10 research outputs found

    A presença de menores em conteúdos comerciais e o seu efeito negativo no público:

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    This article analyzes the reaction of the audience of the Spanish youtuber Verdeliss, who has the largest community of Spanish followers in the field of parenting and motherhood, to the presence of her underage children in the contents that she publishes on YouTube. A survey made among 1,336  followers of her YouTube channel found that the majority of them feel uncomfortable because of the presence of minors in videos where commercial brands are also promoted. This group rates the youtuber worse in almost all dimensions related to her persuasive ability, and they also buy fewer products recommended by her. Likewise, in a qualitative analysis of 284 comments to open-ended questions, it was observed that there are several arguments within this group of uncomfortable followers, among which stand out their discomfort with the excessive exposure of minors, a frontal rejection to the commodification of their image, and a call on competent authorities to protect the minors. Taking into account the differences in the evaluation of the youtuber, these results suggest that sharenting could produce negative effects in the promotion of brands.Este artículo analiza la reacción de la audiencia de la youtuber española Verdeliss, con la mayor comunidad de seguidoras en España en ámbito de la crianza y la maternidad, en relación a la presencia de sus hijas e hijos menores en los contenidos que publica en su canal de YouTube. En una encuesta realizada a 1.336 seguidoras, se constató que más de la mitad de las mismas se sienten incómodas por la presencia de menores en videos en los que además se promocionan marcas comerciales. Este grupo valora peor a la youtuber en casi todas las dimensiones relacionadas con su capacidad persuasiva y además compra menos productos recomendados por ella en sus vídeos. Asimismo, en un análisis cualitativo de 284 comentarios en preguntas de respuesta abierta se pudo apreciar que existen varios argumentos dentro de este grupo de seguidoras más críticas con la youtuber, entre los que destacan su malestar por la excesiva exposición de los menores, un rechazo frontal a la mercantilización de la imagen de estos y un llamamiento a las instituciones competentes a que protejan a los menores. A la vista de las diferencias en la valoración de la youtuber, los resultados sugieren que el sharenting puede producir efectos negativos en la promoción de marcas comerciales.Este artigo discute a reação da audiência da youtuber espanhola Verdeliss, com a maior comunidade de seguidoras em Espanha no campo da parentalidade e da maternidade, em relação à presença das suas filhas e filhos menores nos conteúdos publicados no seu canal de YouTube. Em nossa pesquisa realizada a 1.336 seguidoras, verificou-se que a majoria deles se sentem desconfortáveis com a presença de menores em vídeos que também promovem marcas comerciais. Este grupo availa  a youtuber pior em quase todas as dimensões relacionadas com a sua capacidade persuasiva e também compra menos produtos recomendados por ela nos seus vídeos. Igualmente, em uma análise qualitativa de 284 comentários em questões abertas mostrou que existem vários argumentos dentro deste grupo de seguidoras mais críticas com a youtuber, entre os quais se destaca o seu mal-estar sobre a exposição excessiva de menores, uma rejeição frontal da mercantilização da sua imagem e um apelo às instituições competentes para que protegem os menores. Tendo em conta as diferenças na avaliação da youtuber, os resultados sugerem que o sharenting pode produzir efeitos negativos na promoção de marcas comerciais

    Evolución del community manager en las pymes del País Vasco y Navarra

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    Evolution of the community manager in small enterprises of the Basque Country and Navarre. The evolution of the community manager profession is studied in enterprises located within the Basque Country and Navarre, Spain. This professional position has been analyzed previously, but not within specific regions. The investigation was conducted in two stages: the first one in 2013 when this new professional position started appearing in enterprises, and the second one in 2017. Using a survey that was administered to 164 enterprises located in the Spanish autonomous commu-nities of the Basque Country and Navarre, and using the Delphi method, we found that the community manager position existed at the majority of enterprises. However, the characteristics/features of the positions have undergone some changes over the past four years: salaries have improved; professionals have more experience; they work in teams that include su-pporting professionals; and they have higher budgets for the strategies used in social networks

