5,695 research outputs found

    Prediction of destructive properties using descriptive analysis of nd measurements

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    Three groups of measurements related to peach maturity were acquired through destructive (D) mechanical tests (Magness Taylor Firmness, MTF), mechanical non destructive (ND) tests, and ND optical spectroscopy (Optical indexes). The relationship between these groups of variables was studied in order to estimate D mechanical measurements (MTF, with higher instrumental and sampling variability, time consuming, generally used as a reference for the assessment of peach handling), from ND measurements (quick, applicable on line, dealing better with the high variability found in fruit products). Multivariate exploratory analysis was used to extract the structure of the data. The information about the data structure of ND measurements, the relationship of MTF with the space defined by ND variables, and the expert knowledge regarding to the dataset was then used for modelling MTF (R 2 =0.72 and standard error on validation 5.73 N

    Control Interno en la gestión administrativa en la municipalidad distrital de Yanacancha durante el 2022

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    Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo explicar el control interno en el proceso de la gestión administrativa en la municipalidad de Yanacancha durante el 2022. Para ello usa investigación del tipo básica, con diseño cualitativo de investigaciónacción. La técnica de recaudación de datos usada es la entrevista en donde utilizó como instrumento la guía de preguntas. Dentro de los primeros hallazgos se encontró que las dimensiones de control interno se encuentran presentes en el proceso de gestión administrativa porque se verifica su presencia en ésta y resultan ser inherente en la otra. También, dentro de los principales hallazgos se encontró que la gestión administrativa trata de gestionar de manera constante las dimensiones consideradas en el control interno, convirtiéndose en un indicador importante en donde se puede determinar que, a mejor control interno, existe una mejor gestión administrativa. Asimismo, se encontró que algunos autores como Maita (2018) y Puma (2019) coindicen con estos resultados ya que consideran las dimensiones de ambas variables convergen entre sí en diversos puntos

    Cuidados preventivos sobre infecciones respiratorias agudas en madres de niños menores de cinco años Hospital II EsSalud. Huaraz, 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación titulado Cuidados Preventivos sobre Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas en madres de niños menores de cinco años del Hospital II ESSALUD. Huaraz. Tuvo como objetivo determinar si las madres realizan los cuidados preventivos en la prevención de las infecciones respiratorias en niños menores de 5 años. La población estuvo compuesta por 40 madres que acuden diariamente al consultorio de pediatría, además que cumplan los criterios de inclusión establecidos dentro del presente trabajo. La metodología usada fue de tipo descriptivo, de corte transversal, el instrumento usado fue un cuestionario, la técnica utilizada fue una encuesta de Herrera y Moreno (2015), para el procesamiento de datos se empleó el programa estadístico SPSS Versión 23, con la prueba estadística de chi cuadrado, donde los resultados fueron que el 40% si conoce sobre los cuidados de las Infecciones Respiratorias, mientras que el 60% no sabe la importancia del lavado de manos en momentos claves en el hogar en la prevención de Infecciones Respiratorias. El 5% cree que la tos es un signo de alarma, seguida de la respiración rápida con un 15%, algunas creen que el dolor de garganta es un signo de alarma con un 20% el 23% dice que dejar de lactar es un signo de alarma, y el 38% menciona que es peligroso cuando el niño presenta fiebre.Tesi

    Combination of optical and on-destructivemechanicaltechniques for the measurement of maturity in peach

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    Increasing consumer dissatisfaction related with lack of ripeness in peach has been repeatedly reported since 1990 to the present day. There is thus, a great interest in improving the assessment of peach maturity, currently based on Magness Taylor firmness (destructive, highly variable, and time consuming) and colour (not reliable for highly coloured varieties). The present research studies as an alternative several non-destructive (ND) measurements, based on multispectral imaging, visible spectra, and low mass impact response. Their relationship with maturity, as well as the potential of their combination was studied. As a result, two rather independent (R2 = 0.3) groups of non-destructive measurements, chlorophyll related optical indexes and low mass impact (LMI) measurements, were identified. Optical measurements showed the best behaviour for assessing maturity at harvest, while LMI measurements reflected handling incidences, showing a promising potential to be used to control transport and postharvest handling

    Similar plasma lipidomic profile in people living with HIV treated with a darunavir-based or an integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy

