8 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi Urea Molasses Blok (UMB) dalam ransum terhadap retensi nitrogen dan kadar ureum darah domba jantan. Sejumlah dua belas ekor domba ekor gemuk jantan lepas sapih dengan berat badan rata-rata 16,1708±1,1134 kilo gram secara acak dibagi menjadi empat kelompok perlakuan masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari tiga ekor. Empat variasi ransum digunakan sebagai perlakuan yaitu : PO (rumput). P1 (rgmput + UMB 3,6 persen urea), P2 (rumput + UHB 5,4 persen urei) dan P3(rumput + UMB 7,2 persen urea). Parameter yang diamati adalah retensi nitrogen dan kadar ureum darah. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan untuk menganalisis retensi nitrogen adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (4 x 3 ulangan), sedangkan untuk menganalisis kadar ureum darah digunakan pola Split Plot (4 x 3 x 3 ulangan) yang terdiri dari empat variasi ransum dan tiga variasi waktu pengambilan sampel darah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan urea di dalam UMB sampai dosis 7,2 persen sebagai makanan suplemen dalam ransum berpengaruh sangat nyata (p 0,05) terhadap kadar ureum darah. Terdapat hubungan linier yang positif (r =+ 0,9839) antara dosis urea di dalam UMB dengan retensi nitrogen dan hubungan linier yang positif (r =+ 0,9402) antara dosis urea di dalam UMB dengan kadar ureum darah. Demikian pula adanya hubungan linier yang positif (r =+O}6906) antara retensi nitrogen dengan kadar ureum darah

    The Antibacterial Activity of Infusion of Averrhoa bilimbi L Fruits and Cananga odorata Flowers against Frequently Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Infectious diseases due to opportunistic bacteria and pathogens are still a health problem. Transmission can be prevented by using an alcohol-based antiseptic liquid or naturally. Averrhoa bilimbi L. fruit plants and Cananga odorata flowers contain bioactive compounds that can inhibit bacterial growth. This study aimed to analyze the infusion activity of Averrhoa bilimbi fruit and Cananga odorata flower in single and combined dosage forms against several frequently pathogenic bacteria in vitro. This posttest-only experimental study with a control group design used the paper disc diffusion method. Observation parameters were the diameter of the inhibition zone on the test bacteria after infusion treatment of 50%, 75%, and 100% A.bilimbi fruit and 100% C.odora flowers, as well as 70% alcohol. The results showed that the diameter of the inhibition zone in the combination treatment of A.bilimbi and C.odorata infusion was significantly different from that of the single preparation (p<0.05). The combination of 100% A.bilimbi and 100% C.odorata (ratio 1:1) produced the greatest effect and was equivalent to 70% alcohol. The average inhibition of the combination infusion of Staphylococcus aureus (17.36mm) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (17.57mm) was greater than that of Escherichia coli (14.48 mm) and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (14.12mm). In conclusion, the infusion of Averrhoa bilimbi fruit and the Cananga odorata flower had antibacterial activity, and the combined preparation produced a better inhibitory effect than the single preparation. Keywords: antibacterial activity, Averrhoa bilimbi L., Cananga odorata, infusion, single preparation, combination preparatio

    Validitas Pemeriksaan Ankle Reflex untuk Deteksi Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) adalah bentuk komplikasi yang paling banyak pada pasien diabetes. Ankle Reflex (AR) merupakan pemeriksaan fisik sederhana yang dapat digunakan sebagai prosedur deteksi untuk mencegah morbiditas dan mortalitas yang disebabkan oleh DPN dengan mengevaluasi fungsi saraf sensoris dan motoris. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui validitas AR sebagai prosedur deteksi DPN pada pasien diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2. Penelitian dilakukan di RSUD Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah uji diagnostik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian melibatkan 69 pasien DM tipe 2 di Poliklinik Penyakit Dalam sebagai peserta. Pasien dievaluasi menggunakan skor Diabetic Neuropathy Examination (DNE), Diabetic Neuropathy Symptom (DNS) dan pemeriksaan AR. Data dianalisis menggunakan tabel uji diagnostik 2x2 dan kurva receiving operating characterictic (ROC). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa AR memiliki nilai sensitivitas 100%, spesifisitas 72,73%, akurasi 82,61%, nilai duga positif 67,57%, nilai duga negatif 100%, dan 0.88 area under curve (AUC). Simpulan penelitian ini adalah AR memiliki nilai validitas yang baik dan dapat digunakan sebagai prosedur deteksi DPN yang cepat dan mudah untuk pasien DM tipe 2

    Chitosan From Haruan (Channa Striata) Fish Scale Accelerate Wound Healing By Promoting Angiogenesis And Fibroblast Proliferation

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    Background: Damage to the integrity of some body tissues due to trauma commonly referred to as injury can occur intentionally or unintentionally. Angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation are important stages in the proliferation stage in determining the success of the wound healing process. Chitosan from haruan fish scales has active functional groups in the form of anti-inflammatory and antioxidants that are effective in accelerating wound healing. Method: This study was a pure experimental study with a post-test only design with a control group design which was divided into a treatment group and a control group. The treatment group consisted of chitosan haruan fish scales at concentrations of 1%, 3%, and 5%. The control group consisted of povidone iodine as a positive control and no treatment as a negative control. All rats were injured on the back and then euthanized on days 3, 5, 7, and 14. Result: The chitosan from haruan fish scales affected the formation of new blood vessels and fibroblasts on day-3, increase the number of new blood vessels on day-5, decrease the number of new blood vessels accompanied by increase the number of fibroblasts on day-7, and also decrease the number of fibroblasts on day-14.Conclusion:  3%, and 5% chitosan from haruan fish scale proved to be effective against angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation in wound healing.

