289 research outputs found

    Camden County Open Space and Farmland Preservation Plan

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    The Camden County Open Space and Farmland Preservation Plan identifies an interconnected network of open space and focus areas to keep open for environmental protection, scenic value, recreation, and farming purposes. The plan presents a prioritization strategy based on development threat and presence of four Key Factors: Delaware River Waterfront Access, Natural Heritage Priority Sites, Urban Aid Status, and Projects of Regional Stature. Preservation techniques include acquisition, conservation easements, land use planning and regulations, and landowner stewardship

    A remissão em esquizofrenia é possível?

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    BACKGROUND: The concept of remission is well established in some psychiatric disorders such as depression, but only recently it has been proposed for schizophrenia. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present paper is to review the new proposed criteria for remission in schizophrenia. METHOD: PubMed search. RESULTS: The concept of remission, response, stability and recover are extensively discussed in the present article, as well as items of the scales used in the definition. CONCLUSION: The concept of remission is characterized by the presence in the last 6 months of symptoms with a maximum threshold severity level (Panss level 3) but which allows a certain degree of social functioning. The dimensions of the concept and respective psychopathological symptoms are: Positive: delusions, hallucinations and unusual thought content. Disorganization: conceptual disorganization and mannerisms and posturing; Negative: blunted affect, passive/apathetic social withdrawal and lack of spontaneity and flow of conversation.CONTEXTO: O conceito de remissão já está bem definido em algumas patologias psiquiátricas, como é o caso do transtorno depressivo, porém só recentemente foi proposto um critério para esquizofrenia. OBJETIVO: Revisar o novo conceito de remissão em esquizofrenia. MÉTODO: Revisão da literatura usando o PubMed. RESULTADOS: Os conceitos de resposta, remissão, estabilidade e recuperação são amplamente discutidos neste artigo, bem como os itens das escalas utilizados para definição. CONCLUSÃO: O conceito de remissão caracteriza-se pela presença nos últimos 6 meses de sintomas que atingem um nível máximo de gravidade (nível 3 da Panss) mas que permitem um certo funcionamento social. As dimensões do conceito e seus respectivos sintomas psicopatológicos são: Positiva: alucinações, delírios, conteúdo incomum do pensamento. Desorganização: desorganização conceitual, maneirismos e postura. Negativa: afeto embotado, afastamento social passivo/apático, falta de espontaneidade no fluxo da conversação

    Analysis of Corporate University Programs and Their Relevance to E-Government Implementation in Indonesia

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    Today's digitalization era demands system transformation in all sectors of life, including the government and bureaucratic sectors. State officials’ competence needs to be improved in order to adjust to the digital government environment (e-government).  Education and training are essential for coping with the dynamic environment and enhancing the competency management of Civil Servants (ASN), as mandated by Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN. This necessity has led to the emergence of the Corporate University concept in education and training units. This research aims to assess the relevance of the Corporate University program in developing ASN competencies to meet the challenges of e-government in Indonesia. The research employs descriptive methods and qualitative approaches, with data sourced from literature reviews. Data collection is conducted through documentation methods, and problem analysis utilizes Miles & Huberman's data analysis techniques, which include data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The findings indicate that the Corporate University program is pertinent to the implementation of e-government, particularly in capacity building for civil servants through integrative learning and e-learning-based training in government agencies. Corporate University can be an effective solution to the need for digitally literate civil servants capable of operating an integrated digital service system, especially within local government, which is the closest government unit to the community

    Diseño de un plan de análisis de peligros y puntos críticos de control (HACCP) en la línea de producción del queso costeño para el taller de lácteos del centro para el desarrollo agroecológico y agroindustrial-CEDAGRO

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    El SENA-CEDAGRO en su Taller de Lácteos, dedicado al procesamiento de derivados lácteos, presenta posibles riesgos de contaminación química, física y microbiológica exponiéndose a no lograr un proceso inocuo, por ello se diseñó un plan de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control (HACCP) en la línea de producción del Queso Costeño, identificando peligros reales y potenciales, Puntos Críticos de Control (PPC), límites críticos, monitoreo, medidas correctivas y sistemas de verificación y registros. Para el desarrollo del presente proyecto investigativo nos valimos de fuentes primarias y secundarias necesaria para el diseño del plan HACCP que incluye todos los procesos y programas actuales establecidos en el Taller de Lácteos, como tambien toda la información en cuanto a conocimientos básicos en control de calidad e inocuidad, tecnología de lácteos, marco normativo, diseño e implementación en programas prerrequisitos, Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura, POES y Sistema de Análisis de Peligros y Puntos Críticos de Control (HACCP). Como primera fase se establecido un diagnóstico higiénico-sanitario sobre las condiciones encontradas en el taller de lácteos de acuerdo al Formato que expide el INVIMA, el cual arrojo una calificación de 47% de tal forma que No Cumple totalmente con lo establecido en la Resolución 2674 de 2013. En la segunda fase se realizó un plan de mejoramiento en el cual se establecieron las acciones correctivas a las No Conformidades que presenta el taller de lácteos

