18 research outputs found

    Dynamic centriolar localization of Polo and Centrobin in early mitosis primes centrosome asymmetry

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    Centrosomes, the main microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) of metazoan cells, contain an older "mother" and a younger "daughter" centriole. Stem cells either inherit the mother or daughter-centriole-containing centrosome, providing a possible mechanism for biased delivery of cell fate determinants. However, the mechanisms regulating centrosome asymmetry and biased centrosome segregation are unclear. Using 3D-structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) and live-cell imaging, we show in fly neural stem cells (neuroblasts) that the mitotic kinase Polo and its centriolar protein substrate Centrobin (Cnb) accumulate on the daughter centriole during mitosis, thereby generating molecularly distinct mother and daughter centrioles before interphase. Cnb's asymmetric localization, potentially involving a direct relocalization mechanism, is regulated by Polo-mediated phosphorylation, whereas Polo's daughter centriole enrichment requires both Wdr62 and Cnb. Based on optogenetic protein mislocalization experiments, we propose that the establishment of centriole asymmetry in mitosis primes biased interphase MTOC activity, necessary for correct spindle orientation

    Ensconsin/Map7 promotes microtubule growth and centrosome separation in Drosophila neural stem cells.

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    International audienceThe mitotic spindle is crucial to achieve segregation of sister chromatids. To identify new mitotic spindle assembly regulators, we isolated 855 microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) from Drosophila melanogaster mitotic or interphasic embryos. Using RNAi, we screened 96 poorly characterized genes in the Drosophila central nervous system to establish their possible role during spindle assembly. We found that Ensconsin/MAP7 mutant neuroblasts display shorter metaphase spindles, a defect caused by a reduced microtubule polymerization rate and enhanced by centrosome ablation. In agreement with a direct effect in regulating spindle length, Ensconsin overexpression triggered an increase in spindle length in S2 cells, whereas purified Ensconsin stimulated microtubule polymerization in vitro. Interestingly, ensc-null mutant flies also display defective centrosome separation and positioning during interphase, a phenotype also detected in kinesin-1 mutants. Collectively, our results suggest that Ensconsin cooperates with its binding partner Kinesin-1 during interphase to trigger centrosome separation. In addition, Ensconsin promotes microtubule polymerization during mitosis to control spindle length independent of Kinesin-1

    A new role for Ensconsin / MAP7 in microtubule and centrosome dynamics

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    La mitose est une Ă©tape essentielle du cycle cellulaire Ă  l’issue de laquelle le gĂ©nome rĂ©pliquĂ© de la cellule mĂšre est sĂ©grĂ©gĂ© de façon Ă©quitable entre les deux cellules filles. Pour cela, la cellule assemble une structure hautement dynamique et composĂ©e de microtubules, appelĂ©e le fuseau mitotique. En plus d’assurer la bonne sĂ©grĂ©gation des chromosomes, le fuseau mitotique dĂ©termine l’axe de division, un phĂ©nomĂšne particuliĂšrement important pour la division asymĂ©trique oĂč des dĂ©terminants d’identitĂ© cellulaire doivent ĂȘtre distribuĂ©s de façon inĂ©quitable entre les deux cellules filles. L’assemblage et la dynamique de ce fuseau sont finement rĂ©gulĂ©s par de nombreuses protĂ©ines qui sont associĂ©es aux microtubules. Au cour de ma thĂšse, nous avons identifiĂ© 855 protĂ©ines constituant l’interactome des microtubules de l’embryon de Drosophile par spectromĂ©trie de masse puis criblĂ© par ARNi 96 gĂšnes peu caractĂ©risĂ©s pour un rĂŽle en mitose dans le systĂšme nerveux central larvaire. Par cette approche, nous avons identifiĂ© 18 candidats sur la base de leur interaction aux microtubules et de leur phĂ©notype mitotique, dont Ensconsine/MAP7. Nous avons montrĂ© qu’Ensconsine est capable de s’associer aux microtubules du fuseau et favorise leur polymĂ©risation. De plus, les neuroblastes des larves mutantes prĂ©sentent des fuseaux raccourcis et une durĂ©e de mitose prolongĂ©e. Ce dĂ©lai en mitose est dĂ» Ă  une activation prolongĂ©e du point de contrĂŽle du fuseau mitotique qui est essentiel pour une sĂ©grĂ©gation correcte des chromosomes en l’absence d’Ensconsine. D’autres part, en association avec la KinĂ©sine-1, son partenaire fonctionnel en interphase, nous avons montrĂ© qu’Ensconsine est Ă©galement impliquĂ©e dans la sĂ©paration des centrosomes au cours de l’interphase. Ceci entraine une distribution alĂ©atoire des centrosomes pĂšres et fils dans cellules filles. GrĂące Ă  cette Ă©tude, nous avons rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© deux nouvelles fonctions pour Ensconsine : elle favorise la polymĂ©risation des microtubules et participe donc Ă  l’assemblage du fuseau mitotique et est impliquĂ©e, avec la KinĂ©sine-1 dans la dynamique des centrosomes.Mitosis is a key step of the cell cycle that allows the mother cell to segregate its replicated genome equally into the two daughter cells. To do so, the cell assembles a highly dynamic structure composed of microtubules called the mitotic spindle. Additionally to its role in the faithful segregation of chromosomes, the mitotic spindle defines the axis of cell division. This phenomenon is particularly important for the asymmetric cell division in which cell fate determinants have to be unequally distributed between the two daughter cells. Spindle assembly and dynamics are subtly regulated by numerous microtubules-associated proteins. During my PhD, we identified using mass spectrometry, 855 proteins establishing the Drosophila embryo microtubule interactome. An RNAi screen was performed in the larval central nervous system for 96 poorly described genes, in order to identify new mitotic regulators. Based on microtubule interaction and mitotic phenotype, among 18 candidates we focused on Ensconsin/MAP7. We have shown that Ensconsin is associated with spindle microtubules and promotes their polymerization. Neuroblasts from mutant larvae display shorter spindles and a longer mitosis duration. This mitotic delay is a consequence of an extended activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint, which is essential for the proper chromosome segregation in the absence of Ensconsin. This study also showed that, in association with its interphase partner Kinesin-1, Ensconsin is involved in centrosome separation during interphase. As a result, mother and daughter centrosomes are randomly distributed between the daughter cells. In conclusion, we highlighted two news functions of Ensconsin : first, this protein promotes microtubule polymerization and is involved in spindle assembly ; second, Ensconsin and its partner Kinesin-1 regulate centrosome dynamics

