28 research outputs found

    Logo Counseling for Low Spiritual Self-Esteem Among College Students

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    The purpose of this research was to examine logo counseling model in improving low spiritual self-esteem problem for college students. This research used descriptive method and quasi-experiment method with a non-equivalent pre-test-post-test control group design. The results then analyzed from the statistical significance and the practical significance. The result showed that logo counseling model could improve low spiritual self-esteem among college students, indicated by statistical significance of tcount (43.851) > ttable (2.144) and N-gain of the experimental group (0.75) > N-gain of the control group (0.15) and practical significance of positive attitude, behavior and value changes. Recommendation also given for related agencies to implement logo counseling model in training program and for further research by related experts in the field


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    This study aims to examine the meaning of life from the views of paramedics and religious leaders about cancer patients at Ken Saras Hospital, Ungaran. This research is motivated by the fact that most cancer patients lose the meaning of their life. This study applies a descriptive qualitative research approach. Interviews and observations were used to collect data. This research shows that cancer patients need support and assistance to be able to rediscover the meaning of their lives. They can get this support and assistance from various parties, namely families, paramedics and religious leaders. This paper is expected to help families, paramedics and religious leaders to be able to provide support and assistance to cancer patients so that they can rediscover the meaning of their lives. For this purpose, the authors focus on Ken Saras Hospital which treats cancer patients. The author hopes that the results of this study can be a reference for families, paramedics and religious leaders to provide support and assistance to cancer patients in order to find the meaning of their lives

    Pendampingan Pastoral Keindonesiaan

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    Indonesian pastoral assistance is affiliated with developing potential and improving the quality of life in cultural encounters in Indonesia. This was motivated by the fact of rejection of Western aid, which is only emphasized as an individual approach without regard to the plural of socio-cultural and religious values of Indonesian society. A descriptive-analytical approach is describing and analyzing cultural encounters in spiritual and religious perspectives becomes a mentoring effort that refers to the improvement, development, and transformation of society. Besides that, the cultural encounter is a pastoral assistance effort to empower, revive, and humanize Indonesian people with different characteristics. Meanwhile, the study found that the meaning of pastoral care in the Indonesian context is cooperation, share feelings and mutual acceptance, harmonious brotherhood, solidarity, and friendship that show respect to one another. Pastoral assistance is also carried out to develop their potential, to empower and improve their quality of life. The development of the potential and quality of life occurs in cultural encounters, which are related to the development of mindsets, feelings, and personal behavior patterns of each individual as well as the community and society. Abstrak Pendampingan pastoral keindonesiaan berafliasi pada pengembangan potensi dan peningkatan kualitas hidup dalam perjumpaan budaya di Indonesia. Hal tersebut dimotivasi oleh fakta penolakan terhadap pendampingan barat, yang hanya menekankan pada pendekatan individualis tanpa memperhatikan nilai-nilai sosial budaya dan agama masyarakat Indonesia yang plural. Pende-katan deskriptif analitis untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis perjumpaan budaya dalam perspektif spiritual dan agama menjadi suatu upaya pendam-pingan yang mengacu pada peningkatan, pengembangan dan transformasi masyarakat. Perjumpaan budaya menjadi suatu upaya pendampingan pastoral dalam rangka memberdayakan, menghidupkan serta memanusiakan manusia Indonesia yang berbeda-beda karakteristiknya. Kajian tersebut menemukan pen-dampingan pastoral dalam konteks Indonesia mempunyai arti gotong ro-yong, berbagi rasa dan saling menerima, persaudaraan yang rukun dan solida-ritas serta pertemanan yang saling menghargai dan menghormati. Pendam-pingan pastoral dilakukan untuk mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki, dalam rangka memberdayakan dan meningkatkan kualitas hidupnya. Pengembangan potensi dan kualitas hidup terjadi dalam perjumpaan budaya, yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan pola pikir, perasaan dan pola perilaku pribadi setiap individu maupun komunitas dan masyarakat

    KONSELING TRAUMATIK DENGAN PENDEKATAN LOGOTERAPI (Penanganan TerhadapPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) Korban Trafficking)

