208 research outputs found

    Diseño y cálculo de un reductor de velocidad con relación de transmisión 7.1 y par máximo a la salida de 4500 Nm

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    [ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo final de grado es el de diseñar y calcular un reductor de velocidad de dos etapas, que va a ser utilizado a nivel industrial, e incorporado en cualquier tipo de maquinaria. Primeramente, se van a analizar las posibles transmisiones existentes en el mercado, descartando las que no se adecúen a la consecución del objetivo del trabajo. Una vez elegida la mejor solución posible y teniendo presente el diseño del reductor, se va a proceder a seleccionar los componentes necesarios que garanticen el correcto funcionamiento del mismo, para un determinado número de horas de funcionamiento. Posteriormente, se van a realizar los diferentes cálculos necesarios partiendo de los datos iniciales, dimensionando los árboles, engranajes y rodamientos para posteriormente realizar una simulación de funcionamiento. Cabe destacar, que se van a tener en cuenta ambos sentidos de giro en las hipótesis de funcionamiento, ya que los engranajes utilizados transmiten esfuerzos axiales de dirección variable, según su sentido de giro. Por otro lado, se va a estudiar tanto la deflexión lateral como el comportamiento a fatiga en las secciones más críticas de cada árbol, así como los esfuerzos transmitidos por los engranajes helicoidales. Finalmente, se va a confeccionar un presupuesto detallado de cada uno de los componentes del reductor, reflejando de este modo el coste de producción final. Por último, se van a realizar tanto planos acotados de conjunto como de despiece, para definir completamente la geometría y dimensiones de los elementos que componen el reductor de velocidad.[EN] The aim of this final degree work is to design and calculate a two stage speed reducer, which can be used at industrial level, and incorporated in any type of machinery. First, the possible transmissions on the market are going to be analysed, discarding those that do not suit the achievement of the objective of the work. Once the best possible solution has been chosen, bearing in mind the design of the reducer, the necessary components are going to be selected to guarantee the correct operation of the same, for a certain number of hours of operation. Afterwards, the different calculations are going to be carried out starting from the initial data, sizing the trees, gears and bearings and then perform a simulation of operation. It should be noted, that both directions of rotation are going to be taken into account in the operating hypothesis, since the gears used transmit axial forces of variable direction, according to their direction of rotation. On the other hand, we are going to study both lateral deflection and fatigue behaviour in the most critical sections of each tree, as well as the efforts transmitted by helical gears. Finally, a detailed budget is going to be made for each of the components of the reducer, thus reflecting the final production cost. Finally, we are going to carry out both dimensioned drawings of assembly and cutting, to define completely the geometry and dimensions of the elements that compose the speed reducer.[CA] L'objectiu del present treball final de grau és el de dissenyar i calcular un reductor de velocitat de dos etapes, que va a ser utilitzat a nivell industrial, i incorporat en qualsevol tipus de maquinària. Primerament, es van a analitzar les possibles transmissions existents en el mercat, descartant les que no s'adeqüen a la consecució de l'objectiu del treball. Una vegada triada la millor solució possible i tenint present el disseny del reductor, es va a procedir a seleccionar els components necessaris que garantisquen el correcte funcionament d'aquest, per a un determinat nombre d'hores de funcionament. Posteriorment, es van a realitzar els diferents càlculs necessaris partint de les dades inicials, dimensionant els arbres, engranatges i rodaments per a posteriorment realitzar una simulació de funcionament. Cal destacar, que es van a tindre en compte tots dos sentits de gir en les hipòtesis de funcionament, ja que els engranatges utilitzats transmeten esforços axials de direcció variable, segons el seu sentit de gir. D'altra banda, es van a estudiar tant la deflexió lateral com el comportament a fatiga en les seccions més crítiques de cada arbre, així com els esforços transmesos pels engranatges helicoïdals. Finalment, es va a confeccionar un pressupost detallat de cadascun dels components del reductor, reflectint d'aquesta manera el cost de producció final. Finalment, es van a realitzar tant plans fitats de conjunt com d'especejament, per a definir completament la geometria i dimensions dels elements que componen el reductor de velocitat.Moro Valdezate, E. (2018). Diseño y cálculo de un reductor de velocidad con relación de transmisión 7.1 y par máximo a la salida de 4500 Nm. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/115918TFG

