35 research outputs found

    Análise de elementos químicos em tecidos humanos com e sem patologia tumoral utilizando fluorescência de raios-X

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    O cancro é uma das principais causas de morte a nível mundial, pelo que é essencial o desenvolvimento de investigação que possa conduzir à descoberta de novos biomarcadores tumorais. A técnica de Fluorescência de Raios-X tem-se revelado adequada para a análise dos elementos químicos presentes em tecidos humanos, nomeadamente para comparação entre tecidos normais e tumorais. No entanto, para uma correta determinação quantitativa destes elementos é necessária a avaliação da matriz escura destas amostras, contendo os elementos não detetados pela técnica utilizada. Num estudo inicial, procedeu-se à determinação da matriz dos tecidos humanos para utilização do método dos Parâmetros Fundamentais como método de quantificação. Foram analisados 4 Materiais de Referência Certificados e testadas diferentes composições de matriz com o objetivo de alcançar o melhor resultado possível. A matriz obtida consiste em 10% H, 22% C, 3% N e 60% O e foi validada por comparação com outro método de exatidão já comprovada (método comparativo com padrões), tendo-se demonstrado a sua aplicabilidade na quantificação deste tipo de amostras. Analisaram-se 39 pares de amostras de tecido humano incluídas em parafina por Micro- Fluorescência de Raios-X, sendo cada par normal-tumor pertencente ao mesmo indivíduo. Os tipos de tumor estudados foram os seguintes: adenocarcinomas do cólon e carcinomas da mama do tipo não-especial. Para quantificação utilizou-se o método dos Parâmetros Fundamentais pela aplicação da matriz determinada anteriormente. As áreas a quantificar em cada amostra foram escolhidas com base numa rotina desenvolvida em ambiente R. A análise estatística dos resultados foi feita com recurso ao software OriginPro®, tendo sido aplicados o teste de normalidade Shapiro-Wilk e o teste não-paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA. Observou-se que no cólon, os elementos P, Fe e Cu apresentam concentrações significativamente mais elevadas nos tecidos tumorais, enquanto na mama os elementos que têm concentrações significativamente superiores em tecido tumoral são P, S, Ca, Fe, Cu e Zn. Concluiu-se que o P e o Fe têm potencialidade como biomarcadores tumorais do cólon. Por outro lado, os elementos P, S, Ca, Fe e Zn apresentam-se como possíveis biomarcadores tumorais da mama. O Cu revelou ser um constituinte da parafina em que as amostras estão incluídas, pelo que não deve ser avaliado em amostras com este material.Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, so it is essential to develop research that can lead to the discovery of new tumour biomarkers. The X-Ray Fluorescence technique has proved to be adequate for the analysis of the chemical elements present in human tissues, namely for comparison between normal and tumour tissues. However, for a correct quantitative determination of these elements it is necessary to evaluate the dark matrix of these samples, which contains the elements that are not detected by the technique used for this purpose. In an initial study, the matrix of human tissues was determined for use with the Fundamental Parameters method as a quantification approach. Four Certified Reference Materials were analysed and different matrix compositions were tested in order to achieve the best possible result. The obtained matrix is composed of 10% H, 22% C, 3% N and 60% O and it has been validated by comparison with another method of proven accuracy (comparative method with standards). Its applicability in the quantification of this type of samples was demonstrated. 39 pairs of human tissue samples embedded in paraffin were analysed by Micro-X-Ray Fluorescence, each normal-tumour pair belonging to the same subject. The types of tumour studied were: adenocarcinomas of the colon and carcinomas of the breast of no special type. For quantification, the Fundamental Parameters method was used by the application of the matrix previously determined. The areas for quantification were chosen based on a routine developed in R environment. Statistical analysis of the results was performed using the OriginPro® software, the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA non-parametric test being applied. It was observed that in the colon, the elements P, Fe and Cu have significantly higher concentrations in tumour tissues, while in the breast the elements with significantly higher concentrations in tumour tissues are P, S, Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn. It was found that P and Fe have potential as tumour biomarkers for colon. On the other hand, the elements P, S, Ca, Fe and Zn are possible tumour biomarkers for breast. Cu has been shown to be a constituent of the paraffin in which the samples are embedded, so it should not be evaluated in samples embedded in this material

    A non-destructive X-ray fluorescence method of analysis of formalin fixed-paraffin embedded biopsied samples for biomarkers for breast and colon cancer

