12 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Therapeutic Potential of New Antidiabetic Compounds Using Islet-on-a-Chip Microfluidic Model

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    Nowadays, diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. Current research on the treatment of diabetes combines many fields of science, such as biotechnology, transplantology or engineering. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new therapeutic strategies and preventive methods. A newly discovered class of lipids—Palmitic Acid Hydroxy Stearic Acid (PAHSA) has recently been proposed as an agent with potential therapeutic properties. In this research, we used an islet-on-a-chip microfluidic 3D model of pancreatic islets (pseudoislets) to study two isomers of PAHSA: 5-PAHSA and 9-PAHSA as potential regulators of proliferation, viability, insulin and glucagon expression, and glucose-stimulated insulin and glucagon secretion. Due to the use of the Lab-on-a-chip systems and flow conditions, we were able to reflect conditions similar to in vivo. In addition, we significantly shortened the time of pseudoislet production, and we were able to carry out cell culture, microscopic analysis and measurements using a multi-well plate reader at the same time on one device. In this report we showed that under microfluidic conditions PAHSA, especially 5-PAHSA, has a positive effect on pseudoislet proliferation, increase in cell number and mass, and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, which may qualify it as a compound with potential therapeutic properties

    Study of Stem Cells Influence on Cardiac Cells Cultured with a Cyanide-P-Trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone in Organ-on-a-Chip System

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    Regenerative medicine and stem cells could prove to be an effective solution to the problem of treating heart failure caused by ischemic heart disease. However, further studies on the understanding of the processes which occur during the regeneration of damaged tissue are needed. Microfluidic systems, which provide conditions similar to in vivo, could be useful tools for the development of new therapies using stem cells. We investigated how mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) affect the metabolic activity of cardiac cells (rat cardiomyoblasts and human cardiomyocytes) incubated with a potent uncoupler of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation under microfluidic conditions. A cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) was used to mimic disfunctions of mitochondria of cardiac cells. The study was performed in a microfluidic system integrated with nanofiber mats made of poly-l-lactid acid (PLLA) or polyurethane (PU). The microsystem geometry allows four different cell cultures to be conducted under different conditions (which we called: normal, abnormal—as both a mono- and co-culture). Metabolic activity of the cells, based on the bioluminescence assay, was assessed in the culture’s performed in the microsystem. It was proved that stem cells increased metabolic activity of cardiac cells maintained with FCCP

    Heart-on-a-Chip: An Investigation of the Influence of Static and Perfusion Conditions on Cardiac (H9C2) Cell Proliferation, Morphology, and Alignment

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    Lab-on-a-chip systems are increasingly used as tools for cultures and investigation of cardiac cells. In this article, we present how the geometry of microsystems and microenvironmental conditions (static and perfusion) influence the proliferation, morphology, and alignment of cardiac cells (rat cardiomyoblasts—H9C2). Additionally, studies of cell growth after incubation with verapamil hydrochloride were performed. For this purpose, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)/glass microfluidic systems with three different geometries of microchambers (a circular chamber, a longitudinal channel, and three parallel microchannels separated by two rows of micropillars) were prepared. It was found that static conditions did not enhance the growth of H9C2 cells in the microsystems. On the contrary, perfusion conditions had an influence on division, morphology, and the arrangement of the cells. The highest number of cells, their parallel orientation, and their elongated morphology were obtained in the longitudinal microchannel. It showed that this kind of microsystem can be used to understand processes in heart tissue in detail and to test newly developed compounds applied in the treatment of cardiac diseases