    Children’s exposure on Instagram: instamoms, brand presence and legal loophole

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    El fenómeno influencer ha permitido a personas previamente desconocidas adquirir altos niveles de popularidad mediante la exhibición de imágenes que recrean sus actividades, sus intereses o su vida cotidiana. Las instamadres son influencers que comparten en la red social Instagram contenido relacionado con su vida familiar, mostrando con frecuencia a sus hijas e hijos pequeños. En sus publicaciones se aprecia alta presencia de marcas comerciales, pero la naturaleza de la relación que mantienen con la publicidad no siempre es clara. Mediante una ficha ad hoc, se han analizado 1.000 publicaciones de diez cuentas de instamadres populares para cuantificar la frecuencia con la que muestran en ellas a menores y la presencia de marca. En el 45,6% de los posts analizados aparecen menores y estas publicaciones reciben un 41% más de likes que aquellas en las que no los hay. En más de la mitad de las publicaciones analizadas aparecen marcas comerciales, y se percibe un incremento al respecto entre 2019 (43,3%) y 2020 (63,5%). Solo en una de cada cinco ocasiones en las que hay una marca se explicita que es publicidad, y por tanto, hay alguna remuneración. Nuestro trabajo demuestra que los niños y niñas son elementos frecuentes en las cuentas de sus instamadres, y contribuyen a generar comunidades grandes y atractivas para la industria publicitaria. Es necesario regular tanto la aparición en estas cuentas de menores como el modo en el que se hace presente la publicidad en ellas.The influencer phenomenon has allowed previously unknown people to attract high levels of popularity through the display of images that recreate their activities, their interests, or their daily life. Instamoms are influencers who share content related to their family life on Instagram, frequently showing their young daughters and sons. In their publications, it is appreciated that commercial brands figure prominently, although the nature of the role they play in advertising strategies is not always clear. Through an ad hoc guide, 1 000 publications from ten popular Instagram accounts were analysed to quantify the frequency in which they show minors, and the presence of brands. Minors appear in 45.6% of the posts analysed and these publications receive 41% more likes than those in which there are no children. Trademarks appear in more than half of the publications analysed, with a pronounced increase in this respect between 2019 (43.3%) and 2020 (63.5%). Only one out of five there is a brand, and they explain that it is paid advertising. Minors feature frequently in the accounts of their mothers, and they contribute to generating large and attractive communities for the advertising industry. It is necessary to regulate the way in which advertising appears on these accounts, as well as the presence of their sons and daughters in them

    YouTube celebrity endorsement: audience evaluation of source attributes and response to sponsored content. A case study of influencer Verdeliss

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    This article analyses follower response to the growing number of product endorsements present in YouTube videos published under the username “Verdeliss” by Estefanía Unzu Ripoll, Spain’s most popular YouTube influencer on the topic of maternity and childcare. Results of a self-administered online survey of 949 Verdeliss followers focused on their individual evaluations of source attributes indicate that Unzu Ripoll’s YouTube fans tend to buy products she endorses on the basis of her perceived likeability and expertise, and that the overall influence she exerts on their purchasing decisions is slight. In closing, the authors offer insights into how social media influencers can enhance the effectiveness of their online endorsements and identify tactics brands can employ to ensure that the influencers they collaborate with are optimally suited to promote their products

    Evolution of the community manager in small enterprises of the Basque Country and Navarre

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    The evolution of the community manager profession is studied in enterprises located within the Basque Country and Navarre, Spain. This professional position has been analyzed previously, but not within specific regions. The investigation was conducted in two stages: the first one in 2013 when this new professional position started appearing in enterprises, and the second one in 2017. Using a survey that was administered to 164 enterprises located in the Spanish autonomous communities of the Basque Country and Navarre, and using the Delphi method, we found that the community manager position existed at the majority of enterprises. However, the characteristics/features of the positions have undergone some changes over the past four years: salaries have improved; professionals have more experience; they work in teams that include supporting professionals; and they have higher budgets for the strategies used in social networks