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    Authors acknowledge Centro Hospitalar Barreiro-Montijo for allowing the current investigation and providing the samples. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsIn this work we present a methodology for the non-destructive elemental determination of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) human tissue samples based on the Fundamental Parameters method for the quantification of micro Energy Dispersive X Ray Fluorescence (micro-EDXRF) area scans. This methodology intended to overcome two major constraints in the analysis of paraffin embedded tissue samples – retrieval of optimal region of analysis of the tissue within the paraffin block and the determination of the dark matrix composition of the biopsied sample. This way, an image treatment algorithm, based on R® tool to select the regions of the micro-EDXRF area scans was developed. Also, different dark matrix compositions were evaluated using varying combinations of H, C, N and O until the most accurate matrix was found: 8% H, 15% C, 1% N and 60% O for breast FFPE samples and 8% H, 23% C, 2% N and 55% O for colon. The developed methodology was applied to paired normal-tumour samples of breast and colon biopsied tissues in order to gauge potential elemental biomarkers for carcinogenesis in these tissues. The obtained results showed distinctive biomarkers for breast and for colon: there was a significant increase of P, S, K and Fe in both tissues, while a significant increase of Ca an Zn concentrations was also determined for breast tumour samples.publishersversionpublishe

    CRUSE®-An innovative mobile application for patient monitoring and management in chronic spontaneous urticaria

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    Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is unpredictable and can severely impair patients' quality of life. Patients with CSU need a convenient, user-friendly platform to complete patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) on their mobile devices. CRUSE ®, the Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation app, aims to address this unmet need. Methods: CRUSE ® was developed by an international steering committee of urticaria specialists. Priorities for the app based on recent findings in CSU were defined to allow patients to track and record their symptoms and medication use over time and send photographs. The CRUSE ® app collects patient data such as age, sex, disease onset, triggers, medication, and CSU characteristics that can be sent securely to physicians, providing real-time insights. Additionally, CRUSE ® contains PROMs to assess disease activity and control, which are individualised to patient profiles and clinical manifestations. Results: CRUSE ® was launched in Germany in March 2022 and is now available for free in 17 countries. It is adapted to the local language and displays a country-specific list of available urticaria medications. English and Ukrainian versions are available worldwide. From July 2022 to June 2023, 25,710 observations were documented by 2540 users; 72.7% were females, with a mean age of 39.6 years. At baseline, 93.7% and 51.3% of users had wheals and angioedema, respectively. Second-generation antihistamines were used in 74.0% of days. Conclusions: The initial data from CRUSE ® show the wide use and utility of effectively tracking patients' disease activity and control, paving the way for personalised CSU management.</p

    CRUSE®-An innovative mobile application for patient monitoring and management in chronic spontaneous urticaria

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    Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is unpredictable and can severely impair patients' quality of life. Patients with CSU need a convenient, user-friendly platform to complete patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) on their mobile devices. CRUSE ®, the Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation app, aims to address this unmet need. Methods: CRUSE ® was developed by an international steering committee of urticaria specialists. Priorities for the app based on recent findings in CSU were defined to allow patients to track and record their symptoms and medication use over time and send photographs. The CRUSE ® app collects patient data such as age, sex, disease onset, triggers, medication, and CSU characteristics that can be sent securely to physicians, providing real-time insights. Additionally, CRUSE ® contains PROMs to assess disease activity and control, which are individualised to patient profiles and clinical manifestations. Results: CRUSE ® was launched in Germany in March 2022 and is now available for free in 17 countries. It is adapted to the local language and displays a country-specific list of available urticaria medications. English and Ukrainian versions are available worldwide. From July 2022 to June 2023, 25,710 observations were documented by 2540 users; 72.7% were females, with a mean age of 39.6 years. At baseline, 93.7% and 51.3% of users had wheals and angioedema, respectively. Second-generation antihistamines were used in 74.0% of days. Conclusions: The initial data from CRUSE ® show the wide use and utility of effectively tracking patients' disease activity and control, paving the way for personalised CSU management.</p

    Risk factors for systemic reactions in typical cold urticaria: Results from the COLD‐CE study

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    Background: Cold urticaria (ColdU), that is, the occurrence of wheals or angioedema in response to cold exposure, is classified into typical and atypical forms. The diagnosis of typical ColdU relies on whealing in response to local cold stimulation testing (CST). It can also manifest with cold-induced anaphylaxis (ColdA). We aimed to determine risk factors for ColdA in typical ColdU. Methods: An international, cross-sectional study COLD-CE was carried out at 32 urticaria centers of reference and excellence (UCAREs). Detailed history was taken and CST with an ice cube and/or TempTest® performed. ColdA was defined as an acute cold-induced involvement of the skin and/or visible mucosal tissue and at least one of: cardiovascular manifestations, difficulty breathing, or gastrointestinal symptoms. Results: Of 551 ColdU patients, 75% (n = 412) had a positive CST and ColdA occurred in 37% (n = 151) of the latter. Cold-induced generalized wheals, angioedema, acral swelling, oropharyngeal/laryngeal symptoms, and itch of earlobes were identified as signs/symptoms of severe disease. ColdA was most commonly provoked by complete cold water immersion and ColdA caused by cold air was more common in countries with a warmer climate. Ten percent (n = 40) of typical ColdU patients had a concomitant chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). They had a lower frequency of ColdA than those without CSU (4% vs. 39%, p = .003). We identified the following risk factors for cardiovascular manifestations: previous systemic reaction to a Hymenoptera sting, angioedema, oropharyngeal/laryngeal symptoms, and itchy earlobes. Conclusion: ColdA is common in typical ColdU. High-risk patients require education about their condition and how to use an adrenaline autoinjector

