3,786 research outputs found

    Investigation to local defect resonance for non-destructive testing of composites

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    Local defect resonance (LDR) makes use of high frequency vibrations to get a localized resonant activation of a defective region. In this study, the LDR behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) coupons with three different types of damages is investigated using broadband measurements obtained with a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer (SLDV). First, the LDR response of flat bottom holes of different depths and sizes is evaluated using a signal-to-noise ratio. Next, results are obtained for ETFE inserts where the difference between (artificial) delaminations and inserts is outlined. At last, the vibrational response of a CFRP coupon with barely visible impact damage is investigated. This type of damage has a more complex structure, and it is shown that frequency band data (an alternative to the single frequency LDR) performs well in identifying such complex damage

    Organization of the canine gene encoding the E isoform of retinal guanylate cyclase (cGC-E) and exclusion of its involvement in the inherited retinal dystrophy of the Swedish Briard and Briard–Beagle dogs

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    AbstractIntracellular cyclic GMP concentration is known to change in response to a wide variety of agents, including hormones, neurotransmitters or light. In vertebrate photoreceptors, different membrane-bound guanylate cyclase isoforms are responsible for cGMP synthesis and thus directly involved in termination of light signalling via the phototransduction cascade and recovery of the dark state. We have characterized a 4.7 kb long cDNA for the canine retinal guanylate cyclase isoform E (cGC-E) predicting a polypeptide of 1109 amino acids. The genomic structure and the complete sequence of the canine GC-E gene, which consists of 20 exons and spans about 14.5 kb, has also been determined. Northern blot analysis showed that GC-E was expressed in the canine retina as a 4.7 and 6.1 kb large transcript. RT-PCR analysis also detected low expression in cerebrum (occipital lobe). We performed a sequence analysis of the cGC-E gene in animals of a Swedish Briard and Briard–Beagle dog kinship in which an inherited retinal dystrophy is segregating. Several intragenic DNA polymorphisms were identified and used for segregation analysis which excluded cGC-E as a candidate gene for this type of canine retinal dystrophy

    Evaluación de diferentes niveles de amino-vit en la alimentación artificial de abeja europea ( apis mellifera) y su efecto en la cosecha de polen.

