410 research outputs found

    “Big Brother vous regarde”/“Vous regardez Big Brother”. Phénomène de (super)vision et impératif d’audience dans un programme de téléréalité

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    Rijaliti šou „Veliki brat“ predstavlja metaforu transformacije savremenih medija u pravcu njihove komercijalizacije i primata koji se daje zabavi u odnosu na klasične informativne i obrazovne sadržaje, što se u Srbiji dešava u kontekstu post-so-cijalističke transformacije. Hiperkomercijalni karakter VB je proizvod delovanja nove rukovodeće ideje u medijskoj sferi, a to je da se njihova uspešnost meri isključivo prema kriterijumu gledanosti. U svim verzijama Velikog brata („obični“ i VIP), okosnicu rija-liti programa čine dva elementa: fenomen nadzora i princip komercijalnosti programa. U ovom radu želele smo da te dve teme – nadzor i komercijalizaciju – povežemo kroz koncepte „panoptikona“/„sinoptikona“ i „gledanosti“, pokazujući u analizi da novo-ustoličeni kriterijum „gledanosti“ direktno zavisi od situacije u kojoj se nalaze gledaoci ovog rijaliti formata, situacije u kojoj „njih mnogo gleda i odlučuje o sudbini njih malo“. Analiziraćemo načine na koji se nastoji uticati na gledanost u samoj proizvodnji rijaliti-ja, kroz intervencije i usmeravanje radnje koje vrši produkcijski tim, ali i recepciju rija-litija na specijalizovanim forumima. U ovom drugom slučaju, sprovedena je netografijarecepcije VIP VB 2013, uzimajući u obzir diskusije na forumu i praćenje video snimaka na jutjubu. Na osnovu toga izdvojile smo najgledanije momente u rijalitiju, i sagledale razloge zbog kojih su pojedini događaji i/ili njihovi akteri zavredeli posebnu pažnju među gledaocima, povećavajući gledanost rijalitija, ali i multiplicirajući komercijalni efekat kroz učešće gledalaca na različitim medijskim platformama (sajtovi, forumi, in-ternet glasanje i sl.).The reality show “Big Brother” represents a metaphor for the transformation of contemporary media toward its commercialization and the primate which is given to entertainment as opposed to classic informative and educational content, which, in Serbia, takes place in the context of post-socialist transformation. The hyper commercialized character of “Big Brother” is the product of a new guiding idea in the media sphere, which is to measure success only on the criteria of ratings. In all versions of “Big Brother” (the “ordinary” as well as VIP), the framework of the reality show is made up of two elements: the phenomenon of surveillance and the commercial principle of the programme. In this paper we wanted to take these two themes – surveillance and commercialization – and connect them through the concepts of the “panopticon”/”synopticon” and “ratings”. In the analysis and discussion we will show that the newfangled criteria of “ratings” is directly dependent on the situation in which the viewers of the reality format find themselves, situations in which “many view and decide on the fate of the few”. We will analyze the ways in which the very production of the reality show is geared toward influencing the ratings, through interventions and the direction done by the production team, but also the reception of the show in specialized forums. In the second case, a netography of the reception of VIP BB 2013 was undertaken, taking into account the discussions in the forum and the monitoring of YouTube videos. Based on this, we singled out the most viewed moments in the reality show, and considered the reasons why certain events and/ or actors who participated in them garnered special attention among viewers, thus increasing the ratings of the show, but also multiplicating the commercial effect through the participation of viewers through different media platforms (websites, forums, online votes etc.)L’émission de téléréalité “Big Brother” est une métaphore de la transforma-tion des médias contemporains par leur commercialisation et par le primat don-né aux loisirs par rapport à des contenus informatifs et éducatifs classiques; en Serbie une telle transformation a effectivement lieu dans un contexte de trans-formation postsocialiste. Le caractère hyper-commercial de Big Brother est le produit de l’impact de la nouvelle idée dominante dans la sphère médiatique, qui est que leur réussite se mesure exclusivement selon le critère de l’audience. Dans toutes les versions de Big Brother (“ordinaires” et VIP), deux éléments sont à la base du programme de téléréalité: le phénomène de la supervision et le principe de la commercialité du programme. Dans cette étude nous avons voulu associer ces deux thèmes – la supervision et la commercialisation – à travers les concepts de “panoptique”/“synoptique“ et “audience”, montrant dans l’analyse et la discussion que le critère nouvellement instauré d’“audience” dépend di-rectement de la situation dans laquelle se trouvent les spectateurs de ce format de téléréalité, la situation dans laquelle “beaucoup regardent et peu décident du sort”. Nous analyserons les manières dont on s’efforce d’influencer l’audience dans la production même des réalités, à travers des interventions et le guidage de l’action qu’effectue l’équipe de production, mais aussi la réception des télé-réalités dans des forums spécialisés. Dans ce deuxième cas, une webographie de la réception VIP de Big Brother 2013 a été effectuée, prenant en compte les dis-cussions sur le forum et le suivi des enregistrements vidéo sur Youtube. C’est en nous appuyant là-dessus que nous avons distingué les moments les plus regardés de la téléréalité, et analysé les raisons pour lesquelles certains événements et/ou leurs acteurs ont mérité une attention particulière auprès des spectateurs, accroissant l’audience des téléréalités, mais multipliant aussi l’effet commercial à travers la participation des spectateurs sur différentes plateformes médiatiques (sites, forums, votes sur internet etc.)

