300 research outputs found

    The Contribution of Psychological Capital Elements and Emotional Dissonance in Predicting the Psychological Burnout among Counselors in Jordan

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    This study aimed to reveal the level of psychological burnout, psychological capital, and emotional dissonance, and the degree to which they contribute to explain the variation in psychological burnout among psychological counselors in Jordan. The researchers developed psychological burnout scale, the psychological capital, and the emotional dissonance scales and their validity and reliability were assured. The sample of the study consisted of (258) psychological counselors working in schools of the directorates of education in Al-Mafraq and Al-Zarqa. The results indicated that optimism, self-efficacy, hope and emotional dissonance explained (46.4%) of the explained variance of psychological burnout. The study recommended investing in interventions that contribute to improving job resources through developing psychological capital, and reduce emotional dissonance, and thus reducing the level of psychological burnout. Keywords: psychological capital, emotional dissonance, psychological burnout. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-12-12 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Effect of 35% sodium ascorbate on microtensile bond strength of composite resin immediately after bleaching

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    Background: Sodium ascorbate has been recently tested to reverse the temporary weakening of composite bonding when its application is done immidiately after bleaching. This study compared the microtensile bond strength of immediate and delayed bonding of composite after bleaching, with and without the application of 35% sodium ascorbate. Objective: to assess the effect of 35% sodium ascorbate (SA) (Sigma-Aldrich Co.) on microtensile bond strength of dentin immediately after bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide (Pola Office/SDI). Methods: Twenty-five sound human 3rd molars were collected in order to obtain one hundred twenty five specimens. Teeth were randomly divided into five groups: Grp1 (bleaching + immediate restoration), Grp2 (bleaching + delayed restoration), Grp3 (bleaching + SA + immediate restoration), Grp4 (bleaching + SA + delayed restoration), Grp5 (Control-no treatment). After bleaching, but prior to restoration, Grps 2 & 4 were stored for 1 week in deionized water at 37°C. All samples were restored using Optibond Solo Plus (Kerr) and Filtek Supreme Ultra (3M/ESPE) following manufacturers\u27 instructions. Teeth were sectioned into 1x1 mm bars, obtaining around 10 bars from each tooth. Microtensile bond strength was measured with a universal testing machine (Instron, model 8841) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Results: Descriptive statistics revealed that Grp1 (positive control) showed significant reduction in microtensile bond strength (34.17 ± 10.78). Grp5 (negative control)(45.83 ± 19.32), Grp2 (standard of care)(45.36± 16.57), Grp3 (45.06 ± 20.91) and Grp4 (44.73 ± 16.85) showed statistically similar microtensile bond strength. One-way ANOVA was used to determine if differences were evident between the five groups. Microtensile bond strength differed significantly across the five groups (F (4, 1073.81) = 3.54, p = .007) Tukey\u27s post-hoc comparisons of the five groups showed significant differences between Grp 1 and all other groups 2,3,4 and 5. Conclusion: Microtensile bond strength was improved significantly after the application of 35% sodium ascorbate when restored with resin composite immediately after bleaching. Grants: This study was funded by NSU, Health Profession Division

    Doxycycline: a new treatment option for COVID-19

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    Ameliorative Effect of Folic Acid on the Neurological Changes in Rats Treated with Methotrexate

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    Methotrexate (MTX) is an antimetabolite of the normal folic acid produced by human and animal bodies. MTX antagonizes Folic Acid which is vital for purine and many vital amino acids. Treatment with MTX has been widespread all over the world recently. Physicians usually prescribe folic acid together or following treatment with MTX. Some patients minimize the importance of having folic acid with MTX or after it regarding it as a not essential drug as MTX. From here it comes, the value of this research to clarify the important role of folic acid in minimizing the side effects of MTX. In fact this effect applies on most systems in the human and animal bodies; however, authors prefer to focus on the neurological aspects as references are somewhat scarce especially in the veterinary aspect and found some behavioral changes which coincide with brain histopathological findings. Keywords: methotrexate, folic acid, neurological changes, rat

    Predictors of Long-term Disability in Multiple Sclerosis: Real World Data from a Cohort of Egyptian Patients

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    Background: Specification of prognostic factors in multiple sclerosis (MS) is crucial for clinicians to guide therapeutic protocols. This study aimed to identify demographic, clinical, and radiological factors associated with disability on a long-term basis in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and secondary progressive MS (SPMS).Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted on patients with RRMS and SPMS with a disease duration of at least 10 years. Demographic, clinical, and radiological parameters were collected from the medical records.Results: During the study period, 217 patients were recruited with a mean disease duration of 14.9 ± 4.6 (range: 10-35) years. Regression analysis revealed that age (B = 0.071, CI: 0.00-0.132, P = 0.025), male sex (B = –0.825, CI: –1.444 to –0.206, P = 0.009), duration between first 2 attacks (B = -0.007, CI: -0.015-0.000, P = 0.037), and involvement of pyramidal (B = 0.754, CI: 0.051-1.457, P = 0.036) or cerebellar domains (B = 1.355, CI: 0.542-2.168, P = 0.001) at disease onset were the only parameters that had an independent effect on EDSS.Conclusion: Predictors of long-term disability in our cohort were closely similar, but not typically identical to predictors reported in the literature. Age, male sex, short duration between first 2 relapses pyramidal and cerebellar affection were the strongest predictors of disability in patients with RRMS and SPMS

