69 research outputs found

    Fostering students’ emotion regulation during learning : design and effects of a computer-based video training

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    Emotions have an essential impact on students’ learning outcome. Empirical findings show negative correlations between negative emotions and learning outcome. Negative emotions during learning are quite common and become more frequent over the course of an academic career. Thus, regulating these emotions is important. Existing studies indicate that university students lack the ability to successfully regulate their emotions during learning. However, interventions to foster university students’ inherent emotion regulation during learning are missing. In an attempt to identify interventions, this study investigates the effect of a video-based emotion regulation training for university students on emotion regulation strategies, emotions, and learning outcome. One hundred and sixteen university students either received training in emotion regulation (n = 60) or in workplace design (n = 56) before learning in a computer-based learning environment about probability theory. The emotion regulation training lead to improved emotion regulation (more cognitive reappraisal, less suppression) and less frustration and anxiety, but did not affect learning outcome. The results confirm that university students experience significant emotion regulation difficulties and suggest that they need intensive training in emotional regulation.peer-reviewe

    Von der Notlösung zum Dauerzustand: Recht und Praxis der kommunalen Unterbringung wohnungsloser Menschen in Deutschland

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    Wohnungslose Menschen leben auf der Straße, bei Freund_innen oder Bekannten auf dem Sofa, im Auto oder in Notunterkünften. Wer wohnungslos ist, ist in seinen Rechten eingeschränkt - nicht nur dem Recht auf Wohnen, sondern auch dem Recht auf Familienleben, auf Gesundheit oder dem Recht auf Teilhabe an der Gesellschaft. Die vorliegende Analyse fokussiert auf einen Teilaspekt der Wohnungslosigkeit, nämlich die kommunale Unterbringung wohnungsloser Menschen. Wenn Menschen keine Möglichkeit haben, irgendwo unterzukommen und nicht auf der Straße leben wollen, besteht eine Unterbringungsverpflichtung der Kommunen. Dies betrifft mehrere zehntausend Menschen in Deutschland

    Creating sustainable meals supported by the NAHGAST online tool : approach and effects on GHG emissions and use of natural resources

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    Every diet has an impact on an individual’s health status, the environment, as well as on social concerns. A growing number of meals are consumed in the out-of-home catering sector, in which a systematic sustainability assessment is not part of common practice. In order to close this gap, an instrument was developed as part of the NAHGAST project. After more than one year of using the NAHGAST online tool, it needs to be assessed what positive environmental influences can be realized by using the tool. For this reason, this article deals with the question of whether an online tool can enable stakeholders from the out-of-home consumption sector to revise their meals with regard to aspects of a sustainable diet. In addition, it will be answered how precise recipe revisions of the most popular lunchtime meals influence the material footprint as well as the carbon footprint. In conclusion, an online tool can illustrate individual sustainability paths for stakeholders in the out-of-home consumption sector and enables an independent recipe revision for already existing meals. The results show that even slight changes in recipes could lead to savings of up to a third in carbon footprint as well as in material footprint. In relation to the out-of-home consumption sector, this results in the potential for substantial multiplication effects that will pave the way for the dissemination of sustainable nutrition

    Phosphatidylethanolamine critically supports internalization of cell-penetrating protein C inhibitor

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    Although their contribution remains unclear, lipids may facilitate noncanonical routes of protein internalization into cells such as those used by cell-penetrating proteins. We show that protein C inhibitor (PCI), a serine protease inhibitor (serpin), rapidly transverses the plasma membrane, which persists at low temperatures and enables its nuclear targeting in vitro and in vivo. Cell membrane translocation of PCI necessarily requires phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). In parallel, PCI acts as a lipid transferase for PE. The internalized serpin promotes phagocytosis of bacteria, thus suggesting a function in host defense. Membrane insertion of PCI depends on the conical shape of PE and is associated with the formation of restricted aqueous compartments within the membrane. Gain- and loss-of-function mutations indicate that the transmembrane passage of PCI requires a branched cavity between its helices H and D, which, according to docking studies, precisely accommodates PE. Our findings show that its specific shape enables cell surface PE to drive plasma membrane translocation of cell-penetrating PCI

