294 research outputs found


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    Early age is the most important and fundamental initial period throughout the span of growth and development of human life. At this time it was marked by various important fundamental periods in the life of the next child until the final period of its development. One of the periods that characterizes early age is the Golden Ages or the golden period. This period only lasts one time in a lifetime, for that we need a basic pattern and concept of care, education, maintenance of adequate health and nutrition for early childhood, so that parents or other adults can develop their children's potential optimally. Thus, in the future children can meet the future with enthusiasm and confidenc


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    Counseling is a process to help individuals overcome the obstacles to the development of their personal abilities in order to develop optimally. The counseling process can occur at any time through individual relationships to express and to appreciate the individual's unique needs, motivations, and potentials. Cross-cultural counseling involves counselors and clients who come from different cultural backgrounds, and therefore the counseling process is very vulnerable by the occurrence of cultural biases on the part of the counselor which results in ineffective counseling. In order for counseling to run effectively, the counselor is required to have sensitivity to culture and escape from cultural biases, and to have skills that are culturally responsive. Then counseling is seen as a cultural encounter (cultural ecounter) between counselor and client


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    Adolescence is a transition period taken by a person from childhood to adulthood. The situation of adolescents during this transition period tends to be unstable and shaky and much influenced by circumstances, situations, and social environment. Teenagers often do not have mental and mental preparation in dealing with all the problems and difficulties that arise in their lives, of course it will endanger themselves. In late adolescence began to arise interest in careers, sexuality and looking for his identity. Teenagers are the foundation of the nation's hope, the successor of the struggle, as well as the ongoing and ongoing development progress. Teenagers are tasked to equip themselves for a happy life, in association teenagers should have a good personality. During this period, adolescents experience personality formation, so they need guidance, especially from their parents so that teenagers' personalities are well formed according to their phases

    Pendampingan Pengelolaan Perpustakaan Masjid Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Informasi Umat (Pendampingan Pada Perpustakaan Masjid Ummi Alahan Panjang)

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    Perpustakaan Masjid merupakan jenis perpustakaan khusus karena koleksinya sebagian besar bersifat khusus bidang keagamaan. Salah satu unsur utama dari kegiatan perpustakaan adalah pembinaannya, pembinaan kepada setiap layanan perpustakaan merupakan point penting yang perlu diperhatikan secara berkesinambungan. Apalagi melihat begitu pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan meledaknya sumber informasi dalam bentuk elektronik. Maka dari itu penting untuk dilakukan pembinaan perpustakaan Masjid, sehingga pengelola perpustakaan  masjid dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi pengguna perpustakaan. Hal ini sangat bergantung pada kemampuan pengelola perpustakaan dalam mengakses informasi secara lebih luas, untuk mengikuti perkembangan informasi secara cepat. Pendampingan dilakukan pada Perpustakaan Masjid Ummi Alahan Panjang. Tujuan dari kegiatan pendampingan ini adalah  untuk menumbuh kembangkan serta membangun karakter positif pada diri setiap masyarakat melalui berbagai kegiatan literasi informasi khususnya terampil dalam penelusuran informasi. Tidak hanya itu, tujuan lain dari kegiatan literasi ini adalah untuk meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat terutama generasi muda, yang mana kecintaan terhadap kegiatan membaca ini juga akan berpengaruh pada wawasan dirinya. &nbsp


