123 research outputs found

    Gene-targeted embryonic stem cells: real-time PCR assay for estimation of the number of neomycin selection cassettes

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    In the preparation of transgenic murine ES cells it is important to verify the construct has a single insertion, because an ectopic neomycin phosphortransferase positive selection cassette (NEO) may cause a position effect. During a recent work, where a knockin SCA28 mouse was prepared, we developed two assays based on Real-Time PCR using both SYBR Green and specific minor groove binder (MGB) probes to evaluate the copies of NEO using the comparative delta-delta Ct method versus the Rpp30 reference gene

    Chemistry and antigerminative activity of essential oils and monoterpenoids from Mediterranean plants

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    The Mediterranean flora is characterized by the abundance of aromatic plants. The feature differentiating these plants from all others, in spite of the fact that they belong to many different families, is the production of chemically related secondary compounds, the low molecular weight and volatile isoprenoids. This remarkable presence of aromatic species is important in determining the allelopathic potential within this ecosystem. Such plants make a significant contribution to phryganic Mediterranean ecosystems both in terms of species number and biomass. Thus, the essential oils play an important role in this ecological context. Mediating various processes in the frame of an ecosystem, they become indirectly beneficial to the plants, considering their involvement in processes of adaptative character in Mediterranean ecosystem . For this reason, our research group carried out a series of studies on the possible allelopathic properties of aromatic plants that, being rich in active principles, are considered a primary source of potential allelochemicals.The focus of this overview is direct to have an overall idea about the chemistry and antigerminative activity of essential oils of some Mediterranean aromatic plants and their main constituent

    Chemical composition and phytotoxic effects of essential oils of Salvia hierosolymitana Boiss. and Salvia multicaulis Vahl. var. simplicifolia Boiss. growing wild in Lebanon

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    The chemical composition of the essential oils of S. hierosolymitana Boiss. and S. multicaulis Vahl. var. simplicifolia Boiss. collected in Lebanon was studied by means of GC and GC-MS analysis. In all 115 compounds were identified: 82 for S hierosolymitana and 72 for S. multicaulis var. simplicifolia. The presence of carbonylic compounds (17%) characterizes the oil from S. hierosolymitana,while S. multicaulis var. simplicifolia oil is rich of monoterpenes (34.5%) and sesquiterpenes (46.9%). The effects of the essential oils on germination and initial radical elongation of Raphanus sativus L. (radish) and Lepidium sativum L. (garden cress) were studied, indicating in a different activity against radical elongation of the species tested

    Chemical composition and phytotoxic effects of essential oils of Salvia hierosolymitana Boiss. and Salvia multicaulis Vahl. var. simplicifolia Boiss. growing wild in Lebanon

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    The chemical composition of the essential oils of S. hierosolymitana Boiss. and S. multicaulis Vahl. var. simplicifolia Boiss. collected in Lebanon was studied by means of GC and GC-MS analysis. In all 115 compounds were identified: 82 for S hierosolymitana and 72 for S. multicaulis var. simplicifolia. The presence of carbonylic compounds (17%) characterizes the oil from S. hierosolymitana,while S. multicaulis var. simplicifolia oil is rich of monoterpenes (34.5%) and sesquiterpenes (46.9%). The effects of the essential oils on germination and initial radical elongation of Raphanus sativus L. (radish) and Lepidium sativum L. (garden cress) were studied, indicating in a different activity against radical elongation of the species tested

    Chemical composition and biological activities of the essential oil from Anredera cordifolia grown in Brazil.

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    The chemical composition of the essential oil of Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis (Basellaceae), grown in Brazil, was studied by means of GC and GC-MS analysis. In all, 19 compounds were identified, accounting for 91.6% of the total oil; hydrocarbons were the main constituents (67.7%). The essential oil was evaluated for its in vitro potential phytotoxic activity against germination and initial radicle growth of Raphanus sativus L., Sinapis arvensis L., and Phalaris canariensis L. seeds. At 1.25 ÎĽg/mL and 0.625 ÎĽg/mL, the oil significantly promoted the germination of S. arvensis. Moreover, the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil was assayed against ten bacterial strains. The essential oil showed a weak inhibitory activity against the Gram-positive pathogens

    Inhibition of Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 reverts BRAF and MEK inhibition-induced selection of cancer stem cells in BRAF-mutated melanoma

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    Combination therapy with BRAF and MEK inhibitors significantly improves survival in BRAF mutated melanoma patients but is unable to prevent disease recurrence due to the emergence of drug resistance. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been involved in these long-term treatment failures. We previously reported in lung cancer that CSCs maintenance is due to altered lipid metabolism and dependent upon Stearoyl-CoA-desaturase (SCD1)-mediated upregulation of YAP and TAZ. On this ground, we investigated the role of SCD1 in melanoma CSCs

    Subject-specific information enhances spatial accuracy of high-density diffuse optical tomography

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    Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a widely used imaging method for mapping brain activation based on cerebral hemodynamics. The accurate quantification of cortical activation using fNIRS data is highly dependent on the ability to correctly localize the positions of light sources and photodetectors on the scalp surface. Variations in head size and shape across participants greatly impact the precise locations of these optodes and consequently, the regions of the cortical surface being reached. Such variations can therefore influence the conclusions drawn in NIRS studies that attempt to explore specific cortical regions. In order to preserve the spatial identity of each NIRS channel, subject-specific differences in NIRS array registration must be considered. Using high-density diffuse optical tomography (HD-DOT), we have demonstrated the inter-subject variability of the same HD-DOT array applied to ten participants recorded in the resting state. We have also compared three-dimensional image reconstruction results obtained using subject-specific positioning information to those obtained using generic optode locations. To mitigate the error introduced by using generic information for all participants, photogrammetry was used to identify specific optode locations per-participant. The present work demonstrates the large variation between subjects in terms of which cortical parcels are sampled by equivalent channels in the HD-DOT array. In particular, motor cortex recordings suffered from the largest optode localization errors, with a median localization error of 27.4 mm between generic and subject-specific optodes, leading to large differences in parcel sensitivity. These results illustrate the importance of collecting subject-specific optode locations for all wearable NIRS experiments, in order to perform accurate group-level analysis using cortical parcellation

    In Vitro Control of Post-Harvest Fruit Rot Fungi by Some Plant Essential Oil Components

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    Eight substances that are main components of the essential oils from three Mediterranean aromatic plants (Verbena officinalis, Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare), previously found active against some phytopathogenic Fungi and Stramenopila, have been tested in vitro against five etiological agents of post-harvest fruit decay, Botrytis cinerea, Penicillium italicum, P. expansum, Phytophthora citrophthora and Rhizopus stolonifer. The tested compounds were β-fellandrene, β-pinene, camphene, carvacrol, citral, o-cymene, γ-terpinene and thymol. Citral exhibited a fungicidal action against P. citrophthora; carvacrol and thymol showed a fungistatic activity against P. citrophthora and R. stolonifer. Citral and carvacrol at 250 ppm, and thymol at 150 and 250 ppm stopped the growth of B. cinerea. Moreover, thymol showed fungistatic and fungicidal action against P. italicum. Finally, the mycelium growth of P. expansum was inhibited in the presence of 250 ppm of thymol and carvacrol. These results represent an important step toward the goal to use some essential oils or their components as natural preservatives for fruits and foodstuffs, due to their safety for consumer healthy and positive effect on shelf life extension of agricultural fresh products
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