136 research outputs found

    Krigsbarns levekår : En registerbasert undersøkelse

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    Krigsbarna er definert som barn med norsk mor og tysk far, født under eller like etter annen verdenskrig. Undersøkelsen tar sikte på å gi et mest mulig representativt bilde av krigsbarnas levekår, til forskjell fra tidligere presentasjoner basert på svært skjevt sammensatte utvalg. Metodikken er ny, i det vi tar utgangspunkt i et utvalg av registrerte barn i manuelle, tyske krigsarkiver lokalisert på Riksarkivet. Gjennom et oppsporingsarbeid er vi i stand til å finne personnumrene til en betydelig andel av disse barna, og slik kunne gjenfinne data om deres levekår i moderne registre. Vi antyder også at denne metodikken har et betydelig potensiale i forhold til andre aktuelle forskningsoppgaver

    Virksomheter som ofre for økonomisk kriminalitet : 2008-undersøkelsen

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    Undersøkelsen om virksomheter som ofre for økonomisk kriminalitet ble gjennomført av Statistisk sentralbyrå på oppdrag fra Justisdepartementet og Finansdepartementet, samt Embedsmannsutvalget mot økonomisk kriminalitet (EMØK). Undersøkelsen rettet seg mot et utvalg på 2 000 virksomheter - offentlige og private - med fem eller flere ansatte. Svarprosenten var svært høy, 94 prosent. Undersøkelsen som ble fortatt våren 2009, og med data om erfaringer i 2008, er en replikasjon av en undersøkelse foretatt våren 2004 og med erfaringsdata fra 2003. Også da var svarprosenten svært høy, 92 prosent. Representanter for langt de fleste virksomhetene svarer i undersøkelsen at det er svært eller ganske uvanlig å bli utsatt for lovbrudd i deres bransje, en trend som er noe forsterket siden forrige undersøkelse. Mest vanlig mener man det er å bli utsatt for pris- og anbudssamarbeid og underslag. Flest respondenter i overnattings- og serveringsbransjen mener det er ganske eller svært vanlig å bli utsatt for lovbrudd. Respondentene mener det er enda mindre vanlig at virksomheter i deres bransje selv begår lovbrudd, også en trend som forsterkes i den siste undersøkelsen. Det vanligste er å begå regnskapsovertredelser og pris- og anbudssamarbeid. Representanter for overnattings- og serveringsbransjen rapporter også her de høyeste forekomstene

    Physical constrains and productivity in the future Arctic Ocean

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    Published version. Also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2015.00085Today's physical oceanography and primary and secondary production was investigated for the entire Arctic Ocean (AO) with the physical-biologically coupled SINMOD model. To obtain indications on the effect of climate change in the twenty-first century the magnitude of change, and where and when these may take place SINMOD was forced with down-scaled climate trajectories of the International Panel of Climate Change with the A1B climate scenario which appears to predict an average global atmospheric temperature increase of 3.5–4°C at the end of this century. It is projected that some surface water features of the physical oceanography in the AO and adjacent regions will change considerably. The largest changes will occur along the continuous domains of Pacific and in particular regarding Atlantic Water (AW) advection and the inflow shelves. Withdrawal of ice will increase primary production, but stratification will persist or, for the most, get stronger as a function of ice-melt and thermal warming along the inflow shelves. Thus, the nutrient dependent new and harvestable production will not increase proportionally with increasing photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The greatest increases in primary production are found along the Eurasian perimeter of the AO (up to 40 g C m−2 y−1) and in particular in the northern Barents and Kara Seas (40–80 g C m−2 y−1) where less ice-cover implies less Arctic Water (ArW) and thus less stratification. Along the shelf break engirdling the AO upwelling and vertical mixing supplies nutrients to the euphotic zone when ice-cover withdraws northwards. The production of Arctic copepods along the Eurasian perimeter of the AO will increase significantly by the end of this century (2–4 g C m−2 y−1). Primary and secondary production will decrease along the southern sections of the continuous advection domains of Pacific and AW due to increasing thermal stratification. In the central AO primary production will not increase much due to stratification-induced nutrient limitation

    Et Agderperspektiv på utsatt ungdom

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    Denne undersøkelsen springer ut av hovedundersøkelsen "Levekår i Vest-Agder", finansiert av Sørlandets Kompetansefond. I hovedundersøkelsen fant vi en serie indikatorer på at fylket har en overrepresentasjon av unge marginaliserte, hvorav andelen yngre uførepensjonister, narkotikastraffede og barn og ungdom med grunn- og hjelpestønad er de viktigste. Med marginaliserte mener vi i praksis ungdom som står utenfor ordinært arbeids- og utdanningsliv. De er i en posisjon mellom det å være integrerte samfunnsmedlemmer og det å være ekskludert. For et samfunn som ønsker gode levekår for flest mulig, er det et betydelig problem når unge ”snubler i starten” på denne måten og står i fare for å ikke få brukt sine ressurser

    Levekårsutfordringer i fylket og landsdelen

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    Dette er en studie av levekårsproblemer i Vest-Agder, der utgangspunktet ligger i de problemene som over en lang årrekke har blitt avdekket gjennom SSBs levekårsindeks. Kommunene i Vest-Agder skårer middels eller forholdsvis svakt på mange felter, men den høye andelen på uføretrygd og på attføring er det som særlig gir grunn til bekymring. Det er viktig å merke seg at denne levekårsindeksen ikke kan svare på spørsmål av typen ”hvor i landet er det best å bo?” Flere av indikatorene peker ut relativt beskjedne populasjoner av mennesker med problemer som indikerer økonomisk marginalisering. Man skal imidlertid ikke bagatellisere problemene: I mange av Agderkommunene er andelen uførepensjonerte så høy at vi ikke lenger kan snakke om smågrupper. Videre kan fenomenet fortelle oss mye om den generelle levekårsituasjonen i fylket. Trekker man inn likestillingsperspektivet, blir andelen berørte svært høy