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated virtual transformation in various countries. Technological developments are increasingly sophisticated. Various innovations have sprung up in every government agency. This affects the accessibility of public services. This online service is the result of the implementation of E-Government. This study aims to determine the transformation of digital public services during the Covid-19 pandemic to realize E-Government within the Jambi City Regional Government. This study uses an observational research type. Forms of data collection with documents, observations and in-depth interviews then the researchers tested the credibility and carried out data analysis including data reduction, data presentation and research conclusions. The research design used is a qualitative research method. All data were obtained using analysis on various related literature. The results of the study show that if you want to realize the maximum e-government system in Jambi City, synergy is needed from various Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) related to data in the Jambi City Government. So that this digital government transformation is felt by the community, because if the government wants to rebuild public trust, then by increasing government transparency, accessibility, communication, and quality of service the community will feel directly.Pandemi COVID-19 turut mempercepat transformasi virtual di berbagai negara. Perkembangan teknologi semakin canggih. Berbagai inovasi yang bermunculan disetiap instansi pemerintahan sebagai alat pendukung tata kelola pemerintahan sehingga tujuan yang diharapkan tercapai dengan baik. Terwujudnya suatu tata kelola pemerintahan atau birokrasi yang baik (good governance) salah satunya dari hasil kualitas pelayanan publik yang diberikan kepada masyarakat oleh pemerintahnya. Hal ini mempengaruhi aksesibiltas pelayanan publik. Pelayanan secara konvensional yakni dengan bertatap muka secara langsung mulai dibatasi jumlahnya dan selebihnya dibantu oleh sistem secara online. Pelayanan secara online ini merupakan hasil penerapan dari E-Government. Pandemi Covid-19 mau tidak mau membuat birokrasi harus bisa memaksimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di sektor pemerintah. Hal ini mengingat kebijakan WFH (Work From Home) membuat ruang gerak menjadi terbatas. Untuk itu, pemerintah melakukan transformasi pelayanan publik dari model manual (konvensional) agar dapat diutamakan melalui perangkat elektronik (daring). Sejak pandemi Covid-19, aplikasi dan situs website terus dioptimalkan pemerintahan agar dapat memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian observasi. Bentuk pengumpulan data dengan dokumen, observasi dan wawancara mendalam kemudian peneliti menguji kredibilitas dan dilakukan analisis Data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan penelitian. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Seluruh data didapatkan menggunakan analisis pada berbagai literatur terkait. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa jika ingin mewujudkan sistem e-goverment secara maksimal di Kota Jambi maka diperlukan bersinergi dari berbagai Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) terkait data yang berada di Pemerintahan Kota Jambi. Sehingga transformasi pemerintah digital ini sangat dirasakan oleh masyarakat, dikarenakan jika pemerintah ingin membangun kembali kepercayaan masyarakat, maka dengan meningkatkan transparansi pemerintah, aksesibilitas, komunikasi, dan kualitas layanan yang dirasakan langsung oleh masyarakat.   Kata kunci: Transformasi, E-Government, Pelayanan Publi


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    The perpetrator's business can use the internet and digital marketing as a medium for support activities marketing , like For do promotion, buying and selling process. One of them is the emergence of online sites and applications internet-based _ used to help do activity sales or purchase products online. Study This is study descriptive quantitative aim _ To explain the influence Customer Experience and Customer Satisfaction as well as interest_use repeat consumers who have application Tix. Id . Population in research This is user application Tix.Id in Jambi City with sample as many as 75 respondents . Withdrawal sample use non-probability sampling with the technique purposive sampling . Data collection using google form. Deep data analysis techniques study This is Partial Least Square use application SmartPLS . Research results This show that : Customer Experience and Customer Satisfaction influential positive and significant to Interest  Use Repeat , Customer Experience influential positive and significant to Customer Satisfaction. CustomerExperience influence  interest use repeat through customer satisfaction as intervening variableTren penggunaan internet dan digital marketing ini dapat digunakan oleh para pelaku bisnis sebagai media untuk menunjang kegiatan-kegiatan pemasaran, seperti untuk melakukan promosi dan juga untuk proses pembelian dan penjualan. Salah satunya yaitu munculnya situs online serta aplikasi-aplikasi berbasis internet yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu melakukan kegiatan penjualan maupun pembelian produk secara online. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh Customer Experience dan Customer Satisfaction serta  minat  penggunaan ulang konsumen yang memiliki aplikasi Tix.Id. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pengguna aplikasi Tix.Id di Kota Jambi dengan sampel sebanyak 75 responden. Penarikan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan google form. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah Partial Least Square menggunakan aplikasi SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Customer Experience dan Customer Satisfaction berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Minat  Penggunaan Ulang, Customer Experience berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Customer Satisfaction. Customer Experience mempengaruhi  Minat Penggunaan Ulang melalui customer satisfaction sebagai variabel intervening


