1,571 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Quality of Argumentation in School Science

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    The research reported in this paper focussed on the design of learning environments that support the teaching and learning of argumentation in a scientific context. The research took place over two years between 1999 and 2001 in junior high schools in the greater London area. The research was conducted in two phases. In the first developmental phase, working with a group of 12 science teachers, the main emphasis was to develop sets of materials and strategies to support argumentation in the classroom and to assess teachers‘ development with teaching argumentation. Data were collected by videoing and audio recording the teachers attempts to implement these lessons at the beginning and end of the year. During this phase, analytical tools for evaluating the quality of argumentation were developed based on Toulmin‘s argument pattern. Analysis of the data shows that there was significant development in the majority of teachers use of argumentation across the year. Results indicate that the pattern of use of argumentation is teacher specific, as is the nature of the change. In the second phase of the project, teachers taught the experimental groups a minimum of nine lessons which involved socioscientific or scientific argumentation. In addition, these teachers taught similar lessons to a control group at the beginning and end of the year. Here the emphasis lay on assessing the progression in student capabilities with argumentation. Hence data were collected from several lessons of two groups of students engaging in argumentation. Using a framework for evaluating the nature of the discourse and its quality, the findings show that there was an improvement in the quality of students‘ argumentation. In addition, the research offers methodological developments for work in this field

    A Holistic approach to the atom in school chemistry

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    Molts plans i programes d'estudi s'han desenvolupat per fomentar la comprensió significativa de l'àtom. No obstant això, l'àtom segueix sent un concepte difícil per a molts estudiants. En aquest article, s'argumenta que una deficiència en l'ensenyament de la ciència i l'aprenentatge de conceptes científics, inclòs l'àtom, inclouen la coordinació limitada entre (a) les diverses formes de coneixement científic i (b) l'epistèmica, aspectes cognitius i socials de les pràctiques científiques. Es presenten eines visuals que poden ser útils en la comunicació de la complexitat dels diversos aspectes de la ciència.Many curricula and syllabi have been developed to foster meaningful understanding of the atom. Yet, the atom remains a difficult concept for many students. In this article, it is argued that a shortcoming in science teaching and learning of science concepts, including the atom, include limited coordination among (a) the various forms of scientific knowledge, and (b) the epistemic, cognitive and social aspects of scientific practices. Visual tools that can be helpful in communicating the complexity of various aspects of science are also presented

    Talking chemistry in Zanzibar: probing pupils' chemistry knowledge using videos of local pedagogies

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    L'article descriu una entrevista amb un grup de dos nois i dues noies sobre alguns viídeos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge a les escoles de Zanzíbar, a l'Àfrica. L'estudi és part d'un projecte més gran anomenat SPINE (Rendiment dels Alumnes en els Exàmens Nacionals), finançat pel Consell de Recerca Econòmic i Social i el Departament de Desenvolupament Internacional del Regne Unit. El projecte va ser una col·laboració entre la Universitat de Bristol i la Universitat Estatal de Zanzíbar. L'estudi proporciona l'evidència que els alumnes de Zanzíbar s'enfronten a dificultats importants amb l'idioma anglès que contribueixen a les seves dificultats amb els coneixements de química. No obstant això, quan els alumnes estan immersos en contextos interessants i motivadors, amb enllaços i referències a la cultura local i a l'escola, estan disposats i són capaços de contribuir al debat. Les discussions en aquest estudi il·lustren com pot ser de sofisticada per als alumnes la comprensió de la química juntament amb l'exposició d'algunes idees prèvies sobre alguns conceptes químics clau.The article describes a group interview with two boys and two girls around some video clips of teaching and learning in Zanzibar schools in Africa. The study is part of a larger project called SPINE (Student Performance in National Examinations) funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and Department for International Development in the United Kingdom. The project was a collaboration between University of Bristol and the State University of Zanzibar. The study provides evidence that pupils in Zanzibar face significant difficulties with English language which contributes to their difficulties with subject knowledge of chemistry as well. However when the pupils are immersed in interesting and motivating contexts with links and referents to local culture and schooling, they are willing to and are able to contribute to discussion. Such discussions in this study illustrate how sophisticated pupils’ understanding of chemistry and pedagogy can be along with the exposure of some misconceptions about some key chemical ideas

    Elastic and inelastic scattering of 2.5 MEV neutrons

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    Ayı Masalı hakkında

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 78-Refik ErduranUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Reactive hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

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    Investigating pre-service teachers’ understanding of nature of science:Contributions of an assessment tool based on the reconceptualized family resemblance approach

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    Several literature sources discuss the importance of nature of science (NOS) understanding and how having an understanding is central to being a scientifically literate citizen. As a result, developing NOS understanding is one of the most commonly stated objectives for science education. Acquiring views on NOS has been a prominent feature of research in this area since the 1960s. The following article provides a proof of concept for the transformation of a theoretical framework into a practical assessment tool (worksheet). The reconceptualized family resemblance approach to NOS is a theoretical framing of NOS which describes components of science in terms of categories subsumed under epistemic, cognitive and social systems. The aim is to explore its potential for use in science education and demonstrate its functionality so as to collect data on pre-service teachers’ understanding of NOS and substantiate what can be achieved through its application. The designed assessment tool has many purposes and in this case it was used in a pre-, post-, and delayed-post methodology to investigate pre-service teachers’ understanding of NOS following participation in NOS themed workshops. Implications for science teacher education will be discussed

    The impact of artificial intelligence on scientific practices: an emergent area of research for science education

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is now a major driver of societal acceleration making a significant impact on science and science education. AI is used by scientists to generate hypotheses, design experiments, collect and interpret data in ways that were not previously possible with traditional methods alone. Science education research is increasingly paying attention to the role of AI in teaching and learning. However, a significant gap in the emerging science education literature on AI concerns the impact of AI on scientific practices themselves, and implications such impact for science education. The article uses the NRC (2012. A framework for K-12 science education: practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. National Academies Press.) framework of ‘scientific practices’ to trace example uses of AI in scientific practices and raises questions for science education. The questions relate to the relevance of AI-informed scientific practices for science curriculum, teaching and teacher education at the secondary level. The ultimate purpose of the article is to highlight that the sooner the role of AI on scientific practices are researched and applied in science education policy and practice, the less likely that education will become outdated in helping students thrive in the fast changing landscape of scientific research