    Evolución del community manager en las pymes del País Vasco y Navarra

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    Evolution of the community manager in small enterprises of the Basque Country and Navarre. The evolution of the community manager profession is studied in enterprises located within the Basque Country and Navarre, Spain. This professional position has been analyzed previously, but not within specific regions. The investigation was conducted in two stages: the first one in 2013 when this new professional position started appearing in enterprises, and the second one in 2017. Using a survey that was administered to 164 enterprises located in the Spanish autonomous commu-nities of the Basque Country and Navarre, and using the Delphi method, we found that the community manager position existed at the majority of enterprises. However, the characteristics/features of the positions have undergone some changes over the past four years: salaries have improved; professionals have more experience; they work in teams that include su-pporting professionals; and they have higher budgets for the strategies used in social networks

    La profesionalización de los youtubers: el caso de Verdeliss y las marcas

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    Introduction. Thanks to the YouTube platform, people previously unknown can generate such a large community that many brands can be seduced to collaborate with them through a new form of advertisement and product placement. We focus on Verdeliss’ case, a young Spanish mother of six children that has professionalized her activity on YouTube. Methodology. We performed a content analysis of 606 videos published in the Verdeliss’ YouTube channel verifying the presence (spontaneous or sponsored) of brands and their evolution. Results. We established 4 differentiated stages in her contents production, each one with different characteristics. The last stage of their production corresponds to the permanent collaboration with commercial brands. Conclusions. This new profile of professional influencer is obliging brands to re-invent their communication to keep connecting with their consumers.Introducción. Gracias a la plataforma YouTube, personas previamente desconocidas pueden llegar a generar una comunidad tan grande que muchas marcas que se ven seducidas para colaborar con ellos mediante una nueva forma de publicidad y product placement. Nos centramos en el caso de Verdeliss, una jóven madre española de seis hijos que ha profesionalizado así su actividad en YouTube. Metodología. Se ha realizado un análisis de contenido 606 videos publicados en el canal de YouTube de Verdeliss verificando la presencia (espontánea o pagada) de las marcas y su evolución. Resultados. Se establecen 4 fases diferenciadas en su producción de contenido, cada una con diferentes características. La última fase de su producción corresponde la colaboración permanente con marcas comerciales. Conclusiones. Este nuevo perfil profesional de influencer está obligando a las marcas a reinventar su comunicación para continuar conectando con sus consumidores

    La comunicación digital empresarial de las empresas privadas del País Vasco: uso y evolución del euskera entre 2013 y 2017

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    The goal of this article is to understand the use that private companies in the autonomous community of the Basque Country make of digital external communication on social networks and the presence of Basque therein, to appreciate developments between 2013 and 2017. To this, research was performed in two periods: the first in 2013 and the second four years later, in 2017. The results show that, at the starting point of our research, 84.8% of companies surveyed used three or more social networks, 52.2% following a predefined strategy and 68% published new content every day. Four years later, there were increases in companies following a predefined strategy and those publishing daily content. As far as the use of Basque in companies' external digital communications is concerned, levels were high: 72% published content in Basque in 2013 and, although this figure fell slightly in 2017 to 70%, it should be noted that bilingual content (that in both Basque and Spanish) increased from 21% to 45%. Larger companies used Basque more in 2017 than in 2013 and the sectors in which the use of Basque on social networks was greater were those of professional, scientific and educational activities, together with that of information and communications

    Comparação dos temas tratados pelos principais partidos políticos e seus candidatos no Twitter e seus programas eleitorais. Análise das eleições gerais de 2016 na Espanha