    Drosophila melanogaster Neuroblasts: A Model for Asymmetric Stem Cell Divisions

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    Asymmetric cell division (ACD) is a fundamental mechanism to generate cell diversity, giving rise to daughter cells with different developmental potentials. ACD is manifested in the asymmetric segregation of proteins or mRNAs, when the two daughter cells differ in size or are endowed with different potentials to differentiate into a particular cell type (Horvitz and Herskowitz, Cell 68:237-255, 1992). Drosophila neuroblasts, the neural stem cells of the developing fly brain, are an ideal system to study ACD since this system encompasses all of these characteristics. Neuroblasts are intrinsically polarized cells, utilizing polarity cues to orient the mitotic spindle, segregate cell fate determinants asymmetrically, and regulate spindle geometry and physical asymmetry. The neuroblast system has contributed significantly to the elucidation of the basic molecular mechanisms underlying ACD. Recent findings also highlight its usefulness to study basic aspects of stem cell biology and tumor formation. In this review, we will focus on what has been learned about the basic mechanisms underlying ACD in fly neuroblasts

    Annexin A2 and Ahnak control cortical NuMA-dynein localization and mitotic spindle orientation

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    International audienceProper mitotic spindle orientation depends on the correct anchorage of astral microtubules to the cortex. It relies on the remodeling of the cell cortex, a process not fully understood. Annexin A2 (Anx2) is a protein known to be involved in cortical domain remodeling. Here, we report that in early mitosis, Anx2 recruits the scaffold protein Ahnak at the cell cortex facing spindle poles, and the distribution of both proteins is controlled by cell adhesion. Depletion of either protein or impaired cortical Ahnak localization result in delayed anaphase onset and unstable spindle anchoring, which leads to altered spindle orientation. We find that Ahnak is present in a complex with dynein-dynactin. Furthermore, Ahnak and Anx2 are required for dynein and NuMA proper cortical localization and dynamics. We propose that the Ahnak/Anx2 complex influences the cortical organization of the astral microtubule anchoring complex, and thereby mitotic spindle positioning in human cells

    Aurora A Protein Kinase: To the Centrosome and Beyond

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    Accurate chromosome segregation requires the perfect spatiotemporal rearrangement of the cellular cytoskeleton. Isolated more than two decades ago from Drosophila, Aurora A is a widespread protein kinase that plays key roles during cell division. Numerous studies have described the localisation of Aurora A at centrosomes, the mitotic spindle, and, more recently, at mitotic centromeres. In this review, we will summarise the cytoskeletal rearrangements regulated by Aurora A during cell division. We will also discuss the recent discoveries showing that Aurora A also controls not only the dynamics of the cortical proteins but also regulates the centromeric proteins, revealing new roles for this kinase during cell division

