17 research outputs found

    Bracciano smart Lake. Un esperimento riuscito di citizen science

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    Bracciano Smart Lake Produce science by telling science. Bracciano smart lake is an example of how, at the time of social media we can do information and communication and produce science in the same action. The Accademia dei Lincei’s prize sanctions the high quality of the work done

    Ca2^2Lib: Simple and Accurate LiDAR-RGB Calibration using Small Common Markers

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    In many fields of robotics, knowing the relative position and orientation between two sensors is a mandatory precondition to operate with multiple sensing modalities. In this context, the pair LiDAR-RGB cameras offer complementary features: LiDARs yield sparse high quality range measurements, while RGB cameras provide a dense color measurement of the environment. Existing techniques often rely either on complex calibration targets that are expensive to obtain, or extracted virtual correspondences that can hinder the estimate's accuracy. In this paper we address the problem of LiDAR-RGB calibration using typical calibration patterns (i.e. A3 chessboard) with minimal human intervention. Our approach exploits the planarity of the target to find correspondences between the sensors measurements, leading to features that are robust to LiDAR noise. Moreover, we estimate a solution by solving a joint non-linear optimization problem. We validated our approach by carrying on quantitative and comparative experiments with other state-of-the-art approaches. Our results show that our simple schema performs on par or better than other approches using complex calibration targets. Finally, we release an open-source C++ implementation at \url{https://github.com/srrg-sapienza/ca2lib}Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    The consolidated European synthesis of CH4 and N2O emissions for the European Union and United Kingdom : 1990-2019

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    Funding Information: We thank AurĂ©lie Paquirissamy, GĂ©raud Moulas and the ARTTIC team for the great managerial support offered during the project. FAOSTAT statistics are produced and disseminated with the support of its member countries to the FAO regular budget. Annual, gap-filled and harmonized NGHGI uncertainty estimates for the EU and its member states were provided by the EU GHG inventory team (European Environment Agency and its European Topic Centre on Climate change mitigation). Most top-down inverse simulations referred to in this paper rely for the derivation of optimized flux fields on observational data provided by surface stations that are part of networks like ICOS (datasets: 10.18160/P7E9-EKEA , Integrated Non-CO Observing System, 2018a, and 10.18160/B3Q6-JKA0 , Integrated Non-CO Observing System, 2018b), AGAGE, NOAA (Obspack Globalview CH: 10.25925/20221001 , Schuldt et al., 2017), CSIRO and/or WMO GAW. We thank all station PIs and their organizations for providing these valuable datasets. We acknowledge the work of other members of the EDGAR group (Edwin Schaaf, Jos Olivier) and the outstanding scientific contribution to the VERIFY project of Peter Bergamaschi. Timo Vesala thanks ICOS-Finland, University of Helsinki. The TM5-CAMS inversions are available from https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu (last access: June 2022); Arjo Segers acknowledges support from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service, implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the European Commission (grant no. CAMS2_55). This research has been supported by the European Commission, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (VERIFY, grant no. 776810). Ronny Lauerwald received support from the CLand Convergence Institute. Prabir Patra received support from the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (grant no. JPMEERF20182002) of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency of Japan. Pierre Regnier received financial support from the H2020 project ESM2025 – Earth System Models for the Future (grant no. 101003536). David Basviken received support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (METLAKE, grant no. 725546). Greet Janssens-Maenhout received support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (CoCO, grant no. 958927). Tuula Aalto received support from the Finnish Academy (grants nos. 351311 and 345531). Sönke Zhaele received support from the ERC consolidator grant QUINCY (grant no. 647204).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Is Soil Contributing to Climate Change Mitigation during Woody Encroachment? A Case Study on the Italian Alps

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    Background and Objectives: Over the last few decades, the European mountain environment has been characterized by the progressive abandonment of agro-pastoral activities and consequent forest expansion due to secondary succession. While woody encroachment is commonly considered as a climate change mitigation measure, studies suggest a still uncertain role of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool in contributing to climate change mitigation during this process. Therefore, the objective of the study is to investigate the possible SOC variations occurring as a consequence of the secondary succession process at the provincial level in an Alpine area in Italy. Materials and Methods: A chronosequence approach was applied to identify, in five different study areas of the Belluno province, the land use/land cover change over four different stages of natural succession, from managed grazing land to secondary forest developed on abandoned grazing land. In each chronosequence stage, soil samples were collected down to the bedrock (0–60 cm depth) to determine the changes in the SOC stock due to the woody encroachment process. Results: In all areas, small or no significant (p < 0.05) SOC stock changes were observed during the secondary succession in the upper 30 cm of mineral soil, while significant changes were evident in the 30–60 cm compartment, with the SOC stock significantly decreasing from 30% to 60% in the final stage of the succession. This fact indicates the great importance of considering also the subsoil when dealing with land use/land cover change dynamics. Conclusions: The recorded trend in SOC has been proved to be the opposite in other Italian regions, so our results indicate the importance of local observation and data collection to correctly evaluate the soil contribution to climate change mitigation during woody encroachment