    Long-Term Followup of Dermal Substitution with Acellular Dermal Implant in Burns and Postburn Scar Corrections

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    Full-thickness burn and other types of deep skin loss will result in scar formation. For at least partial replacement of the lost dermal layer, there are several options to use biotechnologically derived extracellular matrix components or tissue scaffolds of cadaver skin origin. In a survey, we have collected data on 18 pts who have previously received acellular dermal implant Alloderm. The age of these patients at the injury varied between 16 months and 84 years. The average area of the implants was 185 cm2. Among those, 15 implant sites of 14 patients were assessed at an average of 50 months after surgery. The scar function was assessed by using the modified Vancouver Scar Scale. We have found that the overall scar quality and function was significantly better over the implanted areas than over the surrounding skin. Also these areas received a better score for scar height and pliability. Our findings suggest that acellular dermal implants are especially useful tools in the treatment of full-thickness burns as well as postburn scar contractures

    Autoantibodies Against the Complement Regulator Factor H in the Serum of Patients With Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder

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    Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD) is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS), characterized by pathogenic, complement-activating autoantibodies against the main water channel in the CNS, aquaporin 4 (AQP4). NMOSD is frequently associated with additional autoantibodies and antibody-mediated diseases. Because the alternative pathway amplifies complement activation, our aim was to evaluate the presence of autoantibodies against the alternative pathway C3 convertase, its components C3b and factor B, and the complement regulator factor H (FH) in NMOSD. Four out of 45 AQP4-seropositive NMOSD patients (similar to 9%) had FH autoantibodies in serum and none had antibodies to C3b, factor B and C3bBb. The FH autoantibody titers were low in three and high in one of the patients, and the avidity indexes were low. FH-IgG complexes were detected in the purified IgG fractions by Western blot. The autoantibodies bound to FH domains 19-20, and also recognized the homologous FH-related protein 1 (FHR-1), similar to FH autoantibodies associated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). However, in contrast to the majority of autoantibody-positive aHUS patients, these four NMOSD patients did not lack FHR-1. Analysis of autoantibody binding to FH19-20 mutants and linear synthetic peptides of the C-terminal FH and FHR-1 domains, as well as reduced FH, revealed differences in the exact binding sites of the autoantibodies. Importantly, all four autoantibodies inhibited C3b binding to FH. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that FH autoantibodies are not uncommon in NMOSD and suggest that generation of antibodies against complement regulating factors among other autoantibodies may contribute to the complement-mediated damage in NMOSD.Peer reviewe

    Environmentally Marginalized Populations: the perfect storm for infectious disease pandemics, including COVID-19

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    COVID-19 has exacted a severe toll on the United States population’s physical and mental health and its effects have been felt most severely among people of color and low socioeconomic status. Using illustrative case studies, this commentary argues that in addition to COVID-19 health disparities created by psychosocial stressors such as the inability to socially distance and access quality healthcare, environmental justice communities have the additional burden of disproportionate exposure to toxic contaminants that contribute to their higher risk of COVID-19. Environmental contaminants including heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants found contaminating their nearby environments can alter the immune response, produce an inflammatory response, and induce systemic adverse health effects that, alongside social stressors, create the “perfect storm” in environmental justice communities for COVID-19

    Insect chemical ecology: chemically mediated interactions and novel applications in agriculture

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    Forum PaperInsect chemical ecology (ICE) evolved as a discipline concerned with plant–insect interactions, and also with a strong focus on intraspecific pheromone-mediated communication. Progress in this field has rendered a more complete picture of how insects exploit chemical information in their surroundings in order to survive and navigate their world successfully. Simultaneously, this progress has prompted new research questions about the evolution of insect chemosensation and related ecological adaptations, molecular mechanisms that mediate commonly observed behaviors, and the consequences of chemically mediated interactions in different ecosystems. Themed meetings, workshops, and summer schools are ideal platforms for discussing scientific advancements as well as identifying gaps and challenges within the discipline. From the 11th to the 22nd of June 2018, the 11th annual PhD course in ICE was held at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Alnarp, Sweden. The course was made up of 35 student participants from 22 nationalities (Fig. 1a) as well as 32 lecturers. Lectures and laboratory demonstrations were supported by literature seminars, and four broad research areas were covered: (1) multitrophic interactions and plant defenses, (2) chemical communication focusing on odor sensing, processing, and behavior, (3) disease vectors, and (4) applied aspects of basic ICE research in agriculture. This particular article contains a summary and brief synthesis of these main emergent themes and discussions from the ICE 2018 course. In addition, we also provide suggestions on teaching the next generation of ICE scientists, especially during unprecedented global situationsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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