    A role for Rab10 in von Willebrand factor release discovered by an AP-1 interactor screen in C. elegans.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Endothelial von Willebrand factor (VWF) mediates platelet adhesion and acts as a protective chaperone to clotting factor VIII. Rapid release of highly multimerized VWF is particularly effective in promoting hemostasis. To produce this protein, an elaborate biogenesis is required, culminating at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in storage within secretory granules called Weibel-Palade bodies (WPB). Failure to correctly form these organelles can lead to uncontrolled secretion of low-molecular-weight multimers of VWF. The TGN-associated adaptor AP-1 and its interactors clathrin, aftiphilin and Îł-synergin are essential to initial WPB formation at the Golgi apparatus, and thus to VWF storage and secretion. OBJECTIVES: To identify new proteins implicated in VWF storage and/or secretion. METHODS: A genomewide RNA interference (RNAi) screen was performed in the Nematode C. elegans to identify new AP-1 genetic interactors. RESULTS: The small GTPase Rab10 was found to genetically interact with a partial loss of function of AP-1 in C. elegans. We investigated Rab10 in human primary umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). We report that Rab10 is enriched at the Golgi apparatus, where WPB are formed, and that in cells where Rab10 expression has been suppressed by siRNA, VWF secretion is altered: the amount of rapidly released VWF was significantly reduced. We also found that Rab8A has a similar function. CONCLUSION: Rab10 and Rab8A are new cytoplasmic factors implicated in WPB biogenesis that play a role in generating granules that can rapidly respond to secretagogue

    Aurora kinases promote mitotic progression and asymmetric cell division through activation of Polo kinase

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    Organ development and integrity requires the maintenance of a defined and restricted pool of dividing stem cells. This process requires the coupling of mitosis progression to the establishment of stem cells polarization and spindle orientation to ensure that they retain the ability to proliferate while their descendant cells do not proliferate excessively. How this coupling occurs is unknown. Here we show that downstream of Aurora kinases, Polo activity levels are crucial for timely mitotic progression independently from the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC). In addition, Polo functions downstream of Aurora A to ensure cortical polarity and spindle orientation in neural stem cells, thereby preventing excessive cellular proliferation in developing larval brains, and suppressing tumor development. In addition, induction of aneuploidy in polo mutant brain by inactivation of the SAC leads to an increase in tumor development Altogether, our results reveal that the Aurora-Polo kinase axis is an essential module coupling mitotic progression to asymmetric division in NSCs

    The spindle assembly checkpoint and the spatial activation of Polo kinase determine the duration of cell division and prevent tumor formation

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    International audienceThe maintenance of a restricted pool of asymmetrically dividing stem cells is essential for tissue homeostasis. This process requires the control of mitotic progression that ensures the accurate chromosome segregation. In addition, this event is coupled to the asymmetric distribution of cell fate determinants in order to prevent stem cell amplification. How this coupling is regulated remains poorly described. Here, using asymmetrically dividing Drosophila neural stem cells (NSCs), we show that Polo kinase activity levels determine timely Cyclin B degradation and mitotic progression independent of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). This event is mediated by the direct phosphorylation of Polo kinase by Aurora A at spindle poles and Aurora B kinases at centromeres. Furthermore, we show that Aurora A-dependent activation of Polo is the major event that promotes NSC polarization and together with the SAC prevents brain tumor growth. Altogether, our results show that an Aurora/Polo kinase module couples NSC mitotic progression and polarization for tissue homeostasis

    Peripheral microtubules ensure asymmetric furrow positioning in neural stem cells Running title: Peripheral microtubules not the spindle midzone, position the asymmetric division furrow in neural stem cells

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    Neuroblast (NB) cell division is characterized by a basal positioning of the cleavage furrow resulting in a large difference in size between the future daughter cells. In animal cells, furrow placement and assembly is governed by centralspindlin, a highly conserved complex that accumulates at the equatorial cell cortex of the future cleavage site and at the spindle midzone. In contrast to model systems studied so far, these two centralspindlin populations are spatially and temporally separated in NBs. A cortical leading pool is located at the basal cleavage furrow site and a second pool accumulates at the midzone before travelling to the site of the basal cleavage furrow during cytokinesis completion. By manipulating microtubule (MT) dynamics, we show that the cortical centralspindlin population requires peripheral astral microtubules and the Chromosome Passenger Complex (CPC) for efficient recruitment. Loss of this pool does not prevent cytokinesis but enhances centralspindlin levels at the midzone leading to furrow repositioning towards the equator and decreased size asymmetry between daughter cells. Together these data reveal that the asymmetrical furrow placement characteristic of NBs results from a competition between spatially and functionally separate centralspindlin pools in which the cortical pool is dominant and requires peripheral astral microtubules