91 research outputs found
Comparison of two combinations of opioid and non-opioid analgesics for acute periradicular abscess: a randomized clinical trial
Acute periradicular abscess is a condition characterized by the formation and propagation of pus in the periapical tissues and generally associated with debilitating pain. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the overall analgesic effectiveness of two combinations of opioid and non-opioid analgesics for acute periradicular abscess. Material and Methods: This study included 26 patients who sought emergency care in a Brazilian dental school. The patients were randomly divided into two groups: Co/Ac - oral prescription of codeine (30 mg) plus acetaminophen (500 mg), every 4 h, for 3 days or Tr/Ac - oral prescription of tramadol hydrochloride (37.5 mg) plus acetaminophen (500 mg) on the same schedule. Two factors were evaluated: (1) pain scores recorded by the patients in a pain diary 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after treatment, using the Visual Analogue Scale; and (2) the occurrence of adverse effects. Results: In both groups, there was a reduction in pain scores over time. For the Co/Ac group, there was a significant reduction in the scores 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours after treatment (
Morphological and yield responses of 'BRS Vitória' grapevines subjected to bio-fertigation with aquaculture wastewater
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas agronômicas de videiras 'BRS Vitória' submetidas à nutribioirrigação com e sem adubação convencional. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos e 18 repetições. Os tratamentos foram: TC, adubação e irrigação convencionais; TNC, nutribioirrigação e adubação; e TN, apenas nutribioirrigação. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: diâmetros do porta-enxerto e do enxerto; crescimento da planta; número de botões laterais; teores de amido na raiz, na folha, no pecíolo e nas gemas; número por planta, comprimento, circunferência e massa fresca dos cachos; número por cacho, comprimento, diâmetro, massa fresca, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e pH das frutas; produção; e teores de macro e micronutrientes nas folhas. De 100 a 150 dias após o transplantio (DAT), os diâmetros do porta-enxerto e do enxerto foram similares, tendo aumentando de 250 a 300 DAT no TC. O maior teor de amido na raiz foi de 7,19% no TN aos 150 DAT e de 37,35% no TNC aos 300 DAT. As plantas no TNC apresentaram os melhores resultados para número por planta e massa fresca dos cachos, o que resultou em produção 22% superior à obtida nos demais tratamentos. A videira 'BRS Vitória' apresenta desempenho agronômico satisfatório quando submetida à nutribioirrigação.The objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic responses of 'BRS Vitória' grapevines under bio-fertigation with and without conventional soil fertilizer. A completely randomized design was used, with three treatments and 18 replicates. The treatments were: CFI, conventional soil fertilizer and irrigation; BF+CF, bio-fertigation and conventional fertilizer; and BF, only bio-fertigation. The following variables were evaluated: graft and rootstock diameters; plant growth; number of lateral buds; root, leaf, petiole, and gem starch contents; bunch number per plant, length, circumference, and fresh weight; berry number per bunch, length, diameter, fresh weight, soluble solid contents, titratable acidity, and pH; yield; and leaf macro- and micronutrient contents. From 100 to 150 days after transplanting (DAT), rootstock and graft diameters were similar, increasing from 250 to 300 DAT in the CFI treatment. The highest root starch content was 7.19% in BF at 150 DAT and 37.35% in BF+CF at 300 DAT. The plants in BF+CF showed the best results for bunch number per plant and fresh weight, resulting in a fruit yield 22% higher than that obtained in the other treatments. 'BRS-Vitória' grapevines show a satisfactory agronomic performance when bio-fertigated
Influência do grau de curvatura radicular na obturação de canais radiculares de molares
A qualidade da obturação é um dos fatores que influenciam diretamente no prognóstico do tratamento de canais radiculares. Dessa forma, é possível estabelecer um critério de previsibilidade de sucesso endodôntico com base na qualidade da imagem radiográfica da obturação. Objetivo: Verificar a correlação do grau de curvatura de raízes mesiais de molares com a qualidade da obturação dos canais radiculares em tratamentos endodônticos realizados por alunos de graduação, pela técnica manual de instrumentação. Material e métodos: Foram incluídos no estudo 108 molares tratados por alunos do último ano do curso de Odontologia, pela técnica coroa-ápice e obturados pela técnica clássica de condensação lateral da guta-percha. A radiografia final de obturação seguiu a técnica do paralelismo em posição ortorradial. Por intermédio dessas radiografias, foi traçado o grau de curvatura das raízes mesiais dos molares, pelo método de Schneider [38]. O grau de curvatura foi correlacionado com cada uma das variáveis independentes: extensão, densidade e conicidade da obturação, além da ocorrência de acidentes. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste estatístico de correlação não paramétrica (Spearman), para verificar a relação entre as variáveis estudadas. Resultados: De acordo com o teste de Spearman, quanto maior a angulação, maior a distância da obturação ao ápice (P = 0,00197, r2 = 0,307), da mesma forma que, quanto maior a angulação, menor a conicidade alcançada no preparo dos canais radiculares (P = 0,0422, r2 = 0,204). Não houve correlação significante entre angulação e densidade das obturações (P = 0,446) ou ocorrência de acidentes (P = 0,0938). Conclusão: O grau de curvatura radicular interfere significativamente na obtenção de uma conicidade e extensão adequadas da obturação dos canais radiculares
