49 research outputs found

    Alkıştan Gülbanga Türk Kültüründe Dua Verme Geleneği

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    Gebete sind eine zu einer festen Komposition geronnene Ansammlung von Worten, die der Mensch ausspricht, um ein transzendentes Wesen mit der Bitte nach Zuflucht, Vergebung, und Schutz oder bestimmten Wünschen und Bitten anzurufen. Im türkischen Kulturkreis haben Gebete neben einer individuellen auch eine gesellschaftliche Dimension. Nämlich hat sich eine Tradition des gemeinsamen oder wechselseitigen Betens herausgebildet. Die gesellschaftliche Dimension von Gebeten ergibt sich aus ihrer Verwendung als Andachtstexte in kollektiven Ritualen und ihren Funktionen im Rahmen dieser Rituale. Die Befugnis, in solchen Ritualen ein Gebet zu sprechen, ist denjenigen vorbehalten, denen man theologische Autorität zuspricht. Ein Gebet, das von Personen mit theologischer Autorität gehalten wird, wird als Antwort auf eine direkt oder indirekt geäußerte Bitte gesprochen. Im türkischen Kulturkreis herrscht die Auffassung vor, dass Menschen mit theologischer Autorität mit spirituellen Kräften ausgestattet sind, die eine Gabe des Schöpfers sind. Die Gesamtheit dieser besonderen Kräfte, deren Ursprung man im Schöpfer selbst vermutet, wird kut (“Segen”) genannt. Die Tatsache, dass Gebete von einer Person gesprochen werden, von der man glaubt, dass sie einen solchen Segen in sich trägt, gibt den Gläubigen das Gefühl, dass sie dank dieser stärkeren Brücke den Schöpfer mit ihren Anliegen erreichen können. Die spirituelle Kraft der Person, die das Gebet spricht, speist den Glauben, dass die im Gebet geäußerten Wünsche und Anliegen vom Schöpfer angenommen werden. In der türkischen Kultur wurden die Personen, die befugt sind, Gebete zu sprechen, im Laufe der Geschichte mit besonderen Begriffen bedacht. Gleiches gilt für ihre Gebete. So verlieh man denjenigen, die befugt waren, Rituale zu leiten und Gebete zu sprechen, Ehrentitel wie kam, dede, oder baba, während die von ihnen vorgetragenen Gebete als alkış, hayırlı, und gülbank bezeichnet wurden. Das Thema dieser Studie ist die Tradition des Betens in der türkischen Kultur. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Tradition geschieht anhand ihrer grundlegenden Bestandteile. Dazu zählen die Gebetstexte, die Personen, die die Gebete ausführen und die Funktion von Gebeten. Auf diese Weise soll die historische Entwicklung der Gebetstradition samt ihrer konstanten und variablen Elemente vom mythischen Zeitalter bis in die Gegenwart dargestellt werden.Prayers are formulaic word strings which person uses to invoke a transcendental entity, to seek asylum, to ask for mercy, to request protection, to express requests and wishes. In the Turkish cultural universe, a social dimension has been added to the individual dimension of prayers; the tradition of praying together or mutually branched out. This dimension results from the use of prayers as a text of religious service during rituals performed collectively, and from the functions they undertake in these rituals. The authority to pray during the rituals in question, is in the hands of persons who agree that there is a theological authority. Prayer performed by someone with the theological authority, is given as an answer to a request sent directly or indirectly. The view that the creative gift of persons with the theological authority is equipped with a number of spiritual powers dominates Turkish cultural universe. The sum of these special forces, which are believed to originate from the creator, is called “kut”. The praying by someone believed to bear “kut”, engender in the believer the feeling that he will reach the creator through a stronger bridge. The spiritual power of the person praying, is the source of the belief that the requests and wishes, expressed in the prayer, will be accepted by the creator. In Turkish culture, persons who are authorized to give a prayer, and their prayers were named with special terms throughout history. Persons authorized to lead the ritual and to pray are given titles such as “kam”, “dede”, “baba”; as for their prayers, they are called “alkish”, “hayirli”, “gulbank”. The subject of this paper is the tradition of praying in Turkish culture. The traditional structure in question, will be analysed through the basic components of the tradition, such as prayer texts, performers, functional dimension; thus, the historical journey of this tradition from the mythical period to the present day will be clarified together with the constant and variable elements.Dualar, insanın aşkın bir varlığa yakarma; sığınma, af dileme, himaye talep etme, istek ve dileklerini bildirme amacıyla kurduğu kalıplaşmış sözler toplamıdır. Türk kültür evreninde duaların bireysel boyutlarının yanına, toplumsal bir boyut eklenmiş; birlikte yahut karşılıklı dualaşma geleneği gelişmiştir. Bu boyut, duaların toplu halde icra edilen ritüellerde ibadet metni olarak kullanılmalarından ve bu ritüellerde üstlendikleri işlevlerden ileri gelir. Söz konusu ritüellerde dua verme yetkisi, teolojik temsil gücü olduğu görüşü üzerinde uzlaşılan kişilerin özelindedir. Teolojik temsil gücü bulunan kimseler tarafından edilen dua, doğrudan yahut dolaylı şekilde iletilen bir talebe karşılık olarak verilir. Türk kültür evreninde, teolojik temsil gücü bulunan kişilerin yaratıcı armağanı birtakım manevi güçlerle donatıldığı görüşü hâkimdir. Yaratıcı öz kaynaklı olduğuna inanılan bu özel güçlerin toplamı, “kut” şeklinde adlandırılır. Duanın kut taşıdığına inanılan bir kimse tarafından verilmesi, inanan insanda yaratıcıya daha güçlü bir köprü ile ulaşacağı hissini doğurur. Dua veren kişinin sahip olduğu manevî güç, duada ifade edilen istek ve dileklerin yaratıcı tarafından kabul edileceği inancına kaynaklık eder. Türk kültüründe, dua verme yetkisi olan kişiler ve verdikleri dualar, tarih boyunca özel terimlerle karşılanmıştır. Ritüeli yönetme ve dua verme yetkisine sahip kimselere, “kam”, “dede”, “baba” gibi unvanlar verilmiş; onlar tarafından edilen dualar ise “alkış”, “hayırlı”, “gülbank” şeklinde adlandırılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın konusu, Türk kültüründe dua verme geleneğidir. Söz konusu geleneksel yapı, dua metinleri, icracı kadro, işlevsel boyut gibi geleneği oluşturan temel bileşenler üzerinden ele alınacak; bu sayede, mitik dönemden günümüze dua verme geleneğinin tarihsel seyri; sabit ve değişken unsurları ile birlikte aydınlatılmış olacaktır