    Gesund, umweltfreundlich und sozialverträglich : wie ein Onlinetool hilft, nachhaltiger zu kochen

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    Jede Kostform hat Auswirkungen auf den individuellen Gesundheitsstatus, die Umwelt und soziale Aspekte. Insbesondere ökologische und soziale Belange werden im Alltag der Außer-Haus-Verpflegung in der Regel nur vage abgeschätzt, eine systematische Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von Speisen findet zumeist nicht statt. Seit Mai 2018 unterstützt der hier vorgestellte Menü-Rechner Akteure in unterschiedlichen Verpflegungseinrichtungen bei der Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung. Das Instrument wurde im Rahmen des NAHGAST-Projektes (www.nahgast.de) in Kooperation mit fünf Praxispartnern entwickelt und durch insgesamt 120 Rezepturen getestet und validiert. Der vorliegende Artikel gibt einen Überblick über Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungen ausgewählter Rezepturen (Gerichte mit Fisch und Fleisch, sowie vegetarische und vegane Gerichte) und stellt heraus, welche Effekte sich für die ökologische, gesundheitliche und soziale Dimension zeigen

    A research programme to evaluate DBT-PTSD, a modular treatment approach for Complex PTSD after childhood abuse

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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after childhood abuse (CA) is often related to severe co-occurring psychopathology, such as symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD). The ICD-11 has included Complex PTSD as a new diagnosis, which is defined by PTSD symptoms plus disturbances in emotion regulation, self-concept, and interpersonal relationships. Unfortunately, the empirical database on psychosocial treatments for survivors of CA is quite limited. Furthermore, the few existing studies often have either excluded subjects with self-harm behaviour and suicidal ideation — which is common behaviour in subjects suffering from Complex PTSD. Thus, researchers are still trying to identify efficacious treatment programmes for this group of patients. We have designed DBT-PTSD to meet the specific needs of patients with Complex PTSD. The treatment programme is based on the rules and principles of dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT), and adds interventions derived from cognitive behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and compassion-focused therapy. DBT-PTSD can be provided as a comprehensive residential programme or as an outpatient programme. The effects of the residential programme were evaluated in a randomised controlled trial. Data revealed significant reduction of posttraumatic symptoms, with large between-group effect sizes when compared to a treatment-as-usual wait list condition (Cohen’s d = 1.5). The first aim of this project on hand is to evaluate the efficacy of the outpatient DBT-PTSD programme. The second aim is to identify the major therapeutic variables mediating treatment efficacy. The third aim is to study neural mechanisms and treatment sensitivity of two frequent sequelae of PTSD after CA: intrusions and dissociation. Methods: To address these questions, we include female patients who experienced CA and who fulfil DSM-5 criteria for PTSD plus borderline features, including criteria for severe emotion dysregulation. The study is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and started in 2014. Participants are randomised to outpatient psychotherapy with either DBT-PTSD or Cognitive Processing Therapy. Formal power analysis revealed a minimum of 180 patients to be recruited. The primary outcome is the change on the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5. Discussion: The expected results will be a major step forward in establishing empirically supported psychological treatments for survivors of CA suffering from Complex PTSD. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register, registration number DRKS00005578, date of registration 19 December 2013

    Nudges for more sustainable food choices in the out-of-home catering sector applied in real-world labs

