14 research outputs found

    İnvestigation of the effects of frequent hazelnut consumption on serum Na, K, Cl, Fe, Ca levels and hemostatic parameters

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    AMAÇ: Yurdumuzda yaygın olarak yetiştirilen, 'Corylus avellana' cinsinden olan fındık; E vitamini, niasin, kalsiyum (Ca), magnezyum (Mg) ve potasyum (K) gibi mineralleri içeren önemli bir besin olup son yıllarda fındığın kalp damar hastalıkları açısından olumlu etkileri çesitli çalısmalarda gösterilmistir. Amacımız literatürde sık fındık tüketimi olarak belirtilen miktardaki fındığın 7 gün boyunca tüketiminin serum sodyum (Na), klor (Cl), demir (Fe), K ve Ca düzeylerine ve lökosit, eritrosit, hemoglobin, hematokrit, fibrinojen gibi hematolojik parametreler üzerine etkisini incelemekti. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEMLER: 25 sağlıklı bireyin gönüllü olarak 7 gün boyunca günde ortalama 20 g fındık yemesi sağlandı. Diyet kısıtlaması yapılmadı. Fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olan ve olmayan kişiler ayrı ayrı değerlerlendirildi. Fındık tüketimi öncesi ve sonrasında sabah açlık kan örnekleri alındı. Serum parametreleri 747 Hitachi otoanalizöründe Roche kitleri, hematolojik testler ise BCS tam otomatik koagulometre ve Dade- Behring kitleri kullanılarak tayin edildi. BULGULAR: Fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olan ve olmayan kişilerde, 7 günlük düzenli fındık tüketiminden sonra serum Na, Cl, Ca değerleri anlamlı derecede azalırken, total demir bağlama kapasitesi (TDBK) anlamlı derecede arttı. Yedi günlük düzenli fındık tüketimi sonucu, fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olmayanlarda hemoglobin ve hematokrit değerleri azalırken, fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olanlarda fibrinojen değerlerinde anlamlı artış götürüldü.Ancak bütün bu değişimler normal sınırlar içindeydi. SONUÇ: Fındığın, kan lipidleri dışında, hemostatik sistem ve mineral dengesi üzerine etkilerini inceleyen uzun dönemli çalışmalar, ülkemizde yaygın olarak yetişen ve tüketilen bu besin maddesinin etkilerinin açığa çıkmasını sağlayacaktır.OBJECTIVE: Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) widely raised and used in Turkey, is an important source of vitamin E, niacin, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K). Recently, beneficial effects of hazelnut consumption in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases have been shown in several studies. Our aim was to investigate the effects of frequent hazelnut consumption on serum sodium (Na), K, chloride (Cl), iron (Fe) and Ca levels and hematological parameters such as leucocyte, eritrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit and fibrinogen levels. MATERIAL and METHODS: 25 volunteer healthy subjects were advised to eat 20 g/day hazelnut for 7 days without diet restriction. Subjects that consume nut habitually and non-consumers were evaluated separately. Fasting blood samples prior and after hazelnut consumption were taken. Blood parameters were analyzed using Roche kits in 747 Hitachi autoanalyzer, and hematological analysis were determined using Dade-Behring kits in BCSautomatic coagulometer. RESULTS: Hazelnut consumption, decreased serum Na, Cl, Ca and increased total iron binding capacity in hazelnut consumers and non-consumers. At the end of 7 days, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels decreased in non-consumers and fibrinogen levels were increased in hazelnut consumers. However all these changes were in normal limits. CONCLUSION: Studies on the effects of hazelnut consumption on hematological parameters and mineral balance may enlighten the effects this nutrient widely raised and consumed inTurkey

