger layer-to-layer bonds. It was found that type 1 pili enter a dynamic regime at elongation speeds of 6 nm/s, compared to 400 nm/s for P pili; i.e., it responds faster to an external force. This possibly helps type 1 to withstand the irregular urine flow in the urethra as compared to the more constant urine flow in the upper urinary tract. Also, it was found that type 1 pili refold during retraction at two different levels that possibly could be related to several possible configurations. Our findings highlight functions that are believed to be of importance for the bacterial ability to sustain a basic antimicrobial mechanism of the host and for bacterial colonization

    Dynamic Force Spectroscopy of E. coli P Pili

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    Surface organelles (so-called pili) expressed on the bacterial membrane mediate the adhesion of Escherichia coli causing urinary tract infection. These pili possess some extraordinary elongation properties that are assumed to allow a close bacterium-to-host contact even in the presence of shear forces caused by urine flow. The elongation properties of P pili have therefore been assessed for low elongation speeds (steady-state conditions). This work reports on the behavior of P pili probed by dynamic force spectroscopy. A kinetic model for the unfolding of a helixlike chain structure is derived and verified. It is shown that the unfolding of the quaternary structure of the PapA rod takes place at a constant force that is almost independent of elongation speed for slow elongations (up to ∼0.4 μm/s), whereas it shows a dynamic response with a logarithmic dependence for fast elongations. The results provide information about the energy landscape and reaction rates. The bond length and thermal bond opening and closure rates for the layer-to-layer bond have been assessed to ∼0.76 nm, ∼0.8 Hz, and ∼8 GHz, respectively. The results also support a previously constructed sticky-chain model for elongation of the PapA rod that until now had been experimentally verified only under steady-state conditions

    A Sticky Chain Model of the Elongation and Unfolding of Escherichia coli P Pili under Stress

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    A model of the elongation of P pili expressed by uropathogenic Escherichia coli exposed to stress is presented. The model is based upon the sticky chain concept, which is based upon Hooke's law for elongation of the layer-to-layer and head-to-tail bonds between neighboring units in the PapA rod and a kinetic description of the opening and closing of bonds, described by rate equations and an energy landscape model. It provides an accurate description of the elongation behavior of P pili under stress and supports a hypothesis that the PapA rod shows all three basic stereotypes of elongation/unfolding: elongation of bonds in parallel, the zipper mode of unfolding, and elongation and unfolding of bonds in series. The two first elongation regions are dominated by a cooperative bond opening, in which each bond is influenced by its neighbor, whereas the third region can be described by individual bond opening, in which the bonds open and close randomly. A methodology for a swift extraction of model parameters from force-versus-elongation measurements performed under equilibrium conditions is derived. Entities such as the free energy, the stiffness, the elastic elongation, the opening length of the various bonds, and the number of PapA units in the rod are determined