318 research outputs found

    Actin dynamics coupled to clathrin-coated vesicle formation at the trans-Golgi network

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    In diverse species, actin assembly facilitates clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV) formation during endocytosis. This role might be an adaptation specific to the unique environment at the cell cortex, or it might be fundamental, facilitating CCV formation on different membranes. Proteins of the Sla2p/Hip1R family bind to actin and clathrin at endocytic sites in yeast and mammals. We hypothesized that Hip1R might also coordinate actin assembly with clathrin budding at the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Using deconvolution and time-lapse microscopy, we showed that Hip1R is present on CCVs emerging from the TGN. These vesicles contain the mannose 6-phosphate receptor involved in targeting proteins to the lysosome, and the actin nucleating Arp2/3 complex. Silencing of Hip1R expression by RNAi resulted in disruption of Golgi organization and accumulation of F-actin structures associated with CCVs on the TGN. Hip1R silencing and actin poisons slowed cathepsin D exit from the TGN. These studies establish roles for Hip1R and actin in CCV budding from the TGN for lysosome biogenesis

    The actin-binding protein Hip1R associates with clathrin during early stages of endocytosis and promotes clathrin assembly in vitro

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    Huntingtin-interacting protein 1 related (Hip1R) is a novel component of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles and is a mammalian homologue of Sla2p, an actin-binding protein important for both actin organization and endocytosis in yeast. Here, we demonstrate that Hip1R binds via its putative central coiled-coil domain to clathrin, and provide evidence that Hip1R and clathrin are associated in vivo at sites of endocytosis. First, real-time analysis of Hip1R–YFP and DsRed–clathrin light chain (LC) in live cells revealed that these proteins show almost identical temporal and spatial regulation at the cell cortex. Second, at the ultrastructure level, immunogold labeling of ‘unroofed’ cells showed that Hip1R localizes to clathrin-coated pits. Third, overexpression of Hip1R affected the subcellular distribution of clathrin LC. Consistent with a functional role for Hip1R in endocytosis, we also demonstrated that it promotes clathrin cage assembly in vitro. Finally, we showed that Hip1R is a rod-shaped apparent dimer with globular heads at either end, and that it can assemble clathrin-coated vesicles and F-actin into higher order structures. In total, Hip1R's properties suggest an early endocytic function at the interface between clathrin, F-actin, and lipids

    Myosin 1E interacts with synaptojanin-1 and dynamin and is involved in endocytosis

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    AbstractMyosin 1E is one of two “long-tailed” human Class I myosins that contain an SH3 domain within the tail region. SH3 domains of yeast and amoeboid myosins I interact with activators of the Arp2/3 complex, an important regulator of actin polymerization. No binding partners for the SH3 domains of myosins I have been identified in higher eukaryotes. In the current study, we show that two proteins with prominent functions in endocytosis, synaptojanin-1 and dynamin, bind to the SH3 domain of human Myo1E. Myosin 1E co-localizes with clathrin- and dynamin-containing puncta at the plasma membrane and this co-localization requires an intact SH3 domain. Expression of Myo1E tail, which acts in a dominant-negative manner, inhibits endocytosis of transferrin. Our findings suggest that myosin 1E may contribute to receptor-mediated endocytosis

    Regulators of yeast endocytosis identified by systematic quantitative analysis

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    Endocytosis of receptors at the plasma membrane is controlled by a complex mechanism that includes clathrin, adaptors, and actin regulators. Many of these proteins are conserved in yeast yet lack observable mutant phenotypes, which suggests that yeast endocytosis may be subject to different regulatory mechanisms. Here, we have systematically defined genes required for internalization using a quantitative genome-wide screen that monitors localization of the yeast vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)/synaptobrevin homologue Snc1. Genetic interaction mapping was used to place these genes into functional modules containing known and novel endocytic regulators, and cargo selectivity was evaluated by an array-based comparative analysis. We demonstrate that clathrin and the yeast AP180 clathrin adaptor proteins have a cargo-specific role in Snc1 internalization. We additionally identify low dye binding 17 (LDB17) as a novel conserved component of the endocytic machinery. Ldb17 is recruited to cortical actin patches before actin polymerization and regulates normal coat dynamics and actin assembly. Our findings highlight the conserved machinery and reveal novel mechanisms that underlie endocytic internalization