420 research outputs found

    On the Thermodynamics of a Gas of AdS Black Holes and the Quark-Hadron Phase Transition

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    We discuss the thermodynamics of a gas of black holes in five-dimensional anti-de-Sitter (AdS) space, showing that they are described by a van der Waals equation of state. Motivated by the Maldacena conjecture, we relate the energy density and pressure of this non-ideal AdS black-hole gas to those of four-dimensional gauge theory in the unconfined phase. We find that the energy density rises rapidly above the deconfinement transition temperature, whilst the pressure rises more slowly towards its asymptotic high-temperature value, in qualitative agreement with lattice simulations.Comment: 15 pages, Latex, 3 figs encapsulate

    Logarithmic Operators Fold D branes into AdS_3

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    We use logarithmic conformal field theory techniques to describe recoil effects in the scattering of two Dirichlet branes in D dimensions. In the particular case that a D1 brane strikes a D3 brane perpendicularly, thereby folding it, we find that the recoil space-time is maximally symmetric, with AdS_3 x E_{D-3} geometry. We comment on the possible applications of this result to the study of transitions between different background metrics.Comment: 10 pages revtex, one eps figure include

    A supersymmetric D-brane Model of Space-Time Foam

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    We present a supersymmetric model of space-time foam with two stacks of eight D8-branes with equal string tensions, separated by a single bulk dimension containing D0-brane particles that represent quantum fluctuations in the space-time foam. The ground state configuration with static D-branes has zero vacuum energy. However, gravitons and other closed-string states propagating through the bulk may interact with the D0-particles, causing them to recoil and the vacuum energy to become non zero. This provides a possible origin of dark energy. Recoil also distorts the background metric felt by energetic massless string states, which travel at less than the usual (low-energy) velocity of light. On the other hand, the propagation of chiral matter anchored on the D8 branes is not affected by such space-time foam effects.Comment: 33 pages, latex, five figure

    Light-Cone Broadening and TeV Scale Extra Dimensions

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    We examine the effect of light-cone broadening induced by quantum-gravity foam in the context of theories with ``large'' extra dimensions stretching between two parallel brane worlds. We consider the propagation of photon probes on one of the branes, including the response to graviton fluctuations, from both field- and string-theoretical viewpoints. In the latter approach, the dominant source of light-cone broadening may be the recoil of the D-brane, which scales linearly with the string coupling. Astrophysical constraints then place strong restrictions on consistent string models of macroscopic extra dimensions. The broadening we find in the field-theoretical picture seems to be close to the current sensitivity of gravity-wave interferometers, and therefore could perhaps be tested experimentally in the foreseeable future.Comment: 12 pages REVTeX, 2 axodraw figures incorporate

    Time-dependent perturbations in two-dimensional String Black Holes

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    We discuss time-dependent perturbations (induced by matter fields) of a black-hole background in tree-level two-dimensional string theory. We analyse the linearized case and show the possibility of having black-hole solutions with time-dependent horizons. The latter exist only in the presence of time-dependent `tachyon' matter fields, which constitute the only propagating degrees of freedom in two-dimensional string theory. For real tachyon field configurations it is not possible to obtain solutions with horizons shrinking to a point. On the other hand, such a possibility seems to be realized in the case of string black-hole models formulated on higher world-sheet genera. We connect this latter result with black hole evaporation/decay at a quantum level.}Comment: 11 pages, two figures,UA-NPPS.9/92; CERN-TH.6671/9

    Implications of Space-Time foam for Entanglement Correlations of Neutral Kaons

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    The role of CPTCPT invariance and consequences for bipartite entanglement of neutral (K) mesons are discussed. A relaxation of CPTCPT leads to a modification of the entanglement which is known as the ω\omega effect. The relaxation of assumptions required to prove the CPTCPT theorem are examined within the context of models of space-time foam. It is shown that the evasion of the EPR type entanglement implied by CPTCPT (which is connected with spin statistics) is rather elusive. Relaxation of locality (through non-commutative geometry) or the introduction of decoherence by themselves do not lead to a destruction of the entanglement. So far we find only one model which is based on non-critical strings and D-particle capture and recoil that leads to a stochastic contribution to the space-time metric and consequent change in the neutral meson bipartite entanglement. The lack of an omega effect is demonstrated for a class of models based on thermal like baths which are generally considered as generic models of decoherence

