13 research outputs found

    European Union's dilemma crystallized with fifth enlargement: Social Europe versus neoliberalizm

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    Avrupa Birliği genişleme politikası, gerek Topluluğun iç dengelerini, gerekse Topluluğun uluslararası arenadaki pozisyonunu etkileyen önemli bir araçtır. Genişlemenin öncesi durum ile genişleme sonrası konum arasındaki ilişkinin ortaya konması, bu politika aracının hangi amaçlara hizmet ettiğinin anlaşılabilmesi açısından önemlidir. Küresel hegemonik neoliberalizm ile Avrupa Sosyal Modeli arasındaki çatışma durumu ve bu çatışmanın Topluluk üzerinde yarattığı baskı beşinci genişleme öncesi su yüzüne çıkmıştır. Topluluğun bu ikilem karşısındaki tercihlerinde beşinci genişlemenin etkisinin anlaşılması, yeni üyelerin sosyalizmden neoliberalizme geçişleri de düşünüldüğünde daha da anlam kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Avrupa Birliği'nin neoliberalizm ve Avrupa Sosyal Modeli arasında yaşadığı ikilem beşinci genişleme üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla öncelikle neoliberalizm ve Avrupa Sosyal Modeli kavramları ele alınmıştır. Ardından Avrupa Birliği politikaları ve beşinci genişleme bu iki kavram çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir. European Union enlargement policy is a crucial tool that affects both the position of European Union at the international arena and balance inside the Community. To expose the relationship between the position before enlargement and the situation after enlargement is so important for understanding the purposes this enlargement tool is serving. The clash between globally hegemonic neoliberalism and European Social Model, and the pressure on European Union arising from this clash emerged before fifth enlargement. When the transformation of new member states from socialism to neoliberalism is considered, understanding the effects of fifth enlargement on the choice of EU against this dilemma gains more meaning. European Union?s dilemma between neoliberalism and European Social Model has been discussed in this study over the fifth enlargement. For this purpose the concepts of neoliberalism and European Social Model has been addressed primarily. Afterwards, European Union politics and fifth enlargement has been analyzed within the framework of these concepts

    Autism and Vaccinations: Does Google side with Science?

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    AbstractBackground/Aims: Genetic and environmental factors are thought to play a role in the etiology of autism spectrum disorder. Studies on vaccination from environmental factors strongly suggest that there is no relationship between vaccine and autism development. However, a part of society still believes that vaccines lead to autism. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the distribution and reliability of the articles on the internet which is the first place that families apply to be informed about this subject. In this study, we searched "autism vaccine" phrase in Google’s version for Turkey.Methods: In this study, we searched "autism vaccine" phrase in Google’s version for Turkey. The information on each web site was grouped as true, false and contradictory. We used the JAMA score, a standard indicator of health information quality, to assess the basic reliability index of the article. The JAMA score takes into account whether a website declares an author, the date of writing, financial ownership and whether the information is supported by references.Results: A total of 124 websites were listed as a result of this search. When irrelevant and inaccessible sites were removed, 102 web pages were evaluated. 76 (74.5%) of the results were correct, 20 (19.6%) were wrong and 6 (5.9%) were contradictory. No significant difference was found between the total JAMA scores of the websites with true-false information. However, the JAMA score of the correct information was higher. No significant relationship was found between the accuracy of the information and the ranking of the sites. However, six of the top ten results were true, three were false, and one contained contradictory information.Conclusions: These results show that the correct information is not listed primarily in the top positions and the information about autism and vaccination is in a similar distribution. It is important that the internet environment is closely monitored by scientists because of the information affecting the vaccination


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    Yükseköğretim sisteminin yeniden yapılandırılması Türkiye’deki en hararetli tartışma konularından birisidir. Pek çok üniversite bu konudaki görüşlerini, genel yapılanmanın ne şekilde olması gerektiği konusunda ayrıntılı bilgiler içeren raporlar vasıtasıyla açıklamışlardır. Bu makale geleceğin üniversite örgütlenmesine üniversite-sanayi ilişkileri özelinde yaklaşmaktadır. Teknolojik gelişme ve küreselleşme hem üniversitenin hem de sanayinin işleyişinde köklü değişikliklere neden olmaktadır. Bu ortamda üniversite örgütlenmesi nasıl olmalıdır? Bu makalede yükseköğretim sisteminin yeniden yapılandırılması konusundaki tartışmalara katkısı olacağını düşündüğümüz önerilerde bulunarak bu soruya yanıt aranmaktadır.Restructuring of higher education is one of the most lively debated topics in Turkey. Most universities in Turkey expressed their opinions on restructuring of higher education by approaching the issue in a more general way. In this paper, we approach this issue from a more specific angle by focusing on university-industry relations. Technological advancement and globalization have substantial effects on the structure of the university and the industry. How should the university system be organized in such an environment? This paper aims at answering this question by making suggestions that could be useful in the ongoing debate about restructuring of higher education system in Turkey