    Tromboz ve tromboz riski taşıyan olguların protein C düzeyleri ve F VIII polimorfizminin incelenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada koroner anjiyografi ile, koroner kalp hastalığı tanısı konmuş 58 hasta ve yine koroner anjiyografi sonucunda hiçbir damar patolojisi olmadığı tespit edilmiş 20 kontrol grubunda, bu hastalığın risk faktörleri arasında bulunan hemostaz parametrelerinden protein C antigen ve aktivitesi, aktive protein C rezistansı, F VIII:C, F VIII: Ag ile F VIII gen polimorfizmi ilişkisi ile diğer risk faktörlerinin, ilişkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. F VIII:C, F VIII eksik plazma kullanılarak koagulometrik yöntemle, F VIII:Ag, Protein C:Ag ELISA yöntemi ile protein C aktivitesi koagulometrik yöntemle, APC-R ise protein C antikoagülan kapasitesinin koagulometrik yöntemle tespiti ile tayin edildi. çalışıldı. Polimorfizm analizi PCR/RFLP ve agaroz jel elektrforezi teknikleri kullanılarak yapıldı. aPTT, protrombin zamanı, fibrinojen, APC, APC rezistansı koagulometrik yöntemle, serum lipid düzeyleri ise enzimatik yöntemle tayin edildi. Literatüre uygun olarak F VIII:C ve F VIII: Ag değerleri birbiri ile korele idi (r=0.774, p=0). F VIII:C, F VIII: Ag, fibrinojen ve HDL-kolesterol değerlerini hasta grubunda, kontrollere göre anlamlı derecede yüksek bulduk (sırasıyla; p<0.001, p<0.07, p<0.002, p<0.07) (Tablo 1). Hasta grubumuzun alel sayısı 76, kontrol grubumuzda ise 29 idi. Bcl-1/intron 18 RFLP (+)'lığı hasta grubunda (%71) daha yüksekti. Hind III/intron 19 RFLP (+)'lığı için bu (%19) idi. Hasta grubumuzda, en yüksek heteroziyotluk oranı St 14 VNTR polimorfizminde görüldü bu oran Hind III/İntron 19 RFLP polimorfizmi için %6.57, Bcl-1/intron 18 polimorfizmi için ise %11.8 idi. St14 VNTR için PCR neticesinde, kontrol grubumuzu oluşturan 20 kişide (29 kromozom) 13 farklı alel, hasta grubumuzu oluşturan 58 kişide (76 kromozom) 17 farklı alel bulunmuştur. Kontrol grubumuzda en sık rastlanan aleller 700 bp (%13.8), 1300 bp (%20.7), aleller, hasta grubunda en sık rastlanan aleller ise 700 bp (%19.4), 1480 bp (%13.2) idi. Bcl-1/intron 18 polimorfizmi ile fibrinojen (r=0.306 p<0.01) ve St 14 VNTR (r=- 0.245 p<0.05) arasında zayıf bir korelasyon; Hind III/Intron 19 RFLP polimorfizmi arasında orta derecede negatif bir korelasyon (r=-0.599, p<0.0) vardı. Hind III/İntron 19 RFLP polimorfizmi ile protein C aktivitesi, (r=0.296, p<0.05), protein C:Ag (r=-0.316 p<0.05) zayıf korelasyon vardı. F VIII:C ve F VIII:Ag ile polimorfizmler arasında bir ilişki bulunmadı. Sonuç olarak Bcl-1/intron 18 RFLP (+)'liğinin hasta grubunda fazla (%71) görülmesi, fibrinojenle aralarındaki korelasyon, buna karşılık Hind III/İntron 19 RFLP (+)'lığının hasta grubunda düşük (%19) olması, protein C: Ag ve aktivitesi ile pozitif ailesinde MI öyküsü olanlarla negatif bir korelasyon göstermesi anlam taşımaktadır. Sonuç olarak; Bcl 1/Intron 18, Hind Iıı/Intron 19 için heterozigotluğun hasta grubunda daha yüksek olması, St 14 VNTR-RFLP için hasta ve kontrollerde en sık rastlanan alellerin farklı olması KKH'lığı ise bu polimorfizmlerin ilişkisini düşündürebilir. STUDY OF PROTEIN C LEVELS AND FACTOR VIII POLYMORPHISM IN CASES WITH THROMBOSIS OR THROMBOSIS RISK SUMMARY In this study we aimed to identify the association of coronary heart disease factors F VIII:C, F VIII:Ag with F VIII gene polymorphisms as well as the association of other coronary risk factors with F VIII:C, F VIII:Ag and F VIII gene polymorphisms. A study group of 58 patients with coronary heart disease and a control group of 20 patients without any coronary disease (both diagnosed with coronary angiogram) have been studied. Polymorphisms Analysis has been made by using Polymerase Chain Reaction (RCR), Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Agoroze Gel Electrophoresis Methods. ELISA method for protein C:Ag and F VIII:Ag, Coagulometric Method with defecient plasma for F VIII:C and F VIII, Coagulometric Method for protrombin time, for aPTT, for fibrinogen, for APC and for APC-R, Enzymatic Method for serum lipid levels have been used. In line with findings of other studies we found that F VIII:C and F VIII:Ag values were corelated (r=0.774, p=0) we also found that F VIII:C, F VIII:Ag, Fibrinogen and HDL Cholesterol levels were significantly higher in the study group compared to the control group (respectively, p<0.001, p<0.07, p<0.002, p<0.07). The Study Group had 79 alleles where as the control group had 29 alleles. Positivity of Bcl-1/Intron 18 RFLP was higher in the study Group (%71). The rate for Hind III/Intron 19 RFLP positivity was lower (%19). The highest rate of heterozygosity in the study group was seen in St 14 VNTR polymorphism; This rate was %6.57 for Hind III/Intron 19 RFLP polymorphism and %11.8 for Bcl-1/Intron 18 polymorphism. Bcl-1/Intron 18 polymorphism had a weak corelation with fibrinogene (r=0.306 p<0.01) and St 14 VNTR (r=-0.245 p<0.05) and a mild negative corelation with Hind III/Intron 19 Polymorphism (r=-0.599, p<0.00). Hind III/Intron 19 RFLP polymorphism had a weak corelation with protein C activity (r=0.296, p<0.05) protein C:Ag (r=0.284, p<0.05) and patients having MI history in their family (r=-0.316, p<0.05). Studied polymorphisms did not reveal any association with F VIII:C nor with F VIII:Ag. However in conclusion higher heterozigoty levels of Bcl-1/Intron 18 and Hind III/Intron 19 in the Study Group and different frequency of alleles for ST14 VNTR-RFLP in the Study and Control Group suggest an association between CHD and these polymorphises. Considering the size of F VIII gene in order to clarify the genetic factors causing high levels of F VIII:C and F VIII:Ag, there is a need to make further research in large

