2,038 research outputs found

    School Administrator Preparation in Special Education: A Cross-Case Analysis

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    Special education has been part of public education for 46 years and has evolved considerably in that time. Despite improvements made in special education law, there remains a disconnect between law and current practices. Several studies suggest this disconnect is associated with administrators’ insufficient preparation for supporting special education in their schools. This study utilized an explanatory sequential design to study Southern California school principals’ special education preparation. During the first phase of the study, the researcher emailed surveys to administrators who were selected using a stratified random sampling strategy. Unfortunately, the response rate was too low to employ the regression analysis strategy stipulated in the study’s design. Rather the survey results were used to identify administrators to interview during the second, qualitative phase of the study. Four administrators were selected to be interviewed and agreed to participate. Case studies were used to present the interview data, and emergent themes were identified during a cross-case analysis. This study’s findings are consistent with the current literature’s suggestion that administrative credential programs do not adequately educate administrators about special education’s historical and legislative context or effectively prepare them to support their special education departments. However, the purpose of this study was to identify specific areas of weakness that currently exist in order to generate solutions and promote the development of successful administrative strategies. All four administrators reported a lack of contextual experiences as a significant weakness in their credential programs and suggested their personal/professional experiences throughout their careers were the most influential factor in their leadership development for special education. This finding suggests that more contextualized experiences, e.g., principal shadowing, should be added to formal principal preparation programs. Simulations such as problem-based learning scenarios might also be employed in the preparation classroom. Additionally, although not explicitly stated as weaknesses in their credential programs, all four administrators highlighted the importance of relationship-building and demonstrating initiative in their leadership practice to better serve their special education departments. These emergent themes suggest two additional topics to attend to in both pre-service and in-service principal development programs

    Mechanistic insights into the oxidative dehydrogenation of amines to nitriles in continuous flow

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    Mechanistic investigations including in situ infrared spectroscopy and Hammett investigations of the oxidative dehydrogenation of amine compounds using RuO2/Al2O3 catalysts.</p

    Diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphism markers to identify hybridization between dromedary and Bactrian camels

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    This article sets out findings from a small-scale collaborative project evaluating the use of a self-audit tool to promote the development of information literacy in MA social work students at a university in the north of England. The project involved the use of the audit tool early in the first and second years of a two-year professional masters programme and, alongside this, completion of two evaluation questionnaires. Analysis of the data suggested substantially increased confidence(measured by self-report) in the identified skills over the first year of the programme. The authors recognise that many factors may contribute to improved confidence and skills. Nevertheless, students identified use of the tool and the signposting to resources within it as helpful, and most felt that the stated aims had been met

    SREBP1 regulates mitochondrial metabolism in oncogenic KRAS expressing NSCLC [preprint]

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    Cancer cells require extensive metabolic reprogramming in order to provide the bioenergetics and macromolecular precursors needed to sustain a malignant phenotype. Mutant KRAS is a driver oncogene that is well known for its ability to regulate the ERK and PI3K signaling pathways. However, it is now appreciated that KRAS can promote tumor growth via upregulation of anabolic metabolism. We recently showed that oncogenic KRAS promotes a gene expression program of de novo lipogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). To define the mechanism(s) responsible, we focused on the lipogenic transcription factor SREBP1. We observed that KRAS increases SREBP1 expression and genetic knockdown of SREBP1 significantly inhibited cell proliferation of mutant KRAS-expressing cells. Unexpectedly, lipogenesis was not significantly altered in cells subject to SREBP1 knockdown. Carbon tracing metabolic studies showed a significant decrease in oxidative phosphorylation and RNA-seq data revealed a significant decrease in mitochondrial encoded subunits of the electron transport chain (ETC). Taken together, these data support a novel role, distinct from lipogenesis, of SREBP1 on mitochondrial function in mutant KRAS NSCLC

    Reporting quality of music intervention research in healthcare: A systematic review

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    INTRODUCTION: Concomitant with the growth of music intervention research, are concerns about inadequate intervention reporting and inconsistent terminology, which limits validity, replicability, and clinical application of findings. OBJECTIVE: Examine reporting quality of music intervention research, in chronic and acute medical settings, using the Checklist for Reporting Music-based Interventions. In addition, describe patient populations and primary outcomes, intervention content and corresponding interventionist qualifications, and terminology. METHODS: Searching MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, HealthSTAR, and PsycINFO we identified articles meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria for a five-year period (2010-2015) and extracted relevant data. Coded material included reporting quality across seven areas (theory, content, delivery schedule, interventionist qualifications, treatment fidelity, setting, unit of delivery), author/journal information, patient population/outcomes, and terminology. RESULTS: Of 860 articles, 187 met review criteria (128 experimental; 59 quasi-experimental), with 121 publishing journals, and authors from 31 countries. Overall reporting quality was poor with <50% providing information for four of the seven checklist components (theory, interventionist qualifications, treatment fidelity, setting). Intervention content reporting was also poor with <50% providing information about the music used, decibel levels/volume controls, or materials. Credentialed music therapists and registered nurses delivered most interventions, with clear differences in content and delivery. Terminology was varied and inconsistent. CONCLUSIONS: Problems with reporting quality impedes meaningful interpretation and cross-study comparisons. Inconsistent and misapplied terminology also create barriers to interprofessional communication and translation of findings to patient care. Improved reporting quality and creation of shared language will advance scientific rigor and clinical relevance of music intervention research

