2,065 research outputs found

    Security of infantile attachment as assessed in the strange situation: its study and biological intrepretation

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    We study the Ainsworth \u27Strange Situation\u27 procedure to assess attachment between infant and parent, and intrepret individual variation in terms of modern human behavioral ecology ( sociobiology

    Multi-messenger astronomy with a Southern-Hemisphere gravitational-wave observatory

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    Joint observations of gravitational waves and electromagnetic counterparts will answer questions about cosmology, gamma-ray bursts, and the behaviour of matter at supranuclear densities. The addition of a Southern-Hemisphere gravitational-wave observatory to proposed global networks creates a longer baseline, which is beneficial for sky localisation. We analyse how an observatory in Australia can enhance the multi-messenger astronomy capabilities of future networks. We estimate the number of binary neutron star mergers with joint observations of gravitational waves and kilonova counterparts detectable by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. First, we consider a network of upgrades to current observatories. Adding an Australian observatory to a three-observatory network (comprising two observatories in the USA and one in Europe) boosts the rate of joint observations from 2.52.0+4.52.5^{+4.5}_{-2.0} per year to 5.64.5+105.6^{+10}_{-4.5} per year (a factor of two improvement). Then, we consider a network of next-generation observatories. Adding a 2020 km Australian observatory to a global network of a Cosmic Explorer 4040 km in the USA and an Einstein Telescope in Europe only marginally increases the rate from 4032+7140^{+71}_{-32} per year to 4435+7944^{+79}_{-35} per year (a factor of 1.1 improvement). The addition of an Australian observatory, however, ensures that at least two observatories are online far more often. When the Cosmic Explorer 4040 km is offline for a major upgrade, the Australian observatory increases the joint observation rate from 0.50.4+0.80.5^{+0.8}_{-0.4} per year to 3830+6838^{+68}_{-30} per year (a factor of 82 improvement). When the Einstein Telescope is offline, the joint observation rate increases from 0.20.1+0.30.2^{+0.3}_{-0.1} per year to 1915+3419^{+34}_{-15} per year (a factor of 113 improvement). We sketch out the broader science case for a Southern-Hemisphere gravitational-wave observatory.Comment: v1, 13 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to PRD on August 24 202

    Do clinical decision-support reminders for medical providers improve isoniazid preventative therapy prescription rates among HIV-positive adults? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: This document describes a research protocol for a study designed to estimate the impact of implementing a reminder system for medical providers on the use of isoniazid preventative therapy (IPT) for adults living with HIV in western Kenya. People living with HIV have a 5% to 10% annual risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB) once infected with TB bacilli, compared to a 5% lifetime risk in HIV-negative people with latent TB infection. Moreover, people living with HIV have a 20-fold higher risk of dying from TB. A growing body of literature suggests that IPT reduces overall TB incidence and is therefore of considerable benefit to patients and the larger community. However, in 2009, of the estimated 33 million people living with HIV, only 1.7 million (5%) were screened for TB, and about 85,000 (0.2%) were offered IPT. METHODS/DESIGN: This study will examine the use of clinical decision-support reminders to improve rates of initiation of preventative treatment in a TB/HIV co-morbid population living in a TB endemic area. This will be a pragmatic, parallel-group, cluster-randomized superiority trial with a 1:1 allocation to treatment ratio. For the trial, 20 public medical facilities that use clinical summary sheets generated from an electronic medical records system will participate as clusters. All HIV-positive adult patients who complete an initial encounter at a study cluster and at least one return encounter during the study period will be included in the study cohort. The primary endpoint will be IPT prescription at 3 months post the initial encounter. We will conduct both individual-level and cluster-level analyses. Due to the nature of the intervention, the trial will not be blinded. This study will contribute to the growing evidence base for the use of electronic health interventions in low-resource settings to promote high-quality clinical care, health system optimization and positive patient outcomes. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01934309, registered 29 August 2013

    Structural and Functional Consequences of the Weak Binding of Chlorin e6 to Bovine Rhodopsin.