    Tropical Medicine: Sleeping Sickness

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    [ES]Raquel Cade (Angie Dickinson), una misionera, viaja al Congo Belga en 1939 para ayudar como enfermera al Dr. Bikel (Douglas Spencer) en el Hospital de la Misión de Dibela. Nada más llegar, el médico fallece de un ataque cardiaco y Raquel tiene que enfrentarse con las costumbres y creencias religiosas de los nativos. El coronel Henry Derode (Peter Finch), el jefe del destacamento del Ejército belga, le ofrece ayudarla a abandonar el lugar pero no acepta. Las cosas van mal, pero todo cambia cuando se ve obligada a intervenir a un niño de una apendicitis aguda, a partir de ese momento la tribu estará dividida. Su situación mejora al estrellarse un avión en las proximidades y atender al único superviviente, un médico llamado Paul Wilton (Roger Moore).[EN]Raquel Cade (Angie Dickinson) is a missionary nurse who, in 1939, travels to Belgian Congo in order to help Dr. Bikel (Douglas Spencer) in Dibella’s Mission Hospital. Just after her arrival the doctor dies because of a heart attack, and Rachel has to confront the native’s habits and religious beliefs. Colonel Henry Derode (Peter Finch), the detachment commander of the Belgian army, offers her his help to abandon the place, but she does not accept it. Things seem to go wrong, but everything changes when she has to perform an appendicitis surgery on a child. As of that moment, the tribe is divided. Her situation improves when an airplane crashes near there and she assists the only survivor, a doctor called Paul Wilton (Roger Moore)

    Experimental tests on consumption, savings and pensions

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    As part of the current debate on the reform of pension systems, this article examines the potential effects on consumption behaviour of implementing a lump-sum payment in a public pension system. This work explores an experimental investigation into retirement consumption behaviour with two central features: first, there exists a decreasing probability of surviving; second, there are two sequences of income, one when individual works and another when she is retired. The results show how subjects seem to plan their consumption and saving choices conditionated by both the long horizon with no incomes and the lump-sum payment. This yields, in the majority of periods, a surprising over-saving behaviour.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (grant code SEJ2006-11067/ECON) and from Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces

    El uso de las TIC´s en la docencia universitaria en España y el nuevo espacio europeo de educación superior

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    Este estudio pretende contribuir a la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje a través de una mejor formación del profesorado en materias de utilización didáctica-pedagógica y comunicativa de las TICs. Además de, contribuir a la integración plena en el EEES. Los objetivos planteados han sido: a) Detectar las necesidades formativas del profesorado universitario en competencias TICs para su adaptación a los requerimientos del nuevo Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior. b) Promocionar el conocimiento y uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación como herramientas en la actividad profesional del docente universitario. c) Proponer parámetros y criterios a seguir para el diseño y desarrollo de un espacio virtual informativo y formativo para los docentes en materias TICs ante el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior.This research tries to contribute to the improvement of the processes of education and training through one better formation of the university teachers in matters of Didactics-pedagogical and communicative use of the Information technology (IT). And contribute to the integration in the European higher education area (EHEA). We have started our research with an initial phase which aim is to detect the educational requirements at the university teachers about information technology competences for its adaptation to european higher education area. The second phase aimed to encourage the knowledge and the good use of IT as tools for professional activity of university teachers. Finally in the third phase, we suggest a methodology for developing projects about teleformación for university teachers. That is possible using the tics in the education and working in a telematico environment of e-learning

    Metformin Decreases the Incidence of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Promoted by Diet-induced Obesity in the Conditional KrasG12D Mouse Model.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a particularly deadly disease. Chronic conditions, including obesity and type-2 diabetes are risk factors, thus making PDAC amenable to preventive strategies. We aimed to characterize the chemo-preventive effects of metformin, a widely used anti-diabetic drug, on PDAC development using the KrasG12D mouse model subjected to a diet high in fats and calories (HFCD). LSL-KrasG12D/+;p48-Cre (KC) mice were given control diet (CD), HFCD, or HFCD with 5 mg/ml metformin in drinking water for 3 or 9 months. After 3 months, metformin prevented HFCD-induced weight gain, hepatic steatosis, depletion of intact acini, formation of advanced PanIN lesions, and stimulation of ERK and mTORC1 in pancreas. In addition to reversing hepatic and pancreatic histopathology, metformin normalized HFCD-induced hyperinsulinemia and hyperleptinemia among the 9-month cohort. Importantly, the HFCD-increased PDAC incidence was completely abrogated by metformin (p < 0.01). The obesogenic diet also induced a marked increase in the expression of TAZ in pancreas, an effect abrogated by metformin. In conclusion, administration of metformin improved the metabolic profile and eliminated the promoting effects of diet-induced obesity on PDAC formation in KC mice. Given the established safety profile of metformin, our findings have a strong translational potential for novel chemo-preventive strategies for PDAC