    Propuesta de estrategias metodológicas en el área de lectoescritura, para estudiantes del nivel inicial del III ciclo de educación especial, del Colegio Técnico Profesional de la Fortuna de Bagaces, durante el III trimestre del curso lectivo 2007

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    Trabajo final de graduación de 104 páginas en formato pdfLa necesidad de socialización del ser humano le ha permitido una interacción con su entorno y la globalidad, en consecuencia tiende a la búsqueda de aprendizajes para modificar y adaptar la realidad en la que se desenvuelve. Ante la capacidad aprehensiva del ser humano surge el deseo de perfeccionamiento como respuesta a las necesidades inherentes y condicionadas produciendo una interpelación hacia la búsqueda de mejores condiciones de vida. Por consiguiente, la apropiación del conocimiento se convierte en un instrumento de apoyo que refleja el nivel de logro de las expectativas planteadas por el individuo. Un elemento básico del conocimiento corresponde a la Lecto-Escritura que según Pardo: “se concibe como la forma de comunicación más compleja que posee el hombre y vehículo por excelencia de registro de las variaciones culturales y técnicas de la humanidad” (2002). Por este motivo esta investigación utiliza este elemento, como fundamento para sustentar una propuesta que permita fortalecer las habilidades, destrezas y por consiguiente la apropiación del conocimiento. A continuación se plantea una propuesta de estrategias metodológicas en el área de Lecto-Escritura, para estudiantes del nivel inicial del III ciclo de Educación Especial, del Colegio Técnico Profesional de la Fortuna de Bagaces, con la finalidad que esta población consolide la calidad del conocimiento.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    A versatile nuclei extraction protocol for single nucleus sequencing in non-model species – optimization in various Atlantic salmon tissues

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    The use of single cell sequencing technologies has exploded over recent years, and is now commonly used in many non-model species. Sequencing nuclei instead of whole cells has become increasingly popular, as it does not require the processing of samples immediately after collection. Here we present a highly effective nucleus isolation protocol that outperforms previously available method in challenging samples in a non-model specie. This protocol can be successfully applied to extract nuclei from a variety of tissues and species

    Gestión del talento humano para la generación de valor en la empresa Sinergia S.A.S de la ciudad de Barranquilla

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    The research seeks to associate the management of human talent for the generation of value in the company Sinergia S.A.S, of the city of Barranquilla. According to the quantitative method, descriptive type, field design, cross-sectional, non-experimental and correlational, using twentyfive (25) subjects as observation units, belonging to the reference study population. The survey technique was used and a questionnaire structured by eighty-four (84) items was used, validated by the judgment of ten (10) experts, with a reliability of (0.91) according to Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, being highly reliable. Data analysis was performed by coding and tabulation, with the IBM SPSS Statistics V.22 program. The results show a statistically significant positive relationship, that is to say that to generate value it is necessary to have an adequate and positive ability to manage staff, taking into account the business horizon of the organization and associated with its business strategy. Originating contributions that people can generate in their work areas, through the responsible fulfillment of their substantive functions, and that in turn could develop dynamic capacities in talent, originating in them significant and competitive differentiating qualities.La investigación busca asociar la gestión del talento humano para la generación de valor en la empresa Sinergia S.A.S, de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Según el método cuantitativo, de tipo descriptiva, diseño de campo, transversal, no experimental y correlacional, utilizando como unidades de observación veinte y cinco (25) sujetos, pertenecientes a la población de estudio en referencia. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento un cuestionario estructurado por ochenta y cuatro (84) ítems, validado por el juicio de diez (10) expertos, con una confiabilidad de (0,91) de acuerdo con el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, siendo altamente confiable. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante la codificación y tabulación, con el programa IBM SPSS Statistics V.22. Los resultados evidencian una relación positiva considerable estadísticamente, es decir que para generar valor se debe contar con una adecuada y positiva capacidad de gestionar al personal, tomando en cuenta el horizonte empresarial de la organización y asociados a su estrategia de negocio. Originando aportes que puedan generar las personas en sus áreas de trabajo, a través del cumplimiento responsables de sus funciones sustantivas, y que a su vez podrían desarrollar capacidades dinámicas en el talento, originado en ellos cualidades significativas y diferenciadoras competitivas

    Occupational health of immigrant workers in Spain (ITSAL Project): key informants survey