    Ekstrak Etanol Biji Mimba (Azadirachta Indica. A Juss): Efikasi Fase Air Sebagai Larvisida Dan Pengatur Perkembangan, Dan Fase Minyak Sebagai Repelen Terhadap Nyamuk (Diptera : Culicidae)

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    ABSTRACT Chemical control has become the method of choice in many mosquito control programmes. Botanical insecticides offer an environmentally safer and more efficient to syntetic chemical insecticide. Neem (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) has emerged as the alternative to chemical insecticides due to its biodegradability, relatively low toxicity and botanical nature. Its property as antifeedant, repellent and growth regulator on several insects species has been introduced. The aim of this study was to observe the efficacy of ethanol extract of A. indica seed : the water phase either as larvicide or insect growth regulator, and the oil phase as repellent against Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles aconitus mosquitoes. In this study, efficacy as larvicide, several series concentrations (%, w/v) of the water phase of ethanol extract of A. indica seed (EEAIS) were exposed to test larvae of the three mosquitoes species for 24 hours, percent mortality rate was counted larvae and analysed with Lethal Concentration (LC)50with probit analysis. Efficacy as Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) LC50 of the water phase of EEAIS against larvae of the three species mosquitoes, percent total number was counted of larvae growing to pupae and adult and then Survival Time (ST)50 was analysed with probit analysis of larvae, pupae and adult respectively. Efficacy as repellent, several series concentrations (%, v/v) of the oil phase of EEAIS applied on volunteer hand were exposed to test mosquitoes for 5 menit each time observation periode, RC90 and then RET50 were analysed with probit analysis. The results, as larvicide, LC50, and LC90 (%, w/v) of the water phase of EEAIS showed : 0.34% and 0.56%1.23% and 3.20%and 1.72% and 11.01% against Ae. aegypti, Cx. quinquefasciatus and An. aconitus mosquitoes respectively. As IGR, LC50 of the water phase of EEAIS showed negative influence (inhibitor) on the development larvae-pupae, and pupae-adult stages of the test mosquitoes species respectively on ST 50 level. As repellent, RET 50 with RC90 of the oil phase of EEAIS showed: 7.86 hrs4.37 hrs, and 3.18 hrs. against Ae. aegypti, Cx. quinquefasciatus and An. aconitus mosquitoes respectively. In conclusion EEAIS: of the water phase has an efficacy as both larvicide and insect grouwth regulator (inhibitor) and of the oil hlase has an efficacy as repellent against Ae. aegypti, Cx. quinquefasciatus and An. aconitus mosquitoes. Keywords: Neem - larvicide and insect growth regulator - mosquit

    Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Dengue in Banjarmasin, Indonesia From 2016 to 2020

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an acute febrile disease caused by four serotypes of dengue virus (DENV) and transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. This article aims to analyze monthly trends in cases and climates as well as spatial analysis and autocorrelation in 52 urban villages of Banjarmasin City. Laboratory-confirmed dengue cases from 2016 to 2020 were analyzed for trends in malaria cases. Decomposition analysis was performed to assess seasonality. The annual spatial grouping of incidents, identified by Moran's I. The Result shows the annual dengue incidence fell significantly to 72% in 2017 and lasted until 2020. Dengue infection is more common in men with an age range of 15-64 years. The monthly dengue season is highest from January to May along with increased rainfall. The high incidence is spatially clustered which is identified in the east and borders neighboring districts, especially 6 urban villages. A trend and spatially explicit decision support system are needed to support surveillance and control programs in identified high-risk areas to succeed in dengue eradication goals

    Sex before or after blood feeding : Mating activities of Aedes aegypti males under conditions of different densities and female blood feeding opportunities

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    Blood feeding and mating are critical behaviors that regulate both mosquito population maintenance and disease transmission. However, our understanding of mosquito mating systems remains incomplete. One of the most critical issues is a lack of understanding regarding how and where males and females encounter one another. This study was performed to investigate changes in key mating behaviors of Ae. aegypti relative to female blood feeding opportunities, taking into account male density. We compared courtship latency and copulation activity between single and pooled males in a range of assays performed in the presence or absence of a blood source and after blood feeding. The time taken by grouped males to initiate courtship in the presence of a host was much shorter than that in single males. There was no significant difference in courtship latency between pooled and single males in the absence of a blood source or after blood feeding. At low male density, the presence of the host and blood meal ingestion provided better conditions for copulation. At high male density, however, copulation activity was decreased after blood feeding, but remained high regardless of the presence or absence of the host. In addition to providing insight into the mating ecology of Aedes aegypti, this study indicated that the presence of a blood source influences how males encounter and copulate with females. The observation that copulation activity decreases after blood feeding when males are numerous provides new avenues for improving mass release programs of sterile mosquitoes