    Uloga kompleksa germanija s L-cysteinom i α-tokoferolom kao stimulatora antioksidativnog obrambenog sustava štakora izloženih gama-zračenju

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the potency of the newly prepared germanium L-cysteine α-tocopherol complex [germanium dichloro tetrakis (L-cysteinyl-α-tocopherol amide) dichloride] as a protective agent against γ-irradiation-induced free radicals production and liver toxicity. Male Swiss albino rats were injected intraperitoneally with the germanium complex in a concentration of 75 mg kg-1 body mass per dose, for 6 successive doses, last dose administered twenty minutes pre-exposure to a single dose of whole body γ-irradiation of 6.5 Gy. Lipid peroxidation (LPx), nitric oxide (NO), glutathione (GSH) levels, and activity of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) were estimated in blood and liver, and blood total protein, cholesterol, triglyceride and α-tocopherol content were estimated as well. The results revealed that administration of germanium complex pre-irradiation resulted in significant (p < 0.001) improvement compared to the irradiated group in the level of hepatic and blood LPx. Hepatic GSH revealed a significant increase (p < 0.001), while its level showed no significant variation in blood. Also, the level of NO in blood and liver increased significantly (p < 0.001). On the other hand, pretreatment with the germanium complex normalized the activities of SOD, GPx and CAT in blood and liver when compared to the irradiated group. The study also documents a marked decrease in the blood triglyceride and cholesterol (p < 0.001); and significant increase (p < 0.001) of -tocopherol and total protein contents in blood. These biochemical changes were associated with marked improvement of histological status. Therefore, the germanium L-cysteine α-tocopherol complex may be a good candidate for ameliorating the changes induced by irradiation, which indicates the beneficial radio-protective role of this antioxidant agent.U radu je procjenjivan kompleks germanija s L-cisteinom i α-tokoferolom [germanijev diklortetrakis (L-cisteinil-α-tokoferol amid) diklorid] kao zaštitno sredstvo protiv slobodnih radikala induciranih γ-zračenjem hepatotoksičnosti. Mužjacima švicarskih albino štakora davan je intraperitonealno kompleks germanija, u 6 sukcesivnih doza po 75 mg kg-1 tjelesne mase, posljednja doza dana je dvadeset minuta prije izlaganja cijelog organizma jednokratnoj dozi γ-ozračivanja od 6,5 Gy. U krvi i jetri praćena je razina lipidne peroksidacije (LPx), dušikovog(II) oksida (NO), glutationa (GSH), aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima glutation peroksidaze (GPx), superoksid dismutaze (SOD) i katalaze (CAT), te količina ukupnih proteina u krvi, kolesterola, triglicerida i α-tokoferola. Rezultati su pokazali da je primjena germanijevog kompleksa značajno (p < 0,001) poboljšala koncentraciju jetrenih i krvnih LPx. Koncentracija GSH u jetri je značajno porasla (p < 0,001), dok se njegova razina u krvi nije značajno promijenila. Koncentracija NO u krvi i jetri značajno se smanjila (p < 0,001). S druge strane, prethodna obrada s kompleksom germanija normalizirala je aktivnost SOD, GPx i CAT u krvi i jetri u odnosu na ozračenu skupinu. Istraživanja su također pokazala značajno smanjenje triglicerida i kolesterola (p < 0,001) i značajno povećanje (p < 0,001) alfa-tokoferola i ukupnih proteina u krvi. Te biokemijske promjene su povezane s izraženim poboljšanjem histoloških promjena u odnosu na ozračenu skupinu. Opisani kompleks germanija mogao bi se kao antioksidativno sredstvo potencijalno upotrijebiti za spriječavanje promjena uzrokovanih zračenjem

    Histological study on the protective effect of endogenous stem-cell mobilization in Adriamycin-induced chronic nephropathy in rats

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    AbstractChronic kidney disease is a global health problem with increasing morbidity and mortality. Therefore, this study was planned to test the protective effect of hematopoietic-stem-cell mobilization by granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) on Adriamycin (ADR)-induced chronic renal disease in rats. Thirty albino rats were equally divided into three groups: control, ADR group [rats received a single intravenous injection of ADR (5mg/kg)], and G-CSF group [rats received ADR by the same route and the same dose as the previous group, and then G-CSF (70μg/kg/d) 2 hours after ADR injection then daily for five consecutive days]. At the time of sacrifice (after 6 weeks), blood samples were taken to estimate the blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine. Kidney sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, toluidine blue, Masson's trichrome, periodic acid–Schiff stains, and immunohistochemical staining against CD34 and caspase-3. The G-CSF group exhibited protection against renal injury manifested by reducing blood urea nitrogen and serum-creatinine levels, improving histological architecture, and increasing the proliferative capacity of renal tubules