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    Traumatic counseling with logotheraphy approach is a concept logotheraphy is translated into the counseling process. Meaning-centered counseling is a force against post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) being personally meaningful. PTSD as a means to train and assist victims of trafficking in achieving the meaning of suffering. It is the source of the value of understanding the suffering of the victims of trafficking are rich in meaning. The goal: (1) develop spiritual values associated with the ability of victims of trafficking adjust to the environment (2) develop self-confidence, ignore the negative things, divert and devote his attention to things that are positive and constructive meaning-oriented and a clear purpose in life (3) Develop a set of values self commitment to perform a variety of real activity in a more targeted to meet the meaning of life

    Interaction monitoring model of logo counseling website for college studentsā€™ healthy self-esteem

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    The purpose of this research is to develop the client-counselor interaction monitoring model of the logo counseling website. The model attempts to help counselors in guiding and helping the students (clients) to achieve healthy self-esteem. Machine learning techniques integrated into the model will ensure that the recommendations can be available for counselors and supervisors in the near real-time environment. For the first implementation, a chatbot application is developed and tested with excellent responses from the students. Further research is needed to implement the complete specifications of the interaction monitoring model on the logo counseling website

    Innovative Model for Logo Counseling Website

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    Logo counseling is a counseling model specifically to treat low spiritual self-esteem problem affecting the life and attitudes of college students. Nevertheless, the problem relies on distance, time, and psychological burdens which preventing face-to-face logo counseling. By reviewing past research regarding online counseling practices, the innovative model for online logo counseling was designed and then demonstrated via logo counseling website. There are four objectives and thirty-five specifications defined in the model. The result showed that logo counseling website is helpful and easy to understand. Further research needed to address the issue of security and confidentiality, furthermore future research needed to examine the integration of text-mining and multimedia analysis techniques to better helping counselors in online counseling intervention

    Mima Para Tarpolarda: falsafah komunitas lokal sebagai pendampingan dan konseling kedukaan di Warjukur-Maluku

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    Pendampingan dan Konseling kedukaan berbasis budaya lokal yang disebut Mima Para Tarpolarda memberikan gambaran tentang pendampingan dan konseling yang kontekstual sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal bangsa Indonesia. Penggunaan budaya sebagai basis tindakan konseling menegaskan bahwa pendampingan dan konseling bukan hanya dilakukan oleh individu atau konselor professional yang terlatih tetapi dapat dilakukan oleh seluruh masyarakat dalam kebudayaan tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis Mima Para Tarpolarda sebagai bentukĀ  pendampingan dan konseling kedukaan berbasis budaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan data yang diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan study pustaka. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis mengalir atau terjalin berupa pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah pertama, Mima Para Tarpolarda dapat dijadikan sebagai pendampingan dan konseling kedukaan karena didalamnya terdapat nilai-nilai konseling menyangkut pemberian nasihat, bimbingan dan pertolongan oleh seluruh masyarakat kepada orang berduka. Tindakan yang dilakukan adalah bentuk reaksi kepedulian masyarakat untuk merasakan apa yang dialami oleh saudaranya akibat kematiaan anggota keluarga. Kedua, pendampingan dan konseling kedukaan yang didasarkan pada nilai kearifan lokal Mima Para Tarpolarda memberikan penyembuhan secara holistik dalam kehidupan orang berduka karena seluruh masyarakat memiliki sikap empati dan solidaritas.AbstractLocal culture-based grief guidance and counseling called Mima Para Tarpolarda provides an overview of contextual guidance and counseling in accordance with the values of Indonesian local wisdom. The use of culture as a basis for counseling actions confirms that counseling and counseling is not only done by individuals or professional counselors who are trained but can be done by all people in a particular culture. The purpose of this study is to examine Mima Para Tarpolarda as a form of cultural-based grief guidance and counseling. The research method used is qualitative research methods and data obtained through observation, interviews and literature study. Analysis of the data used is a flowing or intertwined analysis in the form of collecting data processing data, and drawing conclusions. The results obtained from this study are first, Mima Para Tarpolarda can be used as guidance and grief counseling because in it there are counseling values regarding the provision of advice, guidance and assistance by the whole community to the bereaved. The action taken is a form of public awareness reaction to feel what is experienced by his brother due to the death of family members. Second, guidance and grief counseling based on the local wisdom values of Mima Para Tarpolarda provide holistic healing in the lives of the bereaved because the whole community has an attitude of empathy and solidarity