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    The present study discusses how the main political parties used Twitter during the electoral campaign in the Spanish general elections of 2016. For this purpose, we selected the Twitter accounts of the four parties that reached 86 % of the total votes: Partido Popular (PP), Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), Unidas Podemos (UP) y Ciudadanos (C’s).. The tweets of each party’s candidate for the presidency have also been considered, comparing the topics they deal with in those tweets with their party platforms. The results of the 4,329 tweets analyzed demonstrate a lack of coherence between parties and their candidates and a lack of proportionality in the importance given to different issues in the party platform. We conclude that the modernity attributed to newly created parties does not result in increased activity on Twitter.El presente estudio analiza el uso que los principales partidos políticos hacen de la red social Twitter en la campaña electoral correspondiente a las elecciones españolas generales del año 2016. Para ello se han seleccionado las cuentas de Twitter de los cuatro partidos que alcanzaron un 86% del porcentaje total de votos: el Partido Popular (PP), el Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), Unidas Podemos (UP) y Ciudadanos (C´s). Además, también se han tenido en cuenta las publicaciones de los respectivos candidatos de cada partido a la presidencia del gobierno y se han analizado los temas que tratan en esas publicaciones en Twitter, para compararlos con los temas que proponen en sus programas electorales. Los resultados de los 4.329 trinos (tweets) analizados demuestran la falta de coherencia entre los temas abordados en los trinos de partidos y candidatos, así como la ausencia de proporcionalidad en la importancia otorgada a las distintas cuestiones en el programa electoral. También se concluye que la modernidad adjudicada a los partidos de nueva creación no tiene como consecuencia una mayor actividad en la red social Twitter.Neste estudo, é analisado o uso que os principais partidos políticos fazem da rede social Twitter na campanha eleitoral correspondente às eleições gerais espanholas de 2016. Para isso, foram selecionadas as contas do Twitter dos quatro partidos que atingiram 86 % do total de votos: o Partido Popular (PP), o Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), Unidas Podemos (UP) e Ciudadanos (Cs). Além disso, foram consideradas publicações dos respectivos candidatos à presidência do governo de cada partido e foram analisados os temas que tratam nessas publicações no Twitter, para compará-los com os temas que propõem em seus programas eleitorais. Os resultados de 4.329 tweets analisados demonstram a falta de coerência entre os temas abordados nos tweets de partidos e candidatos, bem como a ausência de proporcionalidade na importância dada às diferentes questões no programa eleitoral. Também se conclui que a modernidade conferida aos partidos de nova criação não tem como consequência uma maior atividade na rede social Twitter

    Comparação dos temas tratados pelos principais partidos políticos e seus candidatos no Twitter e seus programas eleitorais. Análise das eleições gerais de 2016 na Espanha

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    31 páginasThe present study discusses how the main political parties used Twitter during the electoral campaign in the Spanish general elections of 2016. For this purpose, we selected the Twitter accounts of the four parties that reached 86 % of the total votes: Partido Popular (PP), Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), Unidas Podemos (UP) y Ciudadanos (C’s).. The tweets of each party’s candidate for the presidency have also been consid-ered, comparing the topics they deal with in those tweets with their party platforms. The results of the 4,329 tweets analyzed demonstrate a lack of coherence between parties and their candidates and a lack of proportion-ality in the importance given to different issues in the party platform. We conclude that the modernity attributed to newly created parties does not result in increased activity on Twitter.El presente estudio analiza el uso que los principales partidos políticos hacen de la red social Twitter en la campaña electoral correspondiente a las elecciones españolas generales del año 2016. Para ello se han seleccionado las cuentas de Twitter de los cuatro partidos que alcanzaron un 86% del porcentaje total de votos: el Partido Popular (PP), el Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE), Unidas Podemos (UP) y Ciudadanos (C´s). Además, también se han tenido en cuenta las publicaciones de los respectivos candidatos de cada partido a la presidencia del gobierno y se han analizado los temas que tratan en esas publicaciones en Twitter, para compararlos con los temas que proponen en sus programas electorales. Los resultados de los 4.329 trinos (tweets) analizados demuestran la falta de coherencia entre los temas abordados en los trinos de partidos y candidatos, así como la ausencia de proporcionalidad en la importancia otorgada a las distintas cuestiones en el programa electoral. También se concluye que la modernidad adjudicada a los partidos de nueva creación no tiene como consecuencia una mayor actividad en la red social Twitter