273 research outputs found


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    * A previous versions of this article was published in C. James Newlan’s journal, THE SOCIAL CRITIC, as Ellis Washington, Excluding the Exclusionary Rule, 3 THE SOC. CRITIC (1998), and in ELLIS WASHINGTON, THE INSEPARABILITY OF LAW AND MORALITY: THE CONSTITUTION, NATURAL LAW AND THE RULE OF LAW 16-28 (2002) [hereinafter WASHINGTON, INSEPARABILITY OF LAW AND MORALITY]. For a comprehensive legal and historical analysis regarding the integration of the rule of law, jurispru- dence, and society in modern times, see generally Ellis Washington, Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner on the Inseparability of Law and Morality, 3 RUTGERS J. L. & RELIG. 1 (2001-2002); The Nuremberg Trials: The Death of the Rule of Law (In International Law), 49 LOY. L. REV. 471-518 (2003). ** Ellis Washington, DePauw University; B.A. 1983, University of Michigan; M.M. 1986, John Marshall Law School; J.D. 1994. The author an editor at the UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW and a law clerk for the Rutherford Institute. He was a faculty member at Davenport University and member of the Board of Visitors at Ave Maria School of Law. Currently, Mr. Washington is a freelance writer and lecturer at high schools, universities, and law schools throughout America specializing in the history of law, legal and political philosophy, jurisprudence, constitutional law, critical race theory, and legal feminist theory. He also teaches composition at Lansing Community College. In addition to numerous articles, he has published three books: THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS: ESSAYS ON LAW, RACE, POLITICS AND RELIGION (1999); BEYOND THE VEIL: ESSAYS IN THE DIALECTICAL STYLE OF SOCRATES (2000, 2004); THE INSEPRABILITY OF LAW AND MORALITY: THE CONSTITUTION, NATURAL LAW AND THE RULE OF LAW (2002). His article, The Nuremberg Trials: The Death of the Rule of Law (In International Law), 49 LOY. L. REV. 471-518 (2003), has received both national and international recognition and has been accepted into many prestigious archives and collections including–Chambers Library of the Supreme Court of the United States, State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau, The Simon Wiesenthal Center, The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. *Exceeding gratitude to my friend, attorney Che Ali Karega (a.k.a. “Machiavelli”) for his antagonism, advice, ideas, source materials, and inspiration. To Arthur LaBrew, musicologist and historian, founder Michigan Music Research Center (Detroit), for his prescient comments and attention to detail on earlier drafts of the Article. To C. James Newlan, publisher of the Journal, THE SOCIAL CRITIC, for being my friend, my first publisher, an intellectual, a visionary, and the first person to believe that I had ideas worthy to be published and read.

    The Delinquencies of Juvenile Law: A Natural Law Analysis

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    This article is a substantive analysis tracing the legal, philosophical, social, historical, jurisprudence and political backgrounds of juvenile law, which is an outgrowth of the so-called Progressive movement-a popular social and political movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. I also trace how this socio-political cause célèbre became a fixture in American culture and society due to existential child labor abuses which progressive intellectuals used as apretext to codify juvenile law in federal law and in statutory law in all 50 states by 1925. Moreover the dubious social science and Machiavellian political efforts that created the juvenile justice system out of whole cloth has done much more harm to the Constitution and to the children it was mandated toprotect than any of the Progressive ideas initially envisioned rooted in Positive Law (separation of law and morals). Finally, I present am impassioned argument for congressional repeal of all juvenile case law and statutes because they are rooted in Positive Law, contrary to Natural Law (integration of lawand morals), the original intent of the constitutional Framers and are therefore patently unconstitutional

    Factors Influencing Transitional Care Seeking Behaviors of African Americans Living with Sickle Cell

