704 research outputs found

    Measuring the Speed of Sound of Quintessence

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    Quintessence, a time-varying energy component that may account for the accelerated expansion of the universe, can be characterized by its equation of state and sound speed. In this paper, we show that if the quintessence density is at least one percent of the critical density at the surface of last scattering the cosmic microwave background anisotropy can distinguish between models whose sound speed is near the speed of light versus near zero, which could be useful in distinguishing competing candidates for dark energy

    Cross-Sectional Survey of Perceived Barriers Among Community Pharmacists Who Do Not Immunize, in Wayne County, Michigan

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    Introduction: The goal of the study was to identify perceived barriers to implementation of vaccination services encountered by independent and small-chain community pharmacies in an urban setting. Methods: Pharmacists in independent and small-chain pharmacies located in 29 Michigan ZIP codes were visited and asked to complete a 5- to 10-min semi-structured interview. Results: A total of 93 independent and 12 small-chain pharmacies participated (n = 105; 61%). The pharmacies filled an average of 700 prescriptions each week with 1.1 pharmacist full-time equivalents and 57 h of technician time. The most common services that participating pharmacies provided were dispensing outpatient medication (99%), medication therapy management (MTM, 65.7%), disease management or coaching (54.3%), point-of-care testing (34.3%), and dispensing medications to inpatient facilities (16.2%). Only seven pharmacies (6.7%) administered vaccinations. When pharmacists were asked to identify what it would take to start to administer vaccines, the most common responses were increased demand from patients (37.1%), adequate time (19%), appropriate space (17.1%), appropriate amount of staff (14.3%), change in attitudes or beliefs of the owner or pharmacists at that pharmacy (13.3%), increased profit related to vaccines (11.4%), and increased awareness among patients about the importance of vaccines (11.4%). The majority of pharmacies (65.3%) reported that only one factor would need to change to start to administer vaccines. Conclusion: Independent and small-chain community pharmacies in an urban, primarily low-income area identified several barriers that have prevented implementation of vaccination services. However, the majority of pharmacies reported that only one factor would need to change in order to begin to administer vaccines. Interventional efforts necessary to address commonly cited barriers may include providing education to pharmacists about the need for community pharmacy-based immunization programs in addition to services provided by physician offices, as well as the importance of proactively providing immunization-related recommendations to patients

    The value of the human

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    A compact optofluidic microscope

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    We demonstrate a novel optical imaging device that can be directly integrated into a microfluidic network, and therefore enables on-chip imaging in a microfluidic system. This micro imaging device, termed optofluidic microscope (OFM) is free of bulk optics and is based on a nanohole array defined in a non-transmissive metallic layer that is patterned onto the floor of the microfluidic channel. The operation of the optofluidic microscope will be explained in details and its performance is examined by using a popular animal model, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). Images from a large population of nematode worms are efficiently acquired within a short time frame. The quality of the OFM images of C. elegans and the morphological characteristics revealed therein are evaluated. Two groups of early-stage C. elegans larvae, wild-type and dpy-24 are successfully separated even though their morphological difference at the larval stage is subtle. The experimental results support our claim that the methodology described therein can be effectively used to develop a powerful tool for fulfilling high-resolution, high-throughput imaging task in microfluidics-based systems

    Habitat Selection by Small Mammals on the Shoreline of a Flood Control Lake in South-Central Iowa

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    An unusually high water level on a flood control lake shore in Iowa altered the species composition, relative density and spatial relationships of most small mammals. Peromyscus maniculatus disappeared from the study site during flooding but was the earliest invader after water had receded. A few Reithrodontomys megalotis also returned. Sorex cincereus and Blarina brevicauda did not immediately reinhabit recently flooded areas. Miccrotus ochrogaster disappeared from the site. Peromyscus leucopus and M. pennsylvanicus persisted on the unaffected portion during flooding. Both P. maniculatus and P. leucopus reestablished spatial relationships similar to those prior to flooding as vegetation returned

    Multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements, safety implications, and performance outcomes: a brief review

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    In recent years, a new class of dietary supplements called multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements (MIPS) has increased in popularity. These supplements are intended to be taken prior to exercise and typically contain a blend of ingredients such as caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, amino acids, and nitric oxide agents, the combination of which may elicit a synergistic effect on acute exercise performance and subsequent training adaptations compared to single ingredients alone. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to review the theoretical rationale and available scientific evidence assessing the potential ergogenic value of acute and chronic ingestion of MIPS, to address potential safety concerns surrounding MIPS supplementation, and to highlight potential areas for future research. Though direct comparisons between formulations of MIPS or between a MIPS and a single ingredient are challenging and often impossible due to the widespread use of “proprietary blends” that do not disclose specific amounts of ingredients in a given formulation, a substantial body of evidence suggests that the acute pre-exercise consumption of MIPS may positively influence muscular endurance and subjective mood, though mixed results have been reported regarding the acute effect of MIPS on force and power production. The chronic consumption of MIPS in conjunction with a periodized resistance training program appears to augment beneficial changes in body composition through increased lean mass accretion. However, the impact of long-term MIPS supplementation on force production, muscular endurance, aerobic performance, and subjective measures is less clear. MIPS ingestion appears to be relatively safe, though most studies that have assessed the safety of MIPS are relatively short (less than eight weeks) and thus more information is needed regarding the safety of long-term supplementation. As with any dietary supplement, the use of MIPS carries implications for the athlete, as many formulations may intentionally contain banned substances as ingredients or unintentionally as contaminants. We suggest that athletes thoroughly investigate the ingredients present in a given MIPS prior to consumption. In conclusion, it appears that multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements have promise as an ergogenic aid for active individuals, though further information is required regarding long-term efficacy and safety in a wider variety of populations

