973 research outputs found

    Homemade artificial insemination in Spain: Legal and ethical issues

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    La inseminación artificial casera es una práctica que está experimentando un aumento considerable durante los últimos años debido a las posibilidades que brindan las nuevas tecnologías (especialmente internet), y que ha pasado inadvertida por la práctica totalidad de la doctrina jurídica de nuestro país. Esta técnica suscita numerosas cuestiones acerca de su legalidad y el tratamiento que debe recibir conforme al ordenamiento español, y en particular, conforme a la Ley 14/2006, de 26 de mayo, sobre técnicas de reproducción humana asistida, y su concepción como derecho reproductivoHomemade artificial insemination is a practice that is experiencing a significant increase in recent years due to possibilities provided by new technologies (especially internet), and that has gone unnoticed by most of the legal academics in our country. This technique gives rise to numerous questions about its legal status and the treatment that it must receive according to the Spanish legal system, and particularly, according to the Act 14/2006, from May 26th, on Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques, and its conception as a reproductive right

    Topographic effects on dispersal patterns of Phytophthora cinnamomi at a stand scale in a Spanish heathland

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    Phytophthora cinnamomi es uno de los patógenos de plantas más importantes del mundo, causando la putrefacción de las raíces en más de mil especies de plantas. Este estudio de observación se llevó a cabo en un brezal infectado con P. cinnamomi de Erica umbellata utilizado como pasto para cabras. Los patrones y formas de los focos de la enfermedad y su distribución se describieron en un contexto espacial y temporal mediante un registro de fotografías aéreas. Se seleccionó un conjunto de rasgos topográficos sobre la base de una hipótesis de dinámica de la enfermedad y se analizaron sus efectos en los patrones espaciales de la enfermedad observados. Las infecciones incipientes situadas en terreno llano se expandieron como patrones de frente circular compacto con una baja tasa de crecimiento. En las laderas, los parches de la enfermedad se desarrollaron más rápidamente en la pendiente, formando formas parabólicas. La dirección del eje de las parábolas estaba altamente correlacionada con el aspecto del terreno, mientras que la amplitud parabólica se asociaba con la curvatura y la pendiente del terreno. Con el paso de los años aparecieron nuevos focos secundarios que produjeron un aumento acelerado de la superficie afectada. Estos nuevos focos se observaron en sitios donde la densidad de la enfermedad era mayor o cerca de sitios más frecuentemente visitados por animales como el establo o el cultivo de forraje. Por el contrario, un menor número de focos de enfermedad se producen en zonas que los animales son reacios a visitar, por ejemplo, donde tienen un corto alcance de visión. Nuestros resultados sugieren que 1) el crecimiento de los focos existentes de P. cinnamomi se controla mediante una combinación de contacto de raíz a raíz y flujos de agua, 2) el aumento del área enferma surge principalmente de la multiplicación de parches, 3) la formación de nuevos focos está mediada por el transporte a larga distancia debido al movimiento de animales y humanos a lo largo de ciertas rutas preferenciales, y 4) los rasgos de geomorfología y topografía están asociados con la epidemiología de este patógeno transmitido por el suelo.Phytophthora cinnamomi is one of the most important plant pathogens in the world, causing root rot in more than a thousand plant species. This observational study was carried out on a P. cinnamomi infected heathland of Erica umbellata used as goat pasture. The patterns and shapes of disease foci and their distribution were described in a spatial and temporal context using an aerial photograph record. A set of topographic traits was selected on the basis of a disease dynamic hypothesis and their effects on observed spatial disease patterns were analyzed. Incipient infections situated in flat terrain expanded as compact circular front patterns with a low growth rate. On slopes, disease patches developed more rapidly down slope, forming parabolic shapes. The axis direction of the parabolas was highly correlated with terrain aspect, while the parabolic amplitude was associated with land curvature and slope. New secondary foci appeared over the years producing an accelerated increase of the affected surface. These new foci were observed in sites where disease density was higher or near sites more frequently visited by animals such as the stable or the forage crop. In contrast, a smaller number of disease foci occur in areas which animals are reluctant to visit, such as where they have a short range of vision. Our results suggest that 1) the growth of existing P. cinnamomi foci is controlled by a combination of root-to-root contact and wáter flows, 2) the increase in the diseased area arises mainly from the multiplication of patches, 3) the formation of new foci is mediated by long-distance transport due to the movement of animals and humans along certain preferential pathways, and 4) geomorphology and topography traits are associated with the epidemiology of this soil-borne pathogen.• Gobierno de Extremadura. Ayuda • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyecto FIS2016-76359-P, para Enrique Alfonso Abad JarillopeerReviewe