    Derivation of a Vacuum Refractive Index in a Stringy Space-Time Foam Model

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    It has been suggested that energetic photons propagating in vacuo should experience a non-trivial refractive index due to the foamy structure of space-time induced by quantum-gravitational fluctuations. The sensitivity of recent astrophysical observations, particularly of AGN Mk501 by the MAGIC Collaboration, approaches the Planck scale for a refractive index depending linearly on the photon energy. We present here a new derivation of this quantum-gravitational vacuum refraction index, based on a stringy analogue of the interaction of a photon with internal degrees of freedom in a conventional medium. We model the space-time foam as a gas of D-particles in the bulk space-time of a higher-dimensional cosmology where the observable Universe is a D3-brane. The interaction of an open string representing a photon with a D-particle stretches and excites the string, which subsequently decays and re-emits the photon with a time delay that increases linearly with the photon energy and is related to stringy uncertainty principles. We relate this derivation to other descriptions of the quantum-gravitational refractive index in vacuo.Comment: 8 pages, 3 eps figure

    Comments on CP, T and CPT Violation in Neutral Kaon Decays

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    We comment on CP, T and CPT violation in the light of interesting new data from the CPLEAR and KTeV Collaborations on neutral kaon decay asymmetries. Other recent data from the CPLEAR experiment, constraining possible violations of CPT and the ΔS=ΔQ\Delta S = \Delta Q rule, exclude the possibility that the semileptonic-decay asymmetry ATA_{T} measured by CPLEAR could be solely due to CPT violation, confirming that their data constitute direct evidence for T violation. The CP-violating asymmetry in KLee+ππ+K_L \to e^-e^+\pi^-\pi^+ recently measured by the KTeV Collaboration does not by itself provide direct evidence for T violation, but we use it to place new bounds on CPT violation.Comment: 20 pages LaTeX, Contribution to the Festschrift for L.B. Okun, to appear in a special issue of Physics Reports, eds. V.L. Telegdi and K. Winte

    On `Graceful Exit' from inflationary phase in two-dimensional Liouville String Cosmology

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    Within the context of a super-critical (Liouville) string, we discuss (target-space) two-dimensional string cosmology. A numerical analysis indicates that the identification of time with the Liouville mode results in an expanding universe with matter which exhibits an inflationary phase, and `graceful exit' from it, tending asymptotically to a flat-metric fixed point.This fixed point is characterized by a dilaton configuration which, depending on the initial conditions, either decreases linearly with the cosmic time, or is a finite constant. This implies that, in contrast to the critical string case, the string coupling remains bounded during the exit from the inflationary phase, and, thus, the pertinent dynamics can be reliably described in terms of a tree-level string effective action. The r\^ole of matter in inducing such phenomena is emphasized. It is also interesting to note that the asymptotic value of the vacuum energy, which in the σ\sigma-model framework is identified with the `running' central charge deficit, depends crucially on the set of initial conditions. Thus, although preliminary, this toy model seems to share all the features expected to characterize a phenomenologically acceptable cosmological string model.Comment: 23 pages LATEX, six eps figures incorporate

    Valleys in String Foam Suppress Quantum Coherence

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    We exhibit string contributions to the \nd{S} matrix relating in- and out- state density matrices that do not factorize as a product of SS and SS^\dagger matrices. They are associated with valley trajectories between topological defects on the string world sheet, that appear as quantum fluctuations in the space-time foam. Through their ultraviolet cut-off dependences these valleys cause non-Hamiltonian time evolution and suppress off-diagonal entries in the density matrix at large times.Comment: CERN-TH.6896/93, 12 pages, 1 figure, (final version to be published in Mod. Physics Letters