2,831 research outputs found

    Comparisons of Blog Engagement in the Professional World

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    The central idea of our project is focusing on the effects that companies have on the public through blog engagement. Companies we researched want to produce a blog in which the internal and external public can comment and produce their own opinions. We researched the comparisons between smaller businesses and larger corporations. We will be comparing Designer Desserts and Kernel Kones to Google and Apple. The importance of blogging is that while not as many people blog, social media is usually included on these blogs in order to gain better engagement for the public to voice their concerns and give feedback. Theoretically, blogging is not used as much as other tools such as social media to gain knowledge of the company. In order to collect data, we will have to analyze the companies we have chosen based on their reputation with the public and how often they use blogging to engage with the public, by going on their websites to find their blog posts. We have found that larger companies have a better blog engagement system because they have the specialized staff to maintain their blogs and keep up with the feedback responses. There is a growing need for companies to blog in a better way to engage with their followers

    Moffatt Eddies in Subglacial Mountain Valleys

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    Currently, there is a global emphasis in finding the oldest ice in Antarctica, which will give the longest climate record contained within the ice. This is fundamental in the field of climate science because it will give scientists a proper baseline to compare it to sediment cores amongst other proxy records and work to determine a more accurate account of climate change. The most promising place to find the oldest ice is within the thick, slow-moving East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Within this ice sheet, there is a thick region of ice that sits on a mountain range known as the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains. This is an important location because regions with steep valleys, like this mountain range, are susceptible to re-circulation of ice flow, better known as Moffatt Eddies, that could significantly impact the climate records contained in proposed ice core drilling sites. Since radar data has limitations in its ability to accurately visualize the characteristics of old ice in thick ice regions, such as in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, then we need an alternative way to determine the characteristics of the old ice. This is where this project becomes relevant, as it looks to formulate a mathematical model based off certain characteristics of glaciers, such as formation of Moffatt Eddies in sub-glacial mountain valley regions. The aim of this model is to determine the critical angle at which Moffatt eddies form. Once we determine how Moffatt Eddies form, we can better understand how glaciers move and behave under different climate scenarios, which would allow for improved methods of predicting future glacier behavior

    Session C-5: Biotech Basics

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    The field of biotechnology is rapidly expanding. What is biotech? What are the applications? How is biotech studied? These topics will be explored as participants engage in hands-on lessons developed at an appropriate level for middle school students. Activities may be used to introduce students to the world of biotech

    Seeing Blocks and Crypto Bros

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    How do cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin work? What is a blockchain? And, what does a typical Bitcoin holder look like? The artist collective Anxious to Make commissioned sixty cloudworkers to draw their answers to these questions. Drawings range from the mundane and stereotypical—a Bitcoin owner depicted as a bearded hipster shouting, HODL!—to the complex and eccentric—the blockchain drawn as connected nodes of random numbers, presumably meant to represent cryptographic hashes.  Like much technology, the inner workings of cryptocurrency remain “black boxes” of understanding to most users. As a collective, Anxious to Make remains cautious of any technological apparatus that is believed in without understanding. These series of drawings point to the absurdity and comic nature of technological beliefs and utopic, seamless crypto-fantasies. We offer a subset of the drawings here, together with an analysis of the ways artistic labor is changed by—or mirrors—the practice of outsourcing

    Systems-Change Philanthropy: It’s Essential, and It’s Our Responsibility

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    The Hogg Foundation for Mental Health’s mission is to transform how communities promote mental health in everyday life. Policy engagement — fundamental to improving the social and structural determinants of mental health — has always been a strategic priority for the foundation, which has become a trusted resource for mental health and substance use policy issues in Texas. Yet, the state’s mental health and substance use policy community is limited in size, capacity, and training. To address that reality, the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Policy Academy and Policy Fellow Initiative was launched to invest in a mental health policy academy facilitated by a nonprofit organization and to support community organizations in employing and mentoring full-time policy fellows for two years. The academy provides a structured environment and a curriculum that covers the legislative process and technical policy skills, and it strengthens relationships within and around the Texas Capitol. A retrospective evaluation shows that a decade of investment in both the policy academy and policy fellowship has significantly improved the landscape of mental health and substance use policy in the state. Since the program’s inception there has been an increase in peer and recovery services and the peer support workforce across the state. The initiative also deepened policy fellows’ understanding of and ability to navigate the policy arena and increased the capacity of community organizations for effective policy engagement. Alumni have moved into prominent leadership positions, and each cohort adds to a growing network of advocates and organizations working to improve mental health and well-being in Texas

    Lineamientos Arquitectónicos para un Centro Eco tecnológico en la Integración de los Agroecosistemas con el Diseño Biofílico en la Cuenca de Rio Chari, Junín