Amebiasis in a Backyard Red-Foot Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria)
Background: Amebiasis is a parasitic infection caused by obligate or facultative amoeboid protozoans, as well as free-living forms. The genus Entamoeba includes both pathogenic and commensal species that can affect humans and animals. Entamoeba histolytica is the most important species associated with intestinal and extraintestinal infections in humans, while Entamoeba invadens is considered the most common and serious pathogen to many reptile species, including lizards, snakes and crocodilians. The aim of this manuscript is to report a case of amebiasis in a backyard red-foot tortoise in northeastern Brazil.Case: A 10-month-old male red-foot tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) was presented at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital of Federal University of Campina Grande for necropsy with a 1-week history of anorexia, apathy, and reluctance to move. According to the owner, the animal suffered from heat stress in the backyard, where it was housed with another male red-foot tortoise. At post-mortem examination, there were approximately 1 mL of yellowish viscous transudate in the coelomic cavity. The liver was large, with rounded edges and multifocal to coalescing yellowish areas in the subcapsular surface. When cut, the parenchyma was more friable and yellowish. At the opening of the small intestine, the mucosa was thickened, reddened, and contained many variably sized, dark red ulcers with depressed and hemorrhagic centers. Histopathology of the liver reveals diffuse macro and microvacuolar degeneration of the hepatocyte cytoplasm, often displacing the nucleus peripherally (fatty degeneration). There were extensive and multifocal areas of necrosis characterized by shrunken, hypereosinophilic and pyknotic hepatocytes. Amebic trophozoites were seen through the areas of necrosis and degeneration and the morphological features were suggestive of the genus Entamoeba. In the portal triads and slightly extending to the sinusoidal spaces, there is a moderate inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells and rare heterophils. There were amebic trophozoites and thrombi in hepatic vessels, and mild intracanalicular cholestasis. The small intestine contained areas of transmural necrosis and ulceration associated with inflammatory infiltrate of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. The ulcers were covered by a thick fibrinonecrotic exudate mixed with a varying number of heterophils and macrophages. The submucosa contained hemorrhage and edema. Similar amebic trophozoites were found within the mucosa and submucosa, and also detected in the lumens of blood vessels at the submucosa. The amebic trophozoites, seen in the liver and intestine, were intensely Periodic acid–Schiff positive.Discussion: The diagnosis of amebiasis was based on the epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological findings. Amebiasis is a well-recognized disease that usually is diagnosed post-mortem in numerous species of reptiles. Unfortunately, there are no scientific articles describing these cases in Brazil. In reptiles, the major pathogenic specie is Entamoeba invadens, while several other species are considered non-pathogenic, such as E. barreti, E. insolita, E. terrapinae, E. ctenosaurae, and E. knowlesi, among others. Although cultivation of E. invadens was not undertaken, the anatomopathological findings and the morphological appearance of the agent is highly suggestive of infection with this organism. In conclusion, amebiasis is a severe infectious disease that can affect young red-footed tortoises under adverse environmental conditions. Clinical signs are nonspecific and may be difficult to identify. The diagnosis is usually made post-mortem by anatomopathological findings and the morphological appearance of the agent
Pulp Tissue Dissolution Capacity of Sodium Hypochlorite Combined with Cetrimide and Polypropylene Glycol
This study evaluated the influence of the addition of cetrimide and polypropylene glycol to sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on its capacity to dissolve pulp tissue. Bovine pulp fragments with standardized weight and volume were immersed for 5, 15 and 30 min in 2 mL of NaOCl and Hypoclean (NaOCl added with cetrimide and polypropylene glycol) solutions at 5.25%, 2.5%, 1%, 0.5% and 0.25% and afterwards re-weighted. Distilled water was used as a control. The percentage of tissue loss was considered for statistical analysis (univariate ANOVA, SPSS, v. 17.0) at 5% significance level. There was no tissue dissolution in the control group. NaOCl added with surfactants (Hypoclean) dissolved more pulp tissue (p<0.05) than NaOCl alone. Tissue dissolution was directly dependent on the concentration of solutions (p<0.05), and also on the time range (p<0.05). The combination of NaOCl at high and low concentrations with the surfactants cetrimide and polypropylene glycol increased significantly its capacity to dissolve pulp tissue
Electromagnetic Behavior of Cu and Ni Nanofilms in the X-band