    Disruption o proteoglycans in neural tube fluid by B-

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    Producción CientíficaFollowing neurulation, the anterior end of the neural tube undergoes a dramatic increase in size due mainly to the enlarging of the brain cavity. This cavity is filled with so-called neural tube fluid (NTF), whose positive pressure has been shown to play a key role in brain morphogenesis. This fluid contains a water-soluble matrix, rich in chondroitin sulfate (CS), which has been proposed as an osmotic regulator of NTF pressure genesis. The purpose of the present study is to observe the influence of CS on NTF osmolality and its relation to NTF hydrostatic pressure and brain expansion. NTF was obtained by means of microaspiration from the mesencephalic cavity of chick embryos. The osmolality of NTF between H.H. stages 20 and 29 was measured on the basis of its cryoscopic point. CS synthesis was disrupted by using 13-D-xyloside and the induced variations in brain volume were measured by means of morphometry. We also measured the variations in NTF osmolality, hydrostatic pressure, and the concentration of CS and sodium induced by means of 13-D-xyloside. Our data reveal that, at the earliest stages of development analyzed, variations in NTF osmolality show a characteristic pattern that coincides with the developmental changes in the previously described fluid pressure. Chick embryos treated with 13-D-xyloside, a chemical that disrupts CS synthesis, displayed a notable increase in brain volume but no other apparent developmental alterations. Morphometric analysis revealed that this increase was due to hyperenlargement of the brain cavity. 13-D-xyloside brings about specific changes in the biochemical composition of NTF, which entails a large increase in CS concentration, mainly in the form of free chains, and in that of sodium. As a result, the fluid’s osmolality and brain intraluminal pressure increased, which could account for the increase in size of the brain anlage. These data support the hypothesis that the intraluminal pressure involved in embryonic brain enlargement is directly dependent on NTF osmolality, and that the concentrations of CS and its associated microions could play a key role in the regulation of this process. Anat. Rec. 252:499– 508, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Infiltración en un Argiustol Udico con diferentes sistemas de uso en el Departamento 9 de Julio – Chaco

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    La infiltración de agua en el suelo juega un papel muy importante en la relación lluvia-escurrimiento y la disponibilidad de agua para las plantas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la infiltración de un Argiustol údico con diferentes sistemas de uso, a través de los parámetros de la ecuación de Kostiakov. Se evaluó el proceso de infiltración, a través de las constantes “K” y “n” de la fórmula de Kostiakov, la infiltración acumulada, velocidad de infiltración e infiltración básica de un Argiustol údico (serie Capdevilla), del Departamento 9 de Julio, provincia del Chaco con diferentes sistemas de uso: Monte natural, Desmonte+ 4 años Labranza cero, 4 años Labranza cero anteriormente manejadas bajo el sistema convencional y 30 años de Labranza convencional. Se concluye que los sistemas de labranza afectan las condiciones hidráulicas con respecto de la situación Monte natural, que la Labranza convencional provoca menores valores de n, K, Ib y velocidad de infiltración, que la implementación de Labranza cero después del desmonte genera el menor deterioro de la infiltración y que el cambio de Labranza convencional a Labranza cero mejora la infiltración.The water infiltration in the soil plays a very important role in the relation rain-draining and the water availability for the plants. The objective of this work was to characterize the infiltration of a soil with different systems from use, through the parameters of the Kostiakov equation. Was evaluated the infiltration process, through the constants “K” and “n” of Kostiakov´s formula, the accumulated infiltration, speed of infiltration and basic infiltration of a Udic Argiustol, Capdevilla serie of the 9 de Julio Department, Chaco province with different use systems: Native tree vegetation, Land clearing + 4 years no tillage, 4 years no tillage previously handled under conventional tillage system and 30 years conventional tillage. We concluded that the tillage systems affect the hydraulic conditions respect the native tree situation, that the conventional tillage causes the smaller values of n, K, Ib and speed of infiltration, that the No tillage implementation after clearing generates the smaller deterioration of the infiltration and that the change of conventional tillage to no tillage improves the infiltration.EEA Las BreñasFil: Moro, Enrique C. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Conservación y Manejo de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Ingaramo, Octavio Enrique. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Conservación y Manejo de Suelos; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Las Breñas; ArgentinaFil: Venialgo, Crispín A. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Conservación y Manejo de Suelos; ArgentinaFil: Gutierrez, Noemí C. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Conservación y Manejo de Suelos; Argentin