23 research outputs found

    Variation analysis and gene annotation of eight MHC haplotypes: The MHC Haplotype Project

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    The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is contained within about 4 Mb on the short arm of chromosome 6 and is recognised as the most variable region in the human genome. The primary aim of the MHC Haplotype Project was to provide a comprehensively annotated reference sequence of a single, human leukocyte antigen-homozygous MHC haplotype and to use it as a basis against which variations could be assessed from seven other similarly homozygous cell lines, representative of the most common MHC haplotypes in the European population. Comparison of the haplotype sequences, including four haplotypes not previously analysed, resulted in the identification of >44,000 variations, both substitutions and indels (insertions and deletions), which have been submitted to the dbSNP database. The gene annotation uncovered haplotype-specific differences and confirmed the presence of more than 300 loci, including over 160 protein-coding genes. Combined analysis of the variation and annotation datasets revealed 122 gene loci with coding substitutions of which 97 were non-synonymous. The haplotype (A3-B7-DR15; PGF cell line) designated as the new MHC reference sequence, has been incorporated into the human genome assembly (NCBI35 and subsequent builds), and constitutes the largest single-haplotype sequence of the human genome to date. The extensive variation and annotation data derived from the analysis of seven further haplotypes have been made publicly available and provide a framework and resource for future association studies of all MHC-associated diseases and transplant medicine

    Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa

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    Wind turbines and power lines can cause bird mortality due to collision or electrocution. The biodiversity impacts of energy infrastructure (EI) can be minimised through effective landscape-scale planning and mitigation. The identification of high-vulnerability areas is urgently needed to assess potential cumulative impacts of EI while supporting the transition to zero carbon energy. We collected GPS location data from 1,454 birds from 27 species susceptible to collision within Europe and North Africa and identified areas where tracked birds are most at risk of colliding with existing EI. Sensitivity to EI development was estimated for wind turbines and power lines by calculating the proportion of GPS flight locations at heights where birds were at risk of collision and accounting for species' specific susceptibility to collision. We mapped the maximum collision sensitivity value obtained across all species, in each 5 × 5 km grid cell, across Europe and North Africa. Vulnerability to collision was obtained by overlaying the sensitivity surfaces with density of wind turbines and transmission power lines. Results: Exposure to risk varied across the 27 species, with some species flying consistently at heights where they risk collision. For areas with sufficient tracking data within Europe and North Africa, 13.6% of the area was classified as high sensitivity to wind turbines and 9.4% was classified as high sensitivity to transmission power lines. Sensitive areas were concentrated within important migratory corridors and along coastlines. Hotspots of vulnerability to collision with wind turbines and transmission power lines (2018 data) were scattered across the study region with highest concentrations occurring in central Europe, near the strait of Gibraltar and the Bosporus in Turkey. Synthesis and applications. We identify the areas of Europe and North Africa that are most sensitive for the specific populations of birds for which sufficient GPS tracking data at high spatial resolution were available. We also map vulnerability hotspots where mitigation at existing EI should be prioritised to reduce collision risks. As tracking data availability improves our method could be applied to more species and areas to help reduce bird-EI conflicts

    Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Deficiency Modifies the Effects of Fluoxetine and Pargyline on the Behavior, 5-HT- and BDNF-Systems in the Brain of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    The mechanisms of resistance to antidepressant drugs is a key and still unresolved problem of psychopharmacology. Serotonin (5-HT) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) play a key role in the therapeutic effect of many antidepressants. Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) is the rate-limiting enzyme in 5-HT synthesis in the brain. We used zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a promising model organism in order to elucidate the effect of TPH2 deficiency caused by p-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA) on the alterations in behavior and expression of 5-HT-related (Tph2, Slc6a4b, Mao, Htr1aa, Htr2aa) and BDNF-related (Creb, Bdnf, Ntrk2a, Ngfra) genes in the brain after prolonged treatment with two antidepressants, inhibitors of 5-HT reuptake (fluoxetine) and oxidation (pargyline). In one experiment, zebrafish were treated for 72 h with 0.2 mg/L fluoxetine, 2 mg/L pCPA, or the drugs combination. In another experiment, zebrafish were treated for 72 h with 0.5 mg/L pargyline, 2 mg/L pCPA, or the drugs combination. Behavior was studied in the novel tank diving test, mRNA levels were assayed by qPCR, 5-HT and its metabolite concentrations were measured by HPLC. The effects of interaction between pCPA and the drugs on zebrafish behavior were observed: pCPA attenuated “surface dwelling” induced by the drugs. Fluoxetine decreased mRNA levels of Tph2 and Htr2aa genes, while pargyline decreased mRNA levels of Slc6a4b and Htr1aa genes. Pargyline reduced Creb, Bdnf and Ntrk2a genes mRNA concentration only in the zebrafish treated with pCPA. The results show that the disruption of the TPH2 function can cause a refractory to antidepressant treatment

