90 research outputs found

    Entity reconciliation in big data sources: A systematic mapping study

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    The entity reconciliation (ER) problem aroused much interest as a research topic in today’s Big Dataera, full of big and open heterogeneous data sources. This problem poses when relevant information ona topic needs to be obtained using methods based on: (i) identifying records that represent the samereal world entity, and (ii) identifying those records that are similar but do not correspond to the samereal-world entity. ER is an operational intelligence process, whereby organizations can unify differentand heterogeneous data sources in order to relate possible matches of non-obvious entities. Besides, thecomplexity that the heterogeneity of data sources involves, the large number of records and differencesamong languages, for instance, must be added. This paper describes a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) ofjournal articles, conferences and workshops published from 2010 to 2017 to solve the problem describedbefore, first trying to understand the state-of-the-art, and then identifying any gaps in current research.Eleven digital libraries were analyzed following a systematic, semiautomatic and rigorous process thathas resulted in 61 primary studies. They represent a great variety of intelligent proposals that aim tosolve ER. The conclusion obtained is that most of the research is based on the operational phase asopposed to the design phase, and most studies have been tested on real-world data sources, where a lotof them are heterogeneous, but just a few apply to industry. There is a clear trend in research techniquesbased on clustering/blocking and graphs, although the level of automation of the proposals is hardly evermentioned in the research work.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Challenges for the adoption of model-driven web engineering approaches in industry

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    Model-Driven Web Engineering approaches have become an attractive research and technology solution for Web application development. However, for more than 20 years of development, the industry has not adopted them due to the mismatch between technical versus research requirements. In the context of this joint work between academia and industry, the authors conduct a survey among hundreds of engineers from different companies around the world and, by statistical analysis, they present the current problems of these approaches in scale. Then, a set of guidelines is provided to improve Model-Driven Web Engineering approaches in order to make them viable industry solutions.Facultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Enhancing dendritic cell immunotherapy for melanoma using a simple mathematical model

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    ABSTRACT Background: The immunotherapy using dendritic cells (DCs) against different varieties of cancer is an approach that has been previously explored which induces a specific immune response. This work presents a mathematical model of DCs immunotherapy for melanoma in mice based on work by Experimental Immunotherapy Laboratory of the Medicine Faculty in the Universidad Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). Method: The model is a five delay differential equation (DDEs) which represents a simplified view of the immunotherapy mechanisms. The mathematical model takes into account the interactions between tumor cells, dendritic cells, naive cytotoxic T lymphocytes cells (inactivated cytotoxic cells), effector cells (cytotoxic T activated cytotoxic cells) and transforming growth factor β cytokine (TGF − β). The model is validated comparing the computer simulation results with biological trial results of the immunotherapy developed by the research group of UNAM. Results: The results of the growth of tumor cells obtained by the control immunotherapy simulation show a similar amount of tumor cell population than the biological data of the control immunotherapy. Moreover, comparing the increase of tumor cells obtained from the immunotherapy simulation and the biological data of the immunotherapy applied by the UNAM researchers obtained errors of approximately 10 %. This allowed us to use the model as a framework to test hypothetical treatments. The numerical simulations suggest that by using more doses of DCs and changing the infusion time, the tumor growth decays compared with the current immunotherapy. In addition, a local sensitivity analysis is performed; the results show that the delay in time “τ ”, the maximal growth rate of tumor “r” and the maximal efficiency of tumor cytotoxic cells rate “aT” are the most sensitive model parameters. Conclusion: By using this mathematical model it is possible to simulate the growth of the tumor cells with or without immunotherapy using the infusion protocol of the UNAM researchers, to obtain a good approximation of the biological trials data. It is worth mentioning that by manipulating the different parameters of the model the effectiveness of the immunotherapy may increase. This last suggests that different protocols could be implemented by the Immunotherapy Laboratory of UNAM in order to improve their results

    Hacia una metodología para el desarrollo guiado y sistemático de los Trabajos Fin de Grado

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    El Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) juega un papel muy importante en el proceso formativo de los grados en Ingeniería Informática, ya que, a través de la ejecución satisfactoria de un proyecto, se pretende que el alumno/a tenga su primera experiencia profesional tutorada como ingeniero/a en proyectos de ingeniería y tecnología del Software. En este artículo se presenta una propuesta de metodología de trabajo seguida por nuestro grupo de investigación a la hora de tutorar, dirigir y ejecutar los TFG de las titulaciones de grado relacionadas con la Ingeniería Informática. Esta metodología, está compuesta por tres fases principales: la fase de diseño del producto (basada en metodología Design Sprint), la fase de análisis de la solución (basada en la metodología NDT) y el diseño, implementación y pruebas de la solución (basada en metodologías ágiles de desarrollo). Gracias a esta forma de trabajo, el alumno es capaz de ejecutar el TFG de una forma sistemática, ordenada y teniendo una visión clara del producto y solución que debe desarrollar.The final project plays a very important role in the formative process of the degrees in Computer Engineering, because, the satisfactory execution of a project, intends that the student has his first professional tutored experience as real engineer in projects of software engineering and technology. In this paper we present a proposal of work methodology followed by our research group when it comes to tutoring, directing and executing the final project in the degree programs related to Computer Engineering. This methodology is composed of three main phases: the design phase of the product (based on Design Sprint methodology), the solution analysis phase (based on the NDT methodology) and the design, implementation and testing of the solution phase (based on in agile development methodologies). Thanks to this kind of working, the student is able to execute the final project in a systematic and orderly way, having a clear vision of the product and solution to be developed.Este trabajo también ha sido apoyado por el Proyecto Pololas (TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y el VPPI de la Universidad de Sevilla