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    Se evaluó el efecto nutritivo de diferentes niveles de Amino-Vit, (2, 4, 6 ml/lt de jarabe de azúcar) en la alimentación artificial de abeja (Apis mellifera), frente a un grupo control, esta investigación se la realizó en la comunidad Tunshi San Javier del cantón Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo. Se utilizaron un total de 12 unidades experimentales, constituidas por una colmena tipo Langstroth de un piso y medio totalmente pobladas y listas para la producción, mediante un Diseño Completamente al Azar. Las variables estudiadas fueron: peso inicial y final de las colmenas (kg), peso de las colmenas cada 15 días (kg), número de marcos con cría al inicio. (N.º), número de marcos con cría al final. (N.º), producción de polen (g), consumo de alimento (ml), costo de los tratamientos ().AlfinalizarelexperimentolasmejoresrespuestasenlacosechadepolenseobtuvieronconlascolmenasalimentadasconAminovit4ml/ltdejarabedeazuˊcar,alcanzandounaproduccioˊnsemanalpromediode1063,67gdepolenporcolmena,estodebidoalosnutrientesqueposeeesteproductocomolosaminoaˊcidosyvitaminasqueaseguranunabuenapostura,manteniendoasıˊunapoblacioˊnfuertequelograrecolectargrandescantidadesdepolenenelpecoreo.Elmejorbeneficio/costoseloobtuvoconeltratamientoAminovit4ml/ltdejarabedeazuˊcar,con). Al finalizar el experimento las mejores respuestas en la cosecha de polen se obtuvieron con las colmenas alimentadas con Amino-vit 4 ml/lt de jarabe de azúcar, alcanzando una producción semanal promedio de 1063,67 g de polen por colmena, esto debido a los nutrientes que posee este producto como los aminoácidos y vitaminas que aseguran una buena postura, manteniendo así una población fuerte que logra recolectar grandes cantidades de polen en el pecoreo. El mejor beneficio/costo se lo obtuvo con el tratamiento Amino-vit 4 ml/lt de jarabe de azúcar, con 1.39, lo que significa que por cada dólar invertido se obtienen 39 centavos de ganancia. De esta manera se determinó que el Amino-vit tiene un efecto positivo sobre la producción de las colmenas, por lo tanto, se recomienda alimentar a los enjambres utilizando Amino-vit en dosis de 4 ml/lt de jarabe de azúcar en colmenas de un piso y medio, a intervalos de 15 días, para maximizar la cosecha de polen y aumentar los ingresos económicos en beneficio de los productores.The nutritional effect of different levels of Amino-Vit, (2,4,6 ml / lt of sugar syrup) in the bee feeding (Apis mellifera), compared to a control group was evaluated. This research was carried out in the Tunshi San Javier community of Riobamba canton, Chimborazo province. A total of twelve experimental units were used, consisting of a Langstroth hive of a floor and a half fully populated and ready for production, through a Completely Random Design. The variables studied were initial and final weight of the hives (kg), weight of the colonies every fifteen days (kg), number of frames with breeding at the beginning (No), number of frames with breeding at the end (No), production of pollen (g), food consumption (ml), cost of treatments ().Attheendoftheexperiment,thebestresponsesinthepollenharvestwereobtainedwiththehivesfedwithAminoVit4ml/lofsugarsyrup,reachinganaverageweeklyproductionof1063.67gofpollenperhive.Duetothenutrients,thisproducthassuchasaminoacidsandvitamins,thatensureproperposture,thusmaintainingahealthypopulationthatmanagestocollectlargeamountsofpollenintheforaging.Thebestbenefit/costwasobtainedwiththeAminoVit4ml/ltsugarsyruptreatment,with).At the end of the experiment, the best responses in the pollen harvest were obtained with the hives fed with Amino-Vit 4 ml / l of sugar syrup, reaching an average weekly production of 1063.67 g of pollen per hive. Due to the nutrients, this product has such as amino acids and vitamins, that ensure proper posture, thus maintaining a healthy population that manages to collect large amounts of pollen in the foraging. The best benefit/cost was obtained with the Amino-Vit 4 ml / lt sugar syrup treatment, with 1.39, which means that for every dollar invested, 39 cents of profit are collected. It was determined that Amino-Vit has a positive effect on the production of hives. Therefore, it is recommended to feed the swarms using Amino-Vit in doses of 4 ml / l of sugar syrup in colonies of a floor and a half, at intervals of fifteen days, to maximize pollen harvest and increase economic income for the benefit of producers

    Pedagogikk, bærekraftighet og estetikk : et økologisk perspektiv på fysiske læringsmiljøer for hele kroppen

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    Denne masteroppgaven handler om det fysiske læringsmiljøet i skolen: Hvordan en kan benytte seg av prinsipper for bærekraftig utvikling, estetisk forståelse og innsikt i arkitektur for å kunne si noe om ønskede idealer for den pedagogiske virksomheten. Det teoretiske rammeverket består i litteratur hovedsakelig om kropp og læring, skolearkitektur, samt miljøpsykologiske perspektiver på persepsjon av omgivelser og måten naturen (også som idé) virker velgjørende inn på mennesker. Slike begreper og faglige perspektiver er tatt i bruk for å utforske ønsket om en ny, pedagogisk hverdag. Metoden er således eksplorativ, og i all hovedsak eklektisk med et fenomenologisk og konstruktivistisk bakteppe. Litteraturstudium er valgt som empirisk fundament. Undersøkelsen peker ut tre hovedtendenser: 1) Det fysiske anerkjennes først og fremst gjennom en forståelse av omgivelsene som naturlige. At miljøer, og læringsmiljøet, fremstår naturlig, innebærer to moduler for sansing: Stimulering av sansene, samt variasjon gjennom bevegelse; 2) synergieffekten av de ulike elementer som utgjør læringsrommet må ses i forhold til hverandre. Utvikling (her: læring) fordres av et variert og mangfoldig miljø. Ingen komponenter som først er delaktig i læringsmiljøets dynamikk, kan utelukkes. De spiller sammen, og som ideal tilrettelegger et godt læringsmiljø (per definisjon) for både fremgang og trygghet; 3) Når det naturlige og det økologiske kan sies å underbygge en helhetstenkning, gir dette også hentydninger om bedre samordning av pedagogikk (innhold) og arkitektur (form). Det er ikke slik at en pedagogisk god virksomhet fullt ut kan motvirke lite hensiktsmessig skolearkitektur – og arkitektur kan ikke i seg selv gi gode utviklings- og læringsvilkår om den pedagogiske praksisen ikke selv er tilfredsstillende

