77 research outputs found

    Special Libraries, April 1919

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    Volume 10, Issue 3https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1919/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluation and Support Mechanisms of an Emerging University-wide Global Health Training Program

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    Background: Global health education is in high demand in the United States, across the continuum of learning, and field experiences are an essential part of this education. However, evaluations of these programs are limited. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate a field placement program at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, Maryland, to understand how to better support student training overseas and faculty mentorship. Methods: We used qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data from program reporting requirements (152 student surveys and 46 experiential narrative essays), followed by 17 semistructured interviews, and 2 focus groups. Data were analyzed through manual coding and a socioecological model served as an analytical and a synthesizing framework. Findings: A series of factors influence the participants' experience in overseas placements spanning across 4 aggregate levels, from individual to societal, including opportunity for professional advancement, independence, loneliness and illness, mentorship quality, funding, institutional partnership building, opportunity for public health contribution, and for development of cultural competency. Faculty and students thought that the program was beneficial to the learning experience, particularly for its contribution to experiential knowledge of a low- and middle-income country setting and for developing cross-cultural relationships. Communication and scope of work were 2 areas in which students and faculty members often had different expectations and many students emerged having cultivated different skills than they or their mentor initially expected. Students found the experience useful for both their academic and professional careers and faculty members saw mentorship, one of their professional responsibilities, emerge. Conclusions: Many socioecological factors influence an overseas field experience, which in turn produces important effects on students' career choices, and faculty members appreciate the opportunity to serve as mentors. The most vital support mechanisms suggested for faculty and students included available funding, clear preparation, and communication facilitation across the experiential continuum

    Building Blocks of Global Health Mentorship: Motivation, Expectations, and Institutional Support

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    Background: Global health education and training experiences are in high demand. Mentorship plays an important role in successful training, but academic institutions often lack formalized mentorship support. This study aimed to evaluate perceptions of global health mentorship across disciplines at Johns Hopkins University and to understand how to better support faculty mentorship for global health training. Methods: This is a retrospective study that used qualitative methods to assess the perceptions of students who participated in the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health (CGH) field placement program from 2011–2013 and CGH faculty who may have served as their mentors. Qualitative data was gathered through 30 individual in-depth interviews and 4 focus groups capturing both faculty and student perspectives. Data were analyzed inductively until thematic saturation was reached; a theoretical model, which we call the “building blocks of global health mentorship” model, emerged to serve as an analytical and synthesizing framework. Findings: A series of factors influenced global health mentorship from an individual to institutional level, including motivation, expectation alignment, finances, time, and knowledge. Both students and faculty reported the importance of motivation and aligned expectations to the mentorship experience and, more broadly, the overseas experience. Mentorship relationships were identified by students and faculty as either a catalyst or a hindrance to the training experience from both a personal and a professional point of view. Many faculty mentioned insufficient institutional support and financial resources, which negatively influenced their capacity to serve as mentors. Conclusions: Many factors, ranging from individual to institutional, influence mentorship for both faculty and students, which in turn influence international experiences. The underlying role of institutional support emerged as a highly salient influencing factor. Global health programs should harness the faculty and students’ motivations and expectations, as well as provide better support to faculty serving as mentors

    Development and Application of an Interdisciplinary Rapid Message Testing Model for COVID-19 in North Carolina

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    Introduction From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health officials have sought to develop evidence-based messages to reduce COVID-19 transmission by communicating key information to media outlets and the public. We describe the development of an interdisciplinary rapid message testing model to quickly create, test, and share messages with public health officials for use in health campaigns and policy briefings. Methods An interdisciplinary research team from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill assembled in March 2020 to assist the state health department in developing evidence-based messages to influence social distancing behaviors in the state. We developed and iteratively executed a rapid message testing model; the components of the 4-step model were message creation, survey development, survey administration, and analysis and presentation to health department officials. The model was executed 4 times, each during a 7-day period in April and May, and each subsequent survey included new phrasing and/or messaging informed by the previous week’s survey. A total of 917 adults from North Carolina participated in the 4 surveys. Results Survey participants rated messages focused on protecting oneself and others higher than messages focused on norms and fear-based approaches. Pairing behaviors with motivations increased participants’ desire to social distance across all themes and subgroups. For example, adding “Protect your grandmother, your neighbor with cancer, and your best friend with asthma,” to messaging received a 0.9-point higher score than the base message, “Stay 6 feet apart from others when out in public.” Practice Implications Our model to promote social distancing in North Carolina during the COVID-19 pandemic can be used for rapid, iterative message testing during public health emergencies

    The Treasured Hunt: Collecting Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Past, Present, and Future

