451 research outputs found

    Orr-Sherby-Dorn creep strengths of the refractory-metal alloys C-103, ASTAR-811C, W-5Re, and W-25Re

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    Available creep data for the refractory-metal alloys C-103 (Nb/10 percent Hf/1 percent Ti/0.7 percent Zr), ASTAR-811C (Ta/8 percent W/1 percent Re/0.7 percent Hf/0.025 percent C), W-5Re (W/5 percent Re), and W-25Re (W/25 percent Re) were correlated by the Orr-Sherby-Dorn method and extrapolated to 1 percent creep over 10 years. Useful life was specified to be 2 standard estimates of error below the mean surface through the data. Over the temperature range of 1200 to 1800 K, ASTAR-811C was found to be the strongest of these alloys. In particular, ASTAR-811C was found to have at 1800 K the same creep strength as W-25Re at 1420 K. The difference between these results and those of Horak and Booker likely devolves from the comparative lack of long-time data on tungsten alloys

    Assessment of lunar sources of He-3 for use on earth

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    As a gross measure of the economics of mining lunar sources of He-3, the energy densities (GJ/ton) of lunar soils were compared with the energy densities of various existing and future terrestrial sources of energy. On this basis, only the very richest lunar ores appear competitive with coal. Future lunar exploration might emphasize identification of lunar soils having higher concentrations of He-3

    Speculations on future opportunities to evolve Brayton powerplants aboard the space station

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    The Space Station provides a unique, low-risk environment in which to evolve new capabilities. In this way, the Space Station will grow in capacity, in its range of capabilities, and its economy of operation as a laboratory and as a center for space operations. Although both Rankine and Brayton cycles, two concepts for solar dynamic power generation, now compete to power the station, this paper confines its attention to the Brayton cycle using a mixture of He and Xe as its working fluid. Such a Brayton powerplant to supply the station's increasing demands for both electric power and heat has the potential to gradually evolve higher and higher performance by exploiting already-evolved materials (ASTAR-811C and molten-Li heat storage), its peak cycle temperature rising ultimately to 1500 K. Adapting the station to exploit long tethers (200 to 300 km long) could yield increases in payloads to LEO, to GEO, and to distant destinations in the solar system. Such tethering of the Space Station would not only require additional power for electric propulsion but also would so increase nuclear safety that nuclear powerplants might provide this power. From an 8000-kWt SP-100 reactor, thermoelectric power generation could produce 300 kWe, or adapted solar-Brayton cycle, 2400 to 2800 kWe

    Lawyers in the Station House

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    Lawyers in the Station House

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    Analysis of turbine stator adjustment required for compressor design-point operation in high Mach number supersonic turbojet engines

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    For turbojet engines designed for flight Mach numbers of 2.5 and 3.0, use of turbine stator adjustment to maintain compressor design-point operation was evaluated analytically to determine the effect on the aerodynamics of the turbine. Since the effect of turbine stator adjustment is to make the turbine design sensitive to the particular engine design conditions selected, in some cases the turbine must be conservatively designed for the high-speed flight condition to assure satisfactory turbine performance at take-off. A new concept, the break-even point, is introduced to provide quick evaluation of the proximity of turbines to the blade-loading limit at any off-design operation

    One-dimensional analysis of choked-flow turbines

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    Flow conditions internal to choked-flow turbines were subjected to a one-dimensional analysis. Factors affecting the design, operation, and manufacture of such turbines were investigated. Criteria are presented which will aid in analysis of test data from such turbines. The effect of turbine-stator adjustment on internal flow conditions was investigated for one application of turbine stator adjustment