45 research outputs found

    Taxonomic Partition Suggests a High Degree of Coevolution Between Termites and Their Termitophiles

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    Termites have a tight interaction with their social parasitic Corotocini beetles. This association is thought to be mainly host-specific, despite some host-switch events. By analyzing the taxonomic partition between species and genera of Corotocini, we propose the hypothesis that the main driver of the diversity of these termitophiles is coevolution

    Curva cumulativa de descrição de espécies de Corotocini (Aleocharinae, Staphylinidae) e perspectivas para o futuro

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    This study deals with the global estimation of the species of Corotocini (Aleocharinae) based on taxonomic description rates. We estimate the maximum number of possible extant species by maximum likelihood using the Michaelis-Menten model fitted into a non-linear regression. Although the studies regarding Corotocini are majorly taxonomic descriptions, the results suggest that there are many yet undescribed species, We also highlight that the basic knowledge regarding these organisms ecology is fairly obscure. Since the discovery of the first organism living in association with termites, the taxonomic effort hasn't been constant along the years, and although our results suggest that many species lie undiscovered, the lack of specialized professionals can compromise the actual knowledge regarding their biodiversity. Besides that, we comment on the future of this field and the lack of specimens from various locations.Este estudo trata da estimativa global das espécies de Corotocini (Aleocharinae) com base nas taxas de descrição taxonômica. Estimamos o número máximo possível de espécies existentes por probabilidade máxima usando o modelo de Michaelis-Menten ajustado em a uma regressão não-linear. Apesar dos trabalhos envolvendo Corotocini serem majoritariamente taxonômicos, os resultados sugerem que ainda existem muitas espécies sem descrição, além de que o conhecimento básico a respeito da ecologia destes organismos seja bastante obscuro. Desde a descoberta dos primeiros organismos vivendo em associação com cupins, o esforço taxonômico dedicado a esse grupo não foi constante com o passar dos anos, e apesar de os resultados sugerirem que muitas espécies ainda podem ser descobertas, a falta de profissionais especializados no grupo pode comprometer o conhecimento real acerca de diversidade destes organismos. Além disso, comentamos o futuro desse campo de estudo e a falta de espécimes de outras localidades

    Run to the nest: A parody on the Iron Maiden song by Corotoca spp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)

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    Rove beetles belonging to the genus Corotoca (Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) are termitophiles exclusively found in nests of Constrictotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae). We observed the reproductive behavior of Corotoca melantho and C. fontesi during host (C. cyphergaster) foraging events. The reproductive behaviors of both species are similar. The variables collected for analysis were distance traveled, the time of larval deposition, nest return time, and locomotion speed. The fact that the female stops in the middle of the foraging trail to deposit the larva leads to a discussion of how its physiological or voluntary mechanisms function to determine the correct stopping time and the importance of speed when returning to the nest as a strategy to avoid predation. This study provides new information concerning the life cycle of Corotoca spp., although complete understanding of host-termitophile relationships, their evolutionary history, and the significance of viviparity will require additional studies

    State of knowledge of viviparity in Staphylinidae and the evolutionary significance of this phenomenon in Corotoca Schiødte, 1853

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    Viviparity is characterized by the retention of fertilized eggs in reproductive tract of the female. This condition is very common in vertebrates, but relatively rare in invertebrates, including insects. The present work presents a review on viviparity in Staphylinidae, with special attention on genus Corotoca Schiødte, 1853. The genus is composed by six termitophilous species with neotropical distribution, and together with Spirachtha Schiødte, 1853 are only two genera with species confirmed as viviparous in the family. Some other cases are only supposition. Also, it is presented information and discussion on the life cycle of Corotoca species based on dissection of females in laboratory and field observations. During the dissection of females of four species of Corotoca it was observed that each female carries three eggs at the same time. The embryos present asynchronous development: when one is located at apex of abdomen, the other two are at IV segment, on abdomen curvature. These observations are complementary with those obtained in field observation, when the female deposits a larva outside the nest, on the foraging trail of termite Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri, 1901). The strategy of Corotoca species focused on the immature as dispersing agent is derived and probably favor the fitnees in relation to a hypothetical condition in which the adult is the dispersive agent