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    Welcome and Opening Remarks: E. Ann Matter, University of Pennsylvania, and Lynn Ransom, Free Library of Philadelphia Session 1. Beginnings: Collecting in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Session Chair: Emily Steiner, Department of English, University of Pennsylvania Claire Richter Sherman, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art, The Manuscript Collection of King Charles V of France: The Personal and the Political David Rundle, History Faculty and Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, The Butcher of England and the Renaissance Arts of Book-Collecting Session 2: Civic Service: The Legacies of Philadelphia-Area Collectors Chair: Peter Stallybrass, Department of English, University of Pennsylvania James Tanis, Director of Libraries and Professor of History Emeritus, Bryn Mawr College, Migrating Manuscripts Derick Dreher, Director, The Rosenbach Museum & Library, Of Private Collectors and Public Libraries: Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach and John Frederick Lewis Session 3: Keynote address Welcome: H. Carton Rogers, Vice Provost & Director of Libraries, University of Pennsylvania Chair: Robert Maxwell, Department of the History of Art, University of Pennsylvania Christopher de Hamel, Gaylord Donnelley Fellow Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University, The Manuscript Collection of C. L. Ricketts (1859-1941) Session 4: The Hunters and the Hunted: A Roundtable Discussion with Private and Institutional Collectors Chair: David Wallace, Department of English, University of Pennsylvania Moderator: Richard Linenthal, Bernard Quaritch Ltd. Panelists: Lawrence J. Schoenberg, Private Collector Gifford Combs, Private Collector Toshiyuki Takamiya, Private Collector, Keio University Consuelo Dutschke, Curator of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Columbia University William Noel, Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, The Walters Art Museu

    Global population divergence and admixture of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Native to China and Mongolia, the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) now enjoys a worldwide distribution. While black rats and the house mouse tracked the regional development of human agricultural settlements, brown rats did not appear in Europe until the 1500s, suggesting their range expansion was a response to relatively recent increases in global trade. We inferred the global phylogeography of brown rats using 32 k SNPs, and detected 13 evolutionary clusters within five expansion routes. One cluster arose following a southward expansion into Southeast Asia. Three additional clusters arose from two independent eastward expansions: one expansion from Russia to the Aleutian Archipelago, and a second to western North America. Westward expansion resulted in the colonization of Europe from which subsequent rapid colonization of Africa, the Americas and Australasia occurred, and multiple evolutionary clusters were detected. An astonishing degree of fine-grained clustering between and within sampling sites underscored the extent to which urban heterogeneity shaped genetic structure of commensal rodents. Surprisingly, few individuals were recent migrants, suggesting that recruitment into established populations is limited. Understanding the global population structure of R. norvegicus offers novel perspectives on the forces driving the spread of zoonotic disease, and aids in development of rat eradication programmes

    FAS promoter polymorphism: outcome of childhood acute myeloid leukemia. A children's oncology group report.

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    PURPOSE: FAS is a cell surface receptor involved in apoptotic signal transmission. Deregulation of this pathway results in down-regulation of apoptosis and subsequent persistence of a malignant clone. A single nucleotide polymorphism resulting in guanine-to-adenine transition in the FAS promoter region (position -1377) is thought to reduce stimulatory protein 1 transcription factor binding and decrease FAS expression. Previous work has shown increased risk of developing acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in adult patients with a variant allele at this site. The same authors have shown that the presence of an adenine residue rather than a guanine residue at -1,377 bp significantly attenuates transcription factor stimulatory protein 1 binding and may contribute to a reduction in FAS expression and ultimately to the enrichment of apoptosis-resistant clones in AML. We hypothesized that FAS genotype by altering susceptibility to apoptosis might affect outcome of childhood AML therapy. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Four hundred forty-four children treated for de novo AML on a uniform protocol were genotyped for FAS 1377. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in overall survival, event-free survival, treatment-related mortality, or relapse rate between patients with FAS 1377GG genotype versus 1377GA/1377AA genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: FAS 1377 genotype does not alter outcome of de novo AML in children

    E4orf1: A Novel Ligand That Improves Glucose Disposal in Cell Culture

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    Reducing dietary fat intake and excess adiposity, the cornerstones of behavioral treatment of insulin resistance(IR), are marginally successful over the long term. Ad36, a human adenovirus, offers a template to improve IR, independent of dietary fat intake or adiposity. Ad36 increases cellular glucose uptake via a Ras-mediated activation of phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase(PI3K), and improves hyperglycemia in mice, despite a high-fat diet and without reducing adiposity. Ex-vivo studies suggest that Ad36 improves hyperglycemia in mice by increasing glucose uptake by adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, and by reducing hepatic glucose output. It is impractical to use Ad36 for therapeutic action. Instead, we investigated if the E4orf1 protein of Ad36, mediates its anti-hyperglycemic action. Such a candidate protein may offer an attractive template for therapeutic development. Experiment-1 determined that Ad36 ‘requires’ E4orf1 protein to up-regulate cellular glucose uptake. Ad36 significantly increased glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, which was abrogated by knocking down E4orf1 with siRNA. Experiment-2 identified E4orf1 as ‘sufficient’ to up-regulate glucose uptake. 3T3-L1 cells that inducibly express E4orf1, increased glucose uptake in an induction-dependent manner, compared to null vector control cells. E4orf1 up-regulated PI3K pathway and increased abundance of Ras–the obligatory molecule in Ad36-induced glucose uptake. Experiment-3: Signaling studies of cells transiently transfected with E4orf1 or a null vector, revealed that E4orf1 may activate Ras/PI3K pathway by binding to Drosophila discs-large(Dlg1) protein. E4orf1 activated total Ras and, particularly the H-Ras isoform. By mutating the PDZ domain binding motif(PBM) of E4orf1, Experiment-4 showed that E4orf1 requires its PBM to increase Ras activation or glucose uptake. Experiment-5: In-vitro, a transient transfection by E4orf1 significantly increased glucose uptake in preadipocytes, adipocytes, or myoblasts, and reduced glucose output by hepatocytes. Thus, the highly attractive anti-hyperglycemic effect of Ad36 is mirrored by E4orf1 protein, which may offer a novel ligand to develop anti-hyperglycemic drugs