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    The chlorophyll-derivative chlorin e6 (Ce6) identified in the retinas of deep-sea ocean fish is proposed to play a functional role in red bioluminescence detection. Fluorescence and 1 H NMR spectroscopy studies with the bovine dim-light photoreceptor, rhodopsin, indicate that Ce6 weakly binds to it with μm affinity. Absorbance spectra prove that red light sensitivity enhancement is not brought about by a shift in the absorbance maximum of rhodopsin. 19 F NMR experiments with samples where 19 F labels are either placed at the cytoplasmic binding site or incorporated as fluorinated retinal indicate that the cytoplasmic domain is highly perturbed by binding, while little to no changes are detected near the retinal. Binding of Ce6 also inhibits G-protein activation. Chemical shift changes in 1 H-15 N NMR spectroscopy of 15 N-Trp labeled bovine rhodopsin reveal that Ce6 binding perturbs the entire structure. These results provide experimental evidence that Ce6 is an allosteric modulator of rhodopsin

    UVUDF: Ultraviolet Imaging of the Hubble Ultradeep Field with Wide-field Camera 3

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    We present an overview of a 90-orbit Hubble Space Telescope treasury program to obtain near ultraviolet imaging of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field using the Wide Field Camera 3 UVIS detector with the F225W, F275W, and F336W filters. This survey is designed to: (i) Investigate the episode of peak star formation activity in galaxies at 1<z<2.5; (ii) Probe the evolution of massive galaxies by resolving sub-galactic units (clumps); (iii) Examine the escape fraction of ionizing radiation from galaxies at z~2-3; (iv) Greatly improve the reliability of photometric redshift estimates; and (v) Measure the star formation rate efficiency of neutral atomic-dominated hydrogen gas at z~1-3. In this overview paper, we describe the survey details and data reduction challenges, including both the necessity of specialized calibrations and the effects of charge transfer inefficiency. We provide a stark demonstration of the effects of charge transfer inefficiency on resultant data products, which when uncorrected, result in uncertain photometry, elongation of morphology in the readout direction, and loss of faint sources far from the readout. We agree with the STScI recommendation that future UVIS observations that require very sensitive measurements use the instrument's capability to add background light through a "post-flash". Preliminary results on number counts of UV-selected galaxies and morphology of galaxies at z~1 are presented. We find that the number density of UV dropouts at redshifts 1.7, 2.1, and 2.7 is largely consistent with the number predicted by published luminosity functions. We also confirm that the image mosaics have sufficient sensitivity and resolution to support the analysis of the evolution of star-forming clumps, reaching 28-29th magnitude depth at 5 sigma in a 0.2 arcsecond radius aperture depending on filter and observing epoch.Comment: Accepted A

    第647回千葉医学会例会・第5回千葉大学小児外科教室例会 6.

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    <p>(A) A schematic describing the experimental process used to test the four cell separation techniques. A single tumor from each PDX line was processed using a gentleMACS<sup>™</sup> Octo Dissociator to obtain a single cell suspension comprising a heterogeneous mixture of human cells (blue) and mouse cells (orange). The suspension was divided in five samples. The pre-sort sample received no further processing. The remaining 4 tubes were processed using each method to obtain separate human and mouse cell populations. Each resulting human fraction and the pre-sort sample were analyzed using ssPAL. (B) ssPAL analysis results for primer pair 5 and 43 were averaged together to obtain the human DNA percentage for each separation method. After performing ssPAL analysis, results indicate that on average, MCD yields the highest sample purity over FACS, EpCAM-M and EpCAM-SC. The starting amount of murine stromal contamination also influences the effectiveness of the kit used, with EpCAM-M and EpCAM-SC performing poorly with higher initial murine content. Error bars represent standard error.</p

    The Charles Lamb Bulletin 174 (Winter) 2021

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    Winter edition of the Charles and Mary Lamb Journal, The Charles Lamb Bulletin