    Değişen üniversite sanayi işbirliğinde üniversite örgütlenmesi

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    Yükseköğretim sisteminin yeniden yapılandırılması Türkiye’deki en hararetli tartışma konularından birisidir. Pek çok üniversite bu konudaki görüşlerini, genel yapılanmanın ne şekilde olması gerektiği konusunda ayrıntılı bilgiler içeren raporlar vasıtasıyla açıklamışlardır. Bu makale geleceğin üniversite örgütlenmesine üniversite-sanayi ilişkileri özelinde yaklaşmaktadır. Teknolojik gelişme ve küreselleşme hem üniversitenin hem de sanayinin işleyişinde köklü değişikliklere neden olmaktadır. Bu ortamda üniversite örgütlenmesi nasıl olmalıdır? Bu makalede yükseköğretim sisteminin yeniden yapılandırılması konusundaki tartışmalara katkısı olacağını düşündüğümüz önerilerde bulunarak bu soruya yanıt aranmaktadır.Restructuring of higher education is one of the most lively debated topics in Turkey. Most universities in Turkey expressed their opinions on restructuring of higher education by approaching the issue in a more general way. In this paper, we approach this issue from a more specific angle by focusing on university-industry relations. Technological advancement and globalization have substantial effects on the structure of the university and the industry. How should the university system be organized in such an environment? This paper aims at answering this question by making suggestions that could be useful in the ongoing debate about restructuring of higher education system in Turkey

    Comparison of end-tidal carbon dioxide and point-of-care echocardiography for fluid response at the bedside

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    Purpose: In this study, we aimed to compare cardiac output, echocardiographic pulmonary velocity-time integral, and end-tidal carbon dioxide values before and after the passive leg raising maneuver in healthy volunteers. Methods: The Ethical Commission approved the study. A total of 36 volunteers were included after signed informed consent in our study. After 12 h of fasting, vital signs, cardiac output, pulmonary velocity-time integral, and end-tidal carbon dioxide were measured when the participants were lying supine. Then, participants' legs were elevated to 45 degrees passively, and all measurements were repeated. Pulmonary velocity-time integral was obtained in parasternal short-axis view with the aid of pulse Doppler. Pulmonary root measurements were recorded. Echocardiographic stroke volume and cardiac output were calculated. The differences between values of cardiac output, pulmonary velocity-time integral, and end-tidal carbon dioxide before and after passive leg raising were statistically compared. The level of significance was accepted as p < 0.05. Results: Significant differences were found between pre- and post-passive leg raising values of these three measurements. The effect of passive leg raising on pulmonary velocity-time integral measurements was greater. The change in end-tidal carbon dioxide was not correlated with either cardiac output or pulmonary velocity-time integral alteration. Conclusion: Our results showed that measurement of pulmonary velocity-time integral changes after passive leg raising is a more useful bedside method to predict fluid responsiveness than measurement of end-tidal carbon dioxide and cardiac output alteration

    In-vitro effects of PDE5 inhibitor and statin treatment on the contractile responses of experimental MetS rabbit's cavernous smooth muscle

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    Objective: Hypercholesterolaemia promotes erectile dysfunction through increased superoxide formation and decreased nitric oxide bioactivity in cavernosal tissue. The role of nitric oxide on erectile function is well known. Statins have lipid lowering properties and can modulate endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability. Sildenafil, enhances smooth muscle relaxation in corpus cavernosum. We invastigated in-vitro effects of sildenafil and rosuvastatin on nonadrenergic, non-cholinergic and nitric oxide mediated cavernosal smooth musle relaxation in metabolic syndrome rabbits, since alterations in this pathway are recognised in diabetic and hypercholesterolemic erectile dysfunction. Methods: Ten male rabbits were fed a standart diet as control group, fourty male rabbits were fed a hypercholesterolemic diet for 12 weeks. Hypercholesterolemic group were divided for without treatment, rosuvastatin treatment, sildenafil teratment, and rosuvastatin + sildenafil treatment (N = 10 per groups). Results: Serum levels of cholesterol and glucose were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group (p &lt; 0.05). After theraphy no differences were found among the groups in relaxation responses to sodium nitroprusside. The relaxation responses to carbachol and EFS were significantly reduced in metabolic syndrome group to control group (p &lt; 0.05), but there were no differences between the other groups and control group. There was a significantly lower in-vitro relaxation response in the metabolic syndrome rabbits than in controls and the others (p &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: Both agents improve in-vitro relaxation responses of erectile tissue from metabolic syndrome rabbits to endothelial non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic and nitric oxide. This finding supports to the results of other clinical studies with these drugs

    The prevalence of childhood psychopathology in Turkey: a cross-sectional multicenter nationwide study (EPICPAT-T).

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of childhood psychopathologies in Turkey

    The prevalence of childhood psychopathology in Turkey: a cross-sectional multicenter nationwide study (EPICPAT-T)

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    Conclusion: This is the largest and most comprehensive epidemiological study to determine the prevalence of psychopathologies in children and adolescents in Turkey. Our results partly higher than, and partly comparable to previous national and international studies. It also contributes to the literature by determining the independent predictors of psychopathologies in this age group