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    Abstract The aim of this research is to acquire knowledge about fostering young children, as expressed in everyday interactions between teachers and children in Swedish preschools. The three empirical studies in this doctoral thesis investigated partly specific democratic values such as participation and influence and partly the values that teachers explicitly or implicitly encourage and how these values are communicated to children. The thesis takes a critical approach in order to also acquire knowledge about important fostering aspects that can move hierarchal power structures towards a fostering of values characterized by intersubjectivity. In order to understand the interactions, the concepts of communicative and strategic action (Habermas, 1984) are used, as well as strong and weak classification and framing (Bernstein, 2000). Preschool fostering is also analyzed from a double perspective, with a starting-point in Habermas’ (1984, 1995a) concepts of the system and the life-world. The fieldwork took place with three different groups of toddlers in Swedish preschools. Forty-six children (aged 1 to 3 years) participated, as well as their ten teachers. The data consisted of videotaped observations of teacher and child interactions. The first study investigated how a toddler’s participation can be understood in two kinds of educational activities where the degree of teacher control differs. The results showed how strong classification and framing risk restricting children’s participation and how a weak classification and framing can promote children’s opportunities to participate on their own terms. Important issues for children’s participation were found to be a participant teacher who creates meaningful contexts, where teacher control is about being emotionally present, supportive and responsive. The purpose of the second study was to investigate how very young children can exert an influence in circle-time situations in relation to teacher control. The results showed that the children do, in fact, make choices, mostly based on several fixed alternatives, and that they do take the initiative, sometimes to express an opinion or a right, sometimes to express what they want to do in circle time. It was also found that the influence young children are able to exert varies with the control the teacher exercises. It is evident that strong teacher control is maintained in different ways and that strong control does not necessarily limit children’s influence; it depends on the nature of the control. Children’s influence increases when the teacher’s control over the what and how aspects of communications is weak, and is characterized by closeness to the child’s life-world and a communicative approach. The third study examined the values that teachers explicitly or implicitly encourage and how these values are communicated to children. The analyses resulted in ten specific values embedded in value dimensions of discipline, caring and democracy. These, in turn, can be divided into different social orientations – both collective and individualistic. The values are communicated differently and the what aspect of the communication (the value) is interrelated with the how aspect of the communication; how teachers communicate influences and sometimes changes the communicated value. In order to change power structures in teacher and child interactions, three aspects of importance have been identified: teachers’ closeness to the child’s perspective, their emotional presence and playfulness. Theoretically, the aspects are within the framework of communicative action and contribute to the understanding of what the theory might mean in communication with the youngest children in the educational system


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    Hakekat dari hak privasi terhadap data pribadi adalah hak kosntitusional warga negara Indonesia yang telah diatur dalam UUDNRI Tahun 1945 khususnya pada pasal 28 huruf G ayat (1). Bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap data   sebagai privasi di Indonesia saat ini menerapkan beberapa pasal yang tersirat mengatur mengenai data pribadi. Indonesia belum memiliki peraturan perundang – undangan khusus yang menjadi dasar hukum perindungan data pribadi sehingga saat ini Indonesia memiliki kekosongan norma. Hak konstitusional adalah kewajiban dari suatu negara terhadap warga negaranya. Di Indonesia saat ini banyak terjadi permasalahan hukum yang menyalahgunakan data pribadi seseorang untuk kepentingan pribadi. Tetapi, saat ini penanganan permasalahan hukum tersebut belum maksimal dikarenakan kekosongan norma dalam perlindungan hukum data pribadi. Tujuan dan fokus penelitian ini adalah menemukan hakekat dari perlindungan hukum data pribadi sebagai hak privasi dan bentuk perlindungan hukum data pribadi sebagai hak privasi di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, melalui conseptual approach. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah hakekat dari perlindungan hukum data pribadi sebagai hak privasi adalah hak konstitusional warga negara. Indonesia belum memiliki peraturan perundang – undangan yang menjadi dasar hukum perlindungan terhadap data pribadi. Maka dari itu, dalam perlindungan hukum data pribadi, Indonesia mengalami kekosongan norma sehingga tidak dapat secara maksimal melindungi data pribadi warga negara. The essence of the right to privacy over personal data is the constitutional rights of Indonesian citizens which have been regulated in the 1945 UUDNRI especially in article 28 letter G paragraph (1). The form of legal protection for data as privacy in Indonesia is currently implementing several articles that imply regulating personal data. Indonesia does not yet have specific laws and regulations which form the legal basis for personal data protection, so currently Indonesia has a void of norms. Constitutional rights are obligations of a state towards its citizens. In Indonesia, there are currently many legal issues that involve misusing someone's personal data for personal gain. However, currently the handling of these legal issues has not been maximized due to the absence of norms in legal protection of personal data. The purpose and focus of this research is to find out the nature of legal protection of personal data as a right to privacy and forms of legal protection of personal data as a right to privacy in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is normative juridical, through a conceptual approach. The results of this study are that the essence of legal protection of personal data as a right to privacy is a constitutional right of citizens. Indonesia does not yet have statutory regulations which form the legal basis for the protection of personal data. Therefore, in the legal protection of personal data, Indonesia is experiencing a void of norms so that it cannot optimally protect citizens' personal data

    Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Penjualan Premi Asuransi PT.Asuransi Jiwa Wana Artha Life Cabang Medan

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    Promosi merupakan salah satu kegiatan terpenting yang harus dilaksanakan oleh suatu perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Pentingnya promosi pada saat ini sangat disadari, terutama dengan adanya persaingan yang sangat tajam. Promosi bagi dunia usaha sangatlah menentukan kontiniutas terhadap produk yang ditawarkan, terlebih produk tersebut berbentuk jasa, misalnya produk jasa asuransi yang ditawarkan PT.Asuransi Jiwa WanaArtha Life Cabang Medan. Tujuan untuk memperdalam pengetahuan peneliti dalam bidang pemasaran, khususnya di kebijakan promosi yang merupakan salah satu variabel dalam marketing mix dan untuk mengetahui secara nyata bahwa promosi yang diterapkan perusahaan berpengaruh terhadap penjualan premi asuransi di PT. Asuransi Jiwa WanaArtha Life Cabang Medan. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengamatan, wawancara dan penyebaran angket pertanyaan. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang penulis gunakan adalall korelasi product moment Karl Pearson. Berdasarkan basil penelitian ini dapat disimpu lkan bahwa promosi yang dijalan perusallaan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap penj ualan prerni asuransi di PT.Asuransi Jiwa WanaArtha Life Cabang Medan dengan kategori rendah
