106 research outputs found

    Synthesis of hydrophilic polymers with comb structure by free radical copolymerization for cementitious formulations.

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    282 p.Superplasticizers are nowadays one of the most important constituents of modern concrete. They have generally been used to decrease the viscosity of cement suspensions or to reduce the amount of mixing water necessary, achieving concretes with higher mechanical properties. Due to the high amount of concrete used in construction, superplasticizers have become one of the most important polymeric admixtures for cement industry. However, the knowledge of the interaction between these materials and cementitious materials is still not fully understood and most of the optimization products and dosages is performed based on trial and error. Furthermore, in several works the microstructure of the PCEs is unknown or only partially known, which makes very difficult to obtain relevant conclusions on how the PCEs work. Nevertheless, researches like Flatt et al. have devoted a great deal of research on the field of MPEG-type PCE microstructure and OPC fresh and hardened properties with the aim of optimizing the microstructure and mastering the fluidity and retardation of the hydration. Despite the work developed by Flatt et al. the interaction of the PCEs with different cement phases and the effect on their hydration retardation is still unknown.The main objective of this thesis is to study the fundamental effects of the interaction of the model MPEG-PCE macromolecules and the cement particles. Therefore, the project will consists mainly of two different parts. The first one will be devoted to the controlled synthesis by free radical copolymerization of MAA and PEGMA macromonomer and characterization with well-defined microstructure. Microstructure of the PCE¿s macromolecules will be defined by the backbone length, the side chain length or the amount of side chain or anionic carboxylic groups in the backbone. The second task of the thesis will be devoted to analyzing the interaction of the model macromolecules synthesized in the first part with the aim of establishing fundamental knowledge on the structure-property relationship. For this purpose Portland cements and different clinker phases present in OPC will be used.Polymat Tecnali

    Considerações bioéticas e jurídicas sobre a biotecnologia com finalidades eugenésicas

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    New biotechnological advances associeted with reproduction raise bioethical and legal issues. Indeed, as reproductive choices proliferate, ethical conflicts favoring eugenics: embryo selection with terapheutic purposes, sex selection of the person to be born, embryo selection as a therapy for third people and so on arise. In this article, both bioethical and legal issues regarding bioetechonology associated with reproduction will be analysed.Los nuevos avances biotecnológicos vinculados con la reproducción plantean cuestiones bioético-jurídicas de no poca envergadura. En efecto, a medida que las posibilidades reproductivas proliferan, también lo hacen los conflictos éticos relacionados con el favorecimiento de la eugenesia: la selección de embriones, la selección de sexo de la persona que va a nacer, el uso de personas con finalidad terapéutica para terceros. En este artículo se analizarán los aspectos bioéticos en conflicto, sin olvidar la regulación jurídica que existe al respecto de estas prácticas biotecnológicas vinculadas con la reproducción.Os novos avanços biotecnológicos vinculados com a reprodução propõem questões bioético-jurídicas de não pouca envergadura. Com efeito, a medida que as possibilidades reprodutivas proliferam, também o fazem os conflitos éticos relacionados com o favorecimento da eugenesia: a seleção de embriões, a seleção de sexo da pessoa que vai nascer, o uso de pessoas com finalidade terapêutica para terceiros. Neste artigo se analisarão os aspectos bioéticos em conflito, sem esquecer a regulamentação jurídica que existe a respeito destas práticas biotecnológicas vinculadas com a reprodução

    Synthesis of hydrophilic polymers with comb structure by free radical copolymerization for cementitious formulations.

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    282 p.Superplasticizers are nowadays one of the most important constituents of modern concrete. They have generally been used to decrease the viscosity of cement suspensions or to reduce the amount of mixing water necessary, achieving concretes with higher mechanical properties. Due to the high amount of concrete used in construction, superplasticizers have become one of the most important polymeric admixtures for cement industry. However, the knowledge of the interaction between these materials and cementitious materials is still not fully understood and most of the optimization products and dosages is performed based on trial and error. Furthermore, in several works the microstructure of the PCEs is unknown or only partially known, which makes very difficult to obtain relevant conclusions on how the PCEs work. Nevertheless, researches like Flatt et al. have devoted a great deal of research on the field of MPEG-type PCE microstructure and OPC fresh and hardened properties with the aim of optimizing the microstructure and mastering the fluidity and retardation of the hydration. Despite the work developed by Flatt et al. the interaction of the PCEs with different cement phases and the effect on their hydration retardation is still unknown.The main objective of this thesis is to study the fundamental effects of the interaction of the model MPEG-PCE macromolecules and the cement particles. Therefore, the project will consists mainly of two different parts. The first one will be devoted to the controlled synthesis by free radical copolymerization of MAA and PEGMA macromonomer and characterization with well-defined microstructure. Microstructure of the PCE¿s macromolecules will be defined by the backbone length, the side chain length or the amount of side chain or anionic carboxylic groups in the backbone. The second task of the thesis will be devoted to analyzing the interaction of the model macromolecules synthesized in the first part with the aim of establishing fundamental knowledge on the structure-property relationship. For this purpose Portland cements and different clinker phases present in OPC will be used.Polymat Tecnali

    Protección de datos personales en el ámbito sanitario y de investigación biomédica: : Una visión europea