    Ready Access to Molecular Rotors Based on Boron Dipyrromethene Dyes-Coumarin Dyads Featuring Broadband Absorption

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    Herein we report on a straightforward access method for boron dipyrromethene dyes (BODIPYs)-coumarin hybrids linked through their respective 8- and 6- positions, with wide functionalization of the coumarin fragment, using salicylaldehyde as a versatile building block. The computationally-assisted photophysical study unveils broadband absorption upon proper functionalization of the coumarin, as well as the key role of the conformational freedom of the coumarin appended at the meso position of the BODIPY. Such free motion almost suppresses the fluorescence signal, but enables us to apply these dyads as molecular rotors to monitor the surrounding microviscosity.This research was funded by Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (project MAT2017-83856-C3-3-P), Gobierno Vasco (project IT912-16), CONACyT (grants 253623, 123732) and Dirección de Apoyo a la Investigación (DAIP-UG CIIC318/2019)

    Retrospectivas en el aula. Una experiencia práctica

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    En la docencia tradicional, se imparte clase durante un periodo concreto y, después, se evalúa a los alumnos. Sin embargo, una vez que se realiza esta evaluación no suele quedar tiempo para arreglar cualquier problema que esta evaluación pueda detectar. Las retrospectivas son reuniones y dinámicas de trabajo en grupo que han alcanzado una enorme popularidad en el ámbito del desarrollo de productos tecnológicos innovadores. El objetivo de estas reuniones y técnicas es reunir a todos los participantes en un proyecto, reflexionar sobre cómo se está trabajando y proponer mejoras en el trabajo del día a día. Con el fin de detectar con la mayor antelación posible cualquier elemento disonante dentro del aula y en el proceso de formación, además de favorecer que los alumnos expresen sus opiniones, hemos aplicado en los tres últimos años técnicas de retrospectivas El objetivo de este trabajo es exponer nuestras experiencias aplicando retrospectivas en el aula con el alumnado incluyendo las técnicas que hemos usado, cómo las hemos aplicado y ejemplos de los resultados que hemos obtenido.In traditional teaching, classes are taught during a specific period and, afterwards, students are evaluated. However, once this evaluation is done, there is usually no time to fix any problem that this evaluation can detect. The retrospectives are meetings and dynamics of group work that have achieved enormous popularity in the field of the development of innovative technological products. The purpose of these meetings and techniques is to bring all the participants together in a project, reflect on how they are working and propose improvements in day-to-day work. In order to detect as early as possible any dissonant element within the classroom and in the training process, in addition to encouraging students to express their opinions, we have applied retrospective techniques in the last three years. The objective of this work is to provide our experiences by applying retrospectives in the classroom with the students, including the techniques we have used, how we have applied them and examples of the results we have obtained

    Measuring for change : A multi-centre pre-post trial of an air quality feedback intervention to promote smoke-free homes

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    Second-hand smoke exposure in the home is a serious cause of ill-health for children. Behaviour change interventions have been developed to encourage parents to keep homes smoke-free. This study evaluates a novel air quality feedback intervention using remote air quality monitoring with SMS and email messaging to promote smoke-free homes among families from deprived areas. This paper presents a pre-post study of this intervention. Using internet connected monitors developed with the Dylos DC1700, daily SMS and weekly email feedback provided for 16 days to participants recruited in four European countries. Participants were recruited based on their stage of change, in order to target those most able to achieve smoke-free homes. The primary outcome measure was median change in mean fine particulate matter (PM) concentration between baseline and follow-up periods, while secondary outcome measures included change in time over the World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline limit for PM exposure over 24 h (25 µg/m) in those periods and the number of homes where PM concentrations reduced. Telephone interviews were conducted with participants in Scotland post-intervention to explore intervention experience and perceived effectiveness. Of 86 homes that completed the intervention study, 57 (66%) experienced pre-post reductions in measured PM. The median reduction experienced was 4.1 µg/m (a reduction of 19% from baseline, p = 0.008). Eight homes where concentrations were higher than the WHO guideline limit at baseline fell below that level at follow-up. In follow-up interviews, participants expressed positive views on the usefulness of air quality feedback. Household air quality monitoring with SMS and email feedback can lead to behaviour change and consequent reductions in SHS in homes, but within the context of our study few homes became totally smoke-free

    Clinical consequences of BRCA2 hypomorphism

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    Altres ajuts: Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (LABAE16020PORTT)Altres ajuts: Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (ERAPERMED2019-215)The tumor suppressor FANCD1/BRCA2 is crucial for DNA homologous recombination repair (HRR). BRCA2 biallelic pathogenic variants result in a severe form of Fanconi anemia (FA) syndrome, whereas monoallelic pathogenic variants cause mainly hereditary breast and ovarian cancer predisposition. For decades, the co-occurrence in trans with a clearly pathogenic variant led to assume that the other allele was benign. However, here we show a patient with biallelic BRCA2 (c.1813dup and c.7796 A > G) diagnosed at age 33 with FA after a hypertoxic reaction to chemotherapy during breast cancer treatment. After DNA damage, patient cells displayed intermediate chromosome fragility, reduced survival, cell cycle defects, and significantly decreased RAD51 foci formation. With a newly developed cell-based flow cytometric assay, we measured single BRCA2 allele contributions to HRR, and found that expression of the missense allele in a BRCA2 KO cellular background partially recovered HRR activity. Our data suggest that a hypomorphic BRCA2 allele retaining 37-54% of normal HRR function can prevent FA clinical phenotype, but not the early onset of breast cancer and severe hypersensitivity to chemotherapy