    Comprensión lectora y rendimiento académico en estudiantes del I ciclo 2019 I de Lengua, Comunicación e Idioma Inglés, Universidad José Faustino Sánchez Carrión – Huacho

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    Objetivo: “Determinar la relación entre comprensión lectora y rendimientoacadémico en estudiantes del I ciclo 2019 I de Lengua, Comunicación e Idioma Inglés,Universidad José Faustino Sánchez Carrión – Huacho”. Metodología: El método científico utilizado en el tipo de investigación es básico, llamado puro o básico, y el nivel de investigación está relacionado, es decir, “el investigador utiliza métodos deductivos para meditar de manera racional para responder a las preguntas planteadas, y tiene el soporte principal. Observado”. Hipótesis: “Existe relación directa entre comprensión lectora y rendimiento académico en estudiantes del I ciclo 2019 I de Lengua, Comunicación e Idioma Inglés, Universidad José Faustino Sánchez Carrión – Huacho”. Población: Estuvo constituido por “36 estudiantes del I ciclo – 2019 I de la carrera profesional de Lengua, Comunicación e Idioma Inglés, de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión – Huacho”. Las técnicas utilizadas en este estudio son observaciones no estructuradas, entrevistas, encuestas estructuradas y literatura y cada herramienta utilizada. Para la recolección de información se construyó un cuestionario que contenía preguntas para medir variables independientes y otro para medir variables dependientes, luego se utilizó la herramientapara la recolección de datos y se utilizó el paquete de software estadístico SPSS25.0 para realizar el procesamiento estadístico de la información con el fin de analizar los datos. , Se analizan y explican la tabla y las estadísticas, y en ella se dan los resultados relevantes. El valor de Spearman devuelve 0.895 en la hipótesis general, indicando una buena correlación y finalmente llegando a una conclusión general: “Si existe relación directa entre comprensión lectora y rendimiento académico en estudiantes del I ciclo 2019 I de Lengua, Comunicación e Idioma Inglés, Universidad José Faustino Sánchez Carrión – Huacho”

    Thought and language disorders in very early onset schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder

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    Background: Thought and language disorders are main features of adults with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders however studies on such abnormalities are scant in young patients with very early onset psychosis (VEOS). The aim of the present study is to assess the relationship between language and thought disorders in patients with very early onset schizophrenia (SCZ), schizoaffective disorders (SCA) and bipolar disorders (BD). Method: Forty-one patients (18 SCZ, 16 BD, and 7 SCA) with mean age less than 15 years old were assessed through a series of neurocognitive and psycholinguistic tests, including the Thought, Language and Communication Scale (TLC). Results: SCZ group performed worse in all tests as well as the TLC, followed by SCA and BD groups respectively. Thought disorders were related to deficits in executive functioning and semantic processing, and the metaphors' test was the best predictor of TLC functioning. Discussion: TD in SCZ, SCA and BD are one of the most important features in patients with VEOS and that the evaluation of metaphor comprehension can be an important instrument in the early detection of this disorder.Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Med FMUSP, Dept & Inst Psychiat, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo Unifesp, Sao Jose Dos Campos, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Novos antipsicóticos para o tratamento da esquizofrenia

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    BACKGROUND: The second generation antipsychotics represent the great achievement in the treatment of schizophrenia of the last decades. However in the last years some new antipsychotics were synthesized and such new compounds may represent great perspectives for the field of the treatment of schizophrenia. Some of these compounds are in use while others are still on evaluation through clinical trials. OBJECTIVE: Summarize the current knowledge of new antipsychotics. METHODS: PubMed search as well literature provided by the manufactures. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We present the main pharmacological characteristics as well as profiles of efficacy, security and tolerability of the following compounds: Asenapine, ACP-103, Bifeprunox, Paliperidone, Long Acting Injectable Risperidone and Sertindole.CONTEXTO: Os antipsicóticos de segunda geração representam o grande avanço na terapêutica da esquizofrenia das últimas décadas, porém nos últimos anos foram sintetizados novos antipsicóticos que estão abrindo maiores perspectivas no campo do tratamento da esquizofrenia. Alguns desses medicamentos já foram lançados, enquanto outros estão em fase de testes. OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma síntese do conhecimento dos novos antipsicóticos de segunda geração. MÉTODOS: Busca por meio do PubMed e literatura específica fornecida pelos fabricantes dos medicamentos. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: São apresentadas as principais características farmacológicas, de eficácia, segurança e tolerabilidade dos seguintes antipsicóticos: Asenapina, ACP-103, Bifeprunox, Paliperidona, Risperidona de Ação Prolongada e Sertindol