503 research outputs found

    On monotone Rational Approximation

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    ركزنا في عملنا هنا على التقريب الحافظ للشكل باستخدام متعددات الحدود النسبية للدوال في فضاءات  عندما حيث قمنا بحل مشكله مقدمه من قبل الرياضاتي رونالد ديفور من خلال الكثير من محاضراته وسيمناراتيه لسنوات كثيره . اي اننا ناقشنا رتبه التقريب الرتيب باستخدام متعددات الحدود النسبية للدوال في فضاءات  عندما  عن طريق برهان مبرهنه مباشره للتقريب الرتيب النسبي للدوال في فضاءات  عندما .In this chapter,we focus on the shape preserving approximation using rational  polynomials, for rational in _spaces, . In our work, we solve a problem raised by R. DeVore in several lectures for many years ago. It mean we discuss the order of monotone rational approximation for function in , spaces fo

    Community detection of political blogs network based on structure-attribute graph clustering model

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    Complex networks provide means to represent different kinds of networks with multiple features. Most biological, sensor and social networks can be represented as a graph depending on the pattern of connections among their elements. The goal of the graph clustering is to divide a large graph into many clusters based on various similarity criteria’s. Political blogs as standard social dataset network, in which it can be considered as blog-blog connection, where each node has political learning beside other attributes. The main objective of work is to introduce a graph clustering method in social network analysis. The proposed Structure-Attribute Similarity (SAS-Cluster) able to detect structures of community, based on nodes similarities. The method combines topological structure with multiple characteristics of nodes, to earn the ultimate similarity. The proposed method is evaluated using well-known evaluation measures, Density, and Entropy. Finally, the presented method was compared with the state-of-art comparative method, and the results show that the proposed method is superior to the comparative method according to the evaluations measures

    A Decade of Experience with Radical Abdominal Trachelectomy after Supracervical Hysterectomy

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    Background: The supracervical hysterectomy is no longer indicated for the treatment of female genital disease.Patient and Methods: All women who had trachelectomy after supracervical hysterectomy between 2010 and 2020 had their records reviewed at Cairo University's National Cancer Institute (NCI) Hospital.Results: A total of 34 trachelectomy surgeries were performed during a ten-year period. The patients were 42 to 72 years old, with a mean +SD of 55+7.5. Recurrent vaginal bleeding was the reason for trachelectomy in 67.6% of cases due to residual disease found in hysterectomy specimens, with pathologic evidence of uterine malignancy in 47.2%, and 11.7 percent of patients had cervical malignancy. Uterine stromal sarcoma was found in 5.9% of the cases. There were 11.8% of cases with uterine fibroids, 7.8% with endometrial hyperplasia, and 2.9 % with uterine adenomyosis who had true benign lesions. There were no pathology reports available in 8.8% of the cases. The pathology of the trachelectomy revealed that 26.5% of patients had no residual disease, while 73.5% had the residual disease in the cervical stump, with 32.4% having cervical squamous cell carcinoma, 20.6% having uterine adenocarcinoma, 8.8% having cervical adenocarcinoma, and 2.9% having cervical adenosquamous. Mullerian carcinoma was found in 2.9% of the cases, whereas undifferentiated carcinoma was found in 2.9%. In 61.8% of cases, bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy was coupled with trachelectomy for radical excision of gross malignancy.Conclusions: A significant number of patients who had a subtotal hysterectomy for apparent benign illness required trachelectomy within a few months

    Effects of gamma irradiation on salted and frozen mullet fish during storage period

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate the influence of gamma irradiation on decontamination of microbial loud of salted and frozen mullet fish. Mullet fish samples were divided into two groups: The first group was frozen at – 20C° and the second group was dry salted with ordinary commercial refined salt at ratio 1 kg fish / 0.8 kg. Each group was subjected to 0, 2.5 and 5 kGy of gamma irradiation doses before storage period. The results showed that, gamma irradiation hadn’t any significant (P?0.05) effects on the chemical composition and minerals content of mullet fish samples under investigation. Gamma irradiation doses (2.5 and 5.0 kGy) had not significant remarkable effect at P?0.05 on sensory properties (appearance, odor, texture and color) of dry and frozen mullet fish samples neither at zero time nor during storage periods. Microbial aspects (total bacterial counts, coliform bacteria, salmonella, sporeforming bacteria and total molds and yeasts) were detected. Also it could be concluded that, gamma irradiation had a significant (P?0.05) decrease effects on microbial loud and improve the microbiological safety of salted and frozen mullet fishes without any adverse effects on their chemical contents and quality. Keywords: key words, Gamma irradiation, Salting, freezing, Mullet fish, Minerals, Microbial loud

    Role of expression of atrial natriuretic peptide gene in essential hypertension among Egyptian patients