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    In the field of biomedical and health research, processing data represents opportunities to generate knowledge, to threat diseases and to improve people?s quality of life. However, these advantages provided by new digital technologies, such as Big Data, can have an impact on people?s fundamental rights if they are not clearly defined and protected. This study addresses the range of rights that subjects have in relation to the processing of their health data, whether -personal, pseudonymised or anonymised data-, within the framework of the EU Regulation and the Spanish Data Protection Act

    Investigation into the use of polypropylene for rotomoulding applications

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    Rotational moulding is a technique employed for processing polymers especially thermoplastics. Rotomoulding (RM) has not been one of the key polymer moulding methods, but it is achieving big interest in the recent years. Rotational moulding is based on the rotation of a mould in two axes and the heating of the material inside an oven. This implies that it is a method without any pressure over the material so, the material would have different properties compared with other moulding methods. During the processing high temperatures are required so, the stabilisation of thermoplastics is almost compulsory. The material which was mainly used with this technique was polyethylene (PE), but recently polypropylene (PP) is attracting the attention of rotomoulders. However, polypropylene is more susceptible to thermo-oxidative degradation due to its structure with a pendant methyl group. The research has consisted of the analysis of different properties of different polypropylene grades to determine which is the most suitable for rotomoulding processes. The investigation of the mechanical properties such as tensile strength, flexural strength and impact strength has been carried out. The thermo-oxidative degradation of the grades has been also studied by the carbonyl growth after being exposed to high temperatures (230°C). The determination of oxidation induction time (OIT) and oxidation onset temperature (OOT) are also important and all of them are related with crystalline structure of the polymer which was also measured by the heat-cool-heat method of DSC and X-ray diffraction. The analysis of all these properties concludes in the selection of the most suitable grade. However, due to polypropylene weakness to thermal degradation it has to be stabilised. In an attempt to improve the stabilisation the addition of a primary antioxidant was studied. The antioxidant was part of the hindered phenolic family (Irganox 1010, Penta-erythritoltetrakis( 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate). The combination with secondary antioxidant such as thioesters (Dioctadecyl 3,3’-thiodipropionate), phosphites (Tris(2,4-di-tertbutylphenyl) phosphite) and HALS (Hindered Amine Light Stabilisers) will be studied to see if they can work as synergists. Inorganic controlled release systems were also added because they reduce the mobility of antioxidants due to its high adsorption area. The degradation in PP is mainly caused by oxygen which reacts with the radicals causing chains scissions. The absence of oxygen is supposed to increase polymer stabilization and so the rotomoulding (RM) experiments were also carried out with a N2 flush. In general these modifications led to improve PP behavior against thermo-oxidative degradation

    Algunas pinceladas de las leyes españolas sobre Genética

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    El artículo hace un análisis de la legislación vigente en España, sobre temas tan variados como la selección del sexo, la protección de los datos genéticos, la maternidad subrogada, la fecundación post-mortem. Se presenta, además, orientación para aquellos países que quieran legislar sobre el tema.Con estas pinceladas jurídicas se intenta dar a conocer una normativa que, debido a las nuevas situaciones tecnológicas y científicas, ha de modificarse, en plazos breves

    Implicações éticas e jurídicas da maternidade por substituição. Aproximação de uma visão europeia

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    We find ourselves in a time of far reaching biotechnological breakthroughs and alongside with this, society is also experiencing changes. In this sense, new regulations regarding homosexual marriage have opened an scenario where same sex couples of men or women, may “procreate”, not only by means of adoption – not permitted for homosexual couples in many countries – but also through in vitro fertilization. For this reason, surrogate pregnancy is becoming the option of choice enabling heterosexual couples with specific problems, male couples, and males without a female partner to have a child. Indeed, as surrogate pregnancy techniques proliferates, ethical conflicts arise: the possibility of men to have their own children, problems relating filiation, instrumentalization of women and babies, legal solutions given by different European countries. In this article, both bioethical and legal issues regarding surrogate pregnancy will be analyse looking for the best interest of the minors.Los avances biotecnológicos son abrumadores y la realidad social cambia con ellos. En efecto, la nueva ley en España sobre los matrimonios homosexuales ha propiciado que parejas de mujeres y de hombres que se casan puedan procrear no solo mediante la adopción, sino también por la fecundación in vitro. Así, la gestación por sustitución se está convirtiendo en la vía preferente para que parejas heterosexuales u homosexuales con problemas específicos, parejas de hombres y para el varón sin pareja puedan tener descendencia. Esta situación crea múltiples conflictos éticos y jurídicos difíciles de resolver: filiación del menor, mercantilización de la mujer, instrumentalización y compraventa de niños, etc. En este artículo se analizarán los aspectos bioéticos en conflicto, sin olvidar la regulación jurídica que existe al respecto.Os avanços biotecnológicos são avassaladores e a realidade social se transforma com eles. Com efeito, a nova lei espanhola sobre o casamento homossexual tem propiciado que casais de mulheres e de homens que se casam possam procriar não só através da adoção, mas também por fertilização in vitro. Assim, a gestação por substituição está se tornando a alternativa preferida para que casais heterossexuais ou homossexuais com problemas específicos, casais de homens e homens solteiros possam ter filhos. Esta situação cria vários conflitos éticos e jurídicos que são difíceis de resolver: filiação da criança, mercantilização da mulher, instrumentalização e compra e venda de crianças, etc. Este artigo irá analisar os aspectos bioéticos, sem esquecer a regulação jurídica a este respeito