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    Sickle cell (SC) is an inherited blood disorder that affects millions globally and approximately 100,000 people in the United States. SC causes excruciating pain and organ damage. This qualitative study was conducted to examine the factors influencing the decision-making process of African American diagnosed with SC regarding maintaining continuity of care. This qualitative study was conducted to understand how perceived susceptibility and severity, perceived benefits versus barriers, sense of threats, cues of action, and self-efficacy influence the transitional care-seeking behaviors of African Americans diagnosed with SC in the rural Mississippi Delta. The health belief model was the theoretical framework used to underpin this study with a phenomenological research design. Data were collected through semi structured interviews with 15 participants, who were between ages 18 and 61, diagnosed with SC, and who resided in the rural Mississippi Delta. The themes emerged from the data was the majority of the participants kept all medical appointment, traveled long distance to receive specialty healthcare, missed appointments, and etc. Microsoft Excell Spreadsheet was used as the coding technique to code and analyze the data collected. The study findings confirm that additional research is needed to understand better the lived experiences of African American adults with SC, the need for specialty healthcare providers to meet the unmet medical needs of this population. The findings from this study have potential implications for positive social change that include helping the medical community better understand the barriers associated with this phenomenon, which may help improve the QOL for this population

    “Nigger Manifesto” Racismo Institucional, Intelectual e Ideológico al interior de la Academia Americana

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    For over 30 years I have worked indefatigably, I have labored assiduously to build a relevant resume; as an iconoclastic law scholar zealous for natural law, natural rights, and the original intent of the constitutional Framers–a Black conservative intellectual born in the ghettos of Detroit. Yet as a Black intellectual what is my reward for 30 years of meticulous research? My reward is that in a de jure (legal) and de facto (unofficial) sense I am effectively blacklisted by White and Black Progressive academics who over the past 50 years have increasingly come to dominate the Academy. Instead of being welcomed as an equal, my prolific scholarly output has been mocked, marginalized, slandered, and scrupulously ignored by the academic community. We, conservative scholars, academics, and intellectuals have no home to go to in our futile, Sisyphus- like search for good faith faculty interviews. We are discriminated against, ignored, mocked, summarily rebuffed, and quickly learn that we are faced with the ubiquitous, chilling, yet invisible sign above every faculty inquiry —NO CONSERVATIVES NEED APPLY!Durante más de 30 años he trabajado infatigable, asiduamente para construir un currículum pertinente; como un estudioso de la ley iconoclasta entusiasta por la ley natural, los derechos naturales, y la intención original de los redactores de la Constitución –un intelectual conservador Negro nacido en los guetos de Detroit. Sin embargo, como un Negro intelectual ¿cuál es mi recompensa por 30 años de meticulosa investigación? Mi recompensa es que de jure (legal) y de facto (hecho), me encuentro efectivamente enlistado por el Blanco y Negro de los académicos progresivos que en los últimos 50 años se han acercado cada vez más a dominar la Academia. En lugar de ser acogido como a un igual, mi producción académica prolífica ha sido escarnecida, marginada, calumniada, y escrupulosamente ignorada por la comunidad académica. Nosotros, conservadores de la académica e intelectuales no tenemos lugar para buscar en nuestra búsqueda fútil, digna de Sísifo para nuestras entrevistas de buena fe en la Facultad. Somos discriminados, burlados, provocados y rápidamente entendimos que encaramos señales invisibles y ubicuas sobre todas las investigaciones en la facultad

    He Told Me So / music by J. W. Schoff; words by Emily T. Charles

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    Cover: text reads Dedicated to Miss Katie N. Scott; Publisher: John F. Ellis and Co. (Washington D.C.)https://egrove.olemiss.edu/sharris_a/1016/thumbnail.jp

    International Service in the Context of Globalization: Research Conference Summary Report

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    International Service in the Context of Globalization: Research Conference Summary Repor

    Resource Guide for Teens with a Parent in Prison or Jail

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    This guide was developed by Project WHAT! through Community Works West with support from the Zellerbach Family Foundation. The guide provides information for - and was developed by - youth in the San Francisco Bay area whose parents' have been incarcerated

    Institutional Theory in Sport: A Scoping Review

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    Institutional theory has generated considerable insight into fundamental issues within sport. This study seeks to advance Washington and Patterson’s review by providing an empirical review of institutional theory in sport. We follow Arksey and O’Malley’s scoping review protocol to identify 188 sport-related institutional studies between 1979 and 2019. Our review provides evidence regarding the state of institutional scholarship within sport via an analysis of authorship, year, journal, methodology, method, study population, and use of institutional constructs (legitimacy, isomorphism, change, logics, fields, and work). Rather than a hostile takeover or a joint venture proposed in Washington and Patterson’s review, the relationship between fields is more aptly described as a diffusion of ideas. By developing an empirical review of institutional studies in sport, we hope to expedite the diffusion of ideas between the two fields and work toward realizing the collective benefits any future joint venture may bring
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