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    Introduction: Essential Hypertension has been a great burden on public health services for a long time, with many life-threatening complications. Therefore, we decided to study Atrial Natriuretic peptide (ANP) gene expression as one of the most important blood pressure controlling genes, in order to use ANP gene as a potential diagnostic or therapeutic marker in the near future.Methods: One hundred essential hypertensive patients and 100 normotensive controls were included. Study Subjects were subjected to ANP gene expression analysis, together with blood pressure measurement, Lab investigations, and BMI analysis.Results: There was a statistical difference between ANP gene expression and blood pressure, with lower ANP gene expression level (median of 0.3) being present among hypertensive patients and higher ANP gene expression level (median of 1.6) among normotensive controls (p < 0.001).Discussion: We proved that ANP gene expression to be low in essential hypertension patients compared with normotensive individuals

    Handwritten Signature Verification using Deep Learning

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    Every person has his/her own unique signature that is used mainly for the purposes of personal identification and verification of important documents or legal transactions. There are two kinds of signature verification: static and dynamic. Static(off-line) verification is the process of verifying an electronic or document signature after it has been made, while dynamic(on-line) verification takes place as a person creates his/her signature on a digital tablet or a similar device. Offline signature verification is not efficient and slow for a large number of documents. To overcome the drawbacks of offline signature verification, we have seen a growth in online biometric personal verification such as fingerprints, eye scan etc. In this paper we created CNN model using python for offline signature and after training and validating, the accuracy of testing was 99.70%

    Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Object from Two-Dimensional Images by Utilizing Distance Regularized Level Algorithm and Mesh Object Generation

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               ان عملية بناء نموذج ثلاثي الأبعاد من الصور هي طريقة مفيدة للغاية لتشكيل المجسمات باستخدام طريقة الصور الواقعية خاصة والتي يمكن ان تستخدم في العديد من المجالات مثل المجالات الصناعية والمجالات الطبية وغيرها. في المجال الطبي، ان تطبيق الماسح ثلاثي الأبعاد مثل الماسح الضوئي ثلاثي الأبعاد المستخدم لإعادة بناء الأنف الداخلي للجراحة التجميلية أو الماسح الضوئي ثلاثي الأبعاد المستخدم لإعادة بناء قناة الأذن لغرض تصنيع جهاز مساعد السمع، والتي تحتاج إلى دقة عالية في التفاصيل والقياس والذي يمثل مشكلة رئيسية يجب وضعها في الاعتبار عند تصميم أجهزة النمذجة ثلاثية الابعاد، كما ان الكلفة وإمكانية التنقل وسهولة الاستخدام هي القضية الثانية التي يجب أن تأخذها بعين الاعتبار. تم في هذا العمل اعداد نهج نظري وتجريبي لتصميم ماسح ثلاثي الابعاد للمجسمات ذو كلفة منخفضة. اقترحنا نظام إعادة بناء القناة ثلاثية الأبعاد (الأذن أو الأنف) استنادًا إلى الصور ثنائية الأبعاد المستخدمة لإعادة إنشاء كائن ثلاثي الأبعاد. تم استخدام منظار داخلي منخفض التكلفة مع برنامج مقترح يستند إلى خوارزمية تقسيم مجموعة المستوى المقياس المعياري من أجل إعادة بناء قناة الأذن أو الأنف من الصورة التي التقطتها المنظار الداخلي في الزمن الحقيقي. أظهرت النتائج دقة جيدة لتفاصيل القناة وقياساتها والتي تعود الى استخدام نجاح خوارزمية إعادة البناء وبرامج إعادة البناء المقترحة والتي انتجت مجسم شبكي ثلاثية الأبعاد جيدة للقناة.Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction from images is a most beneficial method of object regeneration by using a photo-realistic way that can be used in many fields. For industrial fields, it can be used to visualize the cracks within alloys or walls. In medical fields, it has been used as 3D scanner to reconstruct some human organs such as internal nose for plastic surgery or to reconstruct ear canal for fabricating a hearing aid device, and others. These applications need high accuracy details and measurement that represent the main issue which should be taken in consideration, also the other issues are cost, movability, and ease of use which should be taken into consideration. This work has presented an approach for design and constructed a low-cost three-dimensional object scanner. We have proposed a 3D canal reconstruction system (ear or nose) based on using 2D images for reconstruction 3D object. A low-cost EndoScope with a proposed program based upon utilized the segmentation algorithm type “Distance Regularized Level” to segment active edges from images then generate mesh object in order to generate 3D structure for small canals or cracks. The results show good accuracy of the reconstructed object in both details and their measurements which are related to the success in the reconstruction of algorithm that yields good three-dimensional meshes object. &nbsp

    Effect of Lupin (Lupinus albifrons) Flour on Microbial and sensory properties of local Yoghurt