    A forced migration due to covid19 from a face-to-face university education service to a total online learning management system support: UDELAS-Panamá study case

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    The Covid-19 pandemic forced the Specialized University of the Americas (UDELAS, Panamá) to transform their educational service from almost 100% face-to-face to 100% virtual in approximately three weeks. This change involved creating 2,500 virtual courses and integrating nearly 9,000 students and 1,200 teachers into them. The research question to answer: Is it possible to schedule a proposed Learning Management System (LMS) tested on the go, in two effective months to institutionally can adopting latter an effective teaching-learning process total online? For testing which LMS online service to choose, two types of well-known LMS were selected: Moodle, which is an open source LMS centralized with a complete control over its components and services, and Google's Classroom, as a decentralized LMS running essentially in the cloud, which is conducive to a user/personal management, avoiding in the short term, to attend many hardware and software technical issues. Under a methodological process alike Agile style, the expansion of technological capabilities in the Moodle implementation took three weeks. In parallel, to implement Classroom, 12,000 institutional Google accounts were generated using the G Suite for Education license (in agreement with Google Mexico chapter). An institutional email account was established as the digital identity of professors and students, throughout they can access both LMSs. In addition, a group of the professors chose to combine applications instead of using Moodle or Classroom alone, it was called the combined option

    Energy level alignment and electron transport through metal/organic contacts: from interfaces to molecular electronics

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada. Fecha de lectura: 15-11-101

    Aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías en bibliotecas

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    El presente artículo pretende introducir y motivar algunas reflexiones sobre el desarrollo de la Biblioteca Digital y cómo las tecnologías de las Redes Sociales posibilitan una evolución de lo que se considera la Biblioteca Digital Clásica hacia una etapa superior: la Biblioteca Digital Semántica. Como complemento se hace una reflexión sobre el rol y los servicios de la biblioteca, influenciado por el desarrollo de las aplicaciones PDA —del inglés Personal Digital Assistant—, de dispositivos manuales que hacen muchas las funciones de una computadora personal, como proyectar películas, crear y leer documentos, ejecutar juegos, correo electrónico, chat, telefonía, etc, incidiendo en lo que literalmente posibilita tener “la información al alcance de la mano”

    Control and Measurement System for a Compressing Unit

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    Pulp for making paper is produced in grinding machines whose operation principle is based on the compression of logs against a grinding stone. The aim of this Master Thesis is to develop and implement a control and measurement system for a laboratory compressing unit which carries out this first step in paper making process. For this purpose, a hand drive and a computer interface are designed and configured. The thesis is divided in three sections. In the literature study the theories involved in the research work are analyzed. Control and measurement methods are detailed as well as the hydraulic system needed to operate the compressing unit. In the second section the development of a control and measurement method suitable for the unit is carried out. It is based on the study of the most important variables involved in the process. Last section focuses on the implementation of the control and measurement system. A hand drive and a computer interface are considered. The latter is developed using LabView software. In this section, the hand drive design is analyzed and the LabView code is explained. In addition, a measurement approximation method is implemented in order to display the correct variable values. Finally a verification of the whole system is carried out. The results of this study suggest that the control and measurement system satisfies the requisites needed to develop future researches related to this compressing unit. The values displayed by the hand drive and computer interfaces are similar to the theoretical ones and the control system avoids dangerous situations. This Master Thesis suggests future research work in order to improve the accuracy of the control and measurement system. /Kir1