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    Objetivo: Caracterizar colectivos de inmigrantes trabajadores en España y conocer sus condiciones de salud laboral mediante informantes clave. Método: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio-descriptivo con entrevistas en profundidad realizado en 2006. Se identificaron organizaciones, asociaciones y colectivos relacionados con la población inmigrante en Alicante, Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid y Valencia, y se seleccionaron los más accesibles y representativos. Se entrevistó a 43 informantes clave procedentes de 34 asociaciones u organismos. Se realizó un análisis narrativo del contenido. Resultados: Se señalan dificultades para el reconocimiento de los daños a la salud derivados del trabajo por las situaciones de irregularidad y precariedad, por resistencia por parte de los contratadores o las entidades aseguradoras, y por desconocimiento de los inmigrantes. Los informantes coinciden en que los riesgos laborales en los inmigrantes no difieren de los riesgos de los trabajadores autóctonos en similares circunstancias, pero los inmigrantes padecerían exposiciones más frecuentes e intensas por el acceso mayoritario a puestos menos cualificados y por la necesidad de prolongar las jornadas de trabajo. También se destaca su desconocimiento general en relación con los derechos de protección y de salud en el trabajo, aunque algunos informantes detectan un crecimiento de su actividad reivindicativa a través de los sindicatos. Conclusiones: Este primer acercamiento ha permitido definir algunos condicionantes generales que influirán en la salud laboral de los inmigrantes. La información obtenida servirá de base para profundizar, mediante técnicas adicionales de carácter cualitativo y cuantitativo, en los problemas de salud laboral de los inmigrantes trabajadores en España dentro del marco del Proyecto Inmigración, Trabajo y Salud (ITSAL), actualmente en desarrollo.Objective: To describe the characteristics, working conditions, and occupational health situation of immigrant workers in Spain through key informants. Method: We performed a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study using indepth interviews carried out in 2006. Organizations and associations working with immigrant collectives in Alicante, Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia were identified and the most representative and accessible entities in each location were selected. Fortythree interviews were performed with key informants from 34 different organisms. A narrative content analysis was performed. Results: Informants described difficulties in having health problems recognized as workrelated, due to irregular and precarious employment, employers' and insurance companies' reluctance, and immigrants' lack of knowledge. Informants coincided in reporting that the occupational risks for immigrant workers did not differ from those affecting Spanish workers in the same occupations and circumstances. However, exposure to occupational risks was exacerbated in immigrants because of their greater presence in unqualified jobs and their economic need to prolong working hours. Immigrants had little knowledge of their occupational health and safetyrelated rights, although some informants detected an increase in empowerment in this area, mostly through greater participation in trade unions. Conclusions: This first step allowed us to identify some of the general factors influencing the health and safety of immigrant workers in Spain. This information will be used in a longterm, ongoing research project [Project Immigration, Work and Health (Proyecto Inmigración, Trabajo y Salud [ITSAL]), which aims to evaluate occupational health problems in inmigrants working in Spain through both qualitative and quantitative methods

    Principales factores psicosociales que influyen en conductas delictivas en centros de privación de libertad de mujeres

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    Se ha visto que la mujer comete actos delictivos para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas y la de los demás, sin embargo, existen factores psicosociales los cuales incitan a la mujer a trasgredir la ley. Es por esto, que la finalidad de la presente investigación bibliográfica es analizar los principales debates teóricos sobre los factores de riesgo psicosocial que influyen en las conductas delictivas de las mujeres privadas de libertad. Dicho trabajo se desarrolló en torno al análisis literario de textos publicados en España, Portugal, Brasil, México y Colombia. Por otra parte, se empleó una matriz de análisis para facilitar la interpretación de la información adquirida mediante los textos analizados en esta investigación. Las conclusiones obtenidas indican que los factores familiares, económicos y de pareja poseen una fuerte influencia frente a la presencia de conductas delictivas de las mujeres y también la presencia de paradigmas teóricos. Además, este análisis literario busca dar una mirada más amplia en la sociedad con respecto a que no solo el hombre delinque en gran medida, sino, debido al avance en el desarrollo del ser humano la mujer se encuentra cada vez más involucrada en este tipo acto delictivo.It has been seen that women commit criminal acts to satisfy their basic need and those of others; however, there are psychosocial factors that incite women to transgress the law. Therefore, the purpose of this bibliographic investigation is to analyze the main theoretical debates about the psychosocial risk factors that have an influence in the criminal behavior of women deprived of freedom. The work mentioned was developed around the literary analysis of texts published in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. On the other hand, an analysis matrix was used to facilitate the interpretation of the information acquired from the texts analyzed in this research. The conclusions obtain indicate that factors related to family, economic and couple, have a strong influence in the criminal behavior among women and also the presence of theoretical paradigms. In addition, this literary analysis seeks to provide a broader view in society about the fact that not only men commit crimes to a great extent, but also, due to the progress in the development of human being, women are increasingly involved in this kind of criminal act