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    Usaha sablon merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang banyak berkembang di masyarakat. Bagi perajin sablon pemula yang mungkin tidak memiliki modal besar, kegiatan sablon dapat dilakukan secara manual. Sedangkan bagi perajin sablon yang telah berkembang akan menggunakan mesin yang lebih modern dalam produksinya. Upaya yang dilakukan industri ini agar selalu bisa going concern adalah dengan memahami dan menerapkan pemasaran modern, serta mampu menghitung dengan tepat harga pokok produksi berdasar job order costing. Artikel ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Perbanas Surabaya sebagai bentuk kepedulian pada masyarakat dan pengembangan pengetahuan. Pelatihan ini dilakukan terhadap usaha sablon yang berada di wilayah Bendul Merisi Surabaya. Melalui pelatihan ini, diharapkan para pelaku usaha mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pemasaran modern dan melakukan perhitungan harga pokok produksi berdasar job order costing. Perlu dilakukan pelatihan sejenis dengan pendampingan agar ilmu yang diperoleh dapat benar-benar diterapkan pada usaha sablon


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    ABSTRAKSapriani, Erida. 2017. Prosopography Perempuan Penyortir Biji Kopi di Koperasi Baitul Qiradh (KBQ) Baburrayan Kampung Weh Nareh Kecamatan Pegasing Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Tahun 2002-2016. Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1)Dr. Husaini, MA(2) Nurasiah, S.Pd, M.PdKata kunci: Prosopography Perempuan Penyortir, Kampung Weh NarehPenelitian ini mengangkat masalah tentang bagaimana latar belakang kehidupan perempuan penyortir biji kopi yang bekerja di Koperasi Baitul Qiradh dari tahun 2002-2016. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui latar belakang kehidupan perempuan penyortir biji kopi yang bekerja di Koperasi Baitul Qiradh (2) untuk mengetahui faktor yang menjadi motivasi para pekerja perempuan di Koperasi Baitul Qiradh sebagai penyortir biji kopi. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian historis (Historical Research).Dalam penelitian ini diperlukan metode sejarah karena metode sejarah menggunakan catatan observasi atau pengamatan orang lain yang tidak dapat diulang-ulang kembaliPengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tiga cara, yakni wawancara dengan informan, dokumentasi pada arsip kampung, dan observasi langsung ke koperasi Baitul Qiradh. Informan dalam penelitian ini meliputi perempuan penyortir kopi yang bekerja di Koperasi tersebut. Hasil dari Penelitian ini adalah (1) perempuan penyortir termasuk dalam kategori sejahtera jika dilihat dari pengeluaran rumah tangga, pendidikan anak, dan juga kehidupan ekonomi pada perempuan penyotir khususnya aset rumah yang sudah memadai. (2) Faktor yang mempengaruhi perempuan penyortir kopi bekerja di koperasi Baburayyan Kecamatan Pegasing Kabupaten Aceh Tengah (2002-2016) : pertama, faktor pendidikan penyortir rata-rata dari mereka tamatan SMP dan SMA, Kedua, faktor kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan nonformal yang disediakan oleh pihak pemerintahan. Ketiga, mereka memilih pekerjaan sebagai penyortir kopi dikarenakan ekonomi lemah

    Bridging between parasite genomic data and population processes: Trypanosome dynamics and the antigenic archive

