611 research outputs found

    Proposing A Supply Chain Analytics Reference Model As Performance Enabler

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    Nowadays firms have to react quickly to changing markets creating a need for accurate forecasts of demand and supply. In a data-rich environment as it is within the field of supply chain management, much information needs to be stored, processed, and transformed for decision making. To deal with the increasing amounts of data, firms must be aware of chances in supply chain management such as supply chain analytic capabilities to stay agile, flexible, and make use of (complex) data. Supply chain analytics can predict patterns and trends, even in high velocity markets in real-time supporting decision making by using supply chain analytic tools based on data. The benefits of successfully implementing supply chain analytic processes are enormous and result in competitive advantages for companies such as lowering costs while increasing revenues. As many companies fail to apply supply chain analytic processes and tools, this paper examines the challenges, benefits, and factors for the introduction of supply chain analytics using the input-output model

    Über das tumorigene Potential eines konstitutiv aktivierten Wnt-Signalwegs im Riechepithel der Maus

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    Dem kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg kommt eine entscheidende Bedeutung in der riechepithelialen Neurogenese zu, wo er die Proliferation und Expansion neuronaler Vorläuferzellen ausgehend von riechepithelialen Stammzellen fördert. Eine pathologische Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalwegs stellt eine Schüsselalteration in der Tumorigenese verschiedener humaner Neoplasien dar. Das Olfaktoriusneuroblastom (ONB) ist ein Malignom, welches vermutlich von Zellen des Riechepithels ausgeht – über die molekulare Pathogenese dieses Tumors ist jedoch bislang wenig bekannt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das tumorigene Potential eines aberrant aktivierten Wnt-Signalwegs im Riechepithel der Maus. Zu diesem Zwecke stand ein Sox2-creERT2::Ctnnb1(ex3)Fl/+-Mausmodell zu Verfügung, welches eine konstitutive Aktivierung des kanonischen Wnt-Signalwegs in Sox2-positiven Zellen des Riechepithels an verschiedenen Altersstufe erlaubt. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass eine embryonale Induktion dieses Modells an Tag 14,5 der Embryonalentwicklung zur Entstehung von Tumor-artigen Läsionen führt, welche invasives Wachstum als Kennzeichen von Malignität aufweisen. Ein früh-postnatale Induktion des Modells führt zur Entstehung riechepithelialer Polypen ohne malignen Charakter, wohingegen eine späte Induktion am Postnataltag 21 keine offensichtlichen morphologischen Alterationen des murinen Riechepithels mehr hervorruft. Diese Ergebnisse suggerieren zusammenfasend ein altersabhängiges tumorigenes Potential einer aberranten Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalwegs im murinen Riechepithel. Humane Olfaktoriusneuroblastome ähneln histomorphologisch und immunohistochemisch den beschriebenen Wnt-abhängigen, Tumor-artigen riechepithelialen Läsionen im Mausmodell, bieten jedoch keinen überzeugenden Anhalt auf eine Bedeutung einer pathologischen Aktivierung des kanonischen Wnt-Signalwegs für ihre Pathogenese. In welchem Maße eine pathologische Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalwegs für die Entstehung humaner Neoplasien des Nasen-Rachenraums eine entscheidende Rolle spielt und im Besonderen eine neoplastische Transformation im Riechepithel des Menschen bewirken kann, muss in zukünftigen Forschungsprojekten weiter evaluiert werden

    Über das tumorigene Potential eines konstitutiv aktivierten Wnt-Signalwegs im Riechepithel der Maus

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    Dem kanonischen Wnt-Signalweg kommt eine entscheidende Bedeutung in der riechepithelialen Neurogenese zu, wo er die Proliferation und Expansion neuronaler Vorläuferzellen ausgehend von riechepithelialen Stammzellen fördert. Eine pathologische Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalwegs stellt eine Schüsselalteration in der Tumorigenese verschiedener humaner Neoplasien dar. Das Olfaktoriusneuroblastom (ONB) ist ein Malignom, welches vermutlich von Zellen des Riechepithels ausgeht – über die molekulare Pathogenese dieses Tumors ist jedoch bislang wenig bekannt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das tumorigene Potential eines aberrant aktivierten Wnt-Signalwegs im Riechepithel der Maus. Zu diesem Zwecke stand ein Sox2-creERT2::Ctnnb1(ex3)Fl/+-Mausmodell zu Verfügung, welches eine konstitutive Aktivierung des kanonischen Wnt-Signalwegs in Sox2-positiven Zellen des Riechepithels an verschiedenen Altersstufe erlaubt. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass eine embryonale Induktion dieses Modells an Tag 14,5 der Embryonalentwicklung zur Entstehung von Tumor-artigen Läsionen führt, welche invasives Wachstum als Kennzeichen von Malignität aufweisen. Ein früh-postnatale Induktion des Modells führt zur Entstehung riechepithelialer Polypen ohne malignen Charakter, wohingegen eine späte Induktion am Postnataltag 21 keine offensichtlichen morphologischen Alterationen des murinen Riechepithels mehr hervorruft. Diese Ergebnisse suggerieren zusammenfasend ein altersabhängiges tumorigenes Potential einer aberranten Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalwegs im murinen Riechepithel. Humane Olfaktoriusneuroblastome ähneln histomorphologisch und immunohistochemisch den beschriebenen Wnt-abhängigen, Tumor-artigen riechepithelialen Läsionen im Mausmodell, bieten jedoch keinen überzeugenden Anhalt auf eine Bedeutung einer pathologischen Aktivierung des kanonischen Wnt-Signalwegs für ihre Pathogenese. In welchem Maße eine pathologische Aktivierung des Wnt-Signalwegs für die Entstehung humaner Neoplasien des Nasen-Rachenraums eine entscheidende Rolle spielt und im Besonderen eine neoplastische Transformation im Riechepithel des Menschen bewirken kann, muss in zukünftigen Forschungsprojekten weiter evaluiert werden

    Scalable Unseparated Bioelectrochemical Reactors by Using a Carbon Fiber Brush as Stirrer and Working Electrode

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    The concept of energy conversion into platform chemicals using bioelectrochemical systems (BES) has gained increasing attention in recent years, as the technology simultaneously provides an opportunity for sustainable chemical production and tackles the challenge of Power-to-X technologies. There are many approaches to realize the industrial scale of BES. One concept is to equip standard bioreactors with static electrodes. However, large installations resulted in a negative influence on various reactor parameters. In this study, we present a new single-chamber BES based on a stirred tank reactor in which the stirrer was replaced by a carbon fiber brush, performing the functions of the working electrode and the stirrer. The reactor is characterized in abiotic studies and electro-fermentations with Clostridium acetobutylicum. Compared to standard reactors an increase in butanol production of 20.14±3.66 % shows that the new BES can be efficiently used for bioelectrochemical processes

    Электронная коммерция на промышленных предприятиях

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    Обобщен имеющийся опыт использования электронной коммерции в условиях промышленных предприятий, выполнен контент-анализ на сайтах предприятий угольно-энергетического и горно-металлургического комплексов (на примере Украины), что необходимо для выявления имеющихся недостатков и повышения эффективности коммерческой деятельности в сети Интернет. Приведены краткие описания предприятий и ссылки на их сайты со скриншотами главных страниц, сделаны выводы о качестве этих сайтов с точки зрения эффективного использования в коммерческой деятельности. Рассмотрены ресурсы, предназначенные для продвижения сайтов промыщленных предприятий в Интернет, а также общие методы и рекомендации по повышению эффективности и безопасности электронной коммерции на промышленных предприятиях. Электронную коммерцию предложено рассматривать как Интернет-технологию, на основе общих принципов. Предложена классификация коммерческих корпоративных сайтов с указанием многих факторов, позволяющих выявить имеющиеся недостатки существующих сайтов промышленных предприятий. Написана в соответствии с образовательной программой Европейского Союза TEMPUS ECOMMIS «Двухуровневые программы обучения электронной коммерции для развития информационного общества в Украине, России, Израиле». Для специалистов, занимающихся электронной коммерцией на промышленных предприятиях, преподавателей вузов, аспирантов, студентов, бакалавров, магистров и специалистов направлений «Экономическая кибернетика», «Маркетинг» и «Менеджмент»

    Association between TAS2R38 gene polymorphisms and colorectal cancer risk

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    Molecular sensing in the lingual mucosa and in the gastro-intestinal tract play a role in the detection of ingested harmful drugs and toxins. Therefore, genetic polymorphisms affecting the capability of initiating these responses may be critical for the subsequent efficiency of avoiding and/or eliminating possible threats to the organism. By using a tagging approach in the region of Taste Receptor 2R38 (TAS2R38) gene, we investigated all the common genetic variation of this gene region in relation to colorectal cancer risk with a case-control study in a German population (709 controls and 602 cases) and in a Czech population (623 controls and 601 cases). We found that there were no significant associations between individual SNPs of the TAS2R38 gene and colorectal cancer in the Czech or in the German population, nor in the joint analysis. However, when we analyzed the diplotypes and the phenotypes we found that the non-taster group had an increased risk of colorectal cancer in comparison to the taster group. This association was borderline significant in the Czech population, (OR = 1.28, 95% CI 0.99-1.67; P(value) = 0.058) and statistically significant in the German population (OR = 1.36, 95% CI 1.06-1.75; P(value) = 0.016) and in the joint analysis (OR = 1.34, 95% CI 1.12-1.61; P(value) = 0.001). In conclusion, we found a suggestive association between the human bitter tasting phenotype and the risk of CRC in two different populations of Caucasian origin

    Grid-scale pumped hydro energy storage for the low countries

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    Penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources into the power grid requires large-scale energy storage to ensure grid stability. Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES) is among the most mature, environmentally friendly, and economical energy storage technologies, but has traditionally only been feasible at sites with large natural topographic gradients. ALPHEUS addresses this by developing reversible pump-turbines efficient at low heads, that operate between an enclosed inner basin (that functions as the upper or lower reservoir) and a shallow sea or lake

    Bromine from short-lived source gases in the extratropical northern hemispheric upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS)

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    We present novel measurements of five short-lived brominated source gases (CH2Br2, CHBr3, CH2ClBr, CHCl2Br and CHClBr2). These rather short-lived gases are an important source of bromine to the stratosphere, where they can lead to depletion of ozone. The measurements have been obtained using an in situ gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS) system on board the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO). The instrument is extremely sensitive due to the use of chemical ionization, allowing detection limits in the lower parts per quadrillion (ppq, 10−15) range. Data from three campaigns using HALO are presented, where the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) of the northern hemispheric mid-to-high latitudes were sampled during winter and during late summer to early fall. We show that an observed decrease with altitude in the stratosphere is consistent with the relative lifetimes of the different compounds. Distributions of the five source gases and total organic bromine just below the tropopause show an increase in mixing ratio with latitude, in particular during polar winter. This increase in mixing ratio is explained by increasing lifetimes at higher latitudes during winter. As the mixing ratios at the extratropical tropopause are generally higher than those derived for the tropical tropopause, extratropical troposphere-to-stratosphere transport will result in elevated levels of organic bromine in comparison to air transported over the tropical tropopause. The observations are compared to model estimates using different emission scenarios. A scenario with emissions mainly confined to low latitudes cannot reproduce the observed latitudinal distributions and will tend to overestimate organic bromine input through the tropical tropopause from CH2Br2 and CHBr3. Consequently, the scenario also overestimates the amount of brominated organic gases in the stratosphere. The two scenarios with the highest overall emissions of CH2Br2 tend to overestimate mixing ratios at the tropical tropopause, but they are in much better agreement with extratropical tropopause mixing ratios. This shows that not only total emissions but also latitudinal distributions in the emissions are of importance. While an increase in tropopause mixing ratios with latitude is reproduced with all emission scenarios during winter, the simulated extratropical tropopause mixing ratios are on average lower than the observations during late summer to fall. We show that a good knowledge of the latitudinal distribution of tropopause mixing ratios and of the fractional contributions of tropical and extratropical air is needed to derive stratospheric inorganic bromine in the lowermost stratosphere from observations. In a sensitivity study we find maximum differences of a factor 2 in inorganic bromine in the lowermost stratosphere from source gas injection derived from observations and model outputs. The discrepancies depend on the emission scenarios and the assumed contributions from different source regions. Using better emission scenarios and reasonable assumptions on fractional contribution from the different source regions, the differences in inorganic bromine from source gas injection between model and observations is usually on the order of 1 ppt or less. We conclude that a good representation of the contributions of different source regions is required in models for a robust assessment of the role of short-lived halogen source gases on ozone depletion in the UTLS

    The contribution of low-head pumped hydro storage to a successful energy transition

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    The pan-European power grid is experiencing an increasing penetration of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE). The fluctuating and non-dispatchable nature of VRE hinders them in providing the Ancillary Service (AS) needed for the reliability and stability of the grid. Today’s grid is reliant on synchronous generators. In case of sudden frequency deviations, the inertia of their rotating masses contributes significantly to the stabilisation of the system. However, as the modern power grid is gravitating towards an inverter-dominated system, these must also be able to replicate this characteristic. Therefore, Energy Storage Systems (ESS) are needed along the VRE. Among the different ESS, Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS) can be identified as particularly convenient, given its cost-effective implementation and considerable lifespan, in comparison to other technologies. PHS is reliant on difference in altitudes, which makes this technology only available if suitable topographic conditions exist. The ALPHEUS project will introduce a low-head PHS for a relatively flat topography. In this paper, a grid-forming controlled inverter coupled with low-head PHS that can contribute to the grid stability is introduced, emphasising its ability to provide different AS, especially frequency control, through the provision of synthetic system inertia, as well as fast Frequency Containment Reserves (fFCR)