    State of knowledge of viviparity in Staphylinidae and the evolutionary significance of this phenomenon in Corotoca Schiødte, 1853

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    Viviparity is characterized by the retention of fertilized eggs in reproductive tract of the female. This condition is very common in vertebrates, but relatively rare in invertebrates, including insects. The present work presents a review on viviparity in Staphylinidae, with special attention on genus Corotoca Schiødte, 1853. The genus is composed by six termitophilous species with neotropical distribution, and together with Spirachtha Schiødte, 1853 are only two genera with species confirmed as viviparous in the family. Some other cases are only supposition. Also, it is presented information and discussion on the life cycle of Corotoca species based on dissection of females in laboratory and field observations. During the dissection of females of four species of Corotoca it was observed that each female carries three eggs at the same time. The embryos present asynchronous development: when one is located at apex of abdomen, the other two are at IV segment, on abdomen curvature. These observations are complementary with those obtained in field observation, when the female deposits a larva outside the nest, on the foraging trail of termite Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Silvestri, 1901). The strategy of Corotoca species focused on the immature as dispersing agent is derived and probably favor the fitnees in relation to a hypothetical condition in which the adult is the dispersive agent

    Run to the nest: A parody on the Iron Maiden song by Corotoca spp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)

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    Rove beetles belonging to the genus Corotoca (Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) are termitophiles exclusively found in nests of Constrictotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae). We observed the reproductive behavior of Corotoca melantho and C. fontesi during host (C. cyphergaster) foraging events. The reproductive behaviors of both species are similar. The variables collected for analysis were distance traveled, the time of larval deposition, nest return time, and locomotion speed. The fact that the female stops in the middle of the foraging trail to deposit the larva leads to a discussion of how its physiological or voluntary mechanisms function to determine the correct stopping time and the importance of speed when returning to the nest as a strategy to avoid predation. This study provides new information concerning the life cycle of Corotoca spp., although complete understanding of host-termitophile relationships, their evolutionary history, and the significance of viviparity will require additional studies

    WebSQL: Uma ferramenta de apoio ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem de SQL baseado na recomendação de objetos de aprendizagem e competências do aluno em SQL

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    Este trabalho apresenta um AVA chamado WebSQL, baseado na recomendação de Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA) focado na avaliação, onde o sistema recomenda a avaliação (questões) mais adequada para cada aluno com base nas competências do aluno em relação a linguagem SQL, como o objetivo de servir de suporte metodológico ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem de SQL, buscando tornar as aulas mais dinâmicas com a criação de um ambiente mais atraente e envolvente, onde o aluno possa sentir- se motivado e encorajado a aprofundar-se nos conteúdos ministrados em sala de aula ou em laboratórios, através da realização de exercícios, atividades em grupo e avaliações, obtendo feedback automático das soluções propostas