    Dietary supplementation of quercetin nanoparticles enhances the growth performance hematological and immunological responses and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to silver nanoparticles toxicity

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    The wide incorporation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in aquaculture could result in releasing of these particles into the environment with environmental impacts and health hazards. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the impacts of the dietary supplementation of quercetin nanoparticles (QNPs) on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) growth, antioxidants, and immunity besides its susceptibility to the infection with Aeromonas hydrophila with or without the aqueous exposure to AgNPs. First, the 96-h LC50 value for AgNPs in O. niloticus wa estimated to be 19.81 mg/L (the 1/10th of the 96 h LC50 of AgNPs = 1.98 mg/L). Then a total of 240 Nile tilapias (40.00 ± 0.45 g) were randomly distributed into 4 groups (each group contains 60 fish in 3 replicates of 20 fish). The 1st group (control) was fed on a basal diet without QNPs and AgNPs. The 2nd group (QNPs) received the basal diet supplemented with QNPs (400 mg/kg), the 3rd group (AgNPs) was exposed to 1/10th 96-h LC50 of AgNPs (1.98 mg/L) and fed on QNPs free diet, while the 4th group (AgNPs+ QNPs) was exposed to AgNPs (1.98 mg/L) and cosupplemented with QNPs (400 mg/kg). Besides, AgNPs resulted in marked elevation in the serum myeloperoxidase (MPO) 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) contents, and declines in lysozyme activity and the levels of nitric oxide (NO) and immunoglobulins (IgM and IgG) in the exposed fish (AgNPs group). These effects were accompanied with significant downregulation in the relative mRNA expressions of SOD, CAT, and GSH and upregulation in the expressions of INF-γ, TNF-α, and Il-1β. Feeding QNPs-enriched diet, alone or combined with AgNPs exposure, conversed most of these effects and restored some to the control levels. AgNPs exposure increased mortalities, lowered survival rates and altered Nile tilapia’s resistance to A. hydrophila infection in the AgNPs exposed fish, whereas co-supplementation with QNPs enhanced their resistance with less mortalities. In summary, the reported immunomodulation, and protective properties of QNPs dietary supplementation, strengthen its applicability as an effective and promising feed supplement to alleviate the AgNPs associated toxicity in fish

    The impact of semantics on aspect level opinion mining

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    Recently, many users prefer online shopping to purchase items from the web. Shopping websites allow customers to submit comments and provide their feedback for the purchased products. Opinion mining and sentiment analysis are used to analyze products’ comments to help sellers and purchasers decide to buy products or not. However, the nature of online comments affects the performance of the opinion mining process because they may contain negation words or unrelated aspects to the product. To address these problems, a semantic-based aspect level opinion mining (SALOM) model is proposed. The SALOM extracts the product aspects based on the semantic similarity and classifies the comments. The proposed model considers the negation words and other types of product aspects such as aspects’ synonyms, hyponyms, and hypernyms to improve the accuracy of classification. Three different datasets are used to evaluate the proposed SALOM. The experimental results are promising in terms of Precision, Recall, and F-measure. The performance reaches 94.8% precision, 93% recall, and 92.6% f-measure

    Evaluation of some phenolic extracts against aphids (Aphis craccivora) Koch under laboratory conditions

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    Local farmers worldwide have complained in recent years that insect pests have become resistant to the majority of insecticides, owing to pesticide abuse. In addition, highly poisonous and harmful substances may cause health and environmental dangers. Friendly alternatives such as plant extracts are the main targets as substituents to synthetic pesticides. The present study aimed to extract total phenols from some plants and evaluate their efficacy on aphids, Aphis craccivora, under laboratory conditions. Four methanolic plant extracts from Punica granatum, Lantana camara, Portulaca oleracea and Ziziphus jujuba, containing phenolic components were evaluated against A. craccivora through: slide dipping, spraying, and leaf dipping techniques. Generally, positive relationships between the concentrations of the tested phenolic extracts and their mortality percentages were noticed in the case of slide dipping and spraying techniques. Conversely, no biological efficacy was found using the leaf dipping technique. The descending order of effectiveness of the tested extracts depending on their EC50 values was 0.017, 0.321, 1.142 and 16.114 ppm for Z. jujuba, P. oleraceae P. granatum and L. comara, respectively, in the case of the slide dipping technique. In contrast, P. granatum, L. camara, P. oleraceae and Z. jujuba had EC50 values of 0.0023, 0.017, 0.321 and 2.3409 ppm, respectively, in the case of the spraying technique. Additionally, a direct proportion was found between mortality percentages and treatment period for plant extracts under study with both techniques. After formulation and completion of additional essential field research, phenols isolated from the plants under study could be employed to combat A. craccivora