376 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kinerja Bauran Pemasaran Jasa kesehatan dan Lingkungan Eksternal Individu terhadap Citra Rumah Sakit Paru Dr.H.A. Rotinsulu

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    Persaingan antar Rumah Sakit terus berkembang seiring dengan perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi baik regional maupun internasional. Paru Dr.H.A.Rotinsulu merupakan Rumah Sakit khusus pelayanan kesehatan penyakit paru perlu meningkatkan citra rumah sakit dalam persepsi pelanggan sebagai wakil dari masyarakat. Untuk meningkatkan citra tidak terlepas dari pengelolaan rumah sakit melalui program bauran pemasaran yang telah dilaksanakan dan pengaruh lingkungan eksternal individu pasien yang merupakan bagian terdalam (inti) dari perilaku pelanggan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengungkapkan tanggapan pasien terhadap kinerja bauran pemasaran dan citra RS.Paru Dr.H.A. Rotinsulu serta pengaruh lingkungan eksternal individu pasien terhadap keberadaan/eksistensi RS. Paru Dr.H.A. Rotinsulu. Penelitian yang dilakukan bersifat deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan metode penelitian  survey  dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Cara pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan random sampling, jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 responden. Adapun teknik  pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, kuesioner dan studi pustaka sedangkan teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah berbentuk grafik dan analisis jalur ( Path Analysis ). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum kinerja bauran pemasaran dan citra RS. Paru Dr.H.A. Rotinsulu dirasakan oleh pelanggan baik, tetapi ada dua kinerja bauran pemasaran yang dirasakan kurang  yaitu lokasi dan promosi. Lingkungan eksternal individu mempunyai pengaruh kuat terhadap pertimbangan menggunakan pelayanan di RS. Paru Dr.H.A. Rotinsulu. Secara bersama-sama kinerja bauran. Kata Kunci: bauran pemasaran jasa, citra rumah saki

    “I Like You When You are Silent”: The Future of NDAs and Mandatory Arbitration in the Era of #MeToo

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    On October 5, 2017, the New York Times published an exposé of Harvey Weinstein, an influential film producer, which sparked what came to be known as the #METOO movement. As part of the report, Ashley Judd and numerous other actresses outed Weinstein for using his position of power to rape, sexually assault, and sexually abuse them–accusations that spanned over thirty years. Inspired by the courage of these women, countless others came forward to share their stories of sexual assault by individuals in positions of power. Survivors of sexual assault appeared to garner strength against their attackers as men in power had to account for their transgressions, often leading to job loss or criminal charges. While dozens of Weinstein employees knew about his conduct, only a handful ever confronted him, and Judd was the first to go public. Despite opening the floodgates to speak out about sexual assault, a significant number of survivors have been unable to share their stories because of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), sometimes referred to as confidentiality agreements (CAs). In the situation of Mckayla Maroney, 2012 Gold Medal Olympian, USA Gymnastics forced her to sign a confidentiality agreement after settling over abuse by team doctor Larry Nassar. The provision would have prevented Maroney from testifying against her attacker at the expense of a $100,000 fine. Only after receiving a cornucopia of societal pressure did USAG decline to enforce the penalty against Maroney. While USAG claimed Maroney was the only victim that they forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement, NDAs have silenced countless other women. Likewise, the Weinstein cases involved not only quieting the survivors, but also all employees of the Weinstein Corporation. It became blatantly clear that NDAs had not only restricted survivors from sharing their story cathartically, but that they had also given abusive men a path to legally harass women while simultaneously holding onto positions of power. Notably, the power of employers to enforce these provisions against women is largely dependent on the public’s ability to chastise the employer, making it easier for low-profile cases involving smaller employers to continue in the dark. In response to the public outcry over CAs and, multiple states have pursued legislation to limit the abilities of employers to use NDAs in sexual harassment cases. In six states that legislation became law. At the end of September, two California bills went before Governor Jerry Brown to either receive a veto or signature. Furthermore, as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Congress passed a section that prohibits tax deductions for settlements involving NDAs and sexual harassment

    Explaining Conflicts in Japanese-South Korean Relations

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    South Korea and Japan usually cooperate but occasionally experience periods of conflict that disrupt their relationship. This paper seeks to explain those sporadic periods of conflict using a dynamic theory. This theory posits that South Korean leadership power status coupled with Japanese action on sensitive issues will lead to a period of conflict. President Kim Dae Jung’s administration serves as the case study for this paper

    Human Sigma Optimization: Improving Employee Engagement

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    Competition in banking industry from year to year increasingly fierce. Small capital banks must open compete with large banks in the same segment. Local banks must compete "apple to apple" with other local banks. In addition, local bank has to be able to compete with foreign banks in order to gain the largest market share. The level of customer engagement can be a leading indicator at the rate of return for investors. It means if the CE survey results produce a high level of engagement, then the company's financial performance expectation is also high. employee engagement level is the basic indicator of leading indicators. It means that if the EE survey results produce a high level of engagement then, engagement costumer is also high on products or services owned by a bank. Human Sigma is a model and approach by analyzing the value of Customer Engagement and Employee Engagement to determine Human Sigma Value that will describe the level of engagement from the point of view of employee and customer. The aim of this study is to look for top of pain factors the weakness of employee engagement in the retail banking company that caused the decrease of customer engagement and the level of company productivity by using the concept of human sigma