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    Food production is responsible for approximately 17% of Germany's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. After retail, out-of-home catering is the second largest food sales channel in Germany. A variety of means on both the supply and demand side are necessary to stimulate, facilitate and encourage a more sustainable development and minimise GHG emissions in this sector. Nudges are one of these. This paper's focus lies on the demand side. Set in real-world laboratories, we use a standardised empirical approach to compare different nudging interventions belonging to the area of physical environment and consumers’ choice making process. We compare the effects of the same intervention across different settings and the effect of different, sequential nudging interventions in the same setting. Data was collected in eight workplace and school cafeterias in Germany over two project iterations (2016/2017; 2019/2020). A similar intervention design was applied. Comparability was assured by a harmonised menu. The first project iteration revealed that only one nudge (top menu position, +22.5%) led to significant increases in sustainable food choices, while results from the second iteration showed that all nudge interventions (best counter position, +11.6%; top menu position, +6,9%; label plus information, +15.9%) positively influenced consumer choice. Possible explanations such as the stricter compliance to the experimental design in the cafeterias but also societal developments such as the appearance of the Fridays for Future movement are discussed. As results vary between specific locations and settings, our findings suggest that nudges need to be adjusted to situational conditions for achieving highest efficacy.BMBF, 01UT1409B, Entwicklung, Erprobung und Verbreitung von Konzepten zum nachhaltigen Produzieren und Konsumieren in der Außer-Haus-Gastronomie - Teilprojekt 2 : VerbraucheranspracheBMBF, 01UT1902B, NAHGAST II - Nachhaltige Außer-Haus-Gastronomie - Teilprojekt 2: Interventione

    Needs of multimorbid heart failure patients and their carers: a qualitative interview study and the creation of personas as a basis for a blended collaborative care intervention

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    IntroductionInvolving patients and carers in the development of blended collaborative care (BCC) interventions for multimorbid heart failure (HF) patients is recommended but rarely practised, and research on the patient perspective is scarce. The aim of this study is to investigate patients’ and carers' care-related needs and preferences to better customize a novel international BCC intervention.MethodsA qualitative study design using framework analysis was employed. The study was performed in accordance with the EQUATOR standards for reporting qualitative research (SRQR). Patients aged at least 65 years with HF and at least two other physical diseases as well as their carers completed semistructured interviews in Germany, Italy, and Denmark. Based on these interviews, personas (prototype profiles of patients and carers) were created.ResultsData from interviews with 25 patients and 17 carers were analysed. Initially, seven country-specific personas were identified, which were iteratively narrowed down to a final set of 3 personas: (a) the one who needs and wants support, (b) the one who has accepted their situation with HF and reaches out when necessary, and (c) the one who feels neglected by the health care system. Carers identifying with the last persona showed high levels of psychological stress and a high need for support.DiscussionThis is the first international qualitative study on patients' and carers' needs regarding a BCC intervention using the creation of personas. Across three European countries, data from interviews were used to develop three contrasting personas. Instead of providing “one size fits all” interventions, the results indicate that BCC interventions should offer different approaches based on the needs of individual patients and carers. The personas will serve as a basis for the development of a novel BCC intervention as part of the EU project ESCAPE (Evaluation of a patient-centred biopSychosocial blended collaborative CAre Pathway for the treatment of multimorbid Elderly patients)

    How to address smart homes with a social robot? A multi-modal corpus of user interactions with an intelligent environment

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    Holthaus P, Leichsenring C, Bernotat J, et al. How to address smart homes with a social robot? A multi-modal corpus of user interactions with an intelligent environment. In: Calzolari N, ed. LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. [Proceedings]. Paris: European Language Resources Association (ELRA); 2016: 3440-3446.In order to explore intuitive verbal and non-verbal interfaces in smart environments we recorded user interactions with an intelligent apartment. Besides offering various interactive capabilities itself, the apartment is also inhabited by a social robot that is available as a humanoid interface. This paper presents a multi-modal corpus that contains goal-directed actions of naive users in attempts to solve a number of predefined tasks. Alongside audio and video recordings, our data-set consists of large amount of temporally aligned sensory data and system behavior provided by the environment and its interactive components. Non-verbal system responses such as changes in light or display contents, as well as robot and apartment utterances and gestures serve as a rich basis for later in-depth analysis. Manual annotations provide further information about meta data like the current course of study and user behavior including the incorporated modality, all literal utterances, language features, emotional expressions, foci of attention, and addressees