96 research outputs found

    The Blended Value Map: Tracking the Intersects and Opportunities of Economic, Social and Environmental Value Creation

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    While all organisations attempt to create value of one kind or another, the central premise of the blended value proposition is that value is itself a combination of economic, environmental and social factors, and that maximising value requires taking all three elements into account.The Blended Value Map is a beta version of what will hopefully become a suite of tools to help build the critical mass necessary to achieve and sustain real change. A bibliography as well as an executive summary are included

    Theorizing Hybrid Models of Peer Production: A Case Study of an Open Collaborative Journalism Platform

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    Peer production communities (c.f. Benkler 2002) are typified by principles of access to resources, inclusive participation, transparency of action, and democratic work. However, the ways in which they operate and evolve depend on various infrastructural and governance mechanisms. Literature suggests that there are three key challenges to overcome in building and sustaining a community that produces open knowledge goods, namely motivation (incentives for participation), coordination (efficient organization of work), and integration (effective creation of high quality end products). We present a theoretical framework to analyze case study findings from the WikiTribune project, a “hybrid” model of peer production. This project is characterized as an open collaborative journalism model that combines elements of commercial firm-based production with that of commons-based peer production. The framework identifies factors affecting hybrid models and the impact on community and resource development

    Adult Ileocecal Intussusception: A Case Report and Review

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    Intussusception is a rare cause of bowel obstruction in adult patients, it represents for five percent of all age intussusception. Several different aspects were found between adult and pediatric intussusception. We report a case of 39-year-old male with bowel obstruction due to ileocecal intussusception, which firstly diagnosed as acute appendicitis. Unlike pediatric intussusception which usually manifest as classical triad signs, unspecific symptoms of adult intussusception may become diagnostic challenge. Imaging modalities such as plain abdominal radiograph and ultrasonography may aid the preoperative diagnosis in the rural hospital setting. Prompt management which involved surgical approach is warranted to prevent further complications

    O ensino de ciências e a primeira mostra de materiais didáticos e de práticas da Unifesspa: um campo de possibilidades na licenciatura em ciências naturais/ Science teaching and the first exhibition of Unifesspa teaching materials and practices: a field of possibilities in natural science undergraduate studies

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    Este artigo mostra os principais resultados alcançados com a realização da “I Mostra de Materiais Didáticos e de Práticas para o Ensino de Ciências Naturais da Unifesspa”, em Marabá-PA, desenvolvido com as turmas da Licenciatura em Ciências Naturais, e discute algumas possibilidades de atividades para o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão. Como resultados, além da própria dimensão de aprendizagem, observamos um engajamento maior dos alunos no curso e uma rica produção de materiais e práticas

    Challenges and key research questions for yaws eradication.

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    Yaws is endemic in west Africa, southeast Asia, and the Pacific region. To eradicate yaws by 2020, WHO has launched a campaign of mass treatment with azithromycin. Progress has been made towards achievement of this ambitious goal, including the validation of point-of-care and molecular diagnostic tests and piloting of the strategy in several countries, including Ghana, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea. Gaps in knowledge need to be addressed to allow refinement of the eradication strategy. Studies exploring determinants of the spatial distribution of yaws are needed to help with the completion of baseline mapping. The finding that Haemophilus ducreyi causes lesions similar to yaws is particularly important and further work is needed to assess the effect of azithromycin on these lesions. The integration of diagnostic tests into different stages of the eradication campaign needs investigation. Finally, studies must be done to inform the optimum mass-treatment strategy for sustainable interruption of transmission

    Trachoma Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in The Gambia and Tanzania: Baseline Results of a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Trachoma is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and is the leading infectious cause of blindness. The World Health Organization's (WHO) control strategy includes antibiotic treatment of all community members, facial cleanliness, and environmental improvements. By determining how prevalent trachoma is, decisions can be made whether control activities need to be put in place. Knowing what factors make people more at risk of having trachoma can help target trachoma control efforts to those most at risk. We looked at the prevalence of active trachoma and C. trachomatis infection in the eyes of children aged 0–5 years in The Gambia and Tanzania. We also measured risk factors associated with having active trachoma or infection. The prevalence of both active trachoma and infection was lower in The Gambia (6.7% and 0.8%, respectively) than in Tanzania (32.3% and 21.9%, respectively). Risk factors for active trachoma were similar in the two countries. For infection, the risk factors in Tanzania were similar to those for TF, whereas in The Gambia, only ocular discharge was associated with infection. These results show that although the prevalence of active trachoma and infection is very different between the two countries, the risk factors for active trachoma are similar but those for infection are different