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    Antigenic variation processes play a central role in parasite invasion and chronic infectious disease, and are likely to respond to host immune mechanisms and epidemiological characteristics. Whether changes in antigenic variation strategies lead to net positive or negative effects for parasite fitness is unclear. To improve our understanding of pathogen evolution, it is important to investigate the mechanisms by which pathogens regulate antigenic variant expression. This involves consideration of the complex interactions that occur between parasites and their hosts, and top-down and bottom-up factors that might drive changes in the genetic architecture of their antigenic archives. Increasing availability of pathogen genomic data offers new opportunities to understand the fundamental mechanisms of immune evasion and pathogen population dynamics during chronic infection. Motivated by the growing knowledge on the antigenic variation system of the sleeping sickness parasite, the African trypanosome, in this thesis, we present different models that analyze antigenic variation of this parasite at different biological scales, ranging from the within-host level, to between-host transmission, and finally the parasite genetics level. First, we describe mechanistically how the structure of the antigenic archive impacts the parasite population dynamics within a single host, and how it interplays with other within-host processes, such as parasite density-dependent differentiation into transmission life-stages and specific host immune responses. Our analysis focuses first on a single parasitaemia peak and then on the dynamics of multiple peaks that rely on stochastic switching between groups of parasite variants. We show that the interplay between the two types of parasite control within the host: specific and general, depends on the modular structure of the parasite antigenic archive. Our modelling reveals that the degree of synchronization in stochastic variant emergence (antigenic block size) determines the relative dominance of general over specific control within a single peak, and can divide infection scenarios into stationary and oscillatory regimes. A requirement for multiple-peak dynamics is a critical switch rate between blocks of antigenic variants, which depends on host characteristics, such as the immune delay, and implies constraints on variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) archive genetic diversification. Secondly, we study the interactions between the structure and function of the antigenic archive at the transmission level. By using nested modelling, we show that the genetic architecture of the archive has important consequences for pathogen fitness within and between hosts. We find host-dependent optimality criteria for the antigenic archive that arise as a result of typical trade-offs between parasite transmission and virulence. Our analysis suggests that different traits of the host population can select for different aspects of the antigenic archive, reinforcing the importance of host heterogeneity in the evolutionary dynamics of parasites. Variant-specific host immune competence is likely to select for larger antigenic block sizes. Parasite tolerance and host life-span are likely to select for whole archive expansion as more archive blocks provide the parasite with a fitness advantage. Within-host carrying capacity, resulting from density-dependent parasite regulation, is likely to impact the evolution of between-block switch rates in the antigenic archive. Our study illustrates the importance of quantifying the links between parasite genetics and within-host dynamics, and suggests that host body size might play a significant role in the evolution of trypanosomes. In Chapters 4 and 5 we consider the genetics behind trypanosome antigenic variation. Antigen switch rates are thought to depend on a range of genetic features, among which, the genetic identity between the switch-off and switch-on gene. The subfamily structure of the VSG archive is important in providing the conditions for this type of switching to occur. We develop a hidden Markov model to describe and estimate evolutionary processes generating clustered patterns of genetic identity between closely related gene sequences. Analysis of alignment data from high-identity VSG genes in the silent antigen gene archive of the African trypanosome identifies two scales of subfamily diversification: local clustering of sequence mismatches, a putative indicator of gene conversion events with other lower-identity donor genes in the archive, and the sparse scale of isolated mismatches, likely to arise from independent point mutations. In addition to quantifying the respective rates of these two processes, our method yields estimates for the gene conversion tract length distribution and the average diversity contributed locally by conversion events. Model fitting is conducted for a range of models using a Bayesian framework. We find that gene conversion events with lower-identity partners are at least 5 times less common than point mutations for VSG pairs, and the average imported conversion tract is short. However, due to the high frequency of mismatches in converted segments, the two processes have almost equal impact on the rate of sequence diversification between VSG sub-family members. We are able to disentangle the most likely locations of point mutations vs. conversions on each aligned gene pair. Finally we model VSG archive diversification at the global scale, as a result of opposing evolutionary forces: point mutation, which induces diversification, and gene conversion, which promotes global homogenization. By adopting stochastic simulation and theoretical approaches such as population genetics and the diffusion approximation, we find how the stationary identity configuration of the archive depends on mutation and conversion parameters. By fitting the theoretical form of the distribution to the current VSG archive configuration, we estimate the global rates of gene conversion and point mutation. The relative dominance of mutation as an evolutionary force quantifies the high divergence propensity of VSG genes in response to host immune pressures. The success of our models in describing realistic infection patterns and making predictions about the fitness consequences of the parasite antigenic archive illustrates the advantage of using integrative approaches that bridge between different biological scales. Even though quantifying the genetic signatures of antigenic variation remains a challenging task, cross-disciplinary analyses and mechanistic modelling of parasite genomic data can help in this direction, to better understand parasite evolution

    The Role of Principal's Power and Teacher Empowerment

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    Principals are a key factor on various aspects of schooling, and teachers play a determinant role on student’s achievement. Several statistical studies have shown this significance. Fewer findings are about the power relationship that exists between the principal and the teachers. The role of effective use of power and empowerment initiatives is not clear. This paper focuses on investigating the relationship among the principal's bases of power, and the role of power in effective teacher and teacher empowerment. For the current study, the primary data source used was a survey. The sample comprised of 20 principals and 100 teachers in High Schools in Albania. Results of the study indicate that correlation exists between ‘‘staying on top’’ and level of power. Findings show also that there does not exist a general organizational climate that encourages empowerment and delegation The data suggests that most teachers perceive their principals as operating from a legitimate power base