    Observations of sunlit N2+ aurora at high altitudes during the RENU2 flight

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    We present measurements of sunlit aurora during the launch of the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2 (RENU2) on the 13 December 2015, 07:34 UTC. The in situ auroral conditions coincide with those of sunlit aurora and were characterised by the 391.4 and 427.8 nm N2 + emissions. A correlation between several auroral wavelengths, as measured by a meridian-scanning photometer, was used to detect sunlit aurora and indirectly neutral upwelling. These results, based on ground data, agree well with the RENU2 measurements recorded during its pass through the sunlit polar cusp. Using in situ data from RENU2 and the solar photon flux, it was estimated that the sunlit aurora was a major part (≈ 40 %) of the observed 427.8 nm emissio

    Borealization of the Arctic Ocean in Response to Anomalous Advection From Sub-Arctic Seas

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    An important yet still not well documented aspect of recent changes in the Arctic Ocean is associated with the advection of anomalous sub-Arctic Atlantic- and Pacific-origin waters and biota into the polar basins, a process which we refer to as borealization. Using a 37-year archive of observations (1981-2017) we demonstrate dramatically contrasting regional responses to atlantification (that part of borealization related to progression of anomalies from the Atlantic sector of sub-Arctic seas into the Arctic Ocean) and pacification (the counterpart of atlantification associated with influx of anomalous Pacific waters). Particularly, we show strong salinification of the upper Eurasian Basin since 2000, with attendant reductions in stratification, and potentially altered nutrient fluxes and primary production. These changes are closely related to upstream conditions. In contrast, pacification is strongly manifested in the Amerasian Basin by the anomalous influx of Pacific waters, creating conditions favorable for increased heat and freshwater content in the Beaufort Gyre halocline and expansion of Pacific species into the Arctic interior. Here, changes in the upper (overlying) layers are driven by local Arctic atmospheric processes resulting in stronger wind/ice/ocean coupling, increased convergence within the Beaufort Gyre, a thickening of the fresh surface layer, and a deepening of the nutricline and deep chlorophyll maximum. Thus, a divergent (Eurasian Basin) gyre responds altogether differently than does a convergent (Amerasian Basin) gyre to climate forcing. Available geochemical data indicate a general decrease in nutrient concentrations Arctic-wide, except in the northern portions of the Makarov and Amundsen Basins and northern Chukchi Sea and Canada Basin. Thus, changes in the circulation pathways of specific water masses, as well as the utilization of nutrients in upstream regions, may control the availability of nutrients in the Arctic Ocean. Model-based evaluation of the trajectory of the Arctic climate system into the future suggests that Arctic borealization will continue under scenarios of global warming. Results from this synthesis further our understanding of the Arctic Ocean\u27s complex and sometimes non-intuitive Arctic response to climate forcing by identifying new feedbacks in the atmosphere-ice-ocean system in which borealization plays a key role

    High aspect ratio nanomaterial-induced macrophage polarization is mediated by changes in miRNA levels

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    IntroductionInhalation of nanomaterials may induce inflammation in the lung which if left unresolved can manifest in pulmonary fibrosis. In these processes, alveolar macrophages have an essential role and timely modulation of the macrophage phenotype is imperative in the onset and resolution of inflammatory responses. This study aimed to investigate, the immunomodulating properties of two industrially relevant high aspect ratio nanomaterials, namely nanocellulose and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), in an alveolar macrophage model. MethodsMH-S alveolar macrophages were exposed at air-liquid interface to cellulose nanocrystals (CNC), cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and two MWCNT (NM-400 and NM-401). Following exposure, changes in macrophage polarization markers and secretion of inflammatory cytokines were analyzed. Furthermore, the potential contribution of epigenetic regulation in nanomaterial-induced macrophage polarization was investigated by assessing changes in epigenetic regulatory enzymes, miRNAs, and rRNA modifications.ResultsOur data illustrate that the investigated nanomaterials trigger phenotypic changes in alveolar macrophages, where CNF exposure leads to enhanced M1 phenotype and MWCNT promotes M2 phenotype. Furthermore, MWCNT exposure induced more prominent epigenetic regulatory events with changes in the expression of histone modification and DNA methylation enzymes as well as in miRNA transcript levels. MWCNT-enhanced changes in the macrophage phenotype were correlated with prominent downregulation of the histone methyltransferases Kmt2a and Smyd5 and histone deacetylases Hdac4, Hdac9 and Sirt1 indicating that both histone methylation and acetylation events may be critical in the Th2 responses to MWCNT. Furthermore, MWCNT as well as CNF exposure led to altered miRNA levels, where miR-155-5p, miR-16-1-3p, miR-25-3p, and miR-27a-5p were significantly regulated by both materials. PANTHER pathway analysis of the identified miRNA targets showed that both materials affected growth factor (PDGF, EGF and FGF), Ras/MAPKs, CCKR, GnRH-R, integrin, and endothelin signaling pathways. These pathways are important in inflammation or in the activation, polarization, migration, and regulation of phagocytic capacity of macrophages. In addition, pathways involved in interleukin, WNT and TGFB signaling were highly enriched following MWCNT exposure.ConclusionTogether, these data support the importance of macrophage phenotypic changes in the onset and resolution of inflammation and identify epigenetic patterns in macrophages which may be critical in nanomaterial-induced inflammation and fibrosis