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    La principal dinámica económica del distrito de Río Negro es la agricultura el cual se ha convertido en una amenaza debido al manejo inadecuado de los recursos naturales, configurando el paisaje natural en un paisaje construido 90% (64 350 ha) definiendo los agroecosistemas. La investigación tiene como objetivo elaborar estrategias proyectuales a fin de lograr una integración con la dinámica económica rural y los sistemas agrícolas mediante la gestión de ellas en la cuenca de Rio Chari. La investigación busca interpretar la realidad rural y mediante el análisis de las relaciones de los actores involucrados diseñar estrategias proyectuales. Para ello se realiza una revisión histórica de los procesos económicos; y luego en el ámbito de estudio se categorizan los sistemas naturales y su gestión relacionadas a la infraestructura agrícola para estudiarlas según la teoría biofílica. La siguiente etapa se construyó una matriz de consistencia para identificar las dimensiones e indicadores y resultar en productos de investigación; este proceso se dio mediante revisión bibliográfica, crítica e histórica especializada, observación estructurada de la zona de estudio expresada en cartografías, diagramas y registros fotográficos, así como la aplicación de entrevistas a pobladores y autoridades. Los resultados determinan y categorizan las estrategias proyectuales en 10 operaciones los cuales a su vez se integran con la teoría del diseño biofílico para integrar al ser humano con su hábitat, además responden a los parámetros urbanísticos, normativos y la configuración territorial; dentro de ellas tenemos el clima cálido muy húmedo con precipitación 14000mm, la geomorfología montañosa con pendiente 22%, sociedad mixta con un aprendizaje abierto conocimientos ancestrales, espacio públicos con actividades integrales como: sociales y agrícolas, vegetación antrópica, entre otros indicadores relevantes.Trabajo de investigaciónLIMAEscuela Profesional de ArquitecturaGestión urbana, Urbanismo, diseño y arquitectura, diseño arquitectónico, conservación del patrimonio edificad

    Relationship of Resilience Levels: A Survey of Occupational Therapists

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    Resilience enables practitioners to handle adversity, endure challenging times, and return to an internal equilibrium.2 Little is known about the relationship between practicing occupational therapists’ (OTs) resilience levels and 1) professional identity, 2) burnout, 3) job turnover intention, 4) practice settings, 5) years of practice, 6) age. Understanding these relationships may ultimately inform solutions for addressing resilience, professional identity, and burnout within the OT profession.https://scholar.dominican.edu/occupational-therapy-student-research-posters/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Delayed presentation of an arteriovenous malformation after cerebellar hemangioblastoma resection—Case report

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    AbstractIntroductionHaemangioblastoma has been uncommonly reported to occur in coexistence either temporally or spatially with the development of an arteriovenous malformations (AVM). We present a case of a delayed AVM following haemangioblastoma resection.Presentation of case44 year old female initially presented with a several week history of headaches, vertigo and nausea and emesis and was found to have a cystic lesion with a solid enhancing component on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the superior aspect of the vermis. She underwent gross total resection and final pathology was consistent with WHO grade I haemangioblastoma. One year later, patient re-presented with headaches, dizziness and left trochlear nerve palsy with rotary nystagmus. Imaging revealed a left posterior tentorial paramedian cerebellar vascular nidus with venous drainage into the left transverses sinus suspicious for arteriovenous malformation. She underwent gross total resection of the lesion. Final pathology confirmed the diagnosis of an arteriovenous malformation.DiscussionRecent research supports both haemangioblastoma and AVM are of embryologic origin but require later genetic alterations to develop into symptomatic lesions. It is unclear in our case if the AVM was present at the time of the initial haemangioblastoma resection or developed de novo after tumor resection. However, given the short time between tumor resection and presentation of AVM, de novo AVM although possible, appears less likely.ConclusionAVM and haemangioblastoma rarely presents together either temporally or spatially. We present a case of a delayed AVM following haemangioblastoma resection. More research is needed to elucidate the rare intermixture of these lesions

    What Causes The Most Anxiety In An Introductory Statistics Course Interpretating, Asking For Help, Statistics Exams? A Rasch Analysis Of The Statistical Anxiety Scale

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the psychometric properties of the Statistical Anxiety Scale. While statistical anxiety and self-efficacy has been researched in the literature, the majority of this research has been performed on undergraduate, usually psychology, students. To contribute to the literature on statistical anxiety our study focuses on validating the scale with a unique population of community college students as well as developing an item hierarchy to understand what items are endorsed by the participants as causing them more anxiety. Data was collected in community college. Participants were enrolled in an introduction to statistics course (N = 108). The SAS is a 24-item measure was used to evaluate factors of statistical anxiety. Factors included (1) examination anxiety, (2) asking for help anxiety (3) interpretation anxiety. Participants responded on a 5-point Likert scale that had a range from 1 (no anxiety) to 5 (considerable anxiety). High scores in each of the three factors, indicated high levels of statistical anxiety. A principal component analysis was applied to the items and showed the three dimensions of the scale. The scores of the subscales all had good reliability. Rasch analyses revealed the items that caused the most anxiety for each of the three subscales were: fear of asking a private tutor for help, understanding the statistical analyses described in the abstract of a journal article, and realizing too late they cannot do the problems