189 research outputs found

    A high fibered power of a family of varieties of general type dominates a variety of general type

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    We prove the following theorem: Fibered Power Theorem: Let X\rar B be a smooth family of positive dimensional varieties of general type, with BB irreducible. Then there exists an integer n>0n>0, a positive dimensional variety of general type WnW_n, and a dominant rational map X^n_B \das W_n.Comment: Latex2e (in latex 2.09 compatibility mode). To get a fun-free version change the `FUN' variable to `n' on the second line (option dedicated to my friend Yuri Tschinkel). Postscript file with color illustration available on http://math.bu.edu/INDIVIDUAL/abrmovic/fibered.p

    Desingularization of quasi-excellent schemes in characteristic zero

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    Grothendieck proved in EGA IV that if any integral scheme of finite type over a locally noetherian scheme X admits a desingularization, then X is quasi-excellent, and conjectured that the converse is probably true. We prove this conjecture for noetherian schemes of characteristic zero. Namely, starting with the resolution of singularities for algebraic varieties of characteristic zero, we prove the resolution of singularities for noetherian quasi-excellent Q-schemes.Comment: 35 pages, revised versio

    On two examples by Iyama and Yoshino

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    In the recent paper "Mutation in triangulated categories and rigid Cohen-Macaulay modules" Iyama and Yoshino consider two interesting examples of isolated singularities over which it is possible to classify the indecomposable maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules in terms of linear algebra data. In this paper we present two new approaches to these examples. In the first approach we give a relation with cluster categories. In the second approach we use Orlov's result on the graded singularity category. We obtain some new results on the singularity category of isolated singularities which may be interesting in their own right.Comment: The first name of the first author was misspelled in the arXiv abstract. There are no changes in the pape

    Richardson Varieties Have Kawamata Log Terminal Singularities

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    Let XwvX^v_w be a Richardson variety in the full flag variety XX associated to a symmetrizable Kac-Moody group GG. Recall that XwvX^v_w is the intersection of the finite dimensional Schubert variety XwX_w with the finite codimensional opposite Schubert variety XvX^v. We give an explicit \bQ-divisor Δ\Delta on XwvX^v_w and prove that the pair (Xwv,Δ)(X^v_w, \Delta) has Kawamata log terminal singularities. In fact, −KXwv−Δ-K_{X^v_w} - \Delta is ample, which additionally proves that (Xwv,Δ)(X^v_w, \Delta) is log Fano. We first give a proof of our result in the finite case (i.e., in the case when GG is a finite dimensional semisimple group) by a careful analysis of an explicit resolution of singularities of XwvX^v_w (similar to the BSDH resolution of the Schubert varieties). In the general Kac-Moody case, in the absence of an explicit resolution of XwvX^v_w as above, we give a proof that relies on the Frobenius splitting methods. In particular, we use Mathieu's result asserting that the Richardson varieties are Frobenius split, and combine it with a result of N. Hara and K.-I. Watanabe relating Frobenius splittings with log canonical singularities.Comment: 15 pages, improved exposition and explanation. To appear in the International Mathematics Research Notice
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