    The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management and course of chronic urticaria

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupts health care around the globe. The impact of the pandemic on chronic urticaria (CU) and its management are largely unknown. Aim: To understand how CU patients are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic; how specialists alter CU patient management; and the course of CU in patients with COVID-19. Materials and Methods: Our cross-sectional, international, questionnaire-based, multicenter UCARE COVID-CU study assessed the impact of the pandemic on patient consultations, remote treatment, changes in medications, and clinical consequences. Results: The COVID-19 pandemic severely impairs CU patient care, with less than 50% of the weekly numbers of patients treated as compared to before the pandemic. Reduced patient referrals and clinic hours were the major reasons. Almost half of responding UCARE physicians were involved in COVID-19 patient care, which negatively impacted on the care of urticaria patients. The rate of face-to-face consultations decreased by 62%, from 90% to less than half, whereas the rate of remote consultations increased by more than 600%, from one in 10 to more than two thirds. Cyclosporine and systemic corticosteroids, but not antihistamines or omalizumab, are used less during the pandemic. CU does not affect the course of COVID-19, but COVID-19 results in CU exacerbation in one of three patients, with higher rates in patients with severe COVID-19. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic brings major changes and challenges for CU patients and their physicians. The long-term consequences of these changes, especially the increased use of remote consultations, require careful evaluation

    The international EAACI/GA(2)LEN/EuroGuiDerm/APAAACI guideline for the definition, classification, diagnosis, and management of urticaria

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 GA²LEN. Allergy published by European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.This update and revision of the international guideline for urticaria was developed following the methods recommended by Cochrane and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group. It is a joint initiative of the Dermatology Section of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA(2)LEN) and its Urticaria and Angioedema Centers of Reference and Excellence (UCAREs and ACAREs), the European Dermatology Forum (EDF; EuroGuiDerm), and the Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology with the participation of 64 delegates of 50 national and international societies and from 31 countries. The consensus conference was held on 3 December 2020. This guideline was acknowledged and accepted by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Urticaria is a frequent, mast cell-driven disease that presents with wheals, angioedema, or both. The lifetime prevalence for acute urticaria is approximately 20%. Chronic spontaneous or inducible urticaria is disabling, impairs quality of life, and affects performance at work and school. This updated version of the international guideline for urticaria covers the definition and classification of urticaria and outlines expert-guided and evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the different subtypes of urticaria.Peer reviewe

    The international EAACI/GA²LEN/EuroGuiDerm/APAAACI guideline for the definition, classification, diagnosis, and management of urticaria

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    This update and revision of the international guideline for urticaria was developed following the methods recommended by Cochrane and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group. It is a joint initiative of the Dermatology Section of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA(2)LEN) and its Urticaria and Angioedema Centers of Reference and Excellence (UCAREs and ACAREs), the European Dermatology Forum (EDF; EuroGuiDerm), and the Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology with the participation of 64 delegates of 50 national and international societies and from 31 countries. The consensus conference was held on 3 December 2020. This guideline was acknowledged and accepted by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). Urticaria is a frequent, mast cell-driven disease that presents with wheals, angioedema, or both. The lifetime prevalence for acute urticaria is approximately 20%. Chronic spontaneous or inducible urticaria is disabling, impairs quality of life, and affects performance at work and school. This updated version of the international guideline for urticaria covers the definition and classification of urticaria and outlines expert-guided and evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the different subtypes of urticaria

    CRUSE®—An innovative mobile application for patient monitoring and management in chronic spontaneous urticaria

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    Background: Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is unpredictable and can severely impair patients' quality of life. Patients with CSU need a convenient, user-friendly platform to complete patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) on their mobile devices. CRUSE®, the Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation app, aims to address this unmet need. Methods: CRUSE® was developed by an international steering committee of urticaria specialists. Priorities for the app based on recent findings in CSU were defined to allow patients to track and record their symptoms and medication use over time and send photographs. The CRUSE® app collects patient data such as age, sex, disease onset, triggers, medication, and CSU characteristics that can be sent securely to physicians, providing real-time insights. Additionally, CRUSE® contains PROMs to assess disease activity and control, which are individualised to patient profiles and clinical manifestations. Results: CRUSE® was launched in Germany in March 2022 and is now available for free in 17 countries. It is adapted to the local language and displays a country-specific list of available urticaria medications. English and Ukrainian versions are available worldwide. From July 2022 to June 2023, 25,710 observations were documented by 2540 users; 72.7% were females, with a mean age of 39.6 years. At baseline, 93.7% and 51.3% of users had wheals and angioedema, respectively. Second-generation antihistamines were used in 74.0% of days. Conclusions: The initial data from CRUSE® show the wide use and utility of effectively tracking patients' disease activity and control, paving the way for personalised CSU management