    Prognostic significance of NGAL in early stage chronic kidney disease

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    Hasbal, Nuri Baris/0000-0002-2229-5140; sevinc, mustafa/0000-0003-2804-4884WOS: 000406379700012PubMed: 27768023BACKGROUND: Neutrophilgelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) has been proven to be a useful biomarker for early detection of acute kidney injury, but it is not known whether adding NGAL measurements to conventional risk factors will improve the risk assessment in the setting of chronic kidney disease (CKD). the aim of the present study was to examine the correlation of NGAL with early stage renal impairment in CKD and to evaluate its prognostic value in these subjects. METHODS: This is a prospective observational cohort study of 54 patients with early stage (stage 1-2) CKD. Patients aged between 18 and 65 years with stable disease were enrolled in this study. Patients with a history of primary glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus, acute kidney injury, systemic diseases and stage 3-4-5 CKD were excluded from the study group. Estimated glomerular filtration (eGFR) rate was calculated by Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) formula. the patients were followed for two years to determine the ability of baseline NGAL for prediction of renal outcome. in our study disease progression was defined as changes in eGFR (Delta eGFR) and proteinuria (Delta proteinuria). Patients divided into two groups according to NGAL cut-off value as group 1 (N.= 23, NGAL 98.71 ng/mL). RESULTS: Out of 54 patients (mean age: 45.6 +/- 7.6 years, 64.8% female, baseline eGFR: 84.6 +/- 16.8 mL/min/ 1.73 m(2), baseline NGAL level: 157.47 +/- 121.52 ng/mL); 18 patients were stage 1 and 36 patients were stage 2 CKD. in the ROC analysis, we found that the optimal cut-off value of NGAL for predicting stage 2 CKD was 98.71ng/mL (P=0.005) with the 72.2% sensitivity and 72.2% specificity. in correlation analysis, we evaluated significantly positive correlations between NGAL and CKD stage (r=0.389, P=0.004), baseline/last serum creatinine level (r=0.530, P<0.001 and r=0.439, P=0.003; respectively), last proteinuria level (r=0.359,P=0.043). There were significantly negative correlation between NGAL and baseline/last eGFR (r=-0.498, P<0.001 and r=-0.462, P=0.002; respectively). Compared to the group 1, we determined that group 2 patients had further deterioration in renal functions regarding.eGFR (-1.12 +/- 12.6 mL/min vs. -1.46 +/- 12.4 mL/min: respectively, P=0.930) and Delta proteinuria (98.1 +/- 569.3 mg day vs. 339 +/- 701.6 mg/day; respectively, P=0.305); however these differences were not statistically significant at the end of the two years follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: Altough NGAL has a positive correlation with disease severity, it does not seem to be a marker of disease progression in patients with early stage CKD. But further studies stated in different patient groups may also explain the usability of NGAL in clinical practice

    The effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on peritoneal protein loss and solute transport in peritoneal dialysis patients

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on peritoneal membrane transport, peritoneal protein loss, and proteinuria in peritoneal dialysis patients. METHODS: Fifty-four peritoneal dialysis patients were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 (n = 34) was treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Group 2 (n = 20) did not receive any antihypertensive drugs during the entire follow-up. Eleven patients were excluded from the study thereafter. Thus, a total of 30 patients in Group 1 and 13 patients in Group 2 completed the study. We observed the patients for six months. Group 1 patients received maximal doses of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for six months. Parameters at the beginning of study and at the end of six months were evaluated. RESULTS: At the end of six months, total peritoneal protein loss in 24-hour dialysate effluent was significantly decreased in Group 1, whereas it was increased in Group 2. Compared to the baseline level, peritoneal albumin loss in 24-hour dialysate effluent and 4-hour D/P creatinine were significantly increased in Group 2 but were not significantly changed in Group 1. A covariance analysis between the groups revealed a significant difference only in the decreased amount of total protein loss in 24-hour dialysate. Proteinuria was decreased significantly in Group 1. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors reduce peritoneal protein loss and small-solute transport and effectively protect peritoneal membrane transport in peritoneal dialysis patients