    Memoria de sostenibilidad

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    Noms variants de l'empresa: Empresa Nacional de CelulosasAltre tĂ­tol: Informe de sostenibilida

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationWith the rapid proliferation of high-throughput sequencing methods, both the number and variety of genome assemblies have increased and require rigorous and sophisticated methods for genome annotation. As more species’ genomes are sequenced, the targets of genome annotation projects will more commonly be species with few closely related species that have been analyzed previously. This can be a serious challenge for genome annotation, here defined as the identification and demarcation of gene models in a genome assembly. My PhD research has focused on the application and development of genome annotation methods for non-model organisms. In the first chapter of my thesis, I present a review of the field of genome annotation, which discusses current challenges and bestpractice approaches. In the second chapter of my thesis, I present analyses of the important agronomic pest, Cronartium quercuum sp. fusiforme (CQF), which causes fusiform rust disease in loblolly pine trees. I annotated the genome and used genome-resequencing data to confirm results from a previous linkage mapping study that identified the location of virulence factor 1 (Avr1) and to identify candidate Avr1 genes


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    The aim of this research and development is to create a video on the creation techniques of three-dimensional origami that is proper and effective as learning media for the handicrafts course for students of Teacher Education for Early Education at the State University of Malang. The utilized research method was Research and Development (R&D). The stages of the research involved analysis of needs through instructional analysis, scenario development, video script development, footage recording, editing, and validation. The research results indicated that the developed video was declared valid and proper for usage as learning media based on evaluations from a media expert, material experts, and candidate users. Therefore, the developed media can be utilized to support the improvement of skills of candidate teachers for early education in the development of three-dimensional origami media products. Keywords: Development, handicrafts, learning video, three-dimensional origami creation technique

    Analysis of the Role of Ciamis DPRD Women in Making Child-Friendly District Regulations

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    The research was conducted with the intention of knowing about the dynamics of the female legislators of the Ciamis DPRD in the process of making Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 18 of 2018 concerning Child Friendly Districts (KLA) and analyzing the causes of conflict between each member of the Ciamis DPRD. The met­hod used in this research is qualitative with a case study approach. The technique of collecting data in this research is by means of observation, interviews and collecting documents related to the research topic. This study concludes that the dynamics of women legislators in fighting for the interests of children is by accommodating the draft Local Regulation on KLA in an accommodation compromise. The factions in the Ciamis DPRD fully support the issuance of the Regional Regulation, although the political communication process is still carried out by each faction

    Integrated Mobile Learning System (IMOLES) Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Masyarakat Pebelajar Unggul Era Digital

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    Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) membawa perubahan yang signifikan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan manusia termasuk bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan sebagai pilar utama bangsa dalam rangka membangun kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang berkarakter unggul. Pendidikan harus mampu mengadaptasi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang berkembang pesat. Integrasi antara teknologi internet dengan telfon pintar melahirkan kesempatan masyarakat untuk belajar sepanjang hayat. Mobile learning merupakan salah satu tren dalam bidang teknologi pendidikan dewasa kini diharapkan mampu memfasilitasi kebutuhan belajar semua kalangan. Di samping itu mobile learning dapat menjadi solusi permasalahan pemerataan dan keterbatasan akses pendidikan. Namun demikian diperlukan kebijakan pemerintah yang mendorong terbangunnya mobile learning system. Kebijakan yang dimaksud idealnya berupa tatanan sistem yang dikelola secara profesional. Dengan demikian mobile learning yang dirancang, dikembangan, dimanfaatkan, dikelola dan dievaluasi dengan baik diharapkan dapat berperan dalam membangun budaya belajar masyarakat dan berkontribusi meningkatan indeks pembangunan manusia Indonesia yang unggul dan berdaya saing global.Abstract: The development of information and communication technology (ICT) brings significant changes in various fields of human life including the field of education. Education as the main pillar of the nation in order to build the quality of Indonesian human resources with superior character. Education must be able to adapt to the rapid development of science and technology. The integration of internet technology with smartphones gave birth to people's opportunities for lifelong learning. Mobile learning is one of the trends in the field of adult education technology which is now expected to be able to facilitate the learning needs of all groups. Besides that mobile learning can be a solution to the problem of equity and limited access to education. However, government policies are needed to encourage the development of a mobile learning system. The policy in question is ideally in the form of a system that is managed professionally. Thus mobile learning that is well designed, developed, utilized, managed and evaluated is expected to play a role in building a culture of community learning and contributing to the improvement of Indonesia's superior and globally competitive human development index


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    Regional Retribution is a regional levy as a payment for services or the granting of certain permits specifically provided and/or granted by the local government for the benefit of individuals or entities. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the levy for receiving fish auctions at TPI Ciwaru in increasing local revenue (PAD) of Sukabumi Regency from the marine sector, and what are the obstacles that occur in the process. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive method and an analysis of the effectiveness measurement according to James L. Gibson. By collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation. The result of this study is that the acceptance of fish auction fees at TPI Ciwaru cannot be said to be effective. Revenue from fish auction fees at TPI Ciwaru has not been effective, as evidenced by the fish auction fees which are still low compared to the potential and large production value each year and never reach 1% according to the applicable local regulations
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