    Leveraging telehealth supportive oncology services to combat COVID-19 isolation in breast cancer patients: A cancer center’s perspective

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, breast cancer patient in-person visits were converted to telehealth visits. Given our concerns about increased isolation amongst breast cancer patients during the pandemic, and the deleterious effects of such isolation on patient outcomes, we investigated utilization rates of psycho-social services amongst newly diagnosed breast cancer patients at our institution. We explored visit platforms (telehealth versus in-person) and time points prior to and encompassing the early pandemic. Despite decreased new breast cancer visits, there was a greater than 2-fold increase in supportive oncology service encounters in breast cancer patients during COVID-19 suggesting increased need for psycho-oncology resources. While services had not been offered virtually prior to the pandemic, the majority of the supportive oncology visits were conducted via telehealth during the initial months (73%) and year (59%) of the pandemic. 89% of breast cancer patients accessing psycho-social services were in-state patients, and service utilization increased amongst rural and urban residents during the pandemic. Total numbers of rural patients receiving supportive oncology services remained low compared to numbers of urban patients, however, though virtual visits predominated. While the number of out-of-state patients accessing psycho-oncology services during the pandemic was low, there was a 5-fold increase in psycho-social service utilization in this group during the pandemic. The majority of these visits were in-person. Telehealth services can be used to extend psycho-social support to breast cancer patients and combat the experience of isolation exacerbated by the pandemic. Virtual visits can be further utilized to increase outreach to rural and out-of-state patients. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Innovation & Technology lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://theberylinstitute.org/experience-framework/). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens

    Protracted growth impedes the detection of sexual dimorphism in non-avian dinosaurs

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    Evidence for sexual dimorphism is extremely limited in the non-avian dinosaurs despite their high diversity and disparity, and despite the fact that dimorphism is very common in vertebrate lineages of all kinds. Using body-size data from both Alligator mississippiensis and Rhea americana, which phylogenetically bracket the dinosaurs, we demonstrate that even when there is strong dimorphism in a species, random sampling of populations of individuals characterized by sustained periods of growth (as in the alligator and most dinosaurs) can result in the loss of this signal. Dimorphism may be common in fossil taxa but very hard to detect without ontogenetic age control and large sample sizes, both of which are hampered by the limitations of the fossil record. Signal detection may be further hindered by Type III survivorship, whereby increased mortality among the young favours the likelihood that they will be sampled (unless predation or taphonomic bias against small size acts against this). These, and other considerations relating to behaviour and ecology, provide powerful reasons to suggest that sexual dimorphism in dinosaurs may be very difficult to detect in almost all currently available samples. Similar issues are likely also to be applicable to many fossil reptiles, or animals more generally

    Kasner and Mixmaster behavior in universes with equation of state w \ge 1

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    We consider cosmological models with a scalar field with equation of state w≥1w\ge 1 that contract towards a big crunch singularity, as in recent cyclic and ekpyrotic scenarios. We show that chaotic mixmaster oscillations due to anisotropy and curvature are suppressed, and the contraction is described by a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann equation if w>1w>1. We generalize the results to theories where the scalar field couples to p-forms and show that there exists a finite value of ww, depending on the p-forms, such that chaotic oscillations are suppressed. We show that Z2Z_2 orbifold compactification also contributes to suppressing chaotic behavior. In particular, chaos is avoided in contracting heterotic M-theory models if w>1w>1 at the crunch.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, references adde

    NFIRAOS: TMT facility adaptive optics with conventional DMs

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    Although many of the instruments planned for the TMT (Thirty Meter Telescope) have their own closely-coupled adaptive optics systems, TMT will also have a facility Adaptive Optics (AO) system feeding three instruments on the Nasmyth platform. For this Narrow-Field Infrared Adaptive Optics System, NFIRAOS (pronounced nefarious), the TMT project considered two architectures. One, described in this paper, employs conventional deformable mirrors with large diameters of about 300 mm and this is the reference design adopted by the TMT project. An alternative design based on MEMS was also studied, and is being presented separately in this conference. The requirements for NFIRAOS include 0.8-5 microns wavelength range, 30 arcsecond diameter output field of view (FOV), excellent sky coverage, and diffraction- limited atmospheric turbulence compensation (specified at 133 nm RMS including residual telescope and science instrument errors.) The reference design for NFIRAOS includes multiple sodium laser guide stars over a 70 arcsecond FOV, and an infrared tip/tilt/focus/astigmatism natural guide star sensor within instruments. Larger telescopes require greater deformable mirror (DM) stroke. Although initially NFIRAOS will correct a 10 arcsecond science field, it uses two deformable mirrors in series, partly to provide sufficient stroke for atmospheric correction over the 30 m telescope aperture, but mainly to partially correct a 2 arcminute diameter "technical" field to sharpen near-IR natural guide stars and improve sky coverage. The planned upgrade to full performance includes replacing the groundconjugated DM with a higher actuator density, and using a deformable telescope secondary mirror as a "woofer." NFIRAOS incorporates an instrument rotator and selection of three live instruments: a near-Infrared integral field Imaging spectrograph, a near-infrared echelle spectrograph, and after upgrading NFIRAOS to full multi-conjugation, a wide field (30 arcsecond) infrared camera
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