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    This study conducted and implicated in the General State Company for Dairy Products, Abu-Ghraib/ Baghdad/Iraq in February to April /2014. Two different sweet lupin seed (Jordanian, Egyptian) origin were used for this study which been imported from the local markets. Soaking and boiling process (de- bittering process) of lupin seeds was used to destroy thermo-labile anti-nutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid and to soften the seed. It was been found that, the concentration (2, 4, 6)% of lupin seed supplementation for each origin (Jordan and Egypt) are the best in dairy product supplementation after conducting many different tests to see the best degree of agreement by the specialized panelists in the dairy company. The physicochemical analysis of the supplemented yogurt with different concentration (2, 4, and 6) % of Jordanian and Egyptian lupin flour showed that, it does not affect the percent of fat content statistically. But, there were clear positive statistical significant differences in the total solid. Also, there were statistically positive correlation between lupin flour concentration addition and total solid of the yogurt product which does affect directly the texture of the yogurt. There were statistically positive correlation between lupin flour concentration supplement and the pH of the yogurt product which does affect directly the flavor and taste of the yogurt product by the consumers. Thus, increasing the concentration of the supplementation with lupin flour lead to decrease the acidity and increase the pH in yogurt products significantly. Sensory evaluation of the supplemented yogurt product were showed that the 2 and 4% of lupin flour for both origin were the highest positive effect on physicochemical and sensory scores (flavor, taste, acidity, texture and consistency, appearance, and the total properties). Also, it was found that, the period of storage (1-14 days) did not affect the physicochemical and sensory evaluation clearly of the supplemented lupin dairy product. Therefore, we recommended the possibility of supplementation of yogurt with sweet lupin flour for its healthier and structural effect on human health to these kind of products. Keywords: Dairy product, Supplementation, Lupin flour, Physicochemical properties, Sensory evaluation, microbial content. 

    Intralesional Injection of Botulinum Toxin for Post-Herpetic Neuralgia: A Pilot Study

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    Background: When someone has herpes zoster and the rash goes away in spite of persistence of pain, they are defined to have post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). Herpes zoster is frequently accompanied by post-herpetic neuralgia. Clostridium botulinum produces botulinum toxin (BTX-A), a neurotoxic protein that is used to treat various ailments. Objective: Intralesional botulinum toxin injections were tested for their efficacy in the treatment of post herpetic neuralgia. Patients and methods: An intralesional BTX-A injections pilot trial including 19 patients with PHN was carried out. Quality of life scale (QLS), neuropathy pains scale (NPS), and pain analyses by visual analogue scale (VAS) were used for all patients after comprehensive history-taking process.Results: After a six-months therapy follow-up period, we found significant differences comparing before and after treatment in the neuropathy pain scale, VAS score, and the QLS (SF-36). Pain at site of injection was found in all patients while redness or erythema was found in 13 patients. Conclusion: Treatment with botulinum toxin via local injection is beneficial for post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). BTX could be alternative therapeutic modality in treating PHN in the future

    Spirulina Ameliorates Oxidative Damage and Inflammation in Rotenone-Induced Neurotoxicity in Male Mice

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    Background: Rotenone, a chemical compound produced naturally by leguminous plants, has conventionally been used as a pesticide by blocking the uptake of oxygen by body cells. Our study aimed to investigate the effect of spirulina on oxidative damage, inflammation, and neurotoxicity in male mice treated by rotenone.Methods: The experimental animals were divided into 5 groups. Group (I) served as control that received Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO); Group (II) mice treated with rotenone (1.5 mg/kg, s.c.3 times per week); Group (III) mice received rotenone/L-dopa (25 mg/kg, P.O. daily); Group (IV) and Group (V) mice were treated with rotenone/spirulina (200 and 400 mg/kg, P.O. daily) respectively for two weeks.Results: Rotenone-treated mice indicated impaired motor coordination and activity in wire hanging, wood walking, open field, and stair tests. Furthermore, rotenone treatment caused elevation in striatal levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA), Nitric Oxide (NO), Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF-α), Interleukin -1 beta (IL-1β), and caspase 3 and decrement in Bcl-2; dopamine and Glutathione (GSH) levels. Moreover, severe neuronal degeneration, striatal DNA fragmentation, and increased striatal 8-OHdG levels and MTH1 expression in the rotenone group. Additionally, spirulina treatment prevented rotenone-induced motor deficits striatal DNA fragmentation and demonstrated good restoration of the substantial neurons with reservation of the typical dark appearance. Besides, rotenone-induced biochemical changes were ameliorated by spirulina treatment as dopamine, Bcl-2, and GSH levels were increased, and striatal MDA, TNF-α, IL-1β, and caspase 3 levels were decreased.Conclusion: Natural products like spirulina could reverse rotenone-induced neurotoxicity in male mice due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties