10 research outputs found

    The extreme scarcity of dust-enshrouded red supergiants: consequences for producing stripped stars via winds

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    Quiescent mass-loss during the red supergiant (RSG) phase has been shown to be far lower than prescriptions typically employed in single-star evolutionary models. Importantly, RSG winds are too weak to drive the production of Wolf-Rayets (WRs) and stripped-envelope supernovae (SE-SNe) at initial masses of roughly 20--40M⊙M_{\odot}. If single-stars are to make WRs and SE-SNe, this shifts the burden of mass-loss to rare dust-enshrouded RSGs (DE-RSGs), objects claimed to represent a short-lived high mass-loss phase. Here, we take a fresh look at the purported DE-RSGs. By modeling the mid-IR excesses of the full sample of RSGs in the LMC, we find that only one RSG has both a high mass-loss rate (\mdot ≥\ge 10−4^{-4} M⊙M_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}) and a high optical circumstellar dust extinction (7.92 mag). This one RSG is WOH G64, and it is the only one of the 14 originally proposed DE-RSGs that is actually dust enshrouded. The rest appear to be either normal RSGs without strong infrared-excess, or lower-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. Only one additional object in the full catalog of RSGs (not previously identified as a DE-RSG) shows strong mid-IR excess. We conclude that if DE-RSGs do represent a pre-SN phase of enhanced \mdot\ in single-stars, it is extremely short-lived, only capable of removing ≤\leq2\msun\ of material. This rules out the single-star post-RSG pathway for the production of WRs, LBVs, and SE-SN. Single-star models should not employ \mdot-prescriptions based on these extreme objects for any significant fraction of the RSG phase.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Accepted with minor revision to Ap

    The evolution of Red Supergiants to supernova in NGC 2100

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    The mass loss rates of red supergiants (RSGs) govern their evolution towards supernova and dictate the appearance of the resulting explosion. To study how mass-loss rates change with evolution we measure the mass-loss rates (\mdot) and extinctions of 19 red supergiants in the young massive cluster NGC2100 in the Large Magellanic Cloud. By targeting stars in a coeval cluster we can study the mass-loss rate evolution whilst keeping the variables of mass and metallicity fixed. Mass-loss rates were determined by fitting DUSTY models to mid-IR photometry from WISE and Spitzer/IRAC. We find that the \mdot\ in red supergiants increases as the star evolves, and is well described by \mdot\ prescription of de Jager, used widely in stellar evolution calculations. We find the extinction caused by the warm dust is negligible, meaning the warm circumstellar material of the inner wind cannot explain the higher levels of extinction found in the RSGs compared to other cluster stars. We discuss the implications of this work in terms of supernova progenitors and stellar evolution theory. We argue there is little justification for substantially increasing the \mdot\ during the RSG phase, as has been suggested recently in order to explain the absence of high mass Type IIP supernova progenitors. We also argue that an increase in reddening towards the end of the RSG phase, as observed for the two most evolved cluster stars, may provide a solution to the red supergiant problem

    A critical re-evaluation of the Thorne-Zytkow object candidate HV 2112

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    It has been argued in the literature that the star HV 2112 in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is the first known example of a Thorne–Żytkow object (TŻO), a red supergiant with a degenerate neutron core. This claim is based on the star having a high luminosity (log (L/L⊙) ≳ 5), an extremely cool effective temperature, and a surface enriched in in lithium, calcium, and various irp-process elements. In this paper we re-examine this evidence, and present new measurements of the stellar properties. By compiling archival photometry from blue to mid-infrared for HV 2112 and integrating under its spectral energy distribution, we find a bolometric luminosity in the range of log (L/L⊙) = 4.70–4.91, lower than that found in previous work and comparable to bright asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. We compare a VLT+XSHOOTER spectrum of HV 2112 to other late-type, luminous SMC stars, finding no evidence for enhancements in Rb, Ca, or K, though there does seem to be an enrichment in Li. We therefore conclude that a much more likely explanation for HV 2112 is that it is an intermediate mass (∼5 M⊙) AGB star. However, from our sample of comparison stars we identify a new TŻO candidate, HV 11417, which seems to be enriched in Rb but for which we cannot determine a Li abundance

    The luminosities of cool supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds, and the Humphreys-Davidson limit revisited

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    The empirical upper luminosity boundary Lmax of cool supergiants (SGs), often referred to as the Humphreys-Davidson limit, is thought to encode information on the general mass-loss behaviour of massive stars. Further, it delineates the boundary at which single stars will end their lives stripped of their hydrogen-rich envelope, which in turn is a key factor in the relative rates of Type-II to Type-Ibc supernovae from single star channels. In this paper we have revisited the issue of Lmax by studying the luminosity distributions of cool SGs in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC/SMC). We assemble samples of cool SGs in each galaxy which are highly complete above logL/L⊙= 5.0, and determine their spectral energy distributions from the optical to the mid-infrared using modern multiwavelength survey data. We show that in both cases Lmax appears to be lower than previously quoted, and is in the region of log L/L⊙ = 5.5. There is no evidence for Lmax being higher in the SMC than in the LMC, as would be expected if metallicity-dependent winds were the dominant factor in the stripping of stellar envelopes. We also show that Lmax aligns with the lowest luminosity of single nitrogen-rich Wolf-Rayet stars, indicating of a change in evolutionary sequence for stars above a critical mass. From population synthesis analysis we show that the Geneva evolutionary models greatly overpredict the numbers of cool SGs in the SMC. We also argue that the trend of earlier average spectral types of cool SGs in lower metallicity environments represents a genuine shift to hotter temperatures. Finally, we use our new bolometric luminosity measurements to provide updated bolometric corrections for cool SGs

    Red Supergiants as Cosmic Abundance Probes: massive star clusters in M83, and the mass-metallicity relation of nearby galaxies

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    We present an abundance analysis of seven super-star clusters in the disk of M83. The near-infrared spectra of these clusters are dominated by Red Supergiants, and the spectral similarity in the J-band of such stars at uniform metallicity means that the integrated light from the clusters may be analysed using the same tools as those applied to single stars. Using data from VLT/KMOS we estimate metallicities for each cluster in the sample. We find that the abundance gradient in the inner regions of M83 is flat, with a central metallicity of [Z] = 0.21±\pm0.11 relative to a Solar value of Z⊙Z_\odot=0.014, which is in excellent agreement with the results from an analysis of luminous hot stars in the same regions. Compiling this latest study with our other recent work, we construct a mass-metallicity relation for nearby galaxies based entirely on the analysis of RSGs. We find excellent agreement with the other stellar-based technique, that of blue supergiants, as well as with temperature-sensitive (`auroral' or `direct') \hii-region studies. Of all the HII-region strong-line calibrations, those which are empirically calibrated to direct-method studies (N2 and O3N2) provide the most consistent results

    The evolution of red supergiants to supernovae

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    A Luminous Red Supergiant and Dusty Long-period Variable Progenitor for SN 2023ixf

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    We analyze pre-explosion near- and mid-infrared (IR) imaging of the site of SN 2023ixf in the nearby spiral galaxy M101 and characterize the candidate progenitor star. The star displays compelling evidence of variability with a possible period of ≈1000 days and an amplitude of Δ m ≈ 0.6 mag in extensive monitoring with the Spitzer Space Telescope since 2004, likely indicative of radial pulsations. Variability consistent with this period is also seen in the near-IR J and K _s bands between 2010 and 2023, up to just 10 days before the explosion. Beyond the periodic variability, we do not find evidence for any IR-bright pre-supernova outbursts in this time period. The IR brightness ( MKs=−10.7{M}_{{K}_{s}}=-10.7 mag) and color ( J − K _s = 1.6 mag) of the star suggest a luminous and dusty red supergiant. Modeling of the phase-averaged spectral energy distribution (SED) yields constraints on the stellar temperature ( Teff=3500−1400+800{T}_{\mathrm{eff}}={3500}_{-1400}^{+800} K) and luminosity ( logL/L⊙=5.1±0.2\mathrm{log}L/{L}_{\odot }=5.1\pm 0.2 ). This places the candidate among the most luminous Type II supernova progenitors with direct imaging constraints, with the caveat that many of these rely only on optical measurements. Comparison with stellar evolution models gives an initial mass of M _init = 17 ± 4 M _⊙ . We estimate the pre-supernova mass-loss rate of the star between 3 and 19 yr before explosion from the SED modeling at M˙≈3×10−5\dot{M}\approx 3\times {10}^{-5} to 3 × 10 ^−4 M _⊙ yr ^−1 for an assumed wind velocity of v _w = 10 km s ^−1 , perhaps pointing to enhanced mass loss in a pulsation-driven wind