124 research outputs found

    Sobre la palinología de algunas especies endémicas interesantes de Andalucía Oriental. I.

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    Se estudian con el microscopio óptico y el microscopio electrónico de barrido la morfología polinica de cuatro tazones pertenecientes a tres géneros de Ranunculaceae y de uno perteneciente a Paeoniaceae, que presentan una distribución restringida, en Andalucía, a la región oriental.The pollen morphology of four species of three genres of Ranunculaceae and one of Paeoniaceae in Andalucía Oriental have been studied by light and scaning electron microscop

    Expert design thinking workshops to analyze users’ perceived applicability of NUTRI-ONCOCARE algorithm to prevent and treat malnutrition in cancer patients under routine clinical practice conditions in Spain: the ALLIANCE study

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    Cancer nutrition; MalnutritionNutrición oncológica; DesnutriciónNutrició oncològica; DesnutricióPurpose NUTRI-ONCOCARE algorithm has been developed to identify and treat patients with solid tumors who are at risk of malnutrition. The present study is aimed at analyzing users’ opinion about this new tool and at assessing whether it is perceived as useful to achieve the behavioral change required for a successful integration of nutritional assessment into routine cancer care. Methods Design thinking Double Diamond process was applied. A multidisciplinary team composed of ten potential end-users (four oncologists, three endocrinologists, one nutritionist, and two hospital pharmacists) participated in three different workshops aiming to analyze the different tasks included within the NUTRI-ONCOCARE algorithm. Results Users agreed on the need to perform nutritional assessment around cancer diagnosis and through the course of the disease using standardized tools included in hospital nutritional protocols and involving healthcare professionals with nutrition expertise. Nutritional evaluation and intervention should be individual and comprehensive, considering not only nutritional parameters but also patients’ functional status. According to participants’ opinion, the implementation of nutritional screening in routine clinical practice is limited by the lack of time and staff to conduct nutritional assessments, the low level of nutrition expert participation, and the poor support provided by hospital managers, which are often unaware of nutrition’s impact in cancer care. Conclusions Experts recognized the importance of considering nutritional status in cancer patients and identified the opportunity provided by the NUTRI-ONCOCARE algorithm for this purpose, as it meets main requirements for being used routinely in clinical practice.This work was funded by Fresenius Kabi. Medical writing support, provided by Jennifer Redondo at Dynamic S.L.U. (Evidenze Clinical Research), a company of Evidenze Group, was funded by Fresenius

    Nuevas estrategias para habitar el medio rural. Intervención en la alquería de Tablate (Granada, España).

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    La Alquería de Tablate constituye un núcleo inhabitado único por tratarse de un vestigio arquitectónico con enorme valor patrimonial. El objetivo principal de la investigación e intervención sobre este enclave es la definición de una propuesta que suponga una innovación en el modo de habitar rural. El sistema resultante pues, constituye un ejemplo de cómo acercar la industrialización a la tradición a través de la abstracción de las bases de la arquitectura popular andaluza. Una reflexión sobre la forma de incorporar conceptos como lo reversible, la virtualidad o la actividad agrícola a la arquitectura contemporánea

    Daily headache in chronic migraine Is a predictive factor of response in patients who had completed three sessions of OnabotulinumtoxinA

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    Producción CientíficaOnabotulinumtoxinA is one of the main preventive treatments for chronic migraine. Despite that up to one third of patients with chronic migraine suffer from daily headache, these individuals have hardly been studied. We conducted a prospective cohort study, including patients with chronic migraine and treated with OnabotulinumtoxinA according to the PREEMPT paradigm. The primary endpoint was to assess whether patients with chronic migraine and daily headache had a different response after three sessions of OnabotulinutoxinA than patients without daily headache. The secondary endpoint was to analyse the presence of predictive factors that could be associated with a higher response to OnabotulinumtoxinA. Patients with daily headache had a reduction of 14.9 (SD: 9.7) headache days per month, patients with 22–29 headache days a reduction of 10.6 (SD: 9.9) days, and patients with 15–21 headache days a reduction of 8.6 (SD: 7.1) days (p < 0.001). In the univariate regression analysis, a higher number of headache days per month at baseline was associated with higher odds of reduction in the number of headache days per month after OnabotulinumtoxinaA treatment (OR: 0.474, 95% CI: 0.278–0.670, p < 0.001). This association was maintained in the multivariate regression analysis (OR: 0.540, 95% CI: 0.333–0.746, p < 0.001). In our sample, daily headache was not associated with a worse response to OnabotulinumtoxinA treatment. A higher frequency of headache at baseline was a predictor of better response to OnabotulinumtoxinA treatment

    Histophilus somni (Haemophilus somnus) aislado en casos de problemas del aparato reproductor de ganado lechero. Primer informe en México