    Providing reliable access to real-time and historic public transport data using linked connections​

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    Using Linked Data based approaches, public transport companies are able to share their time tables and its updates in an affordable way while allowing user agents to perform multimodal route planning algorithms. Providing time table updates, usually published as data streams, means that data is being constantly modified and in the presence of large analytical queries, results might be affected due to the changing data. In this demo we introduce a mechanism to tackle this problem by guaranteeing that a user agent will always receive version based responses, therefore ensuring data consistency. Such mechanism also enables access to historical data that could be used for deep analysis of transport systems. However, how this data shall be archived, in order to keep this approach scalable and inexpensive is still a matter of study. In a demonstrator, we published and query data from the Belgium national train system (SNCB) and Madrid Regional Transport Consortium (CRTM). This paper represents the first step towards establishing an affordable framework to publish reliable transport data

    La disputa entre China e India y la redefinición de la geopolítica asiática

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    The Chinese and Indian clash in June 2020 along their disputed border, despite being a long non-resolved issue, has acquired new meaning in the present global geopolitical tensions. It could erupt into a deep feud which will involve the two Asian giants in a much wider confrontation. Because their relevance in world affairs, this conflict would affect countries not only nearby, but all over the globe, amidst the substratum of the ongoing confrontation China is having with the United States. This article analyses the different aspects that are affecting this misunderstanding, linking historical concerns with recent developments. Based on the classical geopolitical analysis of the Rimland, it envisions the various constraints and impulses that will define the future of the two most populous countries of the Eurasian landmass, which are now among the largest global economies. The analysis points to the anxieties that drove China and India to the frontier clash and the mutual insecurities with regard to each other’s behavior, particularly in their relationships with third countries. In lieu of this, a solution of the dispute seems out of reach as it has become part of the present century’s geopolitical shift which is once again putting Asia in the center of the global competition.El enfrentamiento chino e indio en junio de 2020 a lo largo de su disputada frontera, pese ser un tema sin resolver desde hace tiempo, ha adquirido un nuevo significado en las actuales tensiones geopolíticas globales. Podría estallar en una profunda disputa que involucrará a los dos gigantes asiáticos en una confrontación mucho más amplia. Por su relevancia conjunta, el conflicto afectaría no solo a países cercanos, sino a todo el mundo, en medio de la confrontación sino-estadounidense. Este artículo analiza los diferentes aspectos que están afectando este malentendido, vinculando preocupaciones históricas con desarrollos recientes. En base al análisis geopolítico clásico del Rimland, se destacan las diversas limitaciones e impulsos que definirán el futuro de los dos países que ahora se encuentran entre las mayores economías mundiales. El análisis apunta a las ansiedades que llevaron al choquefronterizo y a las inseguridades mutuas con respecto al comportamiento de cada uno, particularmente en sus relaciones con terceros países. Frente a esto, una solución de la disputa parece fuera de alcance, ya que se ha convertido en parte del cambio geopolítico del presente siglo, que una vez más está poniendo a Asia en el centro de la competencia mundial

    Bochdalek hernia associated with intestinal malrotation as an incidental finding in an adult patient: case report

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    Bochdalek hernia (BH) is the most common congenital diaphragmatic hernia, however in adults the clinical presentation and diagnosis is rare. Intestinal malrotation (IM) is a congenital anomaly that results in an alteration in intestinal anatomy secondary to inadequate intestinal rotation, which occurs at the end of the first trimester of embryonic development, some digestive anomalies may be related, such as diaphragmatic hernia, its Diagnosis is made in the neonatal period although it can be diagnosed in older children and adults, debuting with symptoms of intestinal obstruction or being an incidental finding. Below we present a case report of an adult patient with a diagnosis of Bochdalek congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) in whom an incidental diagnosis of IM was made, who underwent elective surgery, performing laparoscopic diaphragmatic plasty with favorable results