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    Obtaining information on burned areas has been studied and improved in the last decades, and the biggest question is the acquisition of consistent and detailed information about the occurrence of burnings in a simple and effective way. In view of this, remote sensing is a very interesting tool because it allows obtaining information in large areas of difficult access. The identification of areas burned by orbital data is directly related to their spectral behavior. The objective of this study was to analyze the performance of spectral indices in the identification of burned area in OLI/Landsat-8 satellite images. The indices for the before and after fire images were calculated using bands of red and near infrared: NDVI, MSAVI, SAVI, and GEMI, and bands of near infrared and short wave infrared: NBR, BAIMmod, and MIRBImod. The difference between pre and post-fire index was also calculated: dNDVI, dMSAVI, dSAVI, dGEMI, dNBR, dBAIMmod, and dMIRBImod. From these indices, six different compositions (RGB) were created and later they were segmented and classified in a non-supervised way and soon after made the extraction of the area of interest. The results of this classification were validated with the reference data obtained through the visual interpretation of the image. The methods had shown a good quality of classification, with a percentage of accuracy ranging from 85.54 to 92.46% and Kappa value of 0.70 to 0.89. The best method was the dNBR, NBRpost-fire, and dMIRBImod indices in the RGB composite.Obtaining information on burned areas has been studied and improved in the last decades, and the biggest question is the acquisition of consistent and detailed information about the occurrence of burnings in a simple and effective way. In view of this, remote sensing is a very interesting tool because it allows obtaining information in large areas of difficult access. The identification of areas burned by orbital data is directly related to their spectral behavior. The objective of this study was to analyze the performance of spectral indices in the identification of burned area in OLI/Landsat-8 satellite images. The indices for the before and after fire images were calculated using bands of red and near infrared: NDVI, MSAVI, SAVI, and GEMI, and bands of near infrared and short wave infrared: NBR, BAIMmod, and MIRBImod. The difference between pre and post-fire index was also calculated: dNDVI, dMSAVI, dSAVI, dGEMI, dNBR, dBAIMmod, and dMIRBImod. From these indices, six different compositions (RGB) were created and later they were segmented and classified in a non-supervised way and soon after made the extraction of the area of interest. The results of this classification were validated with the reference data obtained through the visual interpretation of the image. The methods had shown a good quality of classification, with a percentage of accuracy ranging from 85.54 to 92.46% and Kappa value of 0.70 to 0.89. The best method was the dNBR, NBRpost-fire, and dMIRBImod indices in the RGB composite

    “The road to reproduction”: foraging trails of Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) as maternities for Staphylinidae beetles

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    Corotoca (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) beetles are known for their close integration in the nests of the termite Constrictotermes cyphergaster (Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). Although this relationship is regarded as ancient, many details are still obscure, such as their reproduction and the processes that lead to the dispersal of new beetles. We observed the use of termite foraging trails by Staphylinidae females to deposit and disperse their larvae. We recorded the deposition of larvae of C. melantho, C. fontesi, and C. sp. n. on the dorsal surfaces of termite host workers. The workers continue to follow the foraging trail until the newborn larvae freed themselves and fell into the leaf litter, subsequently burrowing into the ground. Information regarding the life stages of those Staphylinidae larvae outside the termite nest is important to understanding their full lifecycle as those taxa have strong relationships with the nest environment but also require dispersal strategies

    Prática educacional no ato de ensinar e aprender matemática nos anos finais do ensino fundamental por meio do processo - RICA: Raciocínio lógico, Inteligência matemática, Criatividade e Aprendizagem/ Educational practice in the act of teaching and learning mathematics in the final years of elementary school through the process - RICA: Logical reasoning, Mathematical intelligence, Creativity and Learning

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    A busca por novas metodologias para o ensino e aprendizagem de matemática são eventos substanciais para se tornar efetivo á construção do saber científico, de modo a não conceber um ensino sem significados com respostas acabadas, mas uma proposta que envolva o aluno a interagir os conceitos abstratos com sua realidade. A ideia do trabalho é recomendar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática – RICA - como proposta metodológica para o ato de ensinar e o ato de aprender matemática na educação básica, exemplificando por meio de problemas direcionados aos anos finais do ensino fundamental. Este método de ensinar e aprender matemática fundamenta-se em quatro pilares: Raciocínio lógico, Inteligência matemática, Criatividade e Aprendizagem. A ideia do processo - RICA consiste que o professor apresente um problema de matemática, primordialmente de um conteúdo novo,  e desafie o aluno a tentar resolve-lo de forma intuitiva, partindo-se do pressuposto que aquele exercício seja de um tópico ainda desconhecido do aprendiz  Em seguida, o professor deverá apresentar subsídios necessários para a resolução do problema proposto Posteriormente, o mediador deve propor que o aluno desenvolva um problema do cotidiano por intermédio do conteúdo exposto E, finalmente, o professor delibera se aquele tópico foi importante para o aluno e pergunta se existe intenção de continuar aprendendo o conteúdo. Os objetivos de propiciar aos professores e alunos contato com uma ferramenta educacional para o ensino e aprendizagem de matemática por intermédio do processo – RICA permitem visualizar uma nova possibilidade na abordagem dos conteúdos programáticos, disponibilizando uma aula tipicamente diferente da usual