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    Histophilus somni (Haemophilus somnus) has been recognized as an important pathogen of cattle, associated with reproductive disorders such as vaginitis, endometritis, infertility, and abortion. The purpose of this research was to determine whether H. somni is found in dairy cattle with reproductive tract disease. Convenience sampling was performed in 6 dairies located in central Mexico. Vaginal exudate samples were obtained from 67 cows with reproductive tract disease and from 45 clinically healthy cows. Samples were seeded in chocolate agar then incubated at 37 °C for 24 to 48 h with 10% CO2. Field isolates were characterized using biochemical tests, total protein profile electrophoresis, immunotransference (Western blot), and PCR. An ATCC reference strain was used at all times as a positive control. From a total of 112 animals sampled, 10 (8.9%) H. somni isolates were obtained. Isolates were recovered only from cows with reproductive tract disease, representing 14 % (10/67) within this group. The organism was not isolated from any of the 45 clinically healthy cows. This is the first report of the presence of H. somni in dairy cattle with reproductive disorders in MexicoHistophilus somni (Haemophilus somnus) es reconocido como un patógeno importante de los bovinos, asociado a desórdenes reproductivos como vaginitis, endometritis, infertilidad y aborto. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar si H. somni se encuentra presente en vacas lecheras con enfermedades del aparato reproductor. Se realizó un muestreo de conveniencia en seis establos de la zona central de México, en donde se colectaron muestras de exudado vaginal de 67 vacas enfermas del tracto reproductor y de 45 vacas clínicamente sanas. Las muestras fueron inoculadas en Agar Chocolate e incubadas a 37 °C durante 24 a 48 h con 10 % de CO2. Para la identificación de las cepas de campo se realizaron pruebas bioquímicas, perfiles de proteínas totales por electroforesis, inmunotransferencia y la prueba de reaccion en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR), siempre se utilizó como control positivo una cepa de referencia de la ATCC. De un total de 112 animales muestreados, se recuperaron 10 cepas de Histophilus somni (8.9%). Las cepas fueron recuperadas únicamente de vacas enfermas del aparato reproductor y representaron un 14 % (10/67) de aislamientos dentro de este grupo. De las 45 vacas clínicamente sanas muestreadas, no se obtuvo ningún aislamiento de este microorganismo. Este es el primer informe en México de la presencia de Histophilus somni en vacas lecheras con padecimientos del aparato reproductor

    Comparative study of intradiurnal variations of airborne pollen in the city centre and on the outskirts of Malaga city (southern Spain)

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    Airborne pollen is one of the main causative agents of allergic rhinitis in cities all over the world. Pollen concentrations may vary throughout the day, not being equal in all the points of the city, due to these concentrations are influenced by the presence of nearby pollen emission sources. Knowledge about the influence of these sources is of great interest to allergy sufferers when planning outdoor activities. The aim of this study was to analyse the intradiurnal variation patterns of the airborne pollen concentration both in the city centre and on the outskirts of Malaga as well as quantify the detected differences and establish the influence of the pollen emission sources present in the nearby areas. The aerobiological data were obtained by means of two Hirst-type volumetric pollen traps. One of them was installed on the rooftop of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Malaga (outskirts) and the other in the city centre. The study was carried out during the years 2017-2019, with the most relevant pollen types being considered. Despite the two sampling points being only 5 km apart, notable variations were detected in the intradiurnal patterns of some pollen types because of the location of the nearby pollen emission sources. This reflects the need to conduct aerobiological sampling in several points of the same city in order to obtain more precise and useful information for the allergic population.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Variations in pollen calendars along time at Malaga (southern Spain)

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    Pollen calendars are graphical representations that summarize the general annual dynamics of the more abundant airborne pollen types detected in the atmosphere of a certain location. To elaborate them, it is recommended to have continuous pollen sampling data from a period of, at least, 5 years in order to such pollen calendar be representative. However, the annual pollen dynamics can suffer changes in a medium or long term due to climate and land use changes, so the pollen calendars can therefore, show variations over time. The aim of this study was to detect whether or not changes have occurred in the pollen calendar of Malaga city during a 30-year period, as well as to analyze their possible causes. The aerobiological data were obtained by means of a Hirst-type volumetric pollen trap installed on the roof of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Malaga. Pollen samples were mounted and counted following the methodology proposed by the Spanish Aerobiology Network. A pollen calendar was elaborated for each 10-year period using the AeRobiology R package. Despite the three pollen calendars obtained were elaborated for the same sampling location, there were some important changes in the intensity and temporality of the airborne concentrations detected for some pollen types. These changes can be related to variations in the land uses near the city and temperature variations due to climate change. Pollen calendars should be updated along time in order to maintain their utility, given that it is possible to find some trends in the temporality and intensity of the pollen season of some taxa that can modify substantially this graphical representation.This work was partially financed by the University of Malaga Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and FEDER fundings inside the Operational Plurirregional Program of Spain 2014-2020, and the Operational Program of Smart Growing (Project Environmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab, EnBiC2-Lab). A. Picornell was supported by a postdoctoral grant financed by the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Junta de Andalucía (POSTDOC_21_00056)