329 research outputs found

    Umstellungsosteotomie am Metatarsalknochen zur Heilung und Prophylaxe diabetisch- neuropathischer Schwielen und Ulzerationen

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    Die periphere Neuropathie, die am häufigsten beim Diabetes vorkommt, führt über die Beeinträchtigung der Motorik und der Sensibilität zu einer Dysbalance der Fußmuskulatur. Sie begünstigt Fußfehlstellungen wie Hallux valgus, Hammerzehenstellung und das Tiefertreten der Mittelfußköpfchen. Daraus resultiert eine Störung der Abrollbewegung. Bleiben tief stehende Metatarsalköpfchen über längere Zeit bestehen, entwickeln sich zunächst plantare Druckschwielen und später Ulzerationen. Diese führen zu Infektionen des Fußes, die eine Amputation erforderlich machen können. Konservative Behandlungsmethoden können zur Ulkusheilung führen, haben aber eine hohe Rezidivrate. Die operativen Verfahren bestanden bislang v. a. in Resektionen. Diese führen zur Überlastung der Nachbarknochen. Es entstehen an diesen Stellen neue Läsionen, sog. Transferulzerationen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, druckentlastende Operationsmethoden mit Erhalt der Metatarsalknochen auf Ulkusheilung und Operationskomplikationen zu untersuchen. Es wurde bei 14 Patienten mit 9 Schwielen und 9 Ulzerationen eine gelenkerhaltende Umstellungsosteotomie am Metatarsale zur Druckreduktion durchgeführt. Alle Läsionen heilten in einem Zeitraum von 2 bis 8 Wochen ab. Postoperative Heilungskomplikationen traten nicht auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Neuropathie bedingte Ulzerationen durch druckentlastende Osteotomien an den Mittelfußknochen zur Heilung gebracht werden können, wenn konservative Maßnahmen nicht zum Erfolg geführt haben

    Variables Affecting Student Motivation Based on Academic Publications

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    In this study, the variables having impact on the student motivation have been analyzed based on the articles, conference papers, master's theses and doctoral dissertations published in the years 2000-2017. A total of 165 research papers were selected for the research material and the data were collected through qualitative research techniques through document review and content analysis. According to the research results, the most important factors affecting student motivation are the fields of teacher, teachers’ classroom management skills and their teaching methods. In this research, factors having less influence on the student motivation are parental communication, student characteristics and study fields. In addition, relational search type was used more than others, mostly students were selected as the study group and most researches were conducted in USA and Turkey. Keywords: Motivation, classroom management, teaching method, publications   


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    The Balkans connect the two old continents and different civilizations. So it is aplace of mixed melting pot of different peoples and cultures throughout history.After the World War II disintegration of the former Soviet bloc gained momentum with the phenomenon of globalization, along with the need to build relations with other states in the Balkan countries. They started to hear. This situation is commonground brings together around the region and other European countries. European Universities and Universities of Turkey were founded research centers for theunique structure of Balkans. These centers have investigated, historical relations with each other countries, trying to establish new relationships in different areas. If they cooperation with together, they will improve its effectiveness and efficiency

    Design and Implementation of Real Time Monitoring and Control System for Distributed Robotic Systems Supported with IOS/Android Application

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    In this study, a real time monitoring and control of the working parameters of distributed robotic systems used in manufacturing processes is presented. Additionally, a fault diagnosis and protection system is developed in the control and monitoring system to prevent possible errors during the working process. Unlike the conventional monitoring and control systems, Android/IOS based smart phones and tablets are used besides SCADA and the process is supported by cameras. 3 different robotic systems are used in the study and electrical, electronic and mechanical prototypes are designed for each of them. Thus, a complete robotic system being able to perform real time monitoring and control for industrial manufacturing processes that is supported by smart phone applications and fault diagnosis and protection system is developed successfully


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    ABSTRACT This work provides a descriptive discussion for one of the new conflict resolution approaches, track-two diplomacy. The study discusses both strengths and weaknesses of the approach in detail, concluding that as a part of broader conflict resolution efforts, track-two diplomacy may be very useful, despite its practical shortcomings, to overcome psychological barriers between the parties, to make them understand their issue mutually, to produce new insights for resolution, and to create a psychological maturity for a negotiated agreement. Thus, it is stressed that track-two diplomacy should be utilized to complement formal negotiation process in resolving international and inter-societal conflicts

    Usporedba transvaginalnog ultrazvuka, magnetske rezonancije i metode smrznutih rezova u prijeoperacijskom otkrivanju zahvaćenosti miometrija u bolesnica s karcinomom endometrija

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    We aimed to evaluate the depth of myometrial invasion preoperatively with transvaginal ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and frozen section examination techniques in patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Our study included 65 patients. Transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging were performed in study patients in the preoperative period. Frozen section examination was performed in all hysterectomy samples obtained from all study patients. Data were analyzed with SPSS Statistics 22.0 program. The sensitivity of transvaginal ultrasound in determining the depth of myometrial invasion was 88.64%, specificity 90.48%, positive predictive value 95.12%, and negative predictive value 79.17%. For magnetic resonance imaging, the sensitivity was 63.64%, specificity 95.24%, positive predictive value 96.55%, and negative predictive value 55.56%. In addition to the frozen section examination, which is the gold standard in determining the myometrial invasion depth, transvaginal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging have become commonly used methods for this purpose in recent years. Ultrasound examination performed by an experienced specialist is superior to magnetic resonance imaging as it is fast, inexpensive, and associated with higher sensitivity.Cilj je bio prijeoperacijski procijeniti dubinu zahvaćenosti miometrija pomoću transvaginalnog ultrazvuka, magnetske rezonancije i metode smrznutih rezova u bolesnica s dijagnozom karcinoma endometrija. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 65 bolesnica. Transvaginalni ultrazvuk i magnetska rezonancija provedeni su kod ovih bolesnica u prijeoperacijskom razdoblju. Ispitivanje smrznutih rezova provedeno je na uzorcima prikupljenim tijekom histerektomije kod svih bolesnica uključenih u istraživanje. Dobiveni podatci analizirani su programom SPSS Statistics 22.0. Osjetljivost transvaginalnog ultrazvuka u određivanju dubine zahvaćenosti miometrija bila je 88,64%, specifičnost 90,48%, pozitivna prediktivna vrijednost 95,12% i negativna prediktivna vrijednost 79,17%. Za magnetsku rezonanciju osjetljivost je bila 63,64%, specifičnost 95,24%, pozitivna prediktivna vrijednost 96,55% i negativna prediktivna vrijednost 55,56%. Uz metodu smrznutih rezova, koja je zlatni standard u određivanju dubine invazije miometrija, posljednjih godina se transvaginalni ultrazvuk i magnetska rezonancija često primjenjuju za ovu namjenu. Ultrazvučna pretraga koju provodi iskusni specijalist bolja je od magnetske rezonancije, jer je brza, osjetljivija i nije skupa

    Micro controller and computer based reactive power compensation

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    Metode za kompenzaciju jalove snage su među najučinkovitijim metodama za povećanje učinkovitosti energetskih sustava. Stoga su projektiranje i primjene tih sustava vrlo važni. Cilj ovog istraživanje je projektirati i primijeniti sustave za kompenzaciju jalove snage koji najviše odgovaraju elektroenergetskim sustavima. Kompenzacija jalove snage može se realizirati primjenom električnih kompenzatora ili sinkronih motora. U ovom radu, kompenzacije pomoću mikroregulatora i računala izvršene su primjenom električnih kompenzatora i sinkronih motora pod istim uvjetima opterećenja. Pomoću takvog sustava pokušalo se odrediti koja je vrsta kompenzacije jalove snage pogodna u postojećem sustavu. U tu su se svrhu pokušala izbjeći nepotrebna ulaganja u postojeći sustav i stvoriti kvalitetan kompenzacijski sustav. Uz to, projektirani se sustav može lako prilagoditi svim vrstama promjena opterećenja te ne zahtijeva dodatnu opremu.Reactive power compensation methods are one of the most effective methods to improve the efficiency of energy systems. Therefore, the designs and implementations of these systems are important. The aim of this study is to design and implement the most appropriate reactive power compensation systems in electrical power systems. Reactive power compensation can be realized using capacitors or the synchronous motors. In this study, a microcontroller and computer-controlled compensation applications are done by capacitors and synchronous motors under the same load conditions has been performed. By means of this designed system, it has been tried to determine what type of reactive power compensation is suitable in the existing system. In this respect, it is aimed to avoid unnecessary investments for existing systems and to establish a quality compensation system. In addition, the designed system is easy to update against all kinds of load changes and does not require additional equipment

    A Long View of Shareholder Power: From the Antebellum Corporation to the Twenty-First Century

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    For most of the twentieth century, the conventional wisdom held—probably correctly—that shareholders in America’s large, public corporations were passive and powerless and that managers wielded the real power. Beginning in the 1980s, however, shareholders in the form of institutional investors started to push for a greater say in corporate decision-making. In the twenty-first century, hedge funds have upped the ante, fighting for major changes in corporations whose shares they own. Once-imperial CEOs have now become embattled as they fight, but often lose, against activist shareholders demanding policy changes, new dividends, board representation, and even the sale or break-up of corporations. In short, things have changed. This Article situates the present-day rise of shareholder power by taking a long view of the previous two centuries, moving beyond traditional accounts to reach all the way back to the beginnings of the American business corporation in the early nineteenth century, then following the story of shareholder power up to the present day. Its long view reveals the complicated and shifting nature of shareholder power, documenting how periods of greater shareholder power were interspersed with periods where shareholders had little power, how the focus of shareholder power has moved from controlling shareholders to autonomous managers, and how shareholder power has ebbed and flowed across the last two centuries. This Article not only provides the backstory to present-day developments, but also suggests that what has appeared as a hallmark of American corporate capitalism—the relative powerlessness of shareholders—may only have been typical of a few decades in the middle of the twentieth century.\u3c.p\u3

    Real-Time Cyber Attack Detection Over HoneyPi Using Machine Learning

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    The rapid transition of all areas of our lives to the digital environment has kept people away from their intertwined social lives and made them dependent on the isolated cyber environment. This dependency has led to increased cyber threats and, subsequently, cyber-attacks nationally or internationally. Due to the high cost of cybersecurity systems and the expert nature of these systems\u27 management, the cybersecurity component has been mostly ignored, especially in small and medium-sized organizations. In this context, a holistic cybersecurity architecture is designed in which fully open source and free software and hardware-based Raspberry Pi devices with low-cost embedded operating systems are used as a honeypot. In addition, the architectural structure has an integrated, flexible, and easily configurable end-to-end security approach. It is suitable for different platforms by creating end-user screens with personalized software for network security guards and system administrators