1,143 research outputs found

    Reply Comment: Comparison of Approaches to Classical Signature Change

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    We contrast the two approaches to ``classical" signature change used by Hayward with the one used by us (Hellaby and Dray). There is (as yet) no rigorous derivation of appropriate distributional field equations. Hayward's distributional approach is based on a postulated modified form of the field equations. We make an alternative postulate. We point out an important difference between two possible philosophies of signature change --- ours is strictly classical, while Hayward's Lagrangian approach adopts what amounts to an imaginary proper ``time" on one side of the signature change, as is explicitly done in quantum cosmology. We also explain why we chose to use the Darmois-Israel type junction conditions, rather than the Lichnerowicz type junction conditions favoured by Hayward. We show that the difference in results is entirely explained by the difference in philosophy (imaginary versus real Euclidean ``time"), and not by the difference in approach to junction conditions (Lichnerowicz with specific coordinates versus Darmois with general coordinates).Comment: 10 pages, latex, no figures. Replying to - "Comment on `Failure of Standard Conservation Laws at a Classical Change of Signature'", S.A. Hayward, Phys. Rev. D52, 7331-7332 (1995) (gr-qc/9606045

    Fate of the first traversible wormhole: black-hole collapse or inflationary expansion

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    We study numerically the stability of Morris & Thorne's first traversible wormhole, shown previously by Ellis to be a solution for a massless ghost Klein-Gordon field. Our code uses a dual-null formulation for spherically symmetric space-time integration, and the numerical range covers both universes connected by the wormhole. We observe that the wormhole is unstable against Gaussian pulses in either exotic or normal massless Klein-Gordon fields. The wormhole throat suffers a bifurcation of horizons and either explodes to form an inflationary universe or collapses to a black hole, if the total input energy is respectively negative or positive. As the perturbations become small in total energy, there is evidence for critical solutions with a certain black-hole mass or Hubble constant. The collapse time is related to the initial energy with an apparently universal critical exponent. For normal matter, such as a traveller traversing the wormhole, collapse to a black hole always results. However, carefully balanced additional ghost radiation can maintain the wormhole for a limited time. The black-hole formation from a traversible wormhole confirms the recently proposed duality between them. The inflationary case provides a mechanism for inflating, to macroscopic size, a Planck-sized wormhole formed in space-time foam.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX4, 11 figures, epsf.st

    The E5 protein of BPV-4 interacts with the heavy chain of MHC class I and irreversibly retains the MHC complex in the Golgi apparatus

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    BPV-4 E5 inhibits transcription of the bovine MHC class I heavy chain (HC) gene, increases degradation of HC and downregulates surface expression of MHC class I by retaining the complex in the Golgi apparatus (GA). Here we report that transcription inhibition can be alleviated by interferon treatment and the degradation of HC can be reversed by treatment with inhibitors of proteasomes and lysosomes. However, the inhibition of transport of MHC class I to the cell surface is irreversible. We show that E5 is capable of physically interacting with HC. Together with the inhibition of the vacuolar ATPase (due to the interaction between E5 and 16k subunit c), the interaction between E5 and HC is likely to be responsible for retention of MHC class I in the GA. C-terminus deletion mutants of E5 are incapable of either downregulating surface MHC class I or interacting with HC, establishing that the C-terminus domain of E5 is important in the inhibition of MHC class I

    Neutralino Dark Matter in a Class of Unified Theories

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    The cosmological significance of the neutralino sector is studied for a class of models in which electroweak symmetry breaking is seeded by a gauge singlet. Extensive use is made of the renormalisation group equations to significantly reduce the parameter space, by deriving analytic expressions for all the supersymmetry-breaking couplings in terms of the universal gaugino mass m1/2m_{1/2}, the universal scalar mass m0m_0 and the coupling AA. The composition of the LSP is determined exactly below the W mass, no approximations are made for sfermion masses, and all particle exchanges are considered in calculating the annihilation cross-section; the relic abundance is then obtained by an analytic approximation. We find that in these models, stable neutralinos may make a significant contribution to the dark matter in the universe.Comment: 24 Pages, OUTP-92-10

    The E5 oncoprotein of BPV-4 does not interfere with the biosynthetic pathway of non-classical MHC class I

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I region in mammals contains both classical and non-classical MHC class I genes. Classical MHC class I molecules present antigenic peptides to cytotoxic T lymphocytes, whereas non-classical MHC class I molecules have a variety of functions. Both classical and non-classical MHC molecules interact with natural killer cell receptors and may under some circumstances prevent cell death by natural killer cytotoxicity. The E5 oncoprotein of BPV-4 down-regulates the expression of classical MHC class I on the cell surface and retains the complex in the Golgi apparatus. The inhibition of classical MHC class I to the cell surface results from both the impaired acidification of the Golgi, due to the interaction of E5 with subunit c of the H+ V-ATPase, and to the physical binding of E5 to the heavy chain of MHC class I. Despite the profound effect of E5 on classical MHC class I, E5 does not retain a non-classical MHC class I in the Golgi, does not inhibit its transport to the cell surface and does not bind its heavy chain. We conclude that, as is the case for HPV-16 E5, BPV-4 E5 does not down-regulate certain non-classical MHC class I, potentially providing a mechanism for the escape of the infected cell from attack by both cytotoxic T lymphocytes and NK cells

    Failure of Standard Conservation Laws at a Classical Change of Signature

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    The Divergence Theorem as usually stated cannot be applied across a change of signature unless it is re-expressed to allow for a finite source term on the signature change surface. Consequently all conservation laws must also be `modified', and therefore insistence on conservation of matter across such a surface cannot be physically justified. The Darmois junction conditions normally ensure conservation of matter via Israel's identities for the jump in the energy-momentum density, but not when the signature changes. Modified identities are derived for this jump when a signature change occurs, and the resulting surface effects in the conservation laws are calculated. In general, physical vector fields experience a jump in at least one component, and a source term may therefore appear in the corresponding conservation law. Thus current is also not conserved. These surface effects are a consequence of the change in the character of physical law. The only way to recover standard conservation laws is to impose restrictions that no realistic cosmological model can satisfy.Comment: 15pp, figures available on request from Charles Hellaby at [email protected]

    Enhanced antiproton production in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions: evidence for quark gluon matter?

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    The centrality dependence of the antiproton per participant ratio is studied in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions. Antiproton production in collisions of heavy nuclei at the CERN/SPS seems considerably enhanced as compared to conventional hadronic physics, given by the antiproton production rates in pppp and antiproton annihilation in pˉp\bar{p}p reactions. This enhancement is consistent with the observation of strong in-medium effects in other hadronic observables and may be an indication of partial restoration of chiral symmetry

    Causality and the speed of sound

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    A usual causal requirement on a viable theory of matter is that the speed of sound be at most the speed of light. In view of various recent papers querying this limit, the question is revisited here. We point to various issues confronting theories that violate the usual constraint.Comment: v2: additional discussion on models that appear to have superluminal signal speeds; version to appear in GR

    Destabilising Divergences in the NMSSM

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    The problem of destabilising divergences is discussed for singlet extensions of the MSSM. It is shown that models which possess either gauged-RR symmetry or target space duality at the Planck scale are able to circumvent this problem whilst avoiding cosmological domain walls.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures requiring axodraw.sty, plain LaTeX, to appear in Nucl.Phys.