    Drug Delivery Approaches for the Treatment of Cervical Cancer

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    Cervical cancer is a highly prevalent cancer that affects women around the world. With the availability of new technologies, researchers have increased their efforts to develop new drug delivery systems in cervical cancer chemotherapy. In this review, we summarized some of the recent research in systematic and localized drug delivery systems and compared the advantages and disadvantages of these methods

    The efficacy of dexmedetomidine on lung injury induced by renal ischemia/reperfusion in diabetic rats

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    Objectives: Ischemia-reperfusion (IR) injury is a complex phenomenon, which is known to cause cell damage. In this study, we aimed to investigate the protective effects of dexmedetomidine on lung in the renal IR model in diabetic rat

    The Effects of Dexmedetomidine and Ketamine on Oxidative Injuries and Histological Changes Following Blunt Chest Trauma

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    Background: The objective of this research was to evaluate the oxidative and histopathological effects of dexmedetomidine and ketamine on the pulmonary contusion model resulting from blunt chest trauma

    The effects of topical ketorolac and indomethacin on measles conjunctivitis: Randomized controlled trial

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    PURPOSE: To compare the effect of topical ketorolac and indomethacin on measles conjunctivitis

    Dexmedetomidine protects from post-myocardial ischaemia reperfusion lung damage in diabetic rats.

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    Diabetic complications and lipid peroxidation are known to have a close association. Lipid peroxidation commonly occurs at sites exposed to ischaemia, but distant organs and tissues also get damaged during ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R). Some of these targets are vital organs, such as the lung, liver, and kidney; the lung is the most frequently affected. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine on I/R damage in lung tissue and on the oxidant/anti-oxidant system in diabetic rats

    Concurrent Adjacent Merkel Cell Carcinoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia without Simultaneous Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Detection: A Case Series

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    Background: The association between Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic leukemia (CLL/SLL) is well established in the literature. A majority of MCCs are known to be associated with Merkel cell carcinoma polyomavirus (MCPyV), which is postulated to be a possible causative agent linking these two entities. We aim to identify the presence of MCPyV in patients with concurrent adjacent MCC and CLL/SLL. Methods: Archived pathology materials of three cutaneous or surgical excisions with concurrent MCC and CLL/SLL were reviewed. Additional 12-µm sections from paraffin-embedded tissue of these resections were matched with original hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides and used to extract foci from each tumor separately. DNA was extracted from these tissues, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), utilizing a primer set within a highly conserved “small T” viral DNA region, was done to detect MCPyV. Results: Out of 140 cases of cutaneous or surgical excisions with MCC identified in our electronic medical records (EMR), three had coexisting neighboring CLL/SLL in the same resection specimen. In one case out of three, MCPyV was detected in MCC but not in CLL/SLL. The remaining two cases showed no detection of MCPyV in either MCC or CLL/SLL. Conclusion: MCPyV was not concurrently associated with adjacent MCC and CLL/SLL, indicating that it is not driving simultaneous tumorigenesis, at least in a subset of these cases