Currently, the presence of spurious microwave radiation is increasing in the environment, which has caused concern due to possible health problems in living beings and electromagnetic interference in electronic systems. To control this problem, studies in the materials area are taking place, aiming to attenuate the spurious radiation and meet requirements of good performance in broadband, low cost and low weight. The present work aimed to study Cu and Ni nanometric films with thicknesses of 65 and 200 nm, deposited on polyethylene terephthalate substrate by magnetron sputtering. Scanning electron microscopy with a field emission gun (FEGSEM) showed that the films produced have different morphological textures, due to the parameters used in the sputtering process and also the free energy of metals. Impedance spectroscopy measurements showed that the films have low conductivity values, due to the metallic oxides formed on the film surfaces, confirmed by X-ray diffraction, and also to the presence of defects. Electromagnetic characterization (8.2 – 12.4 GHz) showed that the Cu and Ni thin films had low performance, except the Ni_200 nm film, which showed a total shielding efficiency of about 30% in broadband. This result is promising considering the nanometric thickness of the Ni film
Efeito da irrigação subgengival com seringa e ultrassônica passiva nos níveis de IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF-? na periodontite experimental em ratos / Effect of subgingival syringe irrigation and passive ultrasonic irrigation on IL-1?, IL-6 and TNF-? levels in experimental periodontitis in rats
Introdução: A persistência de sítios com doença periodontal após raspagem e alisamento radicular desencadeou a realização de estudos buscando um tratamento complementar. Considerando a melhor eficácia da irrigação ultrassônica na endodontia, buscou-se adaptar essa técnica na periodontia. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a irrigação subgengival com seringa (IS) e/ou a irrigação subgengival ultrassônica passiva (ISUP) com soro fisiológico (SF), hipoclorito de sódio (HS) e extrato de própolis (PRO) influencia na concentração de Il-1?, IL-6 e TNF-? em periodontite experimental induzida em ratos. Métodos: Periodontite Experimental foi induzida com ligadura nos primeiros molares inferiores de 35 ratos Wistar. Após 14 dias, as ligaduras foram removidas, e os animais submetidos à raspagem, seguido por IS no lado esquerdo e ISUP no direito, com SF 0,9%, HS 0,1% e PRO 11%. Os animais foram sacrificados 2 dias após o tratamento e submetidos a análise ELISA para avaliação dos níveis das citocinas IL-1?, IL-6 e TNF-?. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística com nível de significância (?) de 5%.Resultados: A IL-1? aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante no grupo raspagem (p=0,015) e reduziu no grupo de IS com HS (p=0,016). A IL-6 reduziu nos grupos de IS com SF, HS e PRO em relação ao grupo raspagem (p=0,007) e aumentou de forma estatisticamente significante no grupo ISUP em relação à IS (p=0,033). O TNF-? e as soluções irrigantes não apresentaram diferença estatística entre os grupos. Conclusão: As técnicas de irrigação com seringa associadas à raspagem apresentaram uma redução da concentração das citocinas inflamatórias quando comparadas ao tratamento somente de raspagem.
To analyze the importance of breast milk for infant growth and development using scientific evidence. Methods: This is a qualitative integrative literature review. The search for studies involved in the research was carried out in the following databases: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF and MEDLINE, using the health sciences descriptors: "Breastfeeding", "Health promotion" and "Child health". The inclusion criteria were: published between 2014 and 2024, with free access to full texts, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish and related to the theme. Exclusion criteria were: duplicate articles, incomplete articles, abstracts, reviews, debates, articles published in event proceedings and unavailable in full. Results: Through breastfeeding, physical well-being can be established, where the child feels cozy, in addition to this feeling of protection and skin-to-skin contact, this practice has a very positive impact. Conclusion: It can be concluded that breastfeeding is important for the child's development, especially in the first six months of life. It also provides the right nutrients in the right quantities for the child.Analisar por meio das evidências cientificas a importância do leite materno para o crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura de caráter qualitativo. A busca dos trabalhos envolvidos na pesquisa foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: SCIELO, LILACS, BDENF e MEDLINE, a partir dos descritores em ciências da saúde: “Aleitamento materno”, “Promoção da saúde” e “Saúde da criança”. Os critérios de inclusão foram: publicados no período entre 2014 e 2024, cujo acesso ao periódico era livre aos textos completos, artigos em idioma português, inglês e espanhol e relacionados a temática. Critérios de exclusão foram: artigos duplicados, incompletos, resumos, resenhas, debates, artigos publicados em anais de eventos e indisponíveis na íntegra. Resultados: Por meio da amamentação pode se estabelecer o bem estar físico, onde a criança se sente aconchegado, além dessa sensação de proteção e contato pele a pele, essa prática exercer um impacto bastante positivo. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a prática do aleitamento materno é importante para o desenvolvimento da criança principalmente nos primeiros seis meses de vida. Além disso, ele possui os nutrientes corretos e em quantidades certas para a criança
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