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    Cardiovascular disease is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in people living with HIV (PLWH), who commonly experience lipid disturbances. The aim of this study was to determine whether the plasma lipidomic profile differs between PLWH receiving a darunavir-based ART and those receiving integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was a cross-sectional study of unselected patients for whom metabolomic analysis was performed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Data for the two subgroups were compared by calculating the log2 of the fold change for each metabolite and then grouping these into the main lipid families. Sixty-two PLWH aged 49.3 +/- 8.6 years (82% men) were included: 12 patients (19.4%) had hypertension, 8 (12.9%) had type 2 diabetes, 25 (41.0%) had dyslipidaemia and 9 (14.5%) were taking statins, without significant differences in all these variables between the two groups. Twenty-five (40.3%) received darunavir-based ART and 37 (59.7%) integrase inhibitor-based ART. Although the differences were not statistically significant, patients treated with darunavir-based ART had higher concentrations of total cholesterol (211 mg/dL vs 194 mg/dL), LDL-cholesterol (132 mg/dL vs 117 mg/dL) and triglycerides (155 mg/dL vs 122 mg/dL), and lower HDL-cholesterol concentration (50 mg/dL vs 52 mg/dL). The main lipid families and metabolites differed slightly between groups (log2-fold change; P-value): ceramides (-0.07; 0.49), phosphatidylinositols (-0.05; 0.63), diacylglycerols (0.10; 0.64), phosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.78), triacylglycerols (0.27; 0.18) and lysophosphatidylethanolamines (0.03; 0.83). In the integrase inhibitor-based group, the use of tenofovir alafenamide fumarate significantly increases the majority of lipid fractions, when compared with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. The lipidomic profile did not differ between PLWH treated with darunavir-based or integrase inhibitor-based ART. This was especially true for ceramides, which are involved in cardiovascular disease. Further studies are needed to study the impact of ART in lipidomic profile

    Violencia familiar y depresión en mujeres que acuden al Centro de Emergencia Mujer distrito de Chilca-Huancayo 2017

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    Objetivo Fue Determinar la relación de la violencia familiar con la depresión de mujeres que acuden al Centro de Emergencia Mujer, Chilca-Huancayo. Hipótesis Fue La violencia familiar tiene relación significativa con la depresión de mujeres que acuden al Centro de Emergencia Mujer, distrito de Chilca –Huancayo. Material y Métodos Se aplicó el método Descriptivo Correlacional, de corte Transversal, la muestra estuvo conformada por 55 mujeres obtenido por muestreo de Población Finita, la técnica fue la encuesta y los instrumentos el cuestionario para medir La Violencia Familiar y la escala de medición, de Zung para medir el nivel de Depresión de las mujeres. El procesamiento de datos fue realizado a través del programa SPSS, Rho Spearman, t de students, R de Pearson. Resultados Los resultados de la investigación nos han permitido elaborar importantes conclusiones Cómo t calculada >t teórica (4,96 > 2,0040) y el coeficiente de correlación es igual a 0.5563, se concluye que existe una correlación alta positiva y estadísticamente significativa (000< 0,05); por ello, rechazamos la hipótesis nula y aceptamos la hipótesis alterna que dice: La violencia familiar tiene relación significativa con la depresión de mujeres que acuden al Centro de Emergencia Mujer, distrito de Chilca - Huancayo-2017, a un nivel de significancia de 0,05.Tesi

    Properties of light resonances from unitarized Chiral perturbation theory: Nc behavior and quark mass dependence

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    We review the unitarization of Chiral Perturbation Theory with dispersion relations and how it describes meson-meson scattering data, generating light resonances whose mass, width and nature can be related to QCD parameters like quark masses and the number of colors.Comment: Invited review talk for the New Frontiers in QCD 2010, Yukawa International Program for Quark-Hadron Sciences (YIPQS), January 18 (Mon) - March 19 (Fri), 2010 Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan. To appear in Progress of Theoretical Physic

    Technological advances in fibrin for tissue engineering

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    Fibrin is a promising natural polymer that is widely used for diverse applications, such as hemostatic glue, carrier for drug and cell delivery, and matrix for tissue engineering. Despite the significant advances in the use of fibrin for bioengineering and biomedical applications, some of its characteristics must be improved for suitability for general use. For example, fibrin hydrogels tend to shrink and degrade quickly after polymerization, particularly when they contain embedded cells. In addition, their poor mechanical properties and batch-to-batch variability affect their handling, long-term stability, standardization, and reliability. One of the most widely used approaches to improve their properties has been modification of the structure and composition of fibrin hydrogels. In this review, recent advances in composite fibrin scaffolds, chemically modified fibrin hydrogels, interpenetrated polymer network (IPN) hydrogels composed of fibrin and other synthetic or natural polymers are critically reviewed, focusing on their use for tissue engineering.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was supported by Programa de Actividades de I + D entre Grupos de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid, S2018/BAA-4480, Biopieltec-CM, Programa Estatal de I + D + i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, RTI2018-101627-B-I00, Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021, PID2021-126523OB-I00, Proyectos en colaboración público-privada 2021, CPP2021-008396, LOLICOMB Project, PID2020-116439GB-I00 and Cátedra Fundación Ramón Areces. Grant PID2021-126523OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and, as appropriate, by “ERDF A way of making Europe.” Grant CPP2021-008396 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union “NextGenerationEU/PRTR.”Publicad