    On Associations between Fear-Induced Aggression, <i>Bdnf</i> Transcripts, and Serotonin Receptors in the Brains of Norway Rats: An Influence of Antiaggressive Drug TC-2153

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    The Bdnf (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) gene contains eight regulatory exons (I–VIII) alternatively spliced to the protein-coding exon IX. Only exons I, II, IV, and VI are relatively well studied. The BDNF system and brain serotonergic system are tightly interconnected and associated with aggression. The benzopentathiepine TC-2153 affects both systems and exerts antiaggressive action. Our aim was to evaluate the effects of TC-2153 on the Bdnf exons I–IX’s expressions and serotonin receptors’ mRNA levels in the brain of rats featuring high aggression toward humans (aggressive) or its absence (tame). Aggressive and tame adult male rats were treated once with vehicle or 10 or 20 mg/kg of TC-2153. mRNA was quantified in the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and midbrain with real-time PCR. Selective breeding for high aggression or its absence affected the serotonin receptors’ and Bdnf exons’ transcripts differentially, depending on the genotype (strain) and brain region. TC-2153 had comprehensive effects on the Bdnf exons’ expressions. The main trend was downregulation in the hypothalamus and midbrain. TC-2153 increased 5-HT1B receptor hypothalamusc mRNA expression. For the first time, an influence of TC-2153 on the expressions of Bdnf regulatory exons and the 5-HT1B receptor was shown, as was an association between Bdnf regulatory exons and fear-induced aggression involving genetic predisposition

    Hotspots in the grid : Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa

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    Wind turbines and power lines can cause bird mortality due to collision or electrocution. The biodiversity impacts of energy infrastructure (EI) can be minimised through effective landscape-scale planning and mitigation. The identification of high-vulnerability areas is urgently needed to assess potential cumulative impacts of EI while supporting the transition to zero carbon energy. We collected GPS location data from 1,454 birds from 27 species susceptible to collision within Europe and North Africa and identified areas where tracked birds are most at risk of colliding with existing EI. Sensitivity to EI development was estimated for wind turbines and power lines by calculating the proportion of GPS flight locations at heights where birds were at risk of collision and accounting for species' specific susceptibility to collision. We mapped the maximum collision sensitivity value obtained across all species, in each 5 x 5 km grid cell, across Europe and North Africa. Vulnerability to collision was obtained by overlaying the sensitivity surfaces with density of wind turbines and transmission power lines. Results: Exposure to risk varied across the 27 species, with some species flying consistently at heights where they risk collision. For areas with sufficient tracking data within Europe and North Africa, 13.6% of the area was classified as high sensitivity to wind turbines and 9.4% was classified as high sensitivity to transmission power lines. Sensitive areas were concentrated within important migratory corridors and along coastlines. Hotspots of vulnerability to collision with wind turbines and transmission power lines (2018 data) were scattered across the study region with highest concentrations occurring in central Europe, near the strait of Gibraltar and the Bosporus in Turkey. Synthesis and applications. We identify the areas of Europe and North Africa that are most sensitive for the specific populations of birds for which sufficient GPS tracking data at high spatial resolution were available. We also map vulnerability hotspots where mitigation at existing EI should be prioritised to reduce collision risks. As tracking data availability improves our method could be applied to more species and areas to help reduce bird-EI conflicts

    Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa

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    Wind turbines and power lines can cause bird mortality due to collision or electrocution. The biodiversity impacts of energy infrastructure (EI) can be minimised through effective landscape-scale planning and mitigation. The identification of high-vulnerability areas is urgently needed to assess potential cumulative impacts of EI while supporting the transition to zero carbon energy. We collected GPS location data from 1,454 birds from 27 species susceptible to collision within Europe and North Africa and identified areas where tracked birds are most at risk of colliding with existing EI. Sensitivity to EI development was estimated for wind turbines and power lines by calculating the proportion of GPS flight locations at heights where birds were at risk of collision and accounting for species' specific susceptibility to collision. We mapped the maximum collision sensitivity value obtained across all species, in each 5 × 5 km grid cell, across Europe and North Africa. Vulnerability to collision was obtained by overlaying the sensitivity surfaces with density of wind turbines and transmission power lines. Results: Exposure to risk varied across the 27 species, with some species flying consistently at heights where they risk collision. For areas with sufficient tracking data within Europe and North Africa, 13.6% of the area was classified as high sensitivity to wind turbines and 9.4% was classified as high sensitivity to transmission power lines. Sensitive areas were concentrated within important migratory corridors and along coastlines. Hotspots of vulnerability to collision with wind turbines and transmission power lines (2018 data) were scattered across the study region with highest concentrations occurring in central Europe, near the strait of Gibraltar and the Bosporus in Turkey. Synthesis and applications. We identify the areas of Europe and North Africa that are most sensitive for the specific populations of birds for which sufficient GPS tracking data at high spatial resolution were available. We also map vulnerability hotspots where mitigation at existing EI should be prioritised to reduce collision risks. As tracking data availability improves our method could be applied to more species and areas to help reduce bird-EI conflicts