
Orr-Sherby-Dorn creep strengths of the refractory-metal alloys C-103, ASTAR-811C, W-5Re, and W-25Re


Available creep data for the refractory-metal alloys C-103 (Nb/10 percent Hf/1 percent Ti/0.7 percent Zr), ASTAR-811C (Ta/8 percent W/1 percent Re/0.7 percent Hf/0.025 percent C), W-5Re (W/5 percent Re), and W-25Re (W/25 percent Re) were correlated by the Orr-Sherby-Dorn method and extrapolated to 1 percent creep over 10 years. Useful life was specified to be 2 standard estimates of error below the mean surface through the data. Over the temperature range of 1200 to 1800 K, ASTAR-811C was found to be the strongest of these alloys. In particular, ASTAR-811C was found to have at 1800 K the same creep strength as W-25Re at 1420 K. The difference between these results and those of Horak and Booker likely devolves from the comparative lack of long-time data on tungsten alloys

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