1,890 research outputs found

    Scientific Review for the Identification of Critical Habitat for Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Boreal Population, in Canada

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    Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Boreal Population (herein referred to as boreal caribou), are formally listed as Threatened under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). The Act requires the Minister of Environment to prepare a Recovery Strategy for the species that includes, to the extent possible and based upon the best available information, an identifi cation of its Critical Habitat and/or, if there is insuffi cient information available, a Schedule of Studies to determine that information. In August 2007, Environment Canada (EC) launched a science-based review with the mandate to identify Critical Habitat to the extent possible, using the best available science and/or prepare a Schedule of Studies

    Land-Based Pollution in the Arctic Ocean: Canadian Actions in a Regional and Global Context

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    The occurrence of high concentrations of anthropogenic contaminants in the Arctic environment has been a concern for many years. The present overview of the current threats of pollutants from atmospheric, oceanic, river, and local pathways uses results from recent national, pan-Arctic, and international reports to emphasize the need to address issues arising from climate change, particularly the effect of changing weather patterns on contaminant transportation via both waterways and the atmosphere. Regional and international actions over the past two decades attempting to manage pollutants in the Arctic environment from landbased sources have produced recommendations that focus primarily on increasing cooperation in research and monitoring activities, not only among the Arctic governments themselves, but also including the interests and resources of non-polar countries. Our Canadian perspective on the domestic and circumpolar context of the issue, with regard to mechanisms exerting immediate control on the spread of contaminants, describes national programs and policies that are important to the Canadian North and to the Arctic community as a whole. All levels of Canadian government, as well as foreign governments, have joined in working towards safeguarding the Arctic and other marine environments. Prioritization of concerns is an important approach to tackling the numerous current issues related to the spread of contaminants in the Arctic environment. The government needs to give increased priority to the North, and that action needs to be taken in partnership with local communities and pursued at the regional, national, and international levels.La présence de fortes concentrations de contaminants anthropogéniques dans l’environnement arctique est une source d’inquiétude depuis des années. Le présent aperçu des menaces actuelles découlant des polluants provenant de l’atmosphère, des océans, des fleuves et rivières ainsi que de la région s’appuie sur les résultats de récents rapports d’envergure nationale, panarctique et internationale pour faire ressortir la nécessité de résoudre les enjeux résultant du changement climatique, plus particulièrement l’effet de la situation météorologique changeante sur le transport des contaminants, tant par les cours d’eau que par l’atmosphère. Ces vingt dernières années, les mesures prises à l’échelle régionale et internationale pour tenter de gérer les polluants de sources terrestres dans l’environnement arctique ont donné lieu à des recommandations qui visent principalement une coopération accrue sur le plan des activités de recherche et de surveillance, non seulement au sein des gouvernements arctiques mêmes, mais aussi en faisant appel aux intérêts et aux ressources des pays non polaires. Notre perspective canadienne sur le contexte intérieur et circumpolaire à propos de cette question, en ce qui a trait aux mécanismes qui exercent un contrôle immédiat sur la propagation des contaminants, décrit des politiques et des programmes nationaux qui sont importants aux yeux des collectivités du Nord canadien et de l’Arctique dans l’ensemble. Tous les échelons de gouvernement canadien, de même que de gouvernements étrangers, travaillent de concert pour protéger l’environnement de l’Arctique et d’autres environnements marins. La priorisation des préoccupations constitue une manière importante de s’attaquer aux nombreux enjeux actuels relatifs à la propagation des contaminants dans l’environnement arctique. Le gouvernement doit accorder une priorité accrue au Nord, et cela doit se faire en collaboration avec les collectivités de la région, en plus de s’étendre aux échelons régionaux, nationaux et internationaux

    Where Land Meets Water: Understanding Wetlands of the Great Lakes

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    This publication summarizes the current state of knowledge about Great Lakes coastal wetlands based on the information presented at the Millennium Wetland Event symposium. Information on wetland development and classification, summaries of wetland vegetation communities, and details of the fish and wildlife species that use Great Lakes coastal wetlands as habitat are all found within the following pages. Wetland conservation initiatives and some of the challenges of performing wetland science in such a large and diverse environment are also highlighted

    An evaluation of enhanced geotextile layer in permeable pavement to improve stormwater infiltration and attenuation

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    This paper reports on an evaluation of the properties of a novel structure known as OASIS® which was designed at Coventry University as an enhancement of the commercially available geotextiles when incorporated in the permeable pavement system (PPS). The impact on the hydraulic behaviour of a PPS was analysed through the study of infiltration rate, throughout the PPS and time required to reach the steady-state stage behaviour of the water within the PPS, under extreme rainfall intensities of 100 mm/hr, 200 mm/hr and 400 mm/hr, corresponding to a 100-year return period rainfall over a duration of 15 min in different parts of the world. The result indicated that the novel structure provides an extra benefit when incorporated in PPSs, delaying peak flow of a rainfall event by retaining and storing great volumes